Fill in the spaces with the correct word

Помогите пожалуйста для зачета контрольную сделать, по английскому
I. Choose the correct tense form in sentences 1-6.
1. They……………. the bridge at last.
a) have built; b) had built
2. We…………….. for you since three o’clock.
a) had been waiting; b) have been waiting
3. He…………….. his exams by next June.
a) will have passed; b) will have been passing
4. Mr Jones, who………… for some time, frowned.
a) had written; b) had been writing
5. By that time I…………. all my letters.
a) have written; b) had written
6. Next month he………… with us for ten years.
a) will have worked; b) will have been working

II. Complete the verb form.
1. The sun…… set by the time we reach home.
a) had b) will have; c) has
2. I……… trying to solve this problem for an hour.
a) had been b) will have been c) have been
3. During the last twenty years science……… made tremendous advances.
a) has b) had c) will have
4. When I returned home, I noticed that all my plants …….died.
a) have been ; b) have c) had
5. We……. been smoking for some time in silence, when he spoke.
a) had b) have c) will have
6. How long….. we have been working together next spring?
a) would b) will c) should

III. Select the right verb form from the a, b, c, d variants.
1. Our school ……….. every team it has played so far this season.
a) had beaten; b) has been beating; c) has beaten; d) had been beating
2. When I called at his house, they told me he……… an hour before.
a) had been leaving; b) had left; c) has been leaving; d) has left
3. We were thirsty because we………….. in the sun.
a) have walked; b) have been walking; c) had walked; d) had been walking
4. We ……….. this book for three months next week.
a) have been translating; b) have translated; c) will have translated; d) will have been translating
5. They ……….. their minds by the election time next April.
a) have made up; b) had made up; c) will have made up; d) will have been making up
6. You look so pleased. You…………… again.
a) had shopped; b) have shopped; c) had been shopping; d) have been shopping

IV. Fill in the spaces with the correct time » word/words.
1. They have………… dispatched the post.
a) soon; b) lately; c) already
2. We will have spent all the money…….
a) soon; b) in a month; c) by then
3. 1 knew the man. I had met him…….
a) before; b) since the war; c) for an hour
4. It has been raining……….
a) often; b) always; c) since 5 o’clock
5 ……….had she been talking when I came in?
a) how often; b) how long; c) how soon
6. In May I will have been using this computer………
a) very often; b) for three months; c) for long

V. Translate the underlined words
1.Когда мы вернемся, он уже уедет (go away).
2.Он разыскивал тебя (look for) по всему дому с утра, когда ты позвонил.
3.С тех пор она больше не приезжала.
4.До приезда в наш город они жили в деревне.
5.Ты слышишь меня? Я говорю с тобой уже целых пять минут.
6.Завтра будет пять лет, как я путешествую по этой стране.

.VI. Read the passage below and write the appropriate form of each verb in brackets.
Dear Luke,
I (1. write) …….. letters to you all over the world these last three years. We (2. spend) …….. together about five years all in all since our wedding. Before you started this last project of yours, the children and I (3. travel) …….. along with you for some time. But now the children (4. grow up) ……… and (5. go) …….. to school and University, and I (6. start) ……. work on my own career of a painter. I want to have a permanent home. I (7. look for) ……… a suitable plot of land to build a house and at last I (8. find) …… a beautiful place. The construction already (9.begin) …….. By the way, I was able to buy some land when 1(10. sell) ……. three of my pictures. So, when you return, the builders (11. finish) the first floor, and I (12. live) ……… there for at least three months already.

VII. Write the correct «tag» to complete the question.
1. They haven’t started the tests yet,………………. ?
2. They will have already left by that time,…………….. ?
3. He has had the same car for ten years,……………… ?
4. They didn’t drop everything when they had been making such good progress,… ?
5. You have never thought about it,………………. ?
6. They have been coming and going all these years,………….. ?

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Fill in the spaces with the correct «time» words. 3. He played football … a) lately; b) forever; c) when at University. 4. I was upset to …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Fill in the spaces with the correct «time» words. 3. He played football … a) lately; b) forever; c) when at University. 4. I was upset to learn that you would … be leaving home at nine o’clock. a) often; b) soon; c) just 5. They are coming …

By the time we reached the store where he was, he half the stock.

