Fill the correct word pocket money send text message button electronic books my granny

Spotlight 7. Test 5. I variant

I. Fill in with the following words:  pocket money, online, send, text messages, electronic books.

  1. Many people believe that in future there will be only ….schools
  2. My sister prefers reading ….. .
  3. Some children spend their money, others save their ….. to buy presents for their parents.
  4. My brother works as a manager in a big company so he gets a lot of….. every day.
  5. My son is too little to  ….. messages.

II . Choose the correct preposition: after, for, up, forward.

1) My grandparents always look …………….……. to their grandchildren

2)  When my mummy gets ill my daddy looks …………… He is very caring.

3)  Kate is looking ….his keys everywhere.

4)  I recommend my pupils to look …. the new words in the dictionary

III. Fill in the gaps with correct future forms of the verbs.

  1. The train (leave) at 8.30 every morning.
  2. I think Ann (look) after her ill granny tomorrow.
  3.  I’ ve got my salary so I (buy) a new jacket.
  4. Your room is a mess! I (help) you tidy it up.
  5. He (fly) to London next summer. He has already bought flight tickets.

IV. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

  1. We (go) to the cinema when you do your homework.
  2. If Kate (not/study), he will fail his exams.
  3. We won’t go to the park if it (be) rainy next Sunday.
  4. If you heat water at 100 degrees, it (boil).

V. Match the words and translate them.

  1. surf
  2. traffic
  3. listen
  4. role
  5. press

a) to music

b) the button

c) the Net

d) jam

e) model

VI. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Она приготовит обед, если не будет уставшей
  2. Если смешать белый и черный, то мы получим серый.
  3. Они идут в кино сегодня вечером.
  4. У него есть деньги, следовательно, он их потратит.

Spotlight 7. Test 5. II variant

I. Fill in with the following words: assignments, laptop, flying cars, turn , headphones.

  1. Most of teenagers use  ……. to listen to music.
  2. Can you ……  on the radio, please?
  3. In future people will travel in …….. .
  4. My dad has a lot of work to do. He takes his…..everywhere.
  5. Mike usually does all his…… on the computer.

II. Choose the correct preposition: after, for, up, forward.

1) I was looking…. for my headphones all day yesterday.

2) Who usually looks….  your baby when you are at work?

3) Kate doesn’t like looking …. new English words in her dictionary.

4) All the children look ……. to the New Year presents.

III. Fill in the gaps with correct future forms of the verbs

  1. I promise, I (pass) my homework.
  2. My brother doesn’t think, Barcelona (win) the match.
  3. The lessons at our school (start) at 8.20 every morning.
  4. I bought tickets to the theatre, we (see) a new play next week.
  5. I (meet) my classmates this evening

IV. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1 If my parents go to the concert, I (stay) at home to look after my sister.

2) If I (hear) from him, I will let you know.

3) If Bill rings me up, I (tell) you.

5) If you mix read and white paints you (get) pink.

V. Match  the words and translate them.

  1. DVD
  2. robot
  3. sport
  4. digital
  5. mobile
  1. camera
  2. phone
  3. equipment
  4. pet
  5. player

VII. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Я всегда с нетерпением жду летних каникул
  2. Если мой парень купит билеты в театр, мы пойдем в театр
  3. В будущем я планирую работать дома и выполнять всю работу на компьютере
  4. Если мои родители пойдут вечером в кино, то я буду присматривать за братом.

Английский язык. 10 класс

English 10 grade Afanaseva.png

Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 10 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Год издания: 2012
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений:

Мы в социальных сетях

Телеграм • ВКонтакте

Задания и ответы[править | править код]

1) Fill in: cost, cash, save, afford, earn, borrow, pays, lend, spent, waste.

  1. I often borrow money to my sister but she hardly ever pays me back.
  2. Sam is always buying things that cost a lot and that he can’t really afford.
  3. I didn’t manage to save any of my wages last week. I spent every last penny!
  4. Can I lend £10 to go to the cinema, Dad? That new supermarket is really cheap, but they only accept cash.
  5. Don’t spent your money on silly little things!
  6. He really enjoys his Saturday job, but he doesn’t earn very much.

