Fill the gaps with a suitable word or phrase

Fill the gaps with a suitable word.

1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really …

2) They say she died of a heart …

3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomache …

4) I’ve got this terrible … in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.

5) He died of … cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in this life.

6) I went to the doctor, and she gave me a … for some tablets.

7) Pollution makes her … worse and it’s difficult for her to breathe.

8) There are different forms of hepatitis one is a more serious … than the other.

9) I hurt … when i fell off that chair.

10) My back … from sitting at that computer all day.

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Fill the gaps with a suitable word. 1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really … 2) They say she died of a heart … 3) She had some …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » Fill the gaps with a suitable word. 1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really … 2) They say she died of a heart … 3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomache … 4) I’ve got this terrible …

  1. consumer

  1. the necessary
    tools, clothing etc. for a particular purpose

  1. variety

  1. repair
    and improvement of a building

  1. worldwide

  1. a
    separate part of a large organization

  1. domain

  1. in all parts of
    the world

  1. division

  1. an
    electrical machine that is used in the house

  1. segment

  1. a person who
    buys goods or services

  1. home

  1. an area of

  1. equipment

  1. introduce
    something new e.g. a product

  1. launch

  1. a part of

  1. renovation

  1. difference in
    quality, type or difference

V. Fill the gaps with a suitable word or phrase.

of, extensive renovations, goods, business segment, multinational,
equipment, division, variety, business domains, provide services,
launched, home appliances, respond to

  1. The
    shop sells a large ……………… of ……………… ………………
    from TV-sets to washing machines to electronic clocks.

  2. Having
    30 % of the market, the company is the leader in its ………………
    ……………… .

  3. Panasonic
    is a large ……………… corporation operating all over the

  4. The
    corporation ……………… ……………… 630 companies
    which ……………… ……………… a number of ………………
    ……………… according to their main activities.

  5. The
    advertising ……………… has ……………… a new brand
    of breakfast cereals onto the market. The brand is a big success.

  6. The
    company’s head office is located in an old historical building
    which needs extensive ……………… .

  7. We
    produce industrial ……………… for car manufacturers and
    ……………… after-sale ……………… .

  8. The
    retailer offers a 25% discount on all electrical ………………
    until the end of the week.

VI. Answer the following questions:

  1. What kind of company is the
    Panasonic Corporation?

  2. What does it produce?

  3. Where is its head office?

  4. Where does Panasonic

  5. What is the company’s
    structure? Which business domains is it active in?

  6. What are the company’s
    main competitors?

VII. Discussion points.

with your partner to discuss the following questions:

  1. Do you own any Panasonic
    products? If yes, what are they? Do you like them? If not, which
    Panasonic product would you like to have?

  2. Please explain what a
    multinational company is?

  3. What other world famous
    companies do you know? What do they produce?

  4. Look at the two profiles
    below. Choose one of the companies and tell your partner about it
    using the information in the profile.

Name of company


Head office

London, UK

Business domains

cinema, hotels, communication, financial services, investments,

Main markets

23 countries including
the USA, the UK, Europe, Australia, Japan.

Annual sales

£ 3 billion

Name of company


Head office

Chicago, USA

Business domains

Mobile phones,
electronic systems, components and services, two-way radios,
defence and space electronics, computers

Main markets


Annual sales

$ 30.2 billion


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Английский язык. Реферирование и аннотирование Тест с ответами

1. Choose the correct preposition: several kinds __________________ cars.
• of

2. Choose the word to match the definition: checking writing for mistakes
• proof-reading

3. The topic “ways to cook and serve” is not supported by the following idea:
• go to China

4. The topic of the sentence: “Even though the procedures (A) followed to enroll in American university (B) vary according to each university (C), some steps are the same (D).” is:
• B

5. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: Tell which __________________ of travel you would choose if you had to go from your home to a place 40 miles away.
• method

6. Choose the correct preposition: the reasons __________________ owning a car.
• for

7. Give the English equivalent: соответственно
• accordingly

8. The topic of the sentence: “A dormitory room (A) is cold and impersonal (B) until several changes (C) have been made to make it more inviting (D).” is:
• A

9. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: What are the __________________ of a good neighbour?
• qualities

10. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: The doctor looked at my notes carefully, __________________ gave me a thorough examination.
• then

11. Give the English equivalent: тема
• topic

12. The topic of the sentence: “Whenever I have the opportunity (A) to go to the beach (B), I always (C) follow the same routine (D).” is:
• B

13. Give the Russian equivalent: to differ
• отличаться

14. Give the Russian equivalent: on the other hand
• с другой стороны

15. The underlined part of the sentence: “People can avoid catching a cold by taking certain precautions.” performs the function of:
• controlling idea

16. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: Some people believe that higher education should be __________________ only to good students.
• available

17. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: Students at universities often have a __________________ of places to live.
• choice

18. The topic of the sentence: “American telephone books (A) are divided (B) into several (C) sections (D).” is:
• A

19. Give the English equivalent: предосторожность
• precaution

20. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: Learning a language is hard work for you, but you get there __________________ .
• in the end

21. Identify the markers of comparison / contrast: Both English and French are spoken in Canada.
• both … and

22. The topic “kinds of home accidents” is not supported by the following idea:
• headaches

23. Give the Russian equivalent: the same
• тот же самый

24. The underlined word in the sentence “Then I realised I had left my key in the car.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• time

25. Give the English equivalent: убеждать:
• persuade

26. The underlined word in the sentence “It was a lovely house with a red roof and a chimney on top.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• place

27. Give the English equivalent: наконец
• at last

28. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: Lots of people speak four or five languages, __________________ language learning can’t be too difficult.
• so

29. Identify the markers of comparison / contrast: This task resembles the work I have done before.
• resembles

30. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: It might be useful to learn French, __________________ it is spoken in a lot of countries.
• for

31. Choose the word to match the definition: the ideas you use to persuade the audience and support your point of view
• argument

32. The topic “problems caused by absenteeism” is not supported by the following idea:
• family problems

33. Choose the correct preposition: the problems __________________ absenteeism.
• of

34. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: Some hobbies can __________________ to a future job.
• lead

35. Choose the correct preposition: the precautions __________________ avoiding car accidents.
• for

36. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: Some people choose friends who are __________________ from themselves.
• different

37. Give the Russian equivalent: to cause
• являться причиной

38. Choose the word to match the definition: methods of quoting, doing bibliographies, referencing, etc., in academic writing
• conventions

39. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: It didn’t make sense. __________________, there was one thing I could always do: I could learn by heart.
• However

40. Give the English equivalent: причина
• cause

41. Choose a synonym: whereas
• while

42. The topic “reasons for importance of hobbies” is not supported by the following idea:
• good health

43. Choose a synonym: at last
• finally

44. The underlined part of the sentence: “People can avoid catching a cold by taking certain precautions. First, you should avoid people who already have colds.” performs the function of:
• supporting idea

45. Fill in the gap with a suitable word or phrase: __________________, if the hobby is stamp collecting, the person can learn about the countries of the world.
• For example

46. The topic “features of spoken English which make it difficult to understand” is not supported by the following idea:
• no good dictionaries

47. The underlined part of the sentence: “When you plant a tree, you are helping your environment in many ways.” performs the function of:
• controlling idea

48. The underlined word in the sentence “Marmalade is similar to jam, but they are not the same.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• comparison

49. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: School was __________________ home!.
• unlike

50. The topic “disadvantages of studying abroad” is not supported by the following idea:
• learning experiences not available in the home country

51. Choose the correct preposition: the changes __________________ our way of life.
• to

52. The underlined part of the sentence: “Hobbies are important for many reasons.” performs the function of:
• controlling idea

53. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: These words sound __________________, but their meanings are different.
• the same

54. Choose the word to match the definition: words which join together parts of writing or speaking
• linking words

55. The underlined word in the sentence “We’ll give our primary concern to grammar. Besides, we’ll train pronunciation.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• addition

56. Choose the word to match the definition: the sentence which tells the reader what the paragraph is about
• topic sentence

