Fill in with the correct word name leonardo da vinci

Fill in with the correct word.

• Birth

• Famous

• Date

• Profession

Personal data

Name: Leonardo Da Vinci

1) _ : painter, scientist, philosopher, architect
2) _ of Birth: 15th April, 1452

Place of
3) _ : Anchiano, Vinci

Country of Birth: Italy

Mother’s Name: Catarina

Father’s Name: Ser Piero

Teacher’s Name: Andrea De Verrocio

4) _ painting: Mona Lisa

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 7c Famous firsts. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово.
• Рождение
• Известный
• Дата
• Профессия
Личные данные
Имя: Леонардо да Винчи
1) _: художник, ученый, философ, архитектор
2) _ рождения: 15 апреля 1452 г.
Место 3) _: Анчиано, Винчи
Страна рождения: Италия
Имя матери: Катарина
Имя отца: Сер Пьеро
Имя учителя: Андреа Де Веррочио
Наиболее 4) _ картина: Мона Лиза

Personal data

Name: Leonardo Da Vinci

1) Profession: painter, scientist, philosopher, architect
2) Date of Birth: 15th April, 1452

Place of
3) Birth: Anchiano, Vinci

Country of Birth: Italy

Mother’s Name: Catarina

Father’s Name: Ser Piero

Teacher’s Name: Andrea De Verrocio

4) famous painting: Mona Lisa

Перевод ответа
Личные данные
Имя: Леонардо да Винчи
1) Профессия: художник, ученый, философ, архитектор
2) Дата рождения: 15 апреля 1452 г.
Место 3) рождения: Анчиано, Винчи
Страна рождения: Италия
Имя матери: Катарина
Имя отца: Сер Пьеро
Имя учителя: Андреа Де Веррочио
Наиболее 4) известная картина: Мона Лиза

Fill in with the correct word. — Вставьте правильные слова.

• Birth • Famous • Date • Profession

1) … painter, scientist, philosopher, architect
2) … of Birth: 15th April, 1452
Place of 3) …
Anchiano, Vinci
Country of Birth: Italy
Mother’s Name: Catarina
Father’s Name: Ser Piero
Teacher’s Name: Andrea De Verrocio
Most 4) … painting: Mona Lisa

Просмотров: 2011 | Добавил: (01.02.2018) (Изменено: 01.02.2018)

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01.02.2018 оставил(а) комментарий:

Name: Leonardo Da Vinci — Имя: Леонардо Да Винчи
1 ) Profession: painter, scientist, philosopher, architect — Профессия: художник, ученый, философ, архитектор
2 ) Date of Birth: 15th April, 1452 — Дата рождения: 15 апреля 1452 года
Place of 3) Birth: Anchiano, Vinci — Место рождения: Анчиано, Винчи
Country of Birth: Italy — Страна рождения: Италия
Mother’s Name: Catarina — Имя матери: Катарина
Father’s Name: Ser Piero — Имя отца: Сер Пьеро
Teacher’s Name: Andrea De Verrocio — Имя учителя: Андреа Де Верроцио
Most 4) famous painting: Mona Lisa — Самая известная картина: Мона Лиза


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    Вопрос от пользователя

    Fill in with the correct word
    Name: Leonardo Da Vinci
    Birth • Famous • Date • Profession
    painter, scientist, philosopher, architect

    Ответ от эксперта

    Name: Leonardo Da Vinci — Имя: Леонардо Да Винчи
    1 ) Profession: painter, scientist, philosopher, architect — Профессия: художник, ученый, философ, архитектор
    2 ) Date of Birth: 15th April, 1452 — Дата рождения: 15 апреля 1452 года
    Place of 3) Birth: Anchiano, Vinci — Место рождения: Анчиано, Винчи
    Country of Birth: Italy — Страна рождения: Италия
    Mother’s Name: Catarina — Имя матери: Катарина
    Father’s Name: Ser Piero — Имя отца: Сер Пьеро
    Teacher’s Name: Andrea De Verrocio — Имя учителя: Андреа Де Верроцио
    Most 4) famous painting: Mona Lisa — Самая известная картина: Мона Лиза

    Leonardo da Vinci When they hear the name Leonardo da Vinci, most people think of his famous painting, Mona Lisa.