2) Fill in: pocket, household, sporting, credit, extreme, action, start, student, text, thank-you.

  • sporting events
  • start date
  • pocket money
  • household chores
  • extreme sports
  • text note
  • text message
  • student loan
  • credit card
  • start shot

3) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct (to) -infinitive or -ing form.

  1. He hates watching football on TV. He thinks it’s so boring!
  2. I’m not crazy about playing sport. I prefer quieter activities.
  3. We’d love to come and see your new house some time!
  4. Will you help me to find a part-time job? I’m totally broke!
  5. I can’t stand writing compositions. I find them really difficult!
  6. He can’t wait going on holiday.

4) Form nouns from the words in brackets.

  1. Have a look at my collection.
  2. I don’t really agree with your suggestion.
  3. They looked at him in amazed.
  4. Relaxing techniques are taught here.
  5. He made a fast recovery from the injury.

5-a) Fill in: up, off, over, out, after.

  1. Why don’t you take up a hobby instead of watching TV every evening?
  2. Who do you take over, your mum or your dad?
  3. Tom’s taking me out for my birthday.
  4. Mr Jones took after the company when his grandfather died.
  5. Take off your trousers so that I can wash them.

5-b) Fill in: about, in, at, of, on.

  1. She is fantastic at cooking.
  2. Ann is crazy about rock climbing.
  3. He isn’t interested in Maths.
  4. I’m not fond of animals so I don’t have a pet.
  5. John is really keen on football.

6) Complete the exchanges.

  • A: Would you like to have dinner together?
  • B: I’d love to but I am very busy today.
  • A: How about going out tonight?
  • B: That would be great!
  • A: Don’t you agree that he spends too much?
  • B: No, I don’t think so.
  • A: Don’t you think he’s trying hard?
  • B: Of course I see that he does a lot of things.

Now I Can … in English

  • talk and write about money and spending habits
  • talk about hobbies and personalities
  • enquire about and express preferences
  • make suggestions and reply to suggestions
  • express and enquire about an opinion
  • write a letter to an advice column and reply to one
  • write short messages
  • prepare a simple survey and report the results

Перевод задания и ответов[править | править код]

1) Заполните: стоимость, наличные, сэкономить, позволить себе, заработать, занять, платит, одолжить, потрачено, растрата.

  1. Я часто занимаю деньги у сестры, но она почти никогда не возвращает мне деньги.
  2. Сэм всегда покупает вещи, которые стоят дорого и которые он действительно не может себе позволить.
  3. На прошлой неделе мне не удалось сохранить ни одной зарплаты. Я потратил все до последней копейки!
  4. Могу я одолжить 10 фунтов, чтобы пойти в кино, папа? Этот новый супермаркет действительно дешевый, но там принимают только наличные.
  5. Не тратьте деньги на глупые мелочи!
  6. Ему очень нравится субботняя работа, но он мало зарабатывает.

2) Заполните: карман, дом, спорт, кредит, экстрим, действие, старт, студент, текст, спасибо.

  • спортивные события
  • дата начала
  • карманные деньги
  • домашние дела
  • экстремальные виды спорта
  • текстовая заметка
  • текстовое сообщение
  • студенческий кредит
  • кредитная карта
  • начать стрелять

3) Поместите глаголы в скобки правильную форму глагола -инфинитив или -ing форму.

  1. Он ненавидит смотреть футбол по телевизору. Он думает, что это так скучно!
  2. Я не без ума от спорта. Я предпочитаю более спокойные занятия.
  3. Мы будем рады приехать когда-нибудь посмотреть ваш новый дом!
  4. Вы поможете мне найти работу на неполный рабочий день? Я совершенно разорен!
  5. Я терпеть не могу писать сочинения. Я считаю их действительно сложными!
  6. Он не может дождаться поездки в отпуск.

4) Сформируйте существительные из слов в скобках.

Взгляните на мою коллекцию.

Я действительно не согласен с вашим предложением.

Они смотрели на него с удивлением.

Здесь обучают техникам расслабления.

Он быстро оправился от травмы.