  1. bought;
    b) was buying; c) had bought; d) had been buying

I a lot of new clothes recently.

  1. am buying; b) buy; c) have
    been buying; d) have bought

3.The package you for since
June has only just arrived.

  1. were looking; b) have looked;
    c) have been looking; d) look

4.We to the opera at least
six times last winter.

  1. had gone; b) were going; c)
    went; d) had been going

5.He looked worn out because
he all night.

  1. had been working; b) worked;
    c) was working; d) had worked

6.They him when he tries
to cross the border.

  1. will have been shooting; b)
    will be shooting; c) will shoot; d) will have shot

7. At last I the key that
was lost yesterday.

  1. found; b) have found; c)
    find; d) had found

8 .When I this letter, I
will be glad to go with you.

will finish; b) will have finished; c) am finishing; d) have finished

9 .I him on my way home the
other day.

had met; b) have met; c) met; d) was meeting

10 .She isn’t crying, she

was peeling; b) peeled; c) has been peeling; d) is peeling

11. This time tomorrow I
over the Pacific.

  1. am flying; b) will be flying;
    c) fly; d) will fly

12. He to the concert so
often before, that he did not want to go

that night.

  1. went; b) has gone; c) had
    been going; d) had gone

II. Complete the verb form.

When the pirates opened the chest they found that someone …………..
taken the map.

a) have; b) were; c) had

2. Hurry up! He expecting
you for some time.

a) is; b) has been; c) was

3 you brought the letter I
sent you?

a) have; b) were; c) did

4. We spending our holidays
here. We are happy here.

a) have been; b) are; c) were

5 he ever smile?

a) do; b) did; c) does

6. I never forget what you
have told me.

a) don’t; b) have; c) will

III. Fill in the spaces with the correct «time» words.

1. They haven’t arrived

a) soon; b) yet; c) still

2.We haven’t seen him

a) often; b) long ago; c)

3.She will be working

a) at this time tomorrow; b)
often; c) soon

4.They stay at this hotel.

a) already; b) seldom; c) for

5 have you been going to
this school?

how long; b) how often; c) how soon

IV. Translate the underlined word.

  1. Он
    английский к завтрашнему уроку.

  2. Полиция
    за этим грабителем со
    среды. _____________________________

3. Я
в средней школе в Спрингфилде три
года. ____________________________________.

  1. Я
    этот очерк три раза, но так и не понимаю
    его. ____________________

  2. Я
    в парке по утрам.

  3. Позвони
    мне перед выходом, и я встречу
    тебя. ________________________.

V. Read the passage below and write the appropriate form of each verb in brackets.

They shared the car to the

(1. go) … the theatre after dinner,» Mrs. Elliot said. «I
(2. look)
forward to it. I (3. not/be)……
to the theatre for weeks. There (4. be) such an exciting atmosphere
in the theatre, don’t you agree? You (5. visit) the theatre often
London, dear?»

«Quite often», Sara
agreed. «I (6. enjoy) it, too.»

this friend of yours a close friend?» Mrs. Elliot asked. Sara
hesitated. «I (7. see) ……….
quite a lot of him lately,» she admitted. The car (8. stop)
…….. at
the hotel and Sara (9. go) ………..

Perry (10. wait) for her in
the entrance hall. She (11. decide)

to tell him everything after they (12. eat) ;

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Страница 16 из 53

*A. Fill in the correct word. Вставьте правильное слово.

• weekly • ghost • ruined • puzzled • rush • knock • mines • worried • introduce • naughty • loud
e.g. He heard a loud noise and ran.

1. The streets were empty. It was like a ghost town.
2. The police were puzzled. They had no idea who stole the money.
3. Can I introduce myself? My name is Henry Smith.
4. Fred was very naughty yesterday. He didn’t do his homework.
5. There were many ruined buildings in the town that people wanted to rebuild.
6. There are a lot of weekly health magazines that give good advice about diets.
7. We have got a lot of time. You don’t need to rush.
8. She was worried because her sister didn’t come home after school.
9. You must knock on the door before you enter my room.
10. There are many gold mines in South Africa.