    This picture is in an art gallery in Paris, and it is visited by millions of tourists every year.

    But Leonardo wasn’t just a painter.

    He was also a talented inventor’, engineer, architect and sculptor.

    He was full of new and exciting ideas.

    Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 at his fathers country home near the town of Vinci in Italy.

    He spent his childhood surrounded by the wonders of nature, perhaps watching animals and insects that were all around him.

    , Leonardo was hungry for knowledge.

    He studied the the world around him and drew the things he saw.

    He read everything he could find, listened lo other people’s ideas, and made notes of the things he learned.

    Some of his notebooks were as large as wall posters, and others were small enough to carry in his pocket.

    Many have been lost, but some of them were published in the 1800s and can be seen today.

    Although he was full of new ideas, Leonardo didn’t build many of his inventions'».

    One of his notebooks includes a drawing of a person with a parachute»»».

    Only 300 years later, in 1783, a Frenchman became the first person who made and used a parachute.

    Leonardo did lots of drawings of arms and legs and other parts of the body and he designed a mechanical man — a robot!

    This robot could sit up, wave its arms, move its head and open and close its mouth.

    Leonardo da Vinci died in 1519.

    He was truly a man ahead of his time.

    Отвеьте хотя бы на один вопрос буду очень благодарен.

    Leonardo da Vinci When they hear the name Leonardo da Vinci, most people think of his famous painting, Mona Lisa? Leonardo da Vinci When they hear the name Leonardo da Vinci, most people think of his famous painting, Mona Lisa?

    Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Leonardo da Vinci When they hear the name Leonardo da Vinci, most people think of his famous painting, Mona Lisa?, который относится к
    категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
    программе для учащихся 5 — 9 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
    и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
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    Modular Test 7          

     V- 1

    №1. Choose the correct word.

    1) My sister feels stressed/bored when she
    takes an exam.

    2) When we heard that strange noise, we got so tired/scared.

    3) You look so miserable/puzzled. Did you get
    the bad news?

    4) This was my worst birthday ever. I was bored/excited.

    5) Cathy worked so hard yesterday that she feels very worried/tired now.

    №2. Fill in the gaps with : was,
    wasn’t, were, weren’t

    1) There two lemons in the fridge yesterday.

    2) The boys at school last Wednesday. They stayed at

    3) James at your party last night?

    4) I in London last year. I travelled to Spain.

    №3. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then
    answer the questions.

    1) What time Leo yesterday? (get up)
    — He at 7:15 am.

    2) What he for breakfast? (have) — He
    a sandwich for breakfast.

    3) What time he to school? (go)
    — He to school at 8 o’clock.

    4) What Leo for lunch? (eat) — He
    meat and vegetables.

    5) he coffee? (drink) — No, .

    6) When he home? (get) — He
    home at 3 pm.

    7) he his homework in the afternoon? (do)
    — Yes,

    №4. Read the story and mark the sentences  T
    or F (false).

    da Vinci

    Leonardo da
    Vinci was born on the 15th April, 1452. He lived in a small
    town in Italy with his grandparents. He studied at home and enjoyed music,
    singing and mathematics. At the age of 16 he wanted to study art, so he moved
    to the city of Florence for art classes. Leonardo finished his studies after
    four years. He then worked in Milan as an engineer and he started his life as
    an inventor. In 1500 he went back to Florence and in 1516 he travelled to France where he stayed for the rest of his life.

    Leonardo da
    Vinci lived and worked before people used electricity and petrol for power, but
    he had the first ideas for many machines that we use today. For example, he
    designed the first helicopter but he never made it. He made the first diving
    suit of leather with long pipes to carry the air to the diver. These are just
    some of Leonardo’s hundreds of inventions. He also invented a parachute and
    even high heels!

    inventor — изобретатель

    petrol — бензин

    helicopter — вертолет

    heels — каблуки


    1) Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy. _____

    2) He studied mathematics in Florence. _____

    3) He worked as an engineer in Milan. _____

    4) He made the first electric machine. _____

    5) He invented the diving suit. _____

    Modular Test 7          

     V-  2

    №1. Choose the correct word.

