Fill in the sentences with the correct word from below 6 класс




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1 год назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Fill in the sentences with the correct word from below.


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1 год назад

Светило науки — 64 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

1) stunning
6)clean up

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1 год назад

Светило науки — 4 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи


1. Highlight

2. shimmered

3. Glided

4. Reign

5. steered

6. Pose

7. Fossils

8. chariots

9. approached

10. icicles

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Задать вопрос

  1. Fill in the sentences with the correct word from below.

• polluted • swept • affect • poverty • save • habitat • hunting • lay • suffers • raises

1. Sea turtles usually…………………………………………their eggs at night.

2. This town ………………………….from droughts every year.

3. The storm caused landslides which…………………………houses out to sea

4. Don’t swim in the lake; it’s very…………………………….

5. Many of people live in ………………………….in Africa.

6. Doctors……………………………………………..people’s lives every day.

7. The charity………………………….money to help poor families in Africa.

8. It’s against the law to go ………………………………………………for animals without a licence.

9. Tornadoes………………………………………………millions of people every year

10. The observation team monitors animals in their natural………………….

  1. Choose the correct item.

1.Jack had a steep/nasty fall and broke his leg.

2.The charity/volunteer team helped search for survivors after the earthquake

3.Mary promised/achieved the locals to help clean the neighbourhood.

4.The charity event appears/takes place once a year.

5.My uncle sets/makes a donation to a local charity every year

6.Lisa supports many issues/causes, including fighting poverty

  1. Choose the correct item.

1. The hurricane ………. some houses in town last week.

A has destroyed В destroyed C has been destroying

2. Joan ……….as a volunteer since 2010.

A has been working В was working C worked

3.Have you ever……….to Australia?

A go В gone C been

4.Martha……….to Cameroon last year.

A has travelled В was travelling C travelled

5.They haven’t been abroad……….years.

A yet В for C since

6.Mike has……….climbed a mountain.

A ever В never C yet

7.Last weekend, we ………. around the campfire and sang songs.

A sat В have sat C were sitting

8.Peter couldn’t walk because he ……….his ankle.

A has twisted В had twisted C have twisted

9.Bob has……….published his third novel.

A yet В for C just

10.Laura……….in Pakistan since 2008.

A was living В lived C has lived



A Fill in the sentences with the correct word from below.

• polluted  • swept  • affect  • poverty  • save  • habitat  • hunting  • lay  • suffers  • raises

1 Don’t swim in the lake; it’s very ………polluted……….. .

2 It’s against the law to go ……….hunting………………………. for animals without a licence.

3  Millions of people live in ……poverty………….. in Africa.

4 Doctors ………save………………………. people’s lives every day.

5 This city …suffers…………….. from floods every year.

6 The charity …raises…………….. money to help poor families in Africa.

7 The observation team monitors animals in their natural …habitat……………..  

8 Sea turtles usually ……lay………………………. their eggs at night.

9 Hurricanes ………..affect……………………… millions of people every year.

10  The storm caused landslides which …swept…………….. houses out to sea.

B Choose the correct item.

1 Our class makes a donation to a local charity every year.

2  The volunteer team helped search for survivors after the earthquake.

3 Karin supports many issues, including fighting poverty.

4 The charity event takes place once a year.

5 He promised the locals to help clean the neighbourhood.

6 Paul had a steep fall and broke his leg.


C Choose the correct item.

