Fill the gaps with a suitable word we had

Correcting the format of some questions Options

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A cooperator
Saturday, May 24, 2014 7:15:49 PM

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I have noticed these five questions in some college examination which was prepared by a non native English speaker. Thus, I am kindly requesting you to let me know which ones are incorrect.
I think the third and fourth are not phrased well. However, there shouldn’t have been a grab in the fourth one.

Fill the gaps with a suitable weather word:

We had really thick ــــــــــــ this morning.
When it’s hot, you still get a lovely ______ off sea.
We had a heavy ______ of rain this morning, but it only last a few minutes.
The hurricane completely _______ destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.
It’s quite hot when the sunshine is out.

If I had to correct them, I would have put the gaps as follows:
we had really thick _____ this morning.
When it’s hot, you still get a lovely______ off sea.
We had a heavy ____ this morning, but it only last a few minutes.
The hurricane completely destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.
It’s quite hot when the sun ______ out.

If I also had to answer them, I would have answered them as follows:
We really had thick clouds this morning.
The hurricane completely destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.
When it’s hot, you still get a lovely breeze off sea.
we had a heavy rain this morning, but it only lasted a few minutes.
It’s quite hot when the sunshine is out.

But nevertheless, they still need to be confirmed.

Back to top thar
Sunday, May 25, 2014 2:35:32 AM

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A cooperator wrote:


I have noticed these five questions in some college examination which was prepared by a non native English speaker. Thus, I am kindly requesting you to let me know which ones are incorrect.
I think the third and fourth are not phrased well. However, there shouldn’t have been a grab in the fourth one.

Fill the gaps with a suitable weather word:

We had really thick ــــــــــــ this morning.
The question is fine. A better answer would be ‘we had really thick fog’ as that is uncountable.
You can have a lot of clouds, but if clouds are thick, they would cover the whole sky, so it would be uncountable ‘cloud’ — we had thick cloud this morning.

When it’s hot, you still get a lovely breeze off the sea.
the sea needs an article. It is countable.

We had heavy ______ rain this morning, but it only last a few minutes.
This is really bad.
Rain is uncountable — we had heavy rain.
we had lots of rain.
Also, the tenses are mixed. Both events should be in the past tense — we had heavy rain, but it only lasted a few minutes.

The hurricane completely _______ destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.
Yes, you are right, this gap is not a weather word.
The hurricane completely destroyed the village.

It’s quite hot when the sunshine is out.
Sunshine is not out — it is what happens when the sun is out.
It is quite hot in the sunshine, but it is cool in the shade.
It is quite hot when the sun is out, but cool when it is hidden behind the clouds.
It is quite hot when the sun comes out [from behind clouds].
Again, ‘to come out’ is not really a weather word, although it is the specific verb you use for when the sun appears or the clouds disappear.

If I had to correct them, I would have put the gaps as follows:
we had really thick _____ this morning.
When it’s hot, you still get a lovely______ off sea.
We had a heavy ____ this morning, but it only last a few minutes.
The hurricane completely destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.
It’s quite hot when the sun ______ out.

If I also had to answer them, I would have answered them as follows:
We really had thick clouds this morning.
The hurricane completely destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.
When it’s hot, you still get a lovely breeze off sea.
we had a heavy rain this morning, but it only lasted a few minutes.
It’s quite hot when the sunshine is out.

But nevertheless, they still need to be confirmed.

Back to top Drag0nspeaker
Sunday, May 25, 2014 2:46:59 AM

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I am confused about your question:

In the first set, there is no gap in #5.
In the first set, #4 does not need any ‘weather-word’ to be inserted. The word ‘hurricane’ is the ‘weather-word’, and the gap can just be omitted.

The other three seem fine to me — my answers would be ‘thick fog’, ‘lovely breeze’, ‘shower of rain’. «Thick clouds» is also possible, as you say — though I expect ‘fog’ is the expected answer.»Thick fog» and «heavy clouds» are the more common co-locations.