например, Он услышал громкий шум и побежал.
1. Улицы были пусты. Это было похоже на город−призрак.
2. Полиция была озадачена. Они понятия не имели, кто украл деньги.
3. Могу я представиться? Меня зовут Генри Смит.
4. Фред вчера был очень непослушным. Он не сделал уроки.
5. В городе было много разрушенных зданий, которые люди хотели восстановить.
6. Есть много еженедельных журналов о здоровье, которые дают полезные советы о диетах.
7. У нас много времени. Тебе не нужно торопиться.
8. Она волновалась, потому что ее сестра не пришла домой после школы.
9. Вы должны постучать в дверь, прежде чем войти в мою комнату.
10. В Южной Африке много золотых шахт.

*B. Match the adjectives to their opposites. Сопоставь прилагательное с его противоположным по значению.

e.g. wealthy B

11. relaxed     C
12. crowded   A
13. clean        E
14. beautiful   F
15. busy         D

A. deserted
B. poor
C. stressed
D. quiet
E. polluted
F. ugly

11 – C, 12 – A, 13 – E, 14 – F, 15 – D.


например, богатый B
11. расслабленный
12. многолюдный
13. чистый
14. красивый
15. занятой

А. заброшенный
B. бедный
C. напряженный
D. тихий
E. загрязненный
F. некрасивый

*C. Complete the types of buildings. Завершите типы построек.

e.g. garage

16. hotel
17. post office
18. restaurant
19. saloon
20. school


например, гараж
16. отель
17. почтовое отделение
18. ресторан
19. бар
20. школа

*D. Write the correct past form of the irregular verbs. Напишите правильную форму прошедшего времени неправильных глаголов.

e.g. have – had

21. drink – drank
22. see – saw
23. go – went
24. find – found
25. hear – heard
26. come – came
27. read – read
28. give – gave
29. make – made
30. be – was / were


например, иметь − имел
21. пить − пил
22. видеть − видел
23. идти − ходил
24. найти − нашел
25. слышать − слышал
26. приходить − пришел
27. читать − читал
28. давать − давал
29. сделать − сделал
30. быть – был / были

*E. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. Запишите глаголы в скобках в форме Past Simple.

e.g. Judy went (go) to the cinema with friends last night.

31. Mike walked (walk) to school yesterday.
32. Walt Disney died (die) in 1966.
33. I spent (spend) €40 on a new dictionary.
34. My parents decided (decide) to take a few days off work and paint the house.
35. Mark didn’t sing  (not / sing) at the karaoke last night.
36. Our teacher said (say) that the class was very good today.
37. Peter shouted (shout) at his sister this morning.
38. My grandparents met (meet) during the war.
38. Be careful. We paid (pay) a lot of money for that vase.
40. I’m sorry. I didn’t do (not / do) my homework last night.


например, Вчера вечером Джуди ходила (ходить) в кино с друзьями.
31. Майк вчера ходил в школу пешком.
32. Уолт Дисней умер в 1966 году.
33. Я потратил 40 евро на новый словарь.
34. Мои родители решили взять отпуск на несколько дней и покрасить дом.
35. Марк вчера вечером не пел в караоке.
36. Наша учительница сказала, что класс (урок) сегодня был очень хорошим.
37. Питер накричал на сестру сегодня утром.
38. Мои бабушка и дедушка познакомились во время войны.
38. Будьте осторожны. Мы заплатили много денег за эту вазу.
40. Мне очень жаль. Вчера вечером я не сделала домашнее задание.

*F. Choose the correct response. Выбери правильный ответ.

e.g. What was in it? C

41. Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s Office?   A
42. Here you are.                                         D
43. Do any of these look familiar?                F
44. Thank you very much.                            B
45. What does it look like?                           E

A. Yes. What can I do for you?
B. You’re welcome.
C. Some money and a camera.
D. Thank you.
E. It’s black with a silver handle.
F. Yes, the one in the corner is mine.

41 – A, 42 – D, 43 – F, 44 – B, 45 – E.


например, Что в нем было? C
41. Простите. Это офис мистера Брауна?
42. Вот, держите.
43. Что−нибудь из этого вам знакомо?
44. Большое спасибо.
45. Как это выглядит?

А. Да. Что я могу сделать для вас?
B. Пожалуйста.
C. Немного денег и фотоаппарат.
D. Спасибо.
E. Он черный с серебряной ручкой.
F. Да, тот, что в углу, мой.

*G. Read the text and choose the best word A, B or C for each space. Прочтите текст и выберите лучшее слово A, B или C для каждого пропуска.