57. The underlined part of the sentence: “Absenteeism causes the employer many problems.” performs the function of:
• topic

58. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: I was afraid of school. __________________, I was only seven, and I had been so happy in my nursery with all my toys.
• After all

59. The underlined word in the sentence “Tooth decay is caused by acids.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• cause

60. Choose a synonym: in contrast
• conversely

61. The underlined word in the sentence “Some languages, for instance English, have lost their inflections.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• example

62. The topic of the sentence: “The reason (A) a person (B) lives in a remote area (C) may be one of the following (D).” is:
• C

63. Identify the markers of comparison / contrast: The palace is like a small town with a post office, some shops and cafés, and a swimming pool.
• like

64. Choose a synonym: besides
• also

65. The topic of the sentence: “Baseball (A), a popular game (B) in the USA, is played (C) in the following way (D).” is:
• A

66. The underlined word in the sentence “At the beginning of June roses start to blossom and the village looks lovely.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• time

67. Choose the word to match the definition: thinking of writing down ideas concerning a topic
• brainstorming

68. The topic of the sentence: “Taking exams (A) is required of all students (B), and to do their best (C), students should use the following methods (D) to prepare themselves.” is:
• A

69. The underlined word in the sentence “I don’t go out in winter for I don’t feel like catching a cold.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• cause

70. Choose the correct preposition: the procedures __________________ taking an exam.
• for

71. The underlined part of the sentence: “Studying in another country is advantageous in many ways.” performs the function of:
• topic

72. Choose a synonym: next
• then

73. Choose the word to match the definition: the part of an essay where a brief summary is given and the general paints of the essay are covered
• conclusion

74. Give the Russian equivalent: as a result
• в результате

75. The topic “steps to organise a camping trip” is not supported by the following idea:
• rent a flat

76. Choose the correct preposition: the causes __________________ lung cancer.
• of

77. The underlined part of the sentence: “There are many disadvantages of owning a large car. First, they are much more expensive to buy.” performs the function of:
• supporting idea

78. Choose a synonym: possibly
• probably

79. Choose a synonym: nevertheless
• however

80. The topic of the sentence: “For the many students (A) who cannot afford a car (B), there are several alternative ways (C) of getting to class (D).” is:
• D

81. Choose the word to match the definition: the ideas which develop and illustrate the topic sentence
• supporting ideas

82. Identify the markers of comparison / contrast: In England and Japan people drive on the left whereas in Russia we drive on the right.
• whereas

83. The topic “characteristics of a good school” is not supported by the following idea:
• tasty food

84. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: It was impossible to sleep __________________ the mosquitoes.
• because of

85. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: A good language learner should be able to do a lot of things. __________________, it is important to have a good memory and to memorize words quickly.
• for example

86. Identify the markers of comparison / contrast: The queen of England is richer than a lot of monarchs.
• richer than

87. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: Do you __________________ with the following statement?
• agree

88. Identify the markers of comparison / contrast: Big cars are expensive to buy. Correspondingly, they are expensive to maintain.
• correspondingly

89. Give the Russian equivalent: to resemble
• походить (на что-либо)

90. The topic “advantages of working part-time while studying at university” is not supported by the following idea:
• absenteeism

91. The underlined word in the sentence “He overates because of his depression.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• cause

92. Choose a synonym: therefore
• so

93. Choose the word to match the definition: everyday expression
• colloquialism

94. Give the English equivalent: недостаток
• disadvantage

95. The underlined part of the sentence: “The Smithsonian institution is worth visiting for a number of reasons.” performs the function of:
• topic

96. Give the Russian equivalent: on account of
• из-за

97. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: We arrived at the school __________________ a cold Friday afternoon.
• on

98. Choose the correct preposition: to be divided __________________ several sections.
• into

99. The topic “disadvantages of large cars” is not supported by the following idea:
• made in America

100. The topic “kinds of airports” is not supported by the following idea:
• fashionable

101. The topic of the sentence: “Preparing (A) to go camping (B) is easy (C) when you organise your trip using these steps (D).” is:
• C

102. The underlined word in the sentence “Working part-time doesn’t bring much money. On the other hand, it leaves you a lot of free time.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• contrast