5-а) Выберите правильный предлог:

  1. Почему бы тебе не заняться хобби вместо того, чтобы каждый вечер смотреть телевизор?
  2. Кого вы возьмете на себя, маму или отца?
  3. Том повезет меня на день рождения.
  4. Мистер Джонс унаследовал компанию, когда умер его дедушка.
  5. Снимите брюки, чтобы я мог их постерать.

5-б) Выберите правильный предлог:

  1. Она прекрасно готовит.
  2. Энн без ума от скалолазания.
  3. Он не интересуется математикой.
  4. Я не люблю животных, поэтому у меня нет домашних животных.
  5. Джон очень любит футбол.

6) Завершите ответ.

  • A: Вы бы хотели поужинать вместе?
  • B: Я бы с удовольствием, но сегодня я очень занят.
  • A: Как насчет того, чтобы выйти сегодня вечером?
  • B: Это было бы здорово!
  • A: Вы согласны, что он слишком много тратит?
  • B: Нет, я так не думаю.
  • A: Вам не кажется, что он очень старается?
  • Б: Конечно, я вижу, что он много чего делает.

Теперь я могу по-английски:

  • говорить и писать о деньгах и привычках их тратить
  • говорить о хобби и людях
  • узнать и выразить предпочтения
  • вносить предложения и отвечать на предложения
  • выражать и узнавать мнение
  • написать письмо в раздел советов и ответить
  • писать короткие сообщения
  • подготовить простой опрос и сообщить результаты

Другие упражнения учебника[править | править код]

Fill in the correct word / phrase.
*pocket money *training *button *role model *computer simulation
1. ……………… is used a lot in PC games.
2. You must save your ………………… if you want to buy a new computer.
3. This college offers many courses in teacher …………..
4. Press the ………………… to switch the computer on.
5. This singer is a good ……………….. for teenagers.

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 5 A (Module 5). Номер №C

Fill in the correct word/phrase.

• pocket money

• role model

• computer simulation

• training

• button

• assignment

e.g. The students finished their assignment on time.
11. Press the _ to switch the computer on.
12. This singer is a good _ for teenagers.
13. You must save your _ if you want to buy something special for yourself.
14. This college offers many courses in teacher _ .
15. _ is used a lot in video games.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 5 A (Module 5). Номер №C


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово / фразу.
• карманные деньги
• образец для подражания
• компьютерное моделирование
• подготовка
• кнопка
• задание
например, Студенты выполнили задание вовремя.
11. Нажмите _ , чтобы включить компьютер.
12. Этот певец − хороший _ для подростков.
13. Вы должны экономить _ , если хотите купить что−то особенное для себя.
14. Этот колледж предлагает множество курсов по _ учителей.
15. _ широко используется в видеоиграх.

11. Press the button to switch the computer on.
12. This singer is a good role model for teenagers.
13. You must save your pocket money if you want to buy something special for yourself.
14. This college offers many courses in teacher training.
15. Computer simulation is used a lot in video games.

Перевод ответа
11. Нажмите кнопку, чтобы включить компьютер.
12. Этот певец − хороший образец для подражания для подростков.
13. Вы должны экономить карманные деньги, если хотите купить что−то особенное для себя.
14. Этот колледж предлагает множество курсов по подготовке учителей.
15. Компьютерное моделирование широко используется в видеоиграх.

👋 Привет Лёва


Задать вопрос


1 год назад

Английский язык


Найдите ошибку в каждом предложении исправьте её 1. Whose textbook is that ?- lt’s Nina textbook


1 год назад

Светило науки — 7 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи



3-He never…..

4-What does vera doing — she is…..

5-Lara is reading ……

6-They wrote ……

7-I saw five …..

8-Where does ….

(0 оценок)

2. Fill the correct word: pocket money, send, text messages, button, electronic books.

1. My granny prefers reading during her long trips.

2. Can you press the….. on my laptop.

3. My sister is very little, she can’t … e-mails to her friends.

4. My father is a manager of a big office. He gets a lot of ….. every day.

5. Teenagers spend a lot of their…..for video games.

Ответы на вопрос

ответ начиная со второго, так как первое сделано


Во-первых, нахрена писать это на ЛИСТОЧКЕ, когда по человечески можно напечатать. Во-вторых, первое предложение НЕ сделано, и самое умное что ты мог придумать — написать «сделано».


