Fill in the missing word shopping

Going Shopping

Amy is at a clothing store shopping for a new pair of pants. Lisa, a saleswoman, asks her if she needs any help.

Lisa: May I help you?

Amy: I’m just browsing.

Lisa: Let me know if I can help. My name is Lisa.*

Amy: Do these pants come in black?

Lisa: Yes, but we’re sold out. They’re so popular, we can’t keep them in stock.

Amy: Do you have any black pants on sale?

Lisa: Yes, these are marked down from $69.95 to $24.95.

Amy: That’s a good buy, but I’m not crazy about the fabric.

Lisa: What about these pants? These are on sale for $49.

Amy: That’s a little pricey, but I’ll try them on.

(Amy enters the fitting room with the pants. A few minutes later, Lisa comes to check on her).

Lisa: How are the pants?

Amy: A little snug.**

Lisa: That style does run small. Let me bring you the next size up.

(Lisa hands Amy the pants and Amy puts them on).

Amy: These pants are a little big, aren’t they?

Lisa: No, they fit nicely!

Amy: They’re baggy in the back, don’t you think?

Lisa: No, they’re perfect. Take my word for it.

Amy: I’m just not sure. I think I’d better hold off for now.

* Sales clerks often introduce themselves by giving their first name. They usually work on commission, so they get a percentage of the sale. When you check out, the cashier may ask, «Was anybody helping you today?» You tell the cashier the name of the sales clerk and he or she gets credit for the sale.

snug** — close-fitting; tight

Language Lens: Tag Questions

Tag questions are short fragments at the end of a sentence. They tum a statement into a question. They are common in spoken English.

Note these uses and examples. The tag is underlined:
=> To check if something is true: You’re going to the party tonight, aren’t you?
=> To ask for agreement: We should bring a bottle of wine to the party, shouldn’t we?
=> To emphasize something: Sara’s certainly self-confident, isn’t she?
=> To make a request more friendly: Open the door, could you?

If the verb in the main part of the sentence is positive ( + ), the verb in the tag is negative (-).

Main verb ( +) Tag verb(-) Example
are (‘re) aren’t You’re in good shape, aren’t you?
should shouldn’t We should go, shouldn’t we?
can can’t She can swim, can’t she?
do don’t You do love me, don’t you?
‘ll be (will be) won’t They’ll be here later, won’t they?

If the verb in the main part of the sentence is negative (-), the verb in the main part of the tag is positive ( + ).

Main verb (-) Tag verb(+) Example
‘re not (are not) are You’re not coming, are you?
shouldn’t should We shouldn’t give up, should we?
can’t (cannot) can We can’t leave now, can we?
don’t (do not) do We don’t play with our food, do we?
won’t will You won’t cry when I go, will you?

Quick Quiz

Fill in the blank with the correct tag:

You’ve got class tomorrow, _____?
Answer: You ‘ve got class tomorrow, don’t you?

  1. It’s hot out today, _____ ?
  2. Your father is a doctor, _____ ?
  3. You’re coming to my party, _____ ?
  4. Your parents live in Florida, _____ ?
  5. You were born in India, _____ ?
  6. It’s not raining out, _____ ?
  7. You can’t stay another day, _____ ?
  8. You should call your mother, _____ ?
  9. You can ski, _____ ?
  10. We shouldn’t bring our kids, _____ ?

Answer Key

  1. isn’t it
  2. isn’t he
  3. aren’t you
  4. don’t they
  5. weren’t you
  6. is it
  7. can you
  8. shouldn’t you
  9. can’t you
  10. should we

Answer Key

If you already speak some English and now would like to speak more like a native, “Speak English Like an American” will help you. One of the keys to speaking like a native is the ability to use and understand casual expressions, or idioms. American English is full of idioms. Speak English Like an American will help you understand and use idioms better. It contains over 300 of today’s most common idioms.

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Speak Business English Like An American covers over 350 idioms and expressions you’re likely to encounter in today’s business world. Familiarize yourself with all of them.

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English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S. is your very own … well, guide, to… yes, American language and culture . You’ll find tons (a lot!) of vocabulary, all of it used in real-life ways.

