Fill in the right form of the word in brackets

Англ. язык 7-9 класс

10 баллов

Fill in the right form of the word in brackets.
They  (provide) the town with all the supplies in the past.
Someone  (attack) her on the way home yesterday.
This factory usually  (supply) them with necessary goods.
They  (reach) the banks of the river two months ago.
Our country  (export) goods to the USA.

Ирина Каминкова

22.04.2020 17:09:08

They provided the town with all the supplies in the past.
Someone attacked her on the way home yesterday.
This factory usually supplies them with necessary goods.
They reached the banks of the river two months ago.
Our country exports goods to the USA.

Ответ эксперта

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    Ex.1 Fill in the right form of the word in brackets.
    1.They   (provide) the town with all the supplies in the past.
    2.Someone   (attack) her on the way home yesterday.
    3.This factory usually   (supply) them with necessary goods.
    4.They   (reach) the banks of the river two months ago.
    5.Our country   (export) goods to the USA.
    Ex.2Choose the correct word.
    1.He was   lucky/famous/industrial   enough to receive such a present from his parents.
    2.This is the most reach/famous/provide    monument in our city.
    3.The   famous/attacks/banks  of the river were very polluted.
    4.She   provided/attacked/symbol   him with products for the whole week.
    5.This is the most famous  famous/symbol/banks   of the UK.
    Ex.3 Match the words.
    a)a symbol
    b)the sea
    Ex.4 Choose the correct word.
    1.She will have  reached/attacked  her destination by 3 o’clock.
    2.He sent poor people all the necessary    supplies/reaches.                   .
    3.They met at the famous/banks  of the river.
    4.There was no drinking/industrial   water during the flood.
    5.There was an   symbol/industrial  revolution two centuries ago.
    Ex.5 Choose the correct word.
    1.She was   different/extremely  tired yesterday.
    2.I have  different/famous  kinds of stamps.
    3.There were a lot of   pleasant/banks   surprises at the party.
    4.He was  attacked/exported  on his way to work.
    5.Give me some water, please. I’m very  banks/thirsty .
    Ex.6 Match the words with their definition.
    a)an object that represents something
    b)a product
    c)to send something to another country
    d)give somebody something they need
    Ex.7 Choose the correct word.
    1.He was the most   famous/best  writer in the country.
    2.She is very  lucky/different to go to Paris.
    3.My aunt is a very attractive/handsome  woman in her thirties.
    4.I was very naughty in my  future/childhood.
    5.The Great Fire of London in 1666 was an important   event/exhibition  in the history of London.

    Ex. 2 Fill in the right form of the words in brackets.
    The (1)…………….(long) of the journey was beginning to cause a lot of (2)……………… (frustrate) for everyone involved. Unfortunately, father got the blame, as he had been responsible for the (3) …………… (organize) of the trip. (4) …………… (impatient) had begun to set in when we realized we’d been given the wrong (5) …………….. (direct) by a well-meaning pedestrian. What is more, father’s (6) ……………. (popular) was not (7) ……………. (increase) by his (8) ……………… (insist) that we stop every hour so to observe the scenery. The trip to France, he’d said, would (9) …………… (broad) our horizons and provide us with both (10) ……………. (amuse) and (11) …………….. (educate). However, in (12) ……………. (real), it turned out to be an (13) ………….. (bear) waste of time and effort. It was then that we made the (14) …………… (decide) never to listen to one of father’s (15) …………… (propose) again.

    Автор: Гость

    Английский язык для 7-го класса

    English Afonaseva 7 grade.jpg

    Предмет: Английский язык
    Класс: 7 класс
    Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
    Михеева И.В.
    Год издания: 2016
    Кол-во заданий:
    Кол-во упражнений: 541

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    Данное упражнение относится к четвёртому разделу учебника (Unit 4 It Takes Many Kinds to Make the World) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса. В этом задании необходимо использовать правильную форму глагола или словосочетания с глаголом have из 37 упражнения. Правки, дополнительные вопросы по упражнению и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.

    Описание упражнения[править | править код]

    Use the right form of the verb in brackets or one of the word combinations with the verb have from the table, complete the sentences.


    My younger brother often … his toys. I’m tired, let’s … (break).
    My younger brother often breaks his toys. I’m tired, let’s have a break.

    1. When he was younger, he used to … every morning. Can you from here to that rock? (swim) 2. Can you come in for a moment? I’d like to … to you. Can I ask you not to … at the lessons? (talk) 3. My father doesn’t …. But my grandfather likes to … after every meal. (smoke) 4…. at the picture carefully and answer my questions.
    Let me … at the photos, I haven’t seen them yet. (look) 5. When would you like to … now or a bit later? Don’t play football here, kids: you can … the window. (break)

    Решение упражнения[править | править код]

    1. When he was younger, he used to swim every morning. Can you swim from here to that rock?
    2. Can you come in for a moment? I’d like to talk to you. Can I ask you not to talk at the lessons?
    3. Му father doesn’t smoke. But my grandfather likes to smoke after every meal.
    4. Look at the picture carefully and answer my questions. Let me have a look at the photos, I haven’t seen them yet.

    5. When would you like to have a break now or later? Don’t play football here, kids: you can break the window.

    Перевод решения[править | править код]

    1. Когда он был моложе, он плавал каждый день утром. Ты можешь проплыть от суда до той горы?
    2. Можешь зайти на минутку? Я хочу поговорить с тобой. Могу я попросить тебя не разговаривать на уроках?
    3. Мой папа не курит. Но мой дедушка любит покурить после приема пищи.
    4. Посмотрите на картину внимательно и ответьте на мои вопросы. Дай мне посмотреть на фотографии, я их не видел еще.
    5. Когда бы ты хотел передохнуть сейчас или позже? Не играйте в футбол здесь, дети, вы можете разбить окно.

    Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]

    Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets

    1) Tom is a very … (success) businessman.

    2) The doctor examined the baby … (careful).

    3) I have got a … (pain) bruise on my arm.

    4) Thousand of people were left … (home) as a result of the tornado.

    5) … (fortunate), no one was hurt in the accident.

    Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets 1) Tom is a very … (success) businessman. 2) The doctor examined the baby … …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

    Искать другие ответы

    Главная » Английский язык » Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets 1) Tom is a very … (success) businessman. 2) The doctor examined the baby … (careful). 3) I have got a … (pain) bruise on my arm. 4) Thousand of people were left …

    Помогите пожалуйста! Если будет правильный ответ, сделаю пять звезд, подпишусь. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

    1.     My house is (big)   than yours.

    2.     This flower is (beautiful)  than that one.

    3.     This is the (interesting)  book I have ever read.

    4.     Non-smokers usually live (long)  than smokers.

    5.     Which is the (dangerous)  animal in the world?

    6.     A holiday by the sea is (good)  than a holiday in the mountains.

    7.     It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)  than a beer.

    8.     Who is the (rich)  woman on earth?

    9.     The weather this summer is even (bad)  than last summer.

    10.  He was the (clever)  thief of all.

    11.  My sister thinks she’s(intelligent) than me, but I don’t agree!

    12.  Avatar is probably(bad) film I’ve seen!

    13.  What is(wet) month of the year in England?

    14.  Do you think the Harry Potter films are(good) than the books?

    15.  Who is(powerful) person in your country?

    16.  I think Men in Black 1 was(funny) than Men in Black 3.

    17.  Is Angelina Jolie(old) than Sandra Bullock?

    18.  John is (nice) person that I know.


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