Fill in the missing words in the following sentences the first letter of each word



Вопрос по английскому языку:

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Fill in the gaps with the missing words in the following sentences,the first letter of each word has been given to help you:
1)Science d… with a variety of subjects. 2)Scientists s… for the answers to the different questions. 3) The structure of the cells is e… by the scientific fields are not clear. 6)The natural,social and technical sciences are closely i… 7)T… the ages, people have invented tools,machines, and materials to make work easier. 8)Science c… much to modern technology. 9) Some modern technologies d… on science. 10) During our l… time we watch TV.
2.a)find in the texts the words which have the similar meanings as the following words .
wide,to research,to attempt,to believe,to examine,main,complex,difficult,to start,big,a motor,various,to study.
b)find in the texts the words ,which have the opposite meanings as the following words .
narrow,easy,practice,artificial,old,more,to begin,small,little.

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59 месяцев назад

EXERCISE 20. Fill in the gaps with the missing words in the following sentences, the first letter of each word has been

given to help you. 1) T. their life people are learning different kinds of skills. 2) They g. knowledge about the world. 3) We’ll discuss the education using one useful s. 4) Children learn to r. a bicycle. 5) On their own i. people may visit a museum. 6) The students have to p. exams. 7) They are in c. of education. 8) The students are working at about the same s. 9) Learners may e. a degree. 10) His certificate is a m. of his success over the years. EXERCISE 21. Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the where necessary. At. secondary school. pupils are taught. different subjects, such as. Mathematics, History, Physics, Foreign Languages, etc. After finishing form of. secondary school, lycee, or gymnasium. one can continue education. Higher educational institutions offer. 5-year programme for. students in variety of. fields, such as. law. medicine, business, etc.


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

1 mentioning 2 worth 3 divided 4 influences 5 tributaries 6 District, peninsula 7 winds 8 live 9 financial 10 money

Катя, там фразы, насколько я пончьв

Насколько я поняла… Сейчас я занята. Либо вечером или на завтра.

На аватарке katrin… Ок. На связи

Кристина, вижу, тебе вчера помогли с заданием.

Учеба и наука

два упражнения

Вопрос задан анонимно

октябрь 31, 2020 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • 1. ..Searchers examine the structure of the cells. 2. The invention of radio and television changed our leisure time. 3. This theory was experimentally proved. 4. He has won a prize at the national conference. 5. There are different scientific fields. 

    1. Science deals with a variety of subjects. 2. Scientists search for the answers to the different questions. 3. The structure of the cells is elaborated by scientists. 4. Different theories use the facts. 5. The boundaries of some scientific fields are not clear. 6. Natural, social and technical sciences are closely interrelated. 7. Throughout the ages, people have invented tools, machines, and materials to make work easier.8. Science contributes much to modern technology. 9. Some modern technologies depend on science. 10. During our leisure time we watch TV.


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    Fill in the gaps with the missing words in the following sentences, the first letter of each word has been given to help you.

    1) The USA e… from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. 2) The USA c… the fourth largest territory in the world. 3) The USA b … Mexico in the south. 4) We should mention the s… of the country. 5) Many rivers are f… through the country. 6) The natural channels are cut by r…. 7) There are vast area of f… soil in the USA. 8) He speaks Spanish, the second most c… language in the USA. 9) The piece of land, set a… by the federal government for the nation’s capital, is between the states ofVirginia and Maryland. 10) There are thirteen s… on the American flag.

    Задать свой вопрос

    1 ответ

    2019-03-26 02:17:47

    Заполните пробелы отсутствующими словами в следующих предложениях, для вас будет предоставлена 1-ая буква каждого слова.

    1) США … от Атлантического океана на востоке до Тихого океана на западе. 2) США c … четвертой по величине территорией в мире. 3) США … Мексика на юге. 4) Мы должны упомянуть о … стране. 5) Многие реки … через страну. 6) Природные каналы разрезаются на r …. 7) В США имеется широкая площадь … земли. 8) Он разговаривает по-испански, второй самый c … язык в США. 9) Участок земли, установленный федеральным правительством для столицы страны, находится между штатами Виргиния и Мэриленд. 10) Есть тринадцать с … на американском флаге.

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