1 The tornado ….B…. some houses in town last week.

 A has destroyed  

 B destroyed

 C has been destroying

2 Peter has …C….. published his third novel.

 A yet B for  C just

3 Have you ever ….B…. to Australia?

 A go B gone C been

4 Trevor has …B….. climbed a mountain.

 A ever B never C yet

5 If their team …A….. better, they would have won the game.

 A had played

 B will play

 C would play

6 They haven’t been abroad ..B…… years.

 A yet B for  C since

7 Martha …A….. as a volunteer since 2010.

 A has been working

 B was working

 C worked

8 Molly ….C…. to Cameroon last year.

 A has travelled

 B was travelling

 C travelled

9 I wish I ….C…. enough money to go on holiday next month.

 A had  B had had  

 C have

10 Last weekend, we …C….. around the campfire and sang songs.

 A sat

 B have sat

 C were sitting

11 Tony couldn’t walk because he …A….. his ankle.

 A has twisted

 B had twisted

 C have twisted

12 Jack isn’t here. He ..B…… skateboarding.

 A has gone B has been going

 C has been

13 Laura …C….. in Pakistan since 2008.

 A was living   B lived   C has lived

14 I wish it ..A…… so much yesterday.

 A didn’t rain

 B hadn’t rained

 C hasn’t rained

15 If I …B….. the lottery, I would donate some money to charity.

 A had won  B won C win  


D Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

                                   тут типа текст должен быть

1 Scott left New York City because he wanted to change jobs. F  

2 Mercy Ships is a charity hospital in Liberia, Africa.  T  

3 Doctors and staff don’t get paid on Mercy Ships.  T  

4 Scott volunteered as a doctor on a floating hospital. F  

5 Unsafe water caused many of the illnesses of Mercy Ships’ patients. T  

6 “Charity: water’s” first project was in Uganda. T  

7 17 million people now receive clean water from Scott’s charity. F  

Everyday English

E Choose the correct response.

1 What are you doing?

2 Would you mind helping me?

3 What time?

4 Can I give you a hand?

5 Around six would be great.  A Of course not!

B At five o’clock.

C Actually, I’ve nearly finished.

D OK, see you tomorrow.

E I’m just collecting donations.

1 ……E………  2 ……C………  3 ……B………  4 …A…………  5 ……D………

Страница 14 из 79

Ответы к рабочей тетради Spotlight 6 класс, страница 17

1. Draw a line to match the words. — Объедините слова


traffic warden — инспектор дорожного движения
traffic lights, — светофор
bicycle lane, — велосипедная дорожка
yellow lines, — желтые линии
seat belt, — ремни безопасности
speed limit, — ограничение скорости
zebra crossing, — пешеходный переход
parking zone, — зона парковки
crash helmet — шлем безопасности

2. Fill in the sentences with the words below. — Дополните предложения с помощью слов ниже.

• driver • road • pavement • signs • careful • ways • cross • flow • side • helmet


Road safety instructions — Правила безопасности на дорогах

Be 1) careful when you cross the street. — Будьте внимательны при переходе дороги
Look both 2) ways before crossing the street. — Посмотрите в обе стороны перед переходом дороги
Walk on the 3) pavement. — Ходите по тротуару.
Follow the traffic 4) signs. — Следуйте сигналам светофора.
Don’t talk to the bus 5) driver. — Не разговаривайте с водителем автобуса.
Don’t run into the 6) road. — Не выбегайте на проезжую часть
Don’t 7) cross between parked cars. — Не переходите дорогу между припаркованными машинами
Ride your bike with the 8) flow of traffic. — Катайтесь на велосипеде по направлению движения потока.
Always wear a bicyclc 9) helmet. — Всегда надевайте велосипедный шлем безопасности
Use the door on the pavement 10) side to get out of the car. — Выходите из машины через дверь со стороны тротуара.

3. a) Fill in the correct imperative. — Вставьте правильную форму повелительного на­клонения глаголов.

• Don’t talk • Look • Wear • Don’t lean


Wear your seat belt. — Пристегивайте ремень безопасности
Look for the zebra crossing. — Ищите зебру для перехода дороги
Don’t lean out of the window. — Не высовывайтесь из окна
Don’t talk on the phone while driving. — Не разговаривайте по телефону во время движения.

b) Match the instructions in Ex. 3a to the pictures (A-D). — Соедините инструкции из упр. 3а с картинками


A 2; B 3; C 4; D 1

4. Fill in the correct preposition by or on. — Вставьте правильный предлог bу или on



Fill in the sentences with the words below.

• driver

• road

• pavement

• signs

• careful

• ways

• cross

• flow

• side

• helmet


• Be
1) _ when you cross the street.

• Look both
2) _ before crossing the street.

• Walk on the
3) _ .

• Follow the traffic
4) _ .

• Don’t talk to the bus
5) _ .

• Don’t run into the
6) _ .

