Fill the gaps with a suitable word the were in favour of

Fill the gaps with a suitable word.

1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really …

2) They say she died of a heart …

3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomache …

4) I’ve got this terrible … in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.

5) He died of … cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in this life.

6) I went to the doctor, and she gave me a … for some tablets.

7) Pollution makes her … worse and it’s difficult for her to breathe.

8) There are different forms of hepatitis one is a more serious … than the other.

9) I hurt … when i fell off that chair.

10) My back … from sitting at that computer all day.

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Главная » Английский язык » Fill the gaps with a suitable word. 1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really … 2) They say she died of a heart … 3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomache … 4) I’ve got this terrible …

Exercises . I What type of disaster from the list at A opposite are these sentences about? Why? Example: The lava flow destroyed three villages. volcano; lava is the hot rocks and metal 1 The earth is cracked and vegetation has withered. 2 The tremor struck at 3.35 p.m. local time. 3 People had boarded up shops and houses during the day before, and stayed indoors. 4 Shelling and mortar fire could be heard all over the town. 5 Witnesses said they saw a fire-ball fall out of the sky. 6 People were-stranded in the upper floors and sometimes on the roofs of their homes, unable to move about. .2 Complete the missing items in this word-class table, using a dictionary if necessary. Where there is a dash (-), you do not need to write anything. ver 6 noun: thing or idea noun: person …………………………… explosion — ……………………………………. …………………………… survivor …………………………… injure ……………………………………. …………………………… starve ……………………………………. ……………………………………. erupt — In these headlines, say whether the situation seems to be getting worse or better, or whether a disaster has happened or has been avoided/prevented. Poison gas 1 c s p r e a d s Oil slick rice? 1 2 AIDS time- 4 All survive jumbo gg ticA & ;lood not heeded warnings in time 8.4 Fill the gaps with a suitable word from B opposite. Try to work from memory. …………………………… 1 Another 50 people died today, yet more of this terrible famine. ………………………….. 2 The government has agreed to allow 3,000 trying to escape the civil war to enter the country. ………………… 3 It was the worst road accident the country has ever seen, with over 120 …………………………… 4 A: Were there any when the ship sank? B: I’m afraid not. …………………………… …………………………… 5 The and were simply left lying on the battlefield; it was a disgrace. Which diseases are we talking about? Try to do this from memory. 1 One that can be caused by a mosquito bite. 2 One that leaves the skin badly deformed. 3 One you can get by drinking infected water. 4 One you can get from an animal bite. 5 One that makes the skin go yellow. English Vocabulary in Use 7 7

Final test (form 7) 2. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word Healthy vitamins operation fly pills infection 1. Sandy hasn’t been to school a week because she’s got __ 2. Fruit contains lots of__ 3. If you to go hospital to have an __, would you be scared? 4. Take one of these __ after every meal for three days 5. Ben couldn’t play football for two months because of an __ 6. I got some dirt in the cut and now i’ve got an__ 7. Becky always look really __. She must get lots of exercise

Получи верный ответ на вопрос 🏆 «Final test (form 7) 2. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word Healthy vitamins operation fly pills infection 1. Sandy hasn’t been to school …» по предмету 📕 Английский язык, используя встроенную систему поиска. Наша обширная база готовых ответов поможет тебе получить необходимые сведения!

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Главная » Английский язык » Final test (form 7) 2. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word Healthy vitamins operation fly pills infection 1. Sandy hasn’t been to school a week because she’s got __ 2. Fruit contains lots of__ 3.

  1. At
    work, James … across as serious and a bit boring, but outside of
    work he’s completely different; he’s really good … .

  2. It’s
    important to … a good impression on your first day in a new job.

  3. I’m
    sure he can find the place; he just needs to use his common … .

  4. Meeting
    new people doesn’t worry her; she’s a very self- … young

  5. It’s
    hard to know what Sam thinks – he doesn’t really … his

  6. Do
    you think … impressions are very important? I do.

  7. I
    always have a laugh with my cousin – he’s got a great sense of …

  8. She
    is so … -minded: she cannot accept any ideas different from her

5. Which prefix forms the opposite of these words? You need three different prefixes.

flexible, friendly, honest, reliable, sensitive, kind, pleasant.