Saturday, 14th June
I had a great day! I woke up 46) at 8 o’clock and the sky 47) was blue. I met Larry and George at the port at nine and we left for Little Island. The sea was calm and the trip only 48) took an hour. When we 49) arrived, we went swimming and then we had a picnic on the beach.
50) In the afternoon we went for a walk around the island. We found an empty house on the top of a hill. There 51) were a lot of strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool!
When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but then the sea was 52) very rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We 53) were afraid but it was also fun. It took 54) us two hours to get back but we arrived safely.
When I got home, mum was very worried but I 55) told her that I had had a really great day!

e.g. A. an B. the C. a

46. A. on      B. at      C. of
47. A. had    B. was   C. were
48. A. was    B. last   C. took
49. A. came B. got    C. arrived
50. A. On     B. In      C. At
51. A. were  B. was   C. had
52. A. much B. lot     C. very
53. A. was    B. were C. are
54. A. our     B. us     C. them
55. A. said   B. heard C. told

46 – B, 47 – B, 48 – C, 49 – C, 50 – B, 51 – A, 52 – C, 53 – B, 54 – B, 55 – C.


Суббота, 14 июня
У меня был отличный день! Я проснулся 46) в 8 часов и небо 47) было синим. Я встретил Ларри и Джорджа в порту в девять, и мы отправились на Литл−Айленд. Море было спокойным и поездка 48) заняла всего час. Когда мы 49) приехали, мы пошли купаться, а потом устроили пикник на пляже.
50) Днем мы пошли гулять по острову. Мы нашли пустой дом на вершине холма. Там 51) было много странных картин на стенах дома. Это было круто!
Когда мы вышли из дома, небо было серым, а потом пошел дождь. Мы решили покинуть остров, но тогда море было 52) очень бурным. Лодка двигалась вверх−вниз и из стороны в сторону. Нам 53) было страшно, но было весело. 54) Нам потребовалось два часа, чтобы вернуться, но мы прибыли благополучно.
Когда я пришел домой, мама очень волновалась, но я 55) сказал ей, что у меня был действительно отличный день!

*H. You will hear two people talking about a town in the past. Listen and circle the correct answer A, B or C. Вы услышите, как два человека говорят о городе в прошлом. Прослушайте и обведите правильный ответ A, B или C.

e.g. Mary and her Grandpa are looking at
A. old photographs.
B. old paintings.
C. old books.

56. In the place of the Cathedral Hotel, there is
     A. a music college.
     B. an art college.
     C. a business college.
57. In the past, Manchester was
     A. interesting.
     B. dangerous.
     C. beautiful.
58. A lot of people worked in
     A. restaurants.
     B. the mines.
     C. shops.
59. In the past, Market Street was
     A. busy.
     B. quiet.
     C. boring.
60. Today, the library has
     A. many visitors.
     B. very few visitors.
     C. no visitors at all.

56 – A, 57 – A, 58 – B, 59 – A, 60 – A.


например, Мэри и ее дедушка смотрят
А. старые фотографии.
B. старые картины.
C. старые книги.
56. На месте гостиницы «Собор» находится
А. музыкальное училище.
B. художественный колледж.
C. бизнес−колледж.
57. В прошлом Манчестер был
А. интересный.
B. опасный.
C. красивый.
58. Многие люди работали в
A. рестораны.
B. шахты.
C. магазины.
59. В прошлом Маркет−стрит была
A. оживленной.
B. тихой.
C. скучной.
60. Сегодня в библиотеке
A. много посетителей.
B. очень мало посетителей.
C. никаких посетителей.

Аудио к заданию:

− Grandad, this old photography exhibition is very interesting. Look! This picture is from 1900s. Does that building still exist today?
− No, that was the “Cathedral” hotel. Today in its place there is a modern building – the College of Music.
− I see. Grandad, was Manchester very different when you were young?
− Yes, a lot of things have changed but it has never stopped to be interesting city to live in.
− Really? What was different by then?
− First of all, a lot of people worked in the mines. It was really hard work and very dangerous. And back then Manchester wasn’t as beautiful as it is now. Market Street, for example, was busy with people doing their shopping but it didn’t have as many nice buildings as it does today.
− Oh, yes. Those modern glass buildings are very beautiful but I like old buildings like the Portico Library.
− Oh, the Library! It had so many visitors back then!
− It’s still the same. A lot of people visit the Portico Library today, even though they’ve got televisions and the Internet.
− That’s true!