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The purpose of the Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories series is to introduce English language learners to common idioms through humorous examples and illustrations. The lessons in this book will both entertain and enlighten students while providing exposure to how each idiom can be used in a variety of contexts.

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The purpose of the Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories series is to introduce English language learners to common idioms through humorous examples and illustrations. The lessons in this book will both entertain and enlighten students while providing exposure to how each idiom can be used in a variety of contexts.

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Do you want your English to sound natural and fluent?

Idiomatic expressions are essential to natural sounding English, but they can be challenging to remember, and even harder to use in conversation. This simple and straightforward program can help you master hundreds of useful and common idiomatic expressions. Best of all, you don’t need a book, so you can listen anywhere and anytime it’s convenient. It’s a piece of cake!

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Everyday Conversations is intended for sixth- and seventh-grade students of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) or English as a Second Language (ESL). Students can listen to and/or read dialogues in English. Topics of the conversations include introductions and small talk, shopping, asking for directions, hobbies, and giving advice.

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More Speak English Like an American brings you another 300+ idioms and expressions you need to know. Maybe you have already read Speak English Like an American. But this is not a necessary requirement. You can start with this new book, if you like, and work back. This popular ESL book features a new story and new American English idioms and expressions.

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Всероссийский конкурс на лучшую методическую разработку «Проверочная работа по английскому языку»

Автор разработки: Дёмина Дина Константиновна,

учитель английского языка, первая квалификационная категория

МБОУ «СОШ №43», г. Симферополь, Республика Крым

При составлении были использованы:

Учебник: Английский язык. (Английский в фокусе) 8 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных организаций с прил. на электрон. носителе /Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко , В. Эванс.- М.: ExpressPublishing: Просвещение, 2012. – 216 с.: ил.

Modulе 2


Variant 1

A Choose the correct item.

(Из двух выделенных слов учащиеся выписывают одно, наиболее подходящее по смыслу)

1. We’re having roast chicken with poached/mashed potatoes.

2. She eats almost everything. she’s not a fussy/pickled eater.

3. Milk and other dairy products are very appealing/nourishing for young children.

4. Be careful not to spill the salt/the beans and tell John about the surprise party.

5. Dinner is almost ready. I just have to beat/grate the cheese for the pasta.

B Fill in the missing word

(Из предложенных слов к каждому предложению учащиеся подбирают и записывают одно, подходящее по смыслу)

pickled, dark, overcooked, rare, pinch

1. If you add a ____ of salt it will taste better.

2. I can’t stand _____ vegetables because I hate vinegar.

3. I’d like my stake ____ , please.

4. I prefer ____ chocolate to the milk one.

5. The vegetables were ____ and the meat was tasteless.

C Translate into English

(Учащиеся переводят слова на английский язык)

1. ободрять, воодушевлять

2. насыщенный

3. вкусный

4. посмотреть на что-либо

5. ручной работы.

6. опыт

7. преимущество

8. поддерживать, помогать

9. обсуждать.

10. промышленность

D Put the verb into Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous

(Учащиеся записывают глагол, поставив его в правильную временную форму)

1. _______ (you/see) dad? — Yes, he’s at the garage.

2. I _______ (not/receive) your letter for so long period of time.

3. We ______ (walk) around this department store for the last two hours!

4. _____ (she/ever/spend) her holidays in Sochi?

5. Phillip ______ (never/buy) anything from this flea market before.

E Use of English. Complete the dialogue. There is one extra sentence.

(С помощью предложенных фраз учащиеся дополняют диалог, записывая букву соответствующей реплики. Одна реплика лишняя)

Amy: What nice dress! Is it new?

Paula: 1)………

Amy: It really suits you. Where did you get it?

Paula: 2)……….

Amy: Whereabouts is it exactly?

Paula: 3)……..

Amy: Was it expensive?

Paula: 4)……….

Amy: I think I’ll go and have a look myself on Saturday.

Paula: 5)…………

A At Stacy’s in the town

B In Crimpson Street, opposite the bakery

C Great. 10:30 at the bus station

D No. I would never shop there

E No, not at all. It was only 10 $

F Yes, I bought it a couple of days ago. Glad you like it.