1 electronic books

2 button

3 send

4 text messages

5 pocket money


Новые вопросы

ребята! помогите пожалуйста! :) с контрольной работай вот дам вам 15 баллов это все что у меня есть

1. Fill the correct word pocket money, send, text messages, button, electronic books. Вставьте
слова по смыслу.
1) My granny prefers reading ….. during her long trips.
2) Can you press the….. on my laptop.
3) My sister is very little, she can’t …. e-mails to her friends.
4) My father is a manager of a big office. He gets a lot of ….. every day.
5) Teenagers spend a lot of their….. for video games.

2. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets. Поставьте глагол в нужной форме в
придаточных предложениях условия.
1) If you go to the Zoo, you (have) a great time.
2) If Tom doesn’t study hard, he (fail) his Math exam.
3) If it is rainy next Sunday, we (not have) a picnic.
4) I will wash the dishes, if you (cook).
5) If you heat water at 100 degrees, it (boil).

3. Fill in the gaps with correct future forms of the verbs. Выберите способ выражения
будущего времени и поставьте глагол в нужной форме
1) Our kitchen is a mess! I (tidy) it up.
2) The train (leave) at 8.30 every morning.
3) I think Ann (look) after her ill granny tomorrow.
4) I (buy) a new laptop because my computer is very old.
5) All my family (fly) to Paris next summer. We have already bought flight tickets.

4. Put the correct preposition. Поставьте предлог к фразовому глаголу Look
1) I always look ……. to my summer holidays.
2) My father asked me to look….my baby sister last Sunday.
3) Tom is looking ….his book everywhere.
4) My friends are looking …. the new words in the dictionary
5) Who are you looking….? -My mother.

Помогите пожалуйста нужно по этому тексту ответить на вопросы
Reading. Read the text and answer the questions.

How much pocket money do teenagers get every week? Too much is what many older people think, but is this true?
Do they get too much money? Or don’t they get enough? These were some of the questions that a recent survey wanted to answer.
In the survey, they asked the question, “How much money do your parents give you every week?” The answers were surprising. It seems that allowances rise with age, with 13-year-olds getting an average of 20 per month, 16- year-olds getting 20 more than that, and 18-year-olds getting 80, a further 40 more than 16-year-olds. This means that the average British teenager now gets 520 a year in pocket money. Pocket money levels in Britain are now 50% higher than they were 20 years ago.
However, in the survey a lot of teenagers said that it wasn’t fair to call the money they get “pocket money”. They said that most teenagers earn their money by doing jobs about the house. A lot of teenagers tidy rooms or wash dishes. Moreover, over 60% of surveyed teenagers, including a third of those under-16s do gardening, wash cars, deliver newspapers and walk dogs, while those over 16 do babysitting, or work in shops or restaurants.
So, finally, where does all the money go? Well, teenagers spend more money on beaty products than an anything else. They also spend money on socializing, and save money to buy things like MP3 players, mobile phones and laptops.

Помогите пожалуйста нужно по этому тексту ответить на вопросы<br>Reading. Read the text and answer t

December 14, 2015

Открытый урок по теме
“My Attitude to Pocket Money»
в 8 классе

Учитель Глушакова Татьяна Петровна

Learning aims:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

— demonstrate their knowledge of topic vocabulary by listening to a dialogue and filling in the missing words/answering questions
— describe their own experiences of dealing with pocket money using Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
— formulate their point of view on pocket money management after reading a text by saying from 2 to 5 sentences using phrases of agreement/ disagreement

I. Warming up (Time: 3 min)
People in any society can’t live without money, that’s why they have to know how to deal with it. You are children and don’t earn your own money yet, but most of you get pocket money from parents and that’s a great chance to learn money management and get prepared for the future.

Would you like to be taught money management at school? At what lesson?
What is the topic for our today’s lesson?

II. Main activity
1. Listening
1st listening. ( Time: 2 min) Watch the video and say what father thinks about his daughter’s money management skills. Does the girl agree with her father?

