Fill the gaps with a suitable word i ve got a darkroom

Exercises Where in a typical house would you look for the following things? 1 a rake 5 suitcases 9 a grater 2 cutlery 6 a tumble-dryer 10 old empty boxes 3 dental floss 7 a power point 4 a coat-hanger 8 a porch Fill in the room and place labels on the plan of the house. Fill the gaps with a suitable word. 1 I’ve got a darkroom in the …………………………. where I develop films. It’s perfect because there are no windows down there. 2 Is there a …………………………… where I can plug in this radio? 3 You’d better have a …………………………… under your drink in case you mark that side- table. It’s an antique. 4 The waste-bin’s full again. I’ll empty it. Are there any more …………………………… ? Where are they? 5 We keep our skis up in the …………………………… during the summer. They’re out of the way up there. 6 You’ll find the garden-chairs in the …………………………… at the bottom of the garden. Bring them up and we’ll have a drink on the …………………………… and watch the sunset. 7 The light-switch for the stairs is on the …………………………… as you come out of your bedroom. 8 I’ve moved to a ………………………….. now as I found I couldn’t manage the stairs any more at my age. Answer these questions about yourself and, if possible, find out how someone else would answer them. 1 Is your house detached? What sort is it if not? 2 Are time-shares common in any part of your country? 3 Do houses still have pantries in your country? 4 Is it common to rent bedsits in your country? If so, what sorts of people do so? Everyday objects. 1 How can you make very small pieces of cheese to sprinkle on a dish? 2 What might you fetch if someone dropped a saucer and it broke into small pieces on the floor? 3 What could you put under a dinner plate to prevent it marking the table? 4 How can you switch off the TV without leaving your chair? English Vocabulary in Use 73

3.1 The house that has everything


Task 1. Word puzzle. Find the rooms and parts of the house
hidden in the puzzle. One has been done for you. Complete the
following sentences with the words from the puzzle.

  1. When you come in through the front door of a house the first place
    you often stand is the ____________________.

  2. You normally cook in the ____________________.

  3. You sleep in the ____________________.

  4. Some houses have a room where you eat. It’s called the

  5. In a house with more than one floor, you walk up and down the

  6. The bedrooms and bathroom upstairs often have doors onto the

  7. Some houses have a room where you can do exercises and keep fit.
    It’s called the ____________________.

  8. When there is an extra room in a house, some people make this the
    ____________________ where children can play.

  9. Some people use the extra room to work in. It’s called the

  10. Some people have a bedroom for guests. This is called the

  11. The room where you watch TV and relax is called the __________.

  12. You wash and have a shower in the ____________________

Task 2. You
probably already know the names of most rooms and locations in a
typical home. Here are some less common ones and what they are for.
Match the words to their meanings.

  1. utility (room)

  2. shed

  3. attic

  4. loft

  5. cellar

  6. basement

  7. landing

  8. hall

  9. porch

  10. pantry or

  11. terrace or

  12. study

  1. small
    building separated from the house usually for storing garden

  2. room
    below ground level, no windows, used for storage

  3. flat
    area at the top of a staircase

  4. a
    room for reading/writing/studying in

  5. large
    cupboard (usually big enough to walk into) for storing food

  6. open
    area as you come into a house

  7. room
    below ground level, windows, for living/working

  8. usually
    just far a washing machine, a freezer, etc

  9. paved
    area between house and garden for sitting and eating, etc

  10. space
    in the roof of a house usually used only for storage

  11. room
    in the roof space of a house (could be lived in)

  12. covered area before an

Task 3. Fill in
the gaps and place labels on the plan of the house.

Task 4. Fill
the gaps with a suitable word.

  1. I’ve got a darkroom in the ____________ where I develop films. It’s
    perfect because there are no windows down there.

  2. We keep our skis up in the ____________ during the summer. They’re
    out of the way up there.

  3. You’ll find the garden-chairs in the ____________ at the bottom of
    the garden.

  4. Bring them up and we’ll have a drink on the ____________ and watch
    the sunset.

  5. The light-switch for the stairs is on the ____________ as you come
    out of your bedroom.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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B Types of house / places people live

detached house: not joined to any other house

semi-detached house: joined to one other house

terraced house: joined to several houses to form a row

cottage: small house in the country or in a village

bungalow: house with only one storey (no upstairs)

bedsit: bedroom and living room all in one

villa: large house with big gardens or a rented house in a holiday resort / tourist area

time-share: holiday flat or house where you have the right to live one or two weeks a year

Ex.3. Fill the gaps with a suitable word.

1 I’ve got a darkroom in the….……………………….. where I develop films. It’s perfect because there are no windows down there.

2 Is there a…………………………… where I can plug in this radio?

3 You’d better have a…………………………… under your drink in case you mark that side-table. It’s an antique.

4 The waste-bin’s full again. I’ll empty it. Are there any more………………………..? Where are they?

5 We keep our skis up in the…………………………… during the summer. They’re out of the way up there.

6 You’ll find the garden-chairs in the…………………………… at the bottom of the garden. Bring them up and we’ll have a drink on the…………………………… and watch the sunset.

7 The light-switch for the stairs is on the…………………………… as you come out of your bedroom.

8 I’ve moved to a…………………………… now as I found I couldn’t manage the stairs any more at my age.

Ex.4. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct position in the passages below.

Кардиналистский и ординалистский подходы Кардиналистский (количественный подход) к анализу полезности основан на представлении о возможности измерения различных благ в условных единицах полезности…

Обзор компонентов Multisim Компоненты – это основа любой схемы, это все элементы, из которых она состоит. Multisim оперирует с двумя категориями…

Композиция из абстрактных геометрических фигур Данная композиция состоит из линий, штриховки, абстрактных геометрических форм…

Важнейшие способы обработки и анализа рядов динамики Не во всех случаях эмпирические данные рядов динамики позволяют определить тенденцию изменения явления во времени…

Fill the gaps with a suitable word.

1) I hit my hand on the desk and it really …

2) They say she died of a heart …

3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomache …

4) I’ve got this terrible … in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.

5) He died of … cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in this life.

6) I went to the doctor, and she gave me a … for some tablets.

7) Pollution makes her … worse and it’s difficult for her to breathe.

8) There are different forms of hepatitis one is a more serious … than the other.

9) I hurt … when i fell off that chair.

10) My back … from sitting at that computer all day.

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