Перевод аудио:

− Дедушка, эта старинная фотовыставка очень интересна. Смотри! Это фото 1900−х годов. Это здание все еще существует сегодня?
− Нет, это была гостиница «Собор». Сегодня на его месте находится современное здание − Музыкальный колледж.
− Понятно. Дедушка, Манчестер был совсем другим, когда ты был молод?
− Да, многое изменилось, но жить в этом городе всегда интересно.
− В самом деле? Что изменилось с того времени?
− Во−первых, много людей работало на шахтах. Это была действительно тяжелая работа и очень опасная. И тогда Манчестер не был таким красивым, как сейчас. Маркет−стрит, например, была заполнена людьми, делавшими покупки, но на ней было не так много красивых зданий, как сегодня.
− О, да. Эти современные стеклянные здания очень красивы, но мне нравятся старые здания, такие как библиотека Портик.
− О, библиотека! Тогда в ней было столько посетителей!
− Все до сих пор также. Многие люди сегодня посещают библиотеку Портик, даже несмотря на то, что у них есть телевизоры и Интернет.
− Это правда!

3 rd of course TEST

Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

  1. Turn on your computer. It will usually take a few minutes to ______.

      1. boot itself

      2. *boot up

      3. c) get booted

      4. d) –

Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

  1. Windows XP. Macintosh OSX and Linux are________.

* a)Operatin system

b) operating tools

c) –

d) operators

Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

  1. On my computer. I have a picture of my cat as the _________.

  1. *Desktop background

  2. b) desktop picture

  3. c) —

  4. d) desktop scene.

Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.(1-6).

  1. Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat and CorelDraw are programs or________.

  1. Applicators

  2. appliers

  3. & applications

  4. d) -.

Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

  1. To open Microsoft Word, click on the _______.

  1. Picture

  2. Symbol

  3. * icon

  4. d)-

Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

  1. I keep all my digital photos in a _____ called “Photos”.

  1. *Folder

  2. Packet

  3. Box

Choose the right answer.

  1. The operating system for a computer does the following:

  1. Manages the disks and files

  2. Manages the computer’s resources

  3. Manages the computer’s memory

  4. * All of the above

Choose the right answer.

  1. Spooling helps because_____.

  1. It is a more secure method of accessing data

  2. Print jobs go more smoothly with less stop and go

  3. * The computer is released to do other things while still printing

  4. none of the above

Choose the right answer.

  1. A proprietary operating system is_______.

  1. *Unique to a manufacturer

  2. Similar to those of other manufacturers

  3. Used by many different computer manufacturers

  4. Properly configured to operate

Choose the right answer.

  1. A computer’s BIOS will _____.

  1. Check for the presence of peripherals like mouse, sound card, scanner

  2. Defragments the hard disk

  3. * Be loaded first when the computer is powered on

  4. None of the above

Choose the right answer.

11.Windows versions before Windows 95 _____.

a) are proprietary operating systems

b) are not operating systems at all

c) were the first successful graphical operating systems

d) both b and c


12. A backup program _____.

*a) makes a copy of files you select.

b) returns you to the previous program

c) undoes the last change you made

d) none of the above

13. An operating system or other program that has reached end-of-life in its life cycle will_____.

a) no longer work

b) still work but will not get new updates except for

*c) still work but will not get any updates or support at all

d) automatically upgrade to the next newest version

14. When a computer is”swapping”, it is_____.

a) moving data from the hard drive to a removable drive

*b) moving data from memory to the swap file on the hard drive

c) moving data between registers in memory

d) none of the above

15. A computer virus can be _______.

a) annoying only

b) damaging to your data

c) copied without your knowledge onto removable drives used in the infected computer

*d) all of the above

16. A foreground task has more ______ than a background task.

a) buffers

b) microseconds

c) registers

*d) time slices

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

17. «____a drink?»

«Yes, please. I’ll have an orange juice.»

A) Do you like

B) Are you liking

*C) Would you like

D) Did you like

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

18. «What____at the weekend?»

«I like putting my feet up and relaxing. Sometimes I play tennis.»

A) will you iike to do

* B} do you like doing

C) would you like to do

D) are you like to do

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

19. «____you r teacher ?»