I agree that ‘shower of rain’ seems redundant — however, if the examiner had not included the words ‘of rain’, you could answer anything you wanted:
We had a heavy fog this morning, but it only last a few minutes.
We had a heavy thunderstorm this morning, but it only last a few minutes.
We had a heavy snowfall this morning, but it only last a few minutes.
We had a heavy blizzard this morning, but it only last a few minutes.
We had a heavy shower this morning, but it only last a few minutes.

In your suggested questions (the second set):
Your #3 could be answered by anything — as above.
Your #4 does not have a gap to fill — I guess the word ‘hurricane’ would be the one to ‘blank out’.
Your #5 does not omit the weather-word (sun), it simply omits the verb ‘is’ or ‘comes’.
«It’s quite hot when the sun is out.», «It’s quite hot when the sun comes out.»

In your answers:
#1 — ‘We really had thick clouds this morning.’ -I think this is OK, but I would normally associate ‘thick’ with ‘fog’. Also you have misplaced the ‘really’ — «We had really thick clouds this morning.»
#2 — When it’s hot, you still get a lovely breeze off sea. — great.
#3 — we had a heavy rain this morning, but it only lasted a few minutes. — We do not have ‘a rain’ — «rain» is uncountable. We have a ‘shower’, ‘a drizzle’, ‘a rainstorm’, ‘a downpour’ or ‘a torrent’.
Together with ‘heavy’, ‘shower’, rainstorm’ or ‘downpour’ would be most normal.
«We had a heavy shower (of rain) this morning.»
#4 — The hurricane completely destroyed the village. There’s nothing left. — good
#5 — It’s quite hot when the sunshine is out. — We do not say ‘the sunshine is out’.
«It’s quite hot when the sun is out.» «It’s quite hot when the sun shines.» «It’s quite hot in the sunshine.»
«It’s quite hot when the sun comes out.»

Back to top Barely literate
Sunday, May 25, 2014 6:39:22 AM

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Thanks Thar for your answer

Thanks to you too. Especially, the below one is very useful.

#3 — we had a heavy rain this morning, but it only lasted a few minutes. — We do not have ‘a rain’ — «rain» is uncountable. We have a ‘shower’, ‘a drizzle’, ‘a rainstorm’, ‘a downpour’ or ‘a torrent’.
Together with ‘heavy’, ‘shower’, rainstorm’ or ‘downpour’ would be most normal.
«We had a heavy shower (of rain) this morning.»

Btw, I have learned that one must use «the» before any natural landmarks. But I didn’t see you use it before sea. But Thar has highlighted the same. Is it a slip of mind?


Back to top Drag0nspeaker
Sunday, May 25, 2014 7:13:00 AM

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Hi again salesh!

thar has managed to slip his answer in while I was typing and thinking at least three times this morning — I didn’t even notice on this one — I’ll read it and comment.

However — ‘the sea’ — perfectly correct. I don’t know if you’d call it a ‘slip of the mind’ exactly.
I have a habit of not fully reading sentences sometimes. The answer ‘breeze’ made sense, so I really never


the rest of the sentence — I copied and pasted it whenever I used it.
«Lazy oversight» might fit.Shhh

I also did not notice the ‘last’ rather than ‘lasted’ in #3. d'oh!

Back to top A cooperator
Monday, May 26, 2014 6:17:17 PM

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Thank you all of you.

These are the original formats of the questions:

Fill the gaps with a suitable weather word:

We had really thick ــــــــــــ this morning.
When it’s hot, you still get a lovely ______ off the sea.
We had a heavy ______ of rain this morning, but it only lasted a few minutes.
The hurricane completely _______ destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.
It’s quite hot when the sun ________ out.

I find the third( no need to say a heavy shower of rain since it is redundant. Also, shower is not a weather word), fourth(since no missing weather word) and fifth(since ‘is’, ‘come’, and ‘shine’ are not weather words) ones are not prepared well.

Back to top thar
Tuesday, May 27, 2014 7:47:14 AM

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Yes, a shower is a weather word, it means rain that passes quickly, rather than lasts all day.
You can have a light shower, where you will not get too wet…

or you can have a heavy shower, where the rain does not last long, but while it lasts it very heavy, and you will get very wet.