6. What nouns can be formed from these adjectives? Use a dictionary to help you.

optimistic, punctual, lazy, confident, ambitious.


1. Read the following text paying attention to the words and word-combinations in italics. Write down all international words from the text. Text a Psychology and Character

general we may say that character is the expression of the
personality of a human being, and that it reveals itself in his
conduct. In this sense every man has a character. At the same time
only human beings, not animals have character: it implies
rationality. But in addition to this usage, the term is also employed
in a narrower sense, as when we speak of a man “of character”. In
this connotation
character implies a certain unity of qualities with a recognizable
degree of constancy or fixity in mode of action.

behaviour of each human being at any stage of his existence is the
outcome of a complex collection of elements. A man’s character is
the results of two distinct classes of factors: the original or
inherited elements of his being, and those which he has himself
acquired. On the one hand, every human being starts with a certain
nature or disposition – a native endowment of capacities for
knowledge, and feelings, and tendencies towards volitions
and action – which varies with each individual. This disposition is
dependent in part on the structure of the bodily organism and
especially of the nervous system which he has inherited; in part,
perhaps, also on his soul which has been created. It forms his
individuality at the beginning of life and includes susceptibilities
for responding to external influences, and potentialities for
developing in various ways which differ with each human being.

our original temperament is thus given to us independently of our
will, we ourselves play an important part in the moulding of our
character, and we thus become responsible for certain ethical
qualities in it. Character has been defined as “a
completely fashioned will
It would be more accurate to say that character is “Natural
temperament completely fashioned by the will”. It is, in fact, a
resultant of the combination of our acquired habits with our original
disposition. As the quality, shape, and structure of the organism and
of its different parts may be variously modified in the process of
growth – especially during the plasticity of early life – by
variations in nutrition, exercise, and environment, so may the
faculties of the soul be variously developed by the manner in which
it is exercised, and by the nature of the objects on which its
faculties are employed.

regular use of the intellect, the controlled activity of the
imagination, the
practice of judgment

and reflection, contribute to the formation of habits of mind more or
less thoughtful and refined. Finally the exercise of the will plays
the predominant part in moulding the type of character which is being
formed. The manner and degree in which currents of thought and waves
of emotion are initiated, guided, and controlled by the will, or
allowed to follow the course of spontaneous, has not less effect in
determining the resultant type of character than the quality of the
thoughts or emotions themselves. Character is in fact the outcome of
a series of volitions, and it is for this reason we are responsible
for our characters, as we are for the individual habits which go to
constitute them.

psychology investigates the growth of different types of character,
ethics considers the relative value of such types and the virtues
which constitute them. The problem of the true moral ideal is, in
some ethical systems mainly, and in all systems partially, a question
of the relative value of different types of character. The effect on
the agent’s character of a particular form of conduct is a
universally accepted test of its moral quality. Different systems of
ethics emphasize the importance of different virtues in the
constitution of the ideal moral character.

all conceptions of ideal character strength forms an essential
feature. Firmness
of will, fortitude
constancy in adhering

principle or in pursuit of a noble aim hold so important a place that
in common language to be a man of character is frequently equivalent
to being capable of adhering to a fixed purpose. Finally, the richer
the culture of the mind, the larger the intellectual horizon, the
broader the sympathies, and the more balanced the springs of action
in the soul, the more will the character approximate to the ideal of
human perfection.

true aim of education is not merely the cultivation of the intellect
but also the formation of moral character. Increased intelligence or
physical skill may as easily be employed to the detriment
to the benefit of the community, if not accompanied by improved will.
Both do not necessarily go together. As it is the function of ethics
to determine the ideal of human character, so it is the business of
the theory or science of education to study the processes by which
that end may be attained and to estimate the relative efficiency of
different educational systems and methods in the prosecution of that
end. Finally, it is the duty of the art of education to apply the
conclusions thus reached to practice and to adapt the available
machinery to the realization of the true purpose of education in the
formation of the highest type of ideal human character.

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