«Yes, she’s very nice.»

A) Did you like

B) Would you like

C) Will you like

* D) Do you like

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

20. «What____to do in the evening?»

«Why don’t we pop round and see Pat and Peter?»

A) do you like

B) are you

*C) would you like

D) did you like

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

21. «____for walks?»

«What a good idea! It’s so hot today!»

A) Are you going to go

B) Did you like going

C) Do you like going

*D) Would you like to go

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

22. «My bag is so heavy.»

«Give it to me.____it for you.»

A) I’m going to carry

B) I carry

*C) I’ll carry

D) I carried

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

23. I bought some warm boots today because_____skiing.

A) I went

*B) I’m going

C) I’ll go

D) I go

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

24. «Tonys tack from holiday.» «____him a ring.»

*A) I’ll give

B) I gave

C) I’m going give

D) I give

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

25. «What are you doing tonight?» «We____a play at the theatre.»

A) saw

B) will see

*C) are going to see

D) seeing

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

26 You can tell me your secret. I_____anyone.

A) am not going tell

*B) won’t tell

C) don’t tell

D) didn’t tell

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

27. «I need to post these fetters.»

«I____shopping soon. I_____them for you.»

A) will go / will post

* B) am going / will post

C) am going / am going post

D) go / am going to post

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

28. «Now, holidays. Where_____this year?»

«We don’t know yet.»

A) did you go

B) you going

*C) will you go

D) do you going

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

29. We’ve decided____married in the spring.

A) get

*B) to get

C) getting

D) got

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

30. I hope____some money soon.

A) earning

B) earn

*C) to earn

D) to earning

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

31. I want____a film on TV this evening.

A) seeing

B) see

C) see to

*D) to see

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

32. Some people like____breakfast in bed, but I don’t.

*A) having

B) too have

C) have

D) had

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

33. I’m looking forward_____you again soon.

A) to see

B) seeing

*C) to seeing

D) see

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

34. I_____my job soon.

A) think changing

*B) am thinking of changing

C) am thinking to change

D) think change

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

35. This book is full_____pictures.

A) with

B) in

C) to

*D) of

— Infinitive, gerund — Going to, will — Prepositions

36. Julie is married_____Sam.

A) in

B) with

*C) to

D) at

— Present Perfect & Past Simple — For & since — Adverbs (slowly, carefully, just, still, too) — Relative Clause (who, which, that)

37. _____to a rock concert?

A) Were you ever go

*B) Have you ever been

C) Do you ever go

D) Have you ever go

38. 1_____the champion last week.