• Don’t
7) _ between parked cars.

• Ride your bike with the
8) _ of traffic.

• Always wear a bicycle
9) _ .

• Use the door on the pavement
10) _ to get out of the car.

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 3a Road safety. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Заполните предложения словами ниже.
• водитель
• дорога
• тротуар
• знаки
• осторожный
• направления
• пересекать
• поток
• сторона
• шлем
• Будьте 1) _ когда переходите улицу.
• Посмотрите оба 2) _ перед переходом улицы.
• Ходите по 3) _.
• Следите за дорожными 4) _.
• Не разговаривайте с 5) _ автобуса.
• Не бегайте на 6) _.
• Не 7) _ между припаркованными машинами.
• Управляйте велосипедом по 8) _ дорожному движению.
• Всегда носите велосипедный 9) _.
• Используйте дверь на тротуар 10) _, чтобы выйти из машины.


• Be
1) careful when you cross the street.

• Look both
2) ways before crossing the street.

• Walk on the
3) pavement.

• Follow the traffic
4) signs.

• Don’t talk to the bus
5) driver.

• Don’t run into the
6) road.

• Don’t
7) cross between parked cars.

• Ride your bike with the
8) flow of traffic.

• Always wear a bicycle
9) helmet.

• Use the door on the pavement
10) side to get out of the car.

Перевод ответа
• Будьте 1) осторожны когда переходите улицу.
• Посмотрите оба 2) направления перед переходом улицы.
• Ходите по 3) тротуару.
• Следите за дорожными 4) знаками.
• Не разговаривайте с 5) водителем автобуса.
• Не бегайте на 6) дорогу.
• Не 7) пересекайте между припаркованными машинами.
• Управляйте велосипедом по 8) направлению дорожного движения.
• Всегда носите велосипедный 9) шлем.
• Используйте дверь на 10) сторону тротуара, чтобы выйти из машины.

1. Draw a line to match the words. — Объедините слова


  • traffic warden — инспектор дорожного движения
  • traffic lights, — светофор
  • bicycle lane, — велосипедная дорожка
  • yellow lines, — желтые линии
  • seat belt, — ремни безопасности
  • speed limit, — ограничение скорости
  • zebra crossing, — пешеходный переход
  • parking zone, — зона парковки
  • crash helmet — шлем безопасности

2. Fill in the sentences with the words below. — Дополните предложения с помощью слов ниже.

• driver • road • pavement • signs • careful • ways • cross • flow • side • helmet


Road safety instructions — Правила безопасности на дорогах

  • Be 1) careful when you cross the street. — Будьте внимательны при переходе дороги
  • Look both 2) ways before crossing the street. — Посмотрите в обе стороны перед переходом дороги
  • Walk on the 3) pavement. — Ходите по тротуару.
  • Follow the traffic 4) signs. — Следуйте сигналам светофора.
  • Don’t talk to the bus 5) driver. — Не разговаривайте с водителем автобуса.
  • Don’t run into the 6) road. — Не выбегайте на проезжую часть
  • Don’t 7) cross between parked cars. — Не переходите дорогу между припаркованными машинами
  • Ride your bike with the 8) flow of traffic. — Катайтесь на велосипеде по направлению движения потока.
  • Always wear a bicyclc 9) helmet. — Всегда надевайте велосипедный шлем безопасности
  • Use the door on the pavement 10) side to get out of the car. — Выходите из машины через дверь со стороны тротуара.

3. a) Fill in the correct imperative. — Вставьте правильную форму повелительного на­клонения глаголов.

• Don’t talk • Look • Wear • Don’t lean


  1. Wear your seat belt. — Пристегивайте ремень безопасности
  2. Look for the zebra crossing. — Ищите зебру для перехода дороги
  3. Don’t lean out of the window. — Не высовывайтесь из окна
  4. Don’t talk on the phone while driving. — Не разговаривайте по телефону во время движения.

b) Match the instructions in Ex. 3a to the pictures (A-D). — Соедините инструкции из упр. 3а с картинками


A 2; B 3; C 4; D 1

4. Fill in the correct preposition by or on. — Вставьте правильный предлог bу или on


  1. by
  2. on

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