Modular Test 2

Variant 2

A Choose the correct item

(Из двух выделенных слов учащиеся выписывают одно, наиболее подходящее по смыслу)

1. He always welcomes the chance to have a nice home-cooked/undercooked meal.

2. Jane made a delicious raw/spicy sauce for the spaghetti.

3. The new clothes shop has a great variety of jeans and shirts at very low/poor prices.

4. Nathan likes his stake well done/rare, so don’t cook it more than ten minutes.

5. Don’t worry, I’ll show you how to set the table for a formal dinner; it’s a cup of tea/ piece of cake.

B Fill in the missing word

(Из предложенных слов к каждому предложению учащиеся подбирают и записывают одно, подходящее по смыслу)

peel, grated, bar, sparkling, litre

1. Can I have s glass of ______ water?

2. Would you like a _____ of chocolate?

3. Alan drinks a _____ of milk every day.

4. Can you _____ the potatoes, please?

5. Have you _____ the cheese?

C Translate into English

(Учащиеся переводят слова на английский язык)

1. коробка для завтрака

2. дальнозоркий

3. блестящий, гениальный

4. причина, мотив, повод

5. ломтик, тонкий кусочек

6. организовать

7. требовать, предъявлять требования

8. разнообразие, множество

9. ассортимент товаров

10. делать пожертвования

D Put the verb into Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous

(Учащиеся записывают глагол, поставив его в правильную временную форму)

1. Sheila _____ (go) to the bazaar. She’ll be back soon.

2. You look sweaty! _____ (you/work) out?

3. Joy _____ (clean) the house since 9 o’clock. Can you give her a hand?

4. How much _____ (Helen/spend) on her English books?

5. Robin _____ (never/be) abroad.

E Use of English. Complete the dialogue. There is one extra sentence.

(С помощью предложенных фраз учащиеся дополняют диалог, записывая букву соответствующей реплики. Одна реплика лишняя)

Lisa: This antique table is really beautiful. 1)……..

Margaret: Yes, I bought it two days ago. 2)…….

Lisa: It really suits your living-room. Where did you buy it?

Margaret: 3)……..

Lisa: I’ve never been there. Whereabouts is it?

Margaret: 4)…….

Lisa: Was it expensive?

Margaret: Not really. 5)……. I got it for half the original price.

Lisa: Fantastic! Can we go there together next Sunday?

Margaret: Sure, see you later.

A At Pete’s Antique Shop in the town centre

B Is it new?

C It was a bargain.

D It’s just around the corner from the florist’s.

E It was only 10 $

F Glad you like it.


Variant 1:

Task A




the beans


Task B






Task C




take a look at, have a look at







Task D

have you seen

haven’t been receiving

have been walking

has she ever spent

has never bought

Task E






Variant 2:

Task A





piece of cake

Task B






Task C

lunch box










Task D

has gone

have you been working

has been cleaning

has Helen spent

has never been

Task E






Fill in the missing words. Me and my friend went shopping last Sunday because we didnt have 1.( ) clothes for summer. There are 2.( ) stores in our city and a big shopping mall. We spent 3.( ) time in the shopping mall. After 4.(  ) hours shopping we finally bought 5.( ) shoes, a hat, some shirts and 6.( )dresses. Its a pity there werent 7.( ) sunglasses that I liked. Anyway, we bought many nice pieces of clothing and we didnt spend 8.(  ) money at all, because everything was on sale. Many, an Many, any, many, much, many, some, any, much !​

Знаешь ответ? Добавь его сюда и заработай денег! Ответы проходят модерацию. Минимум 100 символов.

  • 0

1. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you don’t need.
demand side scrambled pinch stock cash fussy nourishing
1. Japanese put different food to the obento, so that their kids weren’t _______eaters.
2. She loves telling lies, so take her words with a ________ of salt.
3. This dish is very ____________ and has a lot of calories.
4. I would like a steak and a __________ salad.
5. This book is in great____________ and we have no it on sale at the moment.