    1) He felt puzzled/tired when he didn’t
    see Lucy at the party.

    2) She was crying and looked bored/miserable.

    3) I’m leaving for New York tomorrow. I’m so excited/puzzled!

    4) After working all day in the office my father felt very scared/tired.

    5) Mum is always worried/excited when Tom
    comes home late.

    №2. Fill in the gaps withwas,
    wasn’t, were, weren’t

    1) Where your brother? I didn’t see him yesterday.

    2) … you late for school? Your teacher called me.

    3) There many people in the park last weekend. It was too

    4) Tina didn’t buy food because she at the supermarket.

    №3. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then
    answer the questions.

    1) What time Laura … yesterday? (get up)
    — She at 7:00 am.

    2) What… she for breakfast? (have)
    She porridge for breakfast.

    3) What time Laura to school? (go)
    — She to school at 8 o’clock.

    4) What she for lunch? (eat) — She tomato

    5) … she tea? (drink) — No,

    6) When she home? (get) — She
    home at 2:30 pm.

    7) … she her homework in the afternoon? (do)
    — Yes, .

    №4. Read the story and mark the sentences  T
    or F (false).

    da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci was
    born on the 15th April, 1452. He lived in a small town in Italy
    with his grandparents. He studied at home and enjoyed music, singing and
    mathematics. At the age of 16 he wanted to study art, so he moved to the city
    of Florence for art classes. Leonardo finished his studies after four years. He
    then worked in Milan as an engineer and he started his life as an inventor. In
    1500 he went back to Florence and in 1516 he travelled to France
    where he stayed for the rest of his life.

    Leonardo da Vinci lived
    and worked before people used electricity and petrol for power, but he had the
    first ideas for many machines that we use today. For example, he designed the
    first helicopter but he never made it. He made the first diving suit of leather
    with long pipes to carry the air to the diver. These are just some of
    Leonardo’s hundreds of inventions. He also invented a parachute and even high

    inventor — изобретатель

    petrol — бензин

    helicopter — вертолет

    heels — каблуки


    1) Leonardo da Vinci liked music and singing. _____

    2) He lived in Florence and studied art for 16 years. _____

    3) He died in France. _____

    4) People didn’t use electricity in the past when Leonardo lived and

    5) He made the first helicopter. _____


    Вариант 1

    №1. (5 points)

    1 — stressed; 2 — scared; 3 — miserable; 4
    — bored; 5 — tired.

    №2. (4 points)

    1 — were; 2 — weren’t; 3 — was; 4 —

    №3. (14 points)

    1 — What time did Leo get up yesterday? —
    He got up at 7:15 am.

    2 — What did he have for breakfast? — He
    had a sandwich for breakfast.

    3 — What time did he go to school? — He
    went to school at 8 o’clock.

    4 — What did Leo eat for lunch? — He ate
    meat and vegetables.

    5 — Did he drink coffee? — No, he didn’t.

    6 — When did he get home? — He got home at
    3 pm.

    7 — Did he do his homework in the
    afternoon? — Yes, he did.

    №4. (5 points) 1T, 2F,
    3T, 4F, 5T.

    Вариант 2

    №1. (5points)

    1 — puzzled; 2 — miserable; 3 — excited; 4
    — tired; 5 — worried.

    №2. (4 points)

    1 — was; 2 — were; 3 — weren’t; 4 —

    №3. (14 points)

    1 — What time did Laura get up yesterday?
    — She got up at 7:00 am.

    2 — What did she have for breakfast? — She
    had porridge for breakfast.

    3 — What time did Laura go to school? —
    She went to school at 8 o’clock.

    4 — What did she eat for lunch? — She ate
    tomato soup.

    5 — Did she drink tea? — No, she didn’t.

    6 — When did she get home? — She got home
    at 2:30 pm.

    7 — Did she do her homework in the
    afternoon? — Yes, she did.

    №4. (5points) 1T, 2F,
    3T, 4T, 5F.


     27-28 points


    21— 26 points


    14- 20 points


    13 > points

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