Fill in with the correct word ask the beauty guru

помогите с английским
Fill in the correct word: soothing, peaches, service, overweight, carbohydrates, dry seeds, boiled, protein, red, atmosphere
.. foods get you moving.
My favourite fruits are apples and …..
In okroshka they use …. vegetables. I don’t like it.
Diary products are rich in …..
Sugar contains many ….
Blue foods are ….
Susan is ….. She should eat less and take regular exercises.
If you have ….., you should eat oily fish, nuts and seeds.
The …. in this restaurant is too slow.
I like this place for its informal and relaxed ….

Ответы на вопрос

1)  red foods get you moving.

2)My favourite fruits are apples and peaches

3)In okroshka they use boiled vegetables. I don’t like it.

4)Diary products are rich in dry seeds

5)Sugar contains many carbohydrates

6)Blue foods are soothing

7)Susan is overweight, she should eat less and take regular exercises.

8)If you have protein you should eat oily fish, nuts and seeds.

9)The service in this restaurant is too slow.

10) I like this place for its informal and relaxed atmosphere

Новые вопросы

Fill in with the correct word. — Вставьте правильные слова.

• Birth • Famous • Date • Profession

1) … painter, scientist, philosopher, architect
2) … of Birth: 15th April, 1452
Place of 3) …
Anchiano, Vinci
Country of Birth: Italy
Mother’s Name: Catarina
Father’s Name: Ser Piero
Teacher’s Name: Andrea De Verrocio
Most 4) … painting: Mona Lisa

Просмотров: 2011 | Добавил: (01.02.2018) (Изменено: 01.02.2018)

Всего ответов: 1

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01.02.2018 оставил(а) комментарий:

Name: Leonardo Da Vinci — Имя: Леонардо Да Винчи
1 ) Profession: painter, scientist, philosopher, architect — Профессия: художник, ученый, философ, архитектор
2 ) Date of Birth: 15th April, 1452 — Дата рождения: 15 апреля 1452 года
Place of 3) Birth: Anchiano, Vinci — Место рождения: Анчиано, Винчи
Country of Birth: Italy — Страна рождения: Италия
Mother’s Name: Catarina — Имя матери: Катарина
Father’s Name: Ser Piero — Имя отца: Сер Пьеро
Teacher’s Name: Andrea De Verrocio — Имя учителя: Андреа Де Верроцио
Most 4) famous painting: Mona Lisa — Самая известная картина: Мона Лиза

1 Fill in the correct word.

radio, record, interesting articles, gossip, weather, text messages, fashion and beauty
1. I like reading the newspapers for all its ______ ______.

2. The athlete broke the ____________ last year at the Olympic Games.

3. I heard my favourite songs on the _________________ last night.

4. My sister buys a popular magazine to read ______________ about famous people.

5. Tom likes to send (отправлять) ______________ to his friends.

6. Sara buys a lot of magazines for its ___________ advice.

7. I always read the _________________ reports in the newspapers.

2 Match

8. interesting wildlife a message

9. international b interview

10. listen to c show
11. chat d documentary

12. weather e news

13. text f report

14. fashion and beauty g drama

15. police h programme

16. cookery i advice

3 Fill in the gaps with off, with, on:

Go….. . I am listening to you.

This blouse goes well….. your skirt.

You must use these cakes soon before they go…..

My alarm clock went…… at 7 o’clock.

4 Put the verbs in the Past Continuous:

Mother (to watch) _______________________TV when he arrived.

Tom (to play) _______________________ computer games at 9 pm yesterday.

Bob and Mark (to read)_______________________ magazines when their father came.

She (to send) _______________________ e-mails until 10 pm last night.

His father (to recover) _______________________ in hospital for three weeks after his fall.

5 Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous:

They (to do)____________ their homework when their father (to come) ____________.

His parents (to read) ____________ while Tom (to sleep) ____________.

When Ann (to watch) ____________ the film, her sister (to dance) ____________.

Mother (to cook) ____________dinner when Kate (to hear) ____________ a noise.

John (to read) ____________ a magazine when the phone (to ring) ____________.