2. Underline the correct item.
1. He’s been going off/through hard time but hope everything will be fine with him soon.
2. It’s not difficult to learn new words, indeed it’s a cup of tea/piece of cake.
3. Would you like a four-course/four-dishes meal tonight?
4. I’m afraid the soup has gone up/off, don’t eat it.
5. I hate eating out, I prefer a (an) undercooked/home cooked meal.
6 To make the best topping for pizza you have to grate/peel cheese.
7. Please don’t spill the beans/milk and don’t tell my secret to anyone.
8. I love pickled/mashed potatoes, not baked ones.
9. The new clothes shop has a great variety of clothes at very poor/low prices.
10. To make a cake you have to poach/beat eggs.

3. Underline the correct item.
1. -/The Neva runs through -/the Saint-Petersburg.
2. He can give you some good advice/advices as he is very clever.
3. He got his diploma few/a few years ago.
4. Where is Mike? -He has been/gone to the bank and will be back soon.
5. Where is/are my clothes? They/it definitely was/were here.
6. There are/is great news for you today. You have won the first prize!
7. I usually go to the/-bed at about midnight.
8. How much/many spoons of sugar do you put in your tea?
9. We don’t have many/a lot of days off, working most of the time.
10. You must take these vitamins twice a/the day.

4. Put the words into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. How many souvenirs you have been buying/have bought!
2. We have been shopping/have shopped for two hours…I can’t walk any longer.
3. Why do you look so tired? – I have practised/have been practising tennis.
4. How long have you studied/have you been studying English?
5. What have you been doing/have you done with you hair??? It looks green!

5. Complete the sentences with much/many/(a) little/(a) few/a lot/plenty.
1. He isn’t very sociable. He has ________ friends.
2. There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got ________ of time.
3. She drinks ________ of tea.
4. We must be quick! We’ve ________ time.
5. I’m not busy these days. I haven’t got _________ to do.
6. I didn’t take _______ pictures on holiday.
7. I can’t tell you the final decision. I need __________time.

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1. fussy
2. pinch
3. nourishing
4. scrambled
5. demand
1. through
2. piece of cake
3. four-course
4. off
5. home cooked
6 grate
7. beans
8. mashed
9. low
10. beat

1. -, —
2. advice
3. a few
4. gone
5. are, were
6. are
7. —
8. many
9. many
10. a

1. have bought
2. have been shopping
3. have practised
4. have you been studying
5. have you done

1. few
2. plenty
3. a lot
4. little
5. much
6. many
7. much
За правильность не ручаюсь, но я старалась. Отдельное спасибо за набор текста, а не просто фотку задания. Это значительно упрощает выполнение задание.

  • Комментариев (0)

Spotlight Test 7 (Module 7) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 7 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе 9 класс» для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций (авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение).

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.A. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.
1 On cold winter nights, Joanna likes to sit by the fire and eat a bowl of hot …. • tasty •….. soup.
2 I love …..• home-made •….. bread! It’s so much better than what we buy at the bakery.
3 When I was young, we always had …..• roast •……. beef and mashed potatoes for Sunday dinner.
4 Rick hasn’t eaten anything all day; I’m sure he’s …..• starving •……!
5 It’s bad enough that Tim is so afraid of flying that thinking about it makes him …..• embarrassed •……
6 If you want to lose weight, you should …..• cut •…… down on sweets and exercise more.
7 The best way to …..• burn •……. calories is to exercise and drink plenty of water.

8 David was very nervous about giving a speech in class, and started …..• shaking •…… like a leaf.
9 Tracy is so afraid of being in enclosed spaces that just thinking about getting into a lift makes her heart …..• beat •……. faster.
10 Parents can teach their children good …..• eating •…… habits by offering them healthy food choices.
11 Mum jumped on a chair and ……• screamed •…… loudly when she saw a mouse in the kitchen.
12 Jason is eating so fast that it looks like he’s not even …..• chewing •……. his food!

. Underline the correct item.
13 Are you sure Phillip joined/took up mountain climbing? I thought he was scared of heights.
14 Anne is thinking about putting on/going on a diet, as she wants to lose some weight.
15 Kate tries to avoid desserts/snacks such as crisps and biscuits, as they are unhealthy and only make her hungrier.
16 Fear is a basic human/nervous emotion which is often accompanied by panic or shock.
17 Carrots improve your eyesight, as they are rich/full in vitamins A and C.
18 Jim leads/passes such a busy life that he rarely finds time to work out at the gym.


