Fill in the suitable words there is one extra word

1) The process of carbon emissions is when cars and plants burn oxygen and make carbon dioxide co2. (Carbon emission — выбросы карбона из растений и автомобилей)

2) The word global describes something that is related to the whole world. (Глобальный — что-то, связанное со всем миром)

3) To reuse means to use something more than once not to throw things away. (Reuse — использовать заново, то есть, больше чем 1 раз)

4)  To recycle means process unnecessary plastic, paper or glass so that it could be used again. (Перерабатывать — что-то делать с ненужными пластиком или бумагой, чтобы их можно было использовать еще раз)

5) To reduce means to make the amount of something, that you see, less. (Уменьшить — значит сделать значение чего-то меньше.)

6) The world weather is getting warmer because the level of CO2 is increasing. It is called climate change. (Изменения климата — погода становится теплее из-за уровня СО2)

7) Pieces of rubbish that people drop down or leave on the ground in public places are called litter. (Одним словом мусор на улице — waste)

8) So called smoke is often produced when something burns. It can be a black, grey or white mixture of some carbon and gas. (Дым — то, что появляется после того, как что-то горит)

9) The condition in the atmosphere, for example, hot ,cold,cloudy, sunny or wet, are called the weather. (Состояние в атмосфере, то есть теплое, солнечное, холодное, облачное или влажное — погода)

Task 1. Listen to the story and fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box as in the example, there is one extra word: Go to the link to listen information habitat animal species mammal wild danger safari I’m a real animal lover. I’m fascinated by the whole animalkingdom. I loved animals when I was a kid. I used to read every book I could find on animals. I knew all the different animal 1) The most exciting thing for me was going to the zoo. I would spend hours just watching the animals walk around, sit, or even sleep. When I was older, I went on a 2) to Tanzania. I saw real 3) animals in the wild. Everyone should do this once in their lives. Looking at animals in their natural 4) is a real honour. Now I’m worried about the future of many animals. Some of my favourite animals are in 5) f dying out. We really need to change our lifestyle so our children can have the chance f seeing animals in the wild​

  • 0

Кто знает, помогите пожалуйста
Complete the sentences. There is one extra word in the box.
1.When the director says Action! , they ———— filming.
2. When the director says ‘Cut’, they————— filming.
3. Jill ————— dancing. She wants to be a singer.
4. Maxim————- dancing. He never dances.
5.Nikita———— diving every summer.

И табличка:

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1 start

2 stop


4 hates

5 goes

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1 start

2 stop


4 hates

5 goes

  • Комментариев (0)


I. Fill in the suitable words

a) will b) won’t c)would d)wouldn’t

1. What____ you do if you won lots of money?

2. If you make so much noise. I___ be able to sleep.

3. If l were you, I___ buy a new bicycle

4. If my train is late, I___ take a taxi

5. I —finish the work if you don’t help me

6. If he hadn’t cut his finger, it ___not have hurt for weeks..

7. I ____ give you 5 dollars if you do me a favour.

II. Fill in

a) would b) have c) had

1. If she___ not driven so fast, she not crashed her car

2. I wish I___ washed my clothes yesterday

3. I only wish I____ just a little bit more money

4. If he____ failed his exams, he couldn’t study at the university

5. If I saw a mouse in the kitchen., I____ try to catch it

6. If you ____ a video, you could record it yourself

7. I wish I ____ an elephant. I could travel through the jungle

8. I wish they____ stop making so much noise so that I could concentrate

Народ помогите срочно!!!!!!
По английскому задали два номера не могу сделать.
пятое задание
Make up the words/
1. a dish a) room
2. an arm b) case
3. a bath c)washer
4. a book d)board
5. a cup e) chair

и шестое задание.
Fill in the gaps with sutable words

bathroom bedroom wardrobe carpet
cupboard curtains utility room attic
1. We usually keep old furniture in the___________________.
2. We take a shower in the______________.
3. People sleep and get dressed in their___________.
4.Dishes and cups are in the kitchen______________.
5.People often watch television and spend time together in the____________.
6. You hand clothes in the_________________.
7. A_______________is a machine where you put dirty plates and it washes them.
8. We have a fluffy___________on the flooor.
9. You draw the__________to make the room darker.
10. We keep large equipment, like the washing machine in the____________.
Пожалуйста помогите срочно

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  • Fill in the spaces with the correct word
  • Fill in the space with an appropriate word
  • Fill in the sentences with the correct word in the list well thought
  • Fill in the sentences with the correct word i know
  • Fill in the sentences with the correct word from below while i was on holiday