A shower is short, as the weather front moves over you. It can be light, heavy, thundery — it is the duration that is the important point.

Back to top shahidmost
Tuesday, May 27, 2014 9:24:26 AM

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You have a very good response to your question so far, to which I would like add only what I think could be the best fill in for the blanks of numbers 3 and 4.

3. We had a heavy ______ of rain this morning, but it only last a few minutes.

We had a heavy spell/downpour of rain this morning, but it only last a few minutes.

4.The hurricane completely _______ destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.

The hurricane completely and utterly destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.


Back to top A cooperator
Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:55:30 PM

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Yes, but also, ‘utterly’ in ‘The hurricane completely and utterly destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.’ is not a weather word as in the fifth one as well.

Back to top Drag0nspeaker
Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:55:26 PM

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A cooperator wrote:

Thank you all of you.
These are the original formats of the questions:

Fill the gaps with a suitable weather word:
We had really thick ــــــــــــ this morning.
When it’s hot, you still get a lovely ______ off the sea.
We had a heavy ______ of rain this morning, but it only lasted a few minutes.
The hurricane completely _______ destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.
It’s quite hot when the sun ________ out.

I find the third( no need to say a heavy shower of rain since it is redundant. Also, shower is not a weather word), fourth(since no missing weather word) and fifth(since ‘is’, ‘come’, and ‘shine’ are not weather words) ones are not prepared well.

You are right about #4 and #5 — there is no missing ‘weather-word’.
#4 does not need any word, it is complete.
#5 just needs a verb ‘is’ or ‘comes’ or something similar.

About #3 — as I said, the ‘of rain’ is a bit redundant for general conversation, but it is needed in the question to give you the ‘clue’ of which word was expected. «Shower», «downpour» are both ‘weather-words’ which would fit.

Back to top A cooperator
Saturday, May 31, 2014 3:24:09 PM

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Location: Seiyun, Hadramawt, Yemen

Drag0nspeaker wrote:

A cooperator wrote:

Thank you all of you.
These are the original formats of the questions:

Fill the gaps with a suitable weather word:
We had really thick ــــــــــــ this morning.
When it’s hot, you still get a lovely ______ off the sea.
We had a heavy ______ of rain this morning, but it only lasted a few minutes.
The hurricane completely _______ destroyed the village. There’s nothing left.
It’s quite hot when the sun ________ out.

I find the third( no need to say a heavy shower of rain since it is redundant. Also, shower is not a weather word), fourth(since no missing weather word) and fifth(since ‘is’, ‘come’, and ‘shine’ are not weather words) ones are not prepared well.

You are right about #4 and #5 — there is no missing ‘weather-word’.
#4 does not need any word, it is complete.
#5 just needs a verb ‘is’ or ‘comes’ or something similar.

About #3 — as I said, the ‘of rain’ is a bit redundant for general conversation, but it is needed in the question to give you the ‘clue’ of which word was expected. «Shower», «downpour» are both ‘weather-words’ which would fit.

I have just caught something about ‘really’,

Do you think it always comes after ‘had’ or som rule is around this?

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Fill the gaps with a suitable word.

1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really …

2) They say she died of a heart …

3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomache …

4) I’ve got this terrible … in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.

5) He died of … cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in this life.

6) I went to the doctor, and she gave me a … for some tablets.

7) Pollution makes her … worse and it’s difficult for her to breathe.

8) There are different forms of hepatitis one is a more serious … than the other.

9) I hurt … when i fell off that chair.

10) My back … from sitting at that computer all day.

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Главная » Английский язык » Fill the gaps with a suitable word. 1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really … 2) They say she died of a heart … 3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomache … 4) I’ve got this terrible …





1 год назад

Английский язык


Fill in the gaps with a suitable form of the verb in brackets. Type in only one word. I wish we had (take) the first place. If only I (speak) Italian. If only we had (become) the champions. Back Check​

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50 баллов даю, помогите пожалуйста!!!Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в Present Simple, Present Continuous или Present Perfect:John Hardin …

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partnership in italics:

1. The wind……………. all the leaves off the trees yesterday.

2.The weather forecast said there could be some…. rain this afternoon, so

you will need your coat and umbrella.