.C. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
19 If I ….were…… (be) you, I would be very careful; there are poisonous snakes in this area.
20 If grass isn’t watered, it …..doesn’t grow……. (not/grow).
21 The cat …..wouldn’t have scratched…… (not/scratch) Harry if he hadn’t tried to pull its tail.
22 Your headache will go away if you ….. take……. (take) some aspirin.
23 If I ….. had eaten…… (eat) breakfast this morning, I would have been able to concentrate better on my maths test.
24 Never follow a particular diet unless you …… discuss……. (discuss) it with your doctor first.
25 If George …… exercised…….(exercise) regularly, he would be in better shape.
26 The operator ….. will connect……. (connect) you to the emergency service you want if you dial 999.

.D. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
27 Ann wishes she ….. had……. (have) more time so that she could take up a sport.
28 If only Timothy ….. used…… (use) his common sense more often.
29 Alan wishes he …… had brought……. (bring) some warm clothes with him so that he wouldn’t feel so cold.
30 Jane wishes she …… had taken……. (take) the self-defence class when she had the chance.
31 If only I ….. were not…….(not/be) tired all the time; maybe I should get more sleep.

.E. Underline the correct item.
32 Facing your phobias instead of avoiding them might/ought help you overcome your fears.
33 You mustn’t/don’t have to approach a wild animal; they can be very unpredictable.
34 You needn’t/can’t be an expert in karate to learn how to defend yourself.
35 If you don’t know the correct answer in a test, use your intuition; it may/needs help you.
36 If someone tries to snatch your bag, you shouldn’t/don’t have put up a fight; just run away.

Everyday English

.F. Choose the correct response.
37 Emergency Services. Which service do you require? — В Fire Service, please.
38 Can I speak to a police officer, please? — A Just a moment, please.
39 What is the nature of the emergency? — D There is a person stuck in the lift.
40 Ambulance service? My brother’s fallen down the stairs. He’s hurt. — E Help is on the way. Please stay on the line.
41 Is that 999, Emergency Services? — C No, sorry. You’ve got the wrong number.


.G. Read the text and fill in the gaps (42-46) with the phrases (A-F). There is one phrase you do not need to use.

It is a sad reality that children all around the world are putting on more and more weight, 42) C. and many health experts say junk food is responsible. Unhealthy meals and snacks are freely available in many primary and secondary schools, which raises the serious question of whether schools should ban junk food in order to help children keep their weight down.
There are some good reasons for banning junk food in schools. For instance, eating junk food has been shown to cause nervousness and bad behaviour in children. Children would behave and perform better in the classroom 43) A. if junk food wasn’t available in schools. In addition, given a choice between junk food and healthy food, a child will always choose junk food. As eating too much junk food can cause serious diseases, it is inappropriate that schools offer children junk food, 44) E. as it is their job to protect and care for children.
There are also, however, very good reasons for not banning junk food in schools. For example, telling a young child that they are not allowed to have a particular type of food simply makes that food more appealing to the child. So, a ban could in fact increase the appeal of junk food. What is more, as children will still be able to get junk food outside of school, banning it in schools will do little good, 45) F. as this action will not change children’s general eating habits.
All in all, the strong arguments on both sides of the debate make it clear that it is difficult to decide if banning junk food in schools is a good idea. It seems unlikely, however, that ‘hiding’ foods from children will do much good. What seems more likely to work is educating children about healthy eating habits. Parents have the greatest influence over a child’s eating habits, thus it is perhaps in the home 46) D. and not in schools, where food education must take place.


.H. Listen to two friends talking and mark statements 47-50 True, False or Not stated.
47 Ian’s parents want him to get his dog from an animal shelter.
A True В False C Not stated
48 Claire is afraid even when she sees a drawing of a dog.
A True В False C Not stated
49 Ian thinks it’s a mistake for Claire to stay away from dogs.
A True В False C Not stated
50 John’s fear of dogs is even worse than Claire’s.
A True В False C Not stated

Вы смотрели: Spotlight Test 7 (Module 7) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 7 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

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