*A) saw

B) have seen

C) see

D) seen

39. I love rock and roll. I_____it all my life.

A) am liking

B) like

C) liking

*D) have liked

40. The Flash’s concert_____fantastic 3 years ago.

*A) was

B) has been

C) have been

D) are

41. I_____all their records since then.

A) bought

B) buy

C) buyed

*D) have bought

42. The Flash_____together for over fifteen years.

A) are

*B) have been

C) are being


43. He’s my sister’s son. He’s my_____.

A) uncle

*B) nephew

C) niece

D) bride

44. I run in races. I’m a(n)_____.

A) pilot

B) teenager

* C) athlete

D) chef

45. In my job I wear the latest fashions. I’m a(n)_____.

A) actor

B) professor

C) nurse

*D) model

46. I serve you drinks on a plane flight. I’m a_____.

A) cousin

*B) flight attendant

C) niece

D) child

47. I cook food for a restaurant. I’m a(n)_____.

*A) chef

B) musician

C) uncle

D) professor

48. The wedding was wonderful. The_____looked beautiful, and the

_____was very handsome.

A) bridegroom / bride

B) niece / nephew

*C) bride / bridegroom

D) sir / madam

49. He’s the man_____Anna loves.

A) which

B) *

C) this

D) when

50. The film star gave a party_____cost $ 10.000.

A) —

B) who

*C) which

D) where

51. The man______you met at the party was a famous film star.

*A) who

B) when

C) where

D) which

52. What’s the name of the woman_____was wearing the gold dress?

A) —

B) which

C) where

*D) who

53. You’re reading the book_____I wanted to read.

A) when

B) who

*C) which

D) where

54. There’s someone at the door_____wants to speak to George.

*A) who

B) that

C) which

D) —

55. I don’t like food_____is very spicy.

*A) which

B) —

C) who

D) when

56. That’s the dictionary_____Bill gave me for my birthday.

*A) —

B) who

C) when

D) where

57. Those are old cars_____only take leaded petrol.

A) who

B) when


* D) which

58. Do you like the people_____Sarah invited to her party?

A) which

*B) who

C) where

D) when

59. I called Tom at 10.00 in the morning, but he was_____in bed.

A) of course

*B) still

C) only

D) especially

60. It’s our anniversary today. We’ve been_____for fifteen years.

A) at last

B) exactly

*C) together

D) nearly

61. Kate is very fussy about food. She_____eats pasta and crisps.

*A) only

B) hard

C) exactly

D) too

62. She was very ill and_____died, but fortunately, she got better.

A) carefully

*B) nearly

C) too

D) usually

63. «I hate ironing.»

«Me,_____. It’s so boring.»

A) just

B) at last

C) slowly

*D) too

64. I like all Russian novelists,_____Tolstoy.

A) usually

*B) especially

C) together

D) only

65. 1 met her on December 23,_____before Christmas.

A) too

B) slowly

*C) just

D) still

66. _____I have finished this exercise. Thank goodness! It was so boring.

A) Together

*B) At last

C) Exactly

D) |ust

— Second conditional — Might, will, going to — Phrasal verbs |

67. Don’t wait for me. I____late. It depends on the traffic.

A) will be

B) am

*C) might be

D) am going to be

— Second conditional — Might, will, going to — Phrasal verbs

68. «What are you doing tonight?»

«I don’t know. I____out, or I____at home.»

A) will go / am staying

*B) might go / might stay

C) am going / am staying

D) go / stay

— Second conditional — Might, will, going to — Phrasal verbs

69. We have guests coming for Saturday lunch. I____cook roast beef

and Yorkshire pudding. I have bought all the ingredients.

A) might

B) will

* C) am going to cook

D) can

— Second conditional — Might, will, going to — Phrasal verbs

70. A- I’m going to buy George a green shirt. B- I wouldn’t if I were you.

A- Why not?

B- I’m sure he____the green color.

A) might not like

B) will like

C) isn’t going to like

*D) won’t like

— Second conditional — Might, will, going to — Phrasal verbs

71. «Goodbye, darling. I____phone as soon as I arrive.»

«Thanks. Bye!»

A) can

*B) will

C) am going to

D) might

— Second conditional — Might, will, going to — Phrasal verbs

72. Catherine wants to be a politician. Who knows? One day she___

Prime Minister!

A) is going to be

B) will be

*C) might be

D) is

— Second conditional — Might, will, going to — Phrasal verbs

73. ____on your warm coat. It’s cold today.

A) Try

B) Fill

C) Dress

*D) Put

— Second conditional — Might, will, going to — Phrasal verbs

74. Could I____on these shoes, please?

Size nine.

A) look

B) put

*C) try

D) turn

— Second conditional — Might, will, going to — Phrasal verbs

75. Don’t forget to____off the lights when you come to bed.

A) down

*B) turn

C) fall

D) fill

— Second conditional — Might, will, going to — Phrasal verbs

76. You look tired. Sit____and have a cup of tea.

A) away

B) on

*C) down

D) put

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

77. I was born in Africa_____ 1970.

A) on

B) at

*C) in

D) last

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

78. My parents moved back to England_____I was five.

*A) when

B) ago

C) —

D) for

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

79. We lived in Bristol_____three years.

A) last

*B) for

C) at

D) –

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

80. I left college three years_____.

A) nothing

*B) ago

C) for

D) in

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

81. I found a flat on my own_____last year.

A) at

B) for


D) on

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

82. I usually go home_____the weekend.

A) in

B) when

*C) at

B) of

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

83. I didn’t go home____weekend because some friends came to stay.

A) for

*B) last

C) —

D) at

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

84. They arrived_____three o’clock_____the afternoon.

*A) at / in

B) in / for

C) when / ago

D) last /-

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

85. ____Saturday evening we went out to a concert.

A) Last

B) In

C) For

*D) On

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

86.____we got home we listened to some music.

A) For

B) Last

C) Last

*D) When

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

87. We got up late_____Sunday morning.

A) —

B) at

*C) on

D) in

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

88. ____the afternoon we went for a walk.