103. Give the English equivalent: например
• for instance

104. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: You should buy some reference books __________________ as a bilingual dictionary and a grammar book.
• such

105. The underlined word in the sentence “There is a bedroom on the first floor and two more in the converted loft.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• place

106. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: __________________ the tone of the article is light-hearted, the content is serious.
• While

107. The underlined word in the sentence “Don’t exercise too vigorously too soon. It won’t do you any good, on the contrary it might do you a lot of harm.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• contrast

108. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: Bad experience at school often __________________ in unwillingness to learn.
• results

109. Choose the correct preposition: the disadvantages __________________ renting a flat.
• of

110. Choose the word to match the definition: the subject described or analysed in an essay
• topic

111. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: __________________ you don’t cut on your spending, you’ll go bankrupt.
• If

112. The underlined word in the sentence “His anxiety resulted in dangerous driving.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• effect

113. Give the Russian equivalent: similarly
• аналогично

114. Identify the markers of comparison / contrast: Tokyo differs from Rome in density of population.
• differs from … in

115. Choose the correct preposition: the steps __________________ organising a conference.
• for

116. Fill in the gap with a suitable word or phrase: __________________, people should write and speak clearly.
• In my opinion

117. Give the English equivalent: тогда как:
• whereas

118. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: Some people __________________ to spend most of their time alone.
• prefer

119. The underlined word in the sentence “Playing loud music may lead to partial deafness.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• effect

120. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: How is your country becoming more __________________ to other places in the world?
• similar

121. The underlined word in the sentence “Moscow is unlike any European capital.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• contrast

122. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: __________________ the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community.
• compare

123. Choose a synonym: similarly
• correspondingly

124. The underlined word in the sentence “Einstein couldn’t speak until he was eight.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• time

125. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: There has been great progress in medical research. __________________, there have been significant achievements in all aspects of health care.
• As a result

126. The underlined word in the sentence “The valley stretches 35 miles east to west.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• place

127. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: Chess is game of tactics, __________________, you have to plan your actions well in advance.
• consequently

128. Identify the markers of comparison / contrast: While the country is quiet, the city is noisy.
• while

129. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: Women are generally better language learners __________________ men.
• than

130. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: What do you __________________ to be the most important room in the house?
• consider

131. The topic “methods to prepare for taking exams” is not supported by the following idea:
• go to a restaurant

132. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: Mastering __________________ speaking and writing requires a lot of time and effort.
• both

133. Identify the markers of comparison / contrast: My drawing isn’t as good as yours.
• as … as

134. Identify the markers of comparison / contrast: I live in the same city as my parents.
• same … as

135. The topic “advantages of working at home” is not supported by the following idea:
• lower wages

136. The underlined word in the sentence “At last everybody was there.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• time

137. Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: She is not only a skilled painter, she is __________________ a talented piano player.
• also

138. The underlined word in the sentence “John is as tall as his father.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• comparison

139. Choose a synonym: because
• for

140. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: Modern life is __________________ many traditions and beliefs to become less important.
• causing

141. The topic “changes brought by computers” is not supported by the following idea:
• longer office hours

142. The topic of the sentence: “Before applying to a foreign university (A), one should consider (B) the disadvantages (C) of studying abroad (D).” is:
• D

143. The underlined part of the sentence: “A person can do more than just look at the exhibits. For example, in the insect zoo at the National Museum of Natural History, anyone who so desires can handle some of the exhibits.” performs the function of:
• example

144. Give the English equivalent: вкратце
• in brief

145. Give the Russian equivalent: conversely
• наоборот

146. The underlined word in the sentence “The war started on account of the desperate economic situation.” expresses the following type of relationship:
• cause

147. The underlined part of the sentence: “Although seat belts have been shown to save lives, people give a number of reasons for not using them.” performs the function of:
• topic

148. The topic“reasons for living in a remote area” is not supported by the following idea:
• old houses

149. Fill in the gap with a suitable word: People attend colleges for various __________________ .
• reasons

150. Give the Russian equivalent: due to something
• благодаря чему-либо

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