3.We had a lot of thunder and……… in the night. I think it hit a tree nearby.

4.You can’t go out in this weather — it’s….. with rain.

5.The hurricane………….. many houses in the town; hundreds are now homeless.

Exercise 13. Complete these sentences with a suitable word in the correct form:

1. It was so… that 1 could only see about 50 metres in front of me.

2. The car didn’t stop when I put on the brakes because of the on the road.

3. They wanted to know the……, so I had to go and get my thermometer.

4. It’s not going to rain very much, but we may get a this afternoon, so

take an umbrella.

5. It wasn’t heavy rain, but we had a bit of.. for much of the morning.

6. It’s getting humid and the wind is increasing, so we could have a… soon.

7. It wasn’t very nice this morning, but the sun out this afternoon.

8. How hot does it………. in the summer in your country?

9. The temperature can…….. 40 degrees centigrade.

10. There was a lot of sun this morning, but in the afternoon it was …and

much cooler.

Exercise 14. Identify the weather conditions in these pictures:

4.________________________ 5. ________________________ 6.________________________

Exercise 15. Fill the gaps with a suitable word:

1. We had really thick ……… this morning.

2. When it’s hot, you still get a lovely……………. off the sea.

3. I hope we don’t get any more thunder and…..

4. We had a heavy………………….. of rain this morning, but it only lasted a few minutes.

5. The hurricane completely……………….. the village. There’s nothing left.

6. It’s quite hot when the sun……………….. out.

7. What’s the……………………. today? It feels much colder than yesterday.

8. They said it was ten degrees below……………. in New York yesterday. That’s too cold for me.

Exercise 16. True or False? (If a sentence is false, change it to make it true.)

1. When it’s foggy you need sunglasses. False. (When it’s foggy you can’t see very well.)

2. It gets quite chilly in the desert in the evening.

3. Thunder makes a noise.

4. Lightning can kill people.

5. A shower is a type of wind.

6. If it is humid, the air will be very dry.

7. Heavy rain means that it is pouring with rain.

8. It often pours with rain in the desert.

Exercise 17. Complete this text with suitable words:

An important influence on Japanese weather is the wind. During the summer it (1)……………….. from the Pacific, causing (2)…………. and humid weather, but in winter, the north-westerly (3)………….. from Siberia are very cold and it (4)………….. heavily on the mountains in the north-west. The south-eastern parts receive cold dry air. Between June and mid-July, there is a period of very wet weather when the rice fields get the water they need. After that, there is less heavy rain, but the air is still (5)………. Autumn, however, is drier and usually very pleasant.

Exercise 18. Fill in the gaps using adjectives from the list:

stormy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy

1. It was a… day in the middle of January, so we made a snowman.

2. It was such a… day that my umbrella was blown inside out.

3. Most people like to go on holiday when it is hot and….

4. Half an hour later the weather became very…. They could hear the rumble

of thunder and they saw flashes of lightening across the sky.

5. On a… night you can’t see any stars in the sky.

6. The town’s river overflows every year during the… season.

Exercise 19. Read and learn the poem by heart:


When the weather is wet,

We must not fret, —

When the weather is cold,

We must not scold.

When the weather is warm,

We must not storm, —

But be thankful together

Whatever the weather.

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It is very difficult to

a place at university.

You have to pass exams before you can enter

He is studying
physics, I think.

Did she receive a grant
for her course?

The course continues

five years.

1.12 Fill the gaps with a suitable word:

My brother is 20. He is still …… university in York.

She has got a degree …… chemistry.

He’s …… research …… various types of world climate.

Who is the head in your ……?

1.13 Read these sentences spoken by university students. What is each person studying?

We have to know scientific laws that control the life of a particular
type of animal or plant.

The way we use fertilizers is much more precise than 20 years ago.