A) At

B) For

C) On

*D) In

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

89. I bought a car a few weeks_____.

A) last

B) when

*C) ago

D) for

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

90. I had an accident_____last night.

A) in

*B) —

C) on

D) at

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

91. It happened____seven o’clock_____the evening.

A) when / —

B) in / at

C) at / last

*D) at / in

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

92. I took my car to the garage_____this morning.

A) in

B) when

*C) —

D) at

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

93. It will be ready_____two weeks.


*B) in

C) on

D) for

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

94. I____a friend while I_____the shopping

A) was meeting / did

*B) met / was doing

C) meet / do

D) met / did

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

95. I____for my things when I____someone call my name.

A) paid / was hearing

B) pay / heard

C) was paying / hear

*D) was paying / heard

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

96. I____round and_____Paula.

*A) turned / saw

B) was turning/ was seeing

C) turn / was seeing

D) was turning / saw

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

97. She____a bright red coat yesterday.

A) wore

*B) was wearing

C) wear

D) was wear

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

98. We____to have a cup of coffee.

*A) decided

B) were deciding

C) decides

D) will deciding

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

99. While we____a drink, a waiter_____a pile of plates.

A) had / was dropping

B) have / dropped

C) have / drop

* D) were having / dropped

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

100. We all____a terrible shock.

A) were getting

B) gets

С) getting

*D) got

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

101. While the waiter_____up the broken plates, he_____his finger.

A) picked / was cutting

*B) was picking / cut

C) pick / cut

D) picks / cut

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

102. How_____your finger?

A) are you cutting

B) were you cutting

*C) did you cut

D) you cut

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

103. I_____and I_____the knife.

A) cooked / was dropping

B) cook / drop

*C) was cooking / dropped

D) cooked / dropped

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

104. When I_____at the party, everyone_____a good time.

A) was arriving / had

*B) arrived / was having

C) arrived / had

D) arrived / were having

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

105. _____a good time last night?

*A) Did you have

B) Were you having

C) Will you have

D) Are you having

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

106. While I_____to work this morning I_____an old friend.

A) went / meet

B) am going / met

C) go / was meeting

*D) was going / met

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

107. I_____to get up this morning. It_____and it was cold, and my bed

was so warm.

A) don’t want / is raining

B) am not wanting / rains

C) wasn’t wanting / rained

*D) didn’t want / was raining

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

108. I_____to the news on the radio when the phone_____.

A) listened / was ringing

B) am listening / was ringing

*C) was listening / rang

D) listen / is ringing

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

109. But when I_____up the phone, there was no one there.

A) pick

B) am picking

*C) picked

D) was picking

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

110. I_____hello to the children, but they didn’t say anything because

they_____ television.

A) say / watched

*B) said / were watching

C) was / saying

D) said / watched

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

111. What_____at 8.00 last night?

A) did you do

B) you did

*C) were you doing

D) are you doing

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

112. We played tennis_____two hours.

A) during

B) while

C) nothing

*D) for

— Past Simple — Past Continuous — Irregular verbs — Linking words — Prepositions

113. I worked on a farm_____the holidays.

A) for

B) since

C) while

*D) on

— Infinitive, gerund — Describing feelings and situations

114 He agreed____the job as soon as possible.

A) start

B) starting

*C) to start

D) starts

— Infinitive, gerund — Describing feelings and situations

115. I stopped____my book and went to bed.

A) to read

B) read

C) will read

*D) reading

— Infinitive, gerund — Describing feelings and situations

116 My teachers always expected me_____well in exams.

A) did

B) doing

C) do

* D) to do

— Infinitive, gerund — Describing feelings and situations

117. Let me____for the meal. You paid last time.

*A) pay

B) to pay

C) paid

D) paying

— Infinitive, gerund — Describing feelings and situations

118. The dentist told me____more careful when I brush my teeth.

A) will be

B) being

*C) to be

D) be

— Infinitive, gerund — Describing feelings and situations

119. I asked Monica____some stamps.

A) buys

B) buying

*C) to buy

D) buy

— Infinitive, gerund — Describing feelings and situations

120. I never liked____to church when I was a child.

*A) going

B) to do

C) went

D) go

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  • Fill in the sentences with the correct word from below 6 класс