6 Read the text and answer the questions.

Sun Shines On Fun Run

On 12th June, a ‘Fun Run ‘took place in the town of Sunnyfield. A group of sixteen-years-old students from the local high school came up with the idea and over 500 people of all ages took part.

Luckily, it was a sunny day. Everyone had fun running, walking or skate-boarding the 10-mile distance. Thanks the event, 2,346$ was raised for the charity ‘Cancer Care’.

Suzie Hamilton, one of the students who organized the run, said, “We wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.”

The local headmaster was so proud, he decided to make the event part of the school’s years calendar.

When was a ‘Fun Run ‘?

Who took part in this event? (событие, мероприятие)

Who organized the run?

What did the local headmaster decide to make?

What was the result of the event?

помогите пожалуйста :)

1 .  

1. I made a pumpkin pie and toffee apples for the party.

2. People watch a fireworks display on Guy Fawkes Day.

3. In Britain they make wreaths on May Day.

4. Look! The kids are throwing streamers!

5. We celebrate New Year’s Day on the 1st January.

6. People wish each other Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

7. We also hope a new year will bring wealth and good luck.

8. Pupils decorate their classroom with balloons and wallpapers.


1. make a cake

2. do homework

3. make a phone call

4. make tea

5. do the gardening

6. make a special dish

7. do the shopping

8. make the decorations

9. do the washing up

10. do the dusting


1. What аre they cooking for the party?

2. She isn’t wearing a witch costume.

3. Susan is decorating the room for the holiday.

4. What special dish is she making?

5. Why is he taking pictures?

6. I am not making a telephone call now.

7. They are taking nice pictures.


1. What are the children doing?

2. Megan is making a cake now.

3. Look! The clowns are performing tricks!

4. Listen! Is that your brother playing the drums?

5. Pupils aren’t decorating the hall.

6. Are people in the street watching a parade?

7. I’m not listening to music. I’m watching a concert on TV.

8. Where are you going?

9. His friends are playing “pin the tail on the donkey”.

10. Andrew is blowing the horns.

5 .  

1. I’d like to send some flowers. D. What do you have in mind?

2. When would you like to send them? E. On the morning of April 7th.

3. Would you like to include the card? A. Sure. I have it ready.

4. Who are they for? B. For Mary McMillan.

5. That will be 20 pounds including delivery  C. Here you are.

6. Read the e-mail. Are the statements True (T) or False (F)

Dear Helen and Martin,

We are having a great time in Scotland. We are sitting in a café near the sea. Steve is reading a magazine and I’m writing this e-mail to you. But Linda is really bored here, she is sitting in her room and watching TV.

We usually go to Spain every summer but this year we wanted to see Scotland. We go for walks every day in the mountains. We don’t go swimming. It’s too cool! Linda is really missing London.

See you soon.

Steve, Ann and Linda.

1. Steve, Ann and Linda are on holiday in Spain. False (they are in Scotland)

2. Steve and Ann are sitting in a café. True

3. Linda is swimming in the sea. False (she is sitting in her room and watching TV)

4. Linda is enjoying the rest. False (she is bored)

5. Steve is reading a magazine. True

6. Ann is sending e-mails. True

7. They usually go to Scotland. False (they usually go to Spain)

8. They like swimming in Spain. False (об этом вообще не сказано)

9. They go for walks to the beach. False (they walk in the mountains)

10. The weather is not very warm. True

11. Linda is happy there. False



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Помогите пожалуйста !A Fill in the correct, record, interesting articles, gossip, weather, text messages, fashion and beauty . 1. I like reading the newspapers for all its ______ ______.
2. The athlete broke the _____ last year at the Olympic Games.
3. I heard (слушал) my favourite songs on the ____ last night.
4. My sister buys (покупает) a popular magazine to read _____ about famous people.
5. Tom likes to send (отправлять) ______ to his friends.
6. Sara buys a lot of magazines for its ____ _____ advice.
7. I always read the _____ reports in the newspapers.

Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

Воспользуйся формой подбора репетитора и занимайся онлайн. Пробный урок — бесплатно!

Ответы и объяснения 1



1. interesting articles
2. record
3. radio
4. gossip
5. text messages
6. fashion and beauty
7. weather

Знаете ответ? Поделитесь им!


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  • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
    побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

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  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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