The world’s human population is now over five billion and is rising

People are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not
somebody else’s.

Functional analysis as well as the theory of differential variable
function spaces was created.

The study of light is called optics.

1.14 Complete the following sentences:

Tyumen State University is one of the……

It was given “University Status”…….

The University provides……

The library is proud of its……

The students have the opportunity……

Tyumen State University allows students……

Within the University there are……

TSU has extended its borders and it has……

The University began looking for……

The students have an opportunity to improve……

The development of international contacts allows……

The University takes part in……

Graduates of TSU work……

The professional knowledge and creative experience permit students……

1.15 Translate the following sentences into English:

ТГУ – это мощный образовательный центр
в области.

Студенты имеют доступ к современным
мультимедийным средствам.

Университетская библиотека гордится
уникальной коллекцией редких книг.

Каждый год университет проводит
конференции международного, областного
и российского уровня.

Международные соглашения дают студентам
возможность улучшать свои знания за

Студенты принимают участие в международных

Существует много видов деятельности,
которые охватывают все студенческие

Знания, полученные в университете,
позволяют студентам успешно достигать
своих целей.

ТГУ – это первый шаг в карьере многих

1. 16 Correspond the names in a with the following numbers in b:


Institutes a) 16

Faculties b) 12

Specialities c) 1.5 million volumes

Students d) 4

Branches e) 1

Buildings f) 7

Computer classes g) 157

Sport Halls h) 460

Museums I) 76

Art Gallery j) 40,000

Library k) 5

Representative Centres l) 9

Departments m) 50

Professors n) 8

Candidates of Science o) 50

1.17 Read the sentences and decide which word a, b, or c best fits each space.

The university provides …excellent

opportunity for education.

excellent B) beautiful C) heavy

Tyumen State University is a …… educational centre for the

powerful B) enormous C) strong

Tyumen’s Institute of Higher Education underwent a …… change.

huge B) considerable C) constant

The main buildings of the campus are located in the ..… centre of
the city.

strange B) outside C) historical

Students have access to …(1)… computers, …(2).. lecture halls
and classrooms.

(1) A)
well-built B) up-to-date C) current

(2) A)
spacious B) slightest C) impossible

Students can always use one of the 800 computers …… to the

condensed B) connected C) reserved

The University gives students …… to gain theoretical knowledge.

chance B) development C) projects

Tyumen State University offers educational …… in other cities and

expeditions B) services C) celebrations

The University conducts a great deal of …… work.

problem B) protection C) research

The University takes part in different …… projects of the
European Union.

international B) successful C) amusing

Students have an opportunity to …… their education abroad.

to increase B) to store C) to improve

The development of international contacts allows the students
..…their horizons.

to capture B) to widen C) to narrow

The professional knowledge gained at TSU let the students ……
their life goals.

progress B) undergo C) achieve

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Fill the gaps with a suitable word.
1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really………………
2)They say she died of a heart……………………
3)She had some apples that weren`t ready to eat and now she`s got stomache ………………
4)I`ve got this terrible …………in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.
5)He died of…………cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in this life.
6)I went to the doctor, and she gave me a ………….. for some tablets.
7)Pollution makes her………. worse and it`s difficult for her to breathe.
8)There are different forms of hepatitis one is a more serious …………than the other.
9)I hurt ………….. when i fell off that chair.
10)My back…………..from sitting at that computer all day.

1 ответ:



1. hurts(болит)
2. heart attack (инфаркт)
3. stamache poisoning(отравление желудка)
4. pain(боль)
5. lung cancer(рак легких)
6. recipe(рецепт)
7. feel
8. ?
9. my leg
10. pain

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St. Andrew полностью — <span>Saint Andrew — святой Андрей</span>

1. C

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  • Fill the gaps with a suitable word the were in favour of
  • Fill the gaps with a suitable word or phrase
  • Fill the gaps with a suitable word one word only for each gap
  • Fill the gaps with a suitable word i ve got a darkroom
  • Fill the gaps with a suitable word i hit my hand