— Dad! Hey, Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?
— Yes, sure. What is it, honey? What do you want?
— Ah, well… I… I need more pocket money.
— What? More pocket money? No way! You already gеt enough pocket money per month.
— No, no. I don’t get enough pocket money.
— Oh, yes, you do.
— Oh, please, Dad, come on, everything is so expensive. And I really want to buy a new pair of trainers.
— Well, then you’ll have to learn to save your money.
— Oh, Dad, come on, I am 12 years old now and I must get more. My friends from my class get more than me too.
— No, no. You don’t get more pocket money because you always spend everything right away. And you don’t have to buy a new pair of trainers, because I, I bought you some last week.
— Dad, please, look. I am so good at school. I only have good marks. And maybe when I have a bit more I can save some money, too.
— Ah, I don’t know. Well, OK, I have to think about it.
— Oh, yes, please.
2nd listening. (Time: 5 min) Watch the video again and fill in the missing words. Write down your results on the blackboard.

Hot potatoes exercise (with video for class work)/ dialogue (without video)

2. Speaking (Time: 10 min)
Do you get pocket money? How much? Do you get your pocket money weekly, monthly or daily? Do you get pocket money for chores or for good marks at school?
Have you ever saved money? For how long have you been saving it? What have you bought with the money?

3. Reading (Time : 7 min)
a) Pre-reading stage. A number of people believe that pocket money teaches teenagers to be responsible with money. Others say that teenagers are too young to deal with money and that their parents should just buy them what they need.
b) Reading for information. Key question: Do you think that being given pocket money teaches teenagers anything? Read the story of one family and give your opinion.

Text (adapted from The Guardian)

Sarah, 42, and her husband, 47, work in the public sector and have a household income of £75,000. They have a nine-year-old daughter
allowance [ə`laʊəns] pocket money
50p — 50 pence
increase — to give more money
manage — справляться с чем-либо
laundry [`lɔ:ndrı] стирка
chores — работа по дому, уборка

We started giving our daughter 50p a week in pocket money two years ago when she was seven years old, because we found out all her classmates were getting an allowance. However, for that she has to set the table, wash the dishes and make her bed. We agreed to increase it to £1 recently if she started feeding her hamster every day, but she hasn’t managed so she hasn’t got it.
She can, however, earn extra money for certain tasks: 5p for pairing a couple of socks from the laundry, 50p for watering the garden, £2 for helping to clean the car.
Some of her friends get £10 a week without doing any chores and we think that’s not right. But from a very young age we were taught that money has to be earned, so it was important to us that she learned that money doesn’t grow on trees – and that «I want» doesn’t get.
We save £100 a month into a child savings account for her when she turns 18. We pay for her clothes, books, trips out, piano lessons, private tuition and birthday presents for her friends. We recently rewarded her for doing well at school with a present which cost £100.
However, she has to save for other things she wants. She once saved for more than a year, using money she was given on her birthday and at Christmas, and bought herself a £300 trampoline.

Agree or disagree (Time: 10 min) (Stickers with the statements  are hung all over the classroom so that students move a little)

I guess…/I suppose…/To my mind…/On the contrary…/ I agree/I disagree…/..etc.

1. Parents should give their children as much pocket money as their classmates are given.
2. Children should help their parents about the house without being paid for that.
3. If children don’t do chores parent’s shouldn’t give them any money.
4. Children shouldn’t get pocket money because parents pay for everything: for their clothes, books, trips out, piano lessons and birthday presents for their friends.
5. Money doesn’t grow on trees. If you want to have something that your parents can’t afford, save up your pocket money.
6. Money has to be paid either for doing chores or for good marks at school.
7. Pocket money helps children to get ready for the future, to be responsible and sensible.
8. Teenager shouldn’t get pocket money because they waste it.

III. Reflexion. Marks (Time: 5 min)
Now I … know/understand that…
— I should save money and not waste it
— my parents work hard to earn money and I should earn my pocket money too
— to get money I have to work hard at school because studying is my work
— ….

Home assignment Ex. 3a p. 83

PS: Mind the time for each step. It is ~. План для сильной группы. Для средней будет завтра.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
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  • Fill the chart with the words to make word families noun creator creativity
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  • Fill shape with color in word