Fill in the missing word phrase there is one extra

Spotlight Test 8 (Module 8) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 8 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе 9 класс» для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций (авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение).

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.A. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.
David carries most of his camping supplies in his …..• rucksack •…….
I don’t think we’re going in the right direction; according to the ……• map •……. we should be heading south.
Your ankle looks swollen; are you sure you haven’t ….. • sprained •……. it?
It was a …… • total •……. miracle that Liz recovered from her spinal injury, as she was not expected to ever walk again.
Jack has a …… • bump •…… on his leg because he broke it skateboarding.
Everyone should have a …… • first aid kit •…….. in their homes, as small injuries or accidents can happen at any time.
Helen Keller not only managed to ….. • face •……. her own challenges, but she also helped and inspired many other people with disabilities.
John’s eye was badly ……. • bruised •…….. when he was accidentally hit by the ball during baseball practice.
It’s amazing that Mike ……. • survived •…….. the skydiving accident; he fell 1000 metres when his parachute failed to open and just broke his leg!

В. Underline the correct item.
10 Tim climbed up the tree and recovered/rescued the kitten.
Experts say that ointment/sunscreen should be used daily if we are out in the sun longer than 10 minutes.
Why is Alicia wearing a(n) sling/ice-pack on her arm? Did she break it?
Sarah found a(n) harmed/injured bird and took it to the vet.
He decided to go surfing instead of/besides rock climbing.


.C. Rewrite the sentences into reported speech.
15 “Have you ever travelled to a foreign country?” Joan asked Sam.
Joan asked Sam if he had ever travelled to a foreign country.
“Don’t be late for dinner,” Mum told me.
Mum told me not to be late for dinner.
“We can’t go whitewater rafting this weekend,” James and Lilly said.
James and Lilly said that they couldn’t go whitewater rafting that weekend.
“Andrew took up trekking three years ago,” Liz said.
Liz said that Andrew had taken up trekking three years before.
“Mark will begin kitesurfing lessons in summer,” Lee said.
Lee said that Mark would begin kitesurfing lessons in summer.
«The children are going on a roller coaster ride tomorrow,” Sandy told me.
Sandy told me that the children were going on a roller coaster ride the next/the following day.

.D. Rewrite the following sentences into reported speech using the verbs in brackets.
e.g. «I think you should see a doctor about that cut on your leg,” Cynthia said to Sam. (advised) Cynthia advised Sam to see a doctor about that cut on his leg.
“I can’t be at basketball practice because I broke my arm,” Bill said, (explained)
Bill explained that he couldn’t be at basketball practice because he had broken his arm.
“I will not pay for your skydiving lessons, Tom,” Anne said, (refused)
Anne refused to pay for Tom’s skydiving lessons.
“I’ll help you with your application form,” Mary said to Sarah, (offered)
Mary offered to help Sarah with her application form.
“Don’t play with that pen knife, children,” Dad said, (warned)
Dad warned the children not to play with the pen knife.
“My throat’s feeling sore,” Jennifer said, (complained)
Jennifer complained that her throat was feeling sore.

.E. Underline the correct item.
26 Can you tell James that there’s someone/anyone on the phone for him?
27 Everyone
/Someone in the trekking club loves extreme sports.
Researchers come from everywhere/nowhere to explore Antarctica.
There is something/nothing wrong with your wrist; it’s not even swollen.
Helping out at the animal shelter is so easy that anyone/no one can do it.

.F. Fill in the appropriate question tag.
31 Mike likes extreme sports, …… doesn’t he……..?
Henry has never been kitesurfing, ….. has he…..?
It was an inspiring story, …… wasn’t it…….?
A compass always points to the north, ……doesn’t it…..?
Let’s apply for the volunteer position, ……shall we….?

Everyday English

.G. Complete the exchanges using the phrases below. There is one extra phrase.
• Oh, dear! What happened? • Ouch! That hurt! • Oh, that’s good. • Get well soon. • Yes, it really hurts. • Hmm … I don’t know.
A: You got a very bad sunburn at the beach.
B: Yes, it really hurts.
A: My karate teacher says I’ve made a lot of improvement.
B: Oh, that’s good.
A: What do you think about us joining an extreme sports club?
B: Hmm … I don’t know.
A: John’s in hospital with a broken leg.
B: Oh dear! What happened?
A: I’ve been under the weather for the past few days.
B: Get well soon.


.H. Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or Ns (Not stated).
Aim for the stars!
Richard Branson is one of England’s most successful businessmen. He has started more than 360 businesses, built up a personal fortune of more than £3 billion, and is the 20th richest person in Britain today. Not bad for a man who still couldn’t read at the age of eight, and for whom school wasn’t just a challenge — it was a nightmare.
Richard Branson has dyslexia — a condition which makes it very difficult to learn to read, write and spell correctly. Doctors say that about 10% of the population has dyslexia. However, when Richard was young, no one from his school or family environment realised the sort of problems he was trying to deal with when it came to reading and writing properly. Back then, people didn’t know that dyslexia was a learning disorder. Everyone just thought people with dyslexia were not very clever.
Richard was embarrassed by the problems he had with his schoolwork, and had a very difficult time in school. But he was determined not to let his learning disability prevent him from succeeding in life. So, he concentrated on his other qualities such as his creativity, as well as his ability to inspire people and make them enthusiastic about trying their best. And by doing so, he found great success.
Richard says that dyslexia is a challenge, but it is also a gift. People who have dyslexia have to deal with many challenges and often experience and see the world in a different way. He adds that the ability to see things differently is a great advantage in life.
‘My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently impossible challenges and trying to achieve them’, he says. Richard shows that we should all aim for the stars!

  • 41. At the age of eight, Richard was having bad dreams about school. — Ns
  • 42. Richard’s teachers understood that he had learning difficulties. — F
  • 43. Richard had to see a special doctor about his learning disorder. — Ns
  • 44. Richard has a talent for encouraging others to do well in something. — T
  • 45. Richard enjoys trying to achieve goals that seem hopeless. — T


.I. Listen to some people talking about facing challenges and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).
A The speaker likes setting him/herself new goals. — 49 Speaker 4
В The speaker believes that being hopeful is the key to overcoming challenges. — 50 Speaker 5
C The speaker challenges him/herself to overcome his/her fears. — 46 Speaker 1
D The speaker did something that he/she didn’t think he/she could do. — 48 Speaker 3
E The speaker overcame his/her problem with the help of family and friends. — 47 Speaker 2

Вы смотрели: Spotlight Test 8 (Module 8) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 8 с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

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TEST 1 V-2


A  Fill in the missing word/phrase. There are two answers you do not need to use.

• shrugged • nephew • colleagues • reliable • tapping

• got over • acquaintances• slim • stubborn • showed up

1   I don’t think Claire is going camping this weekend; she still hasn’t ……………….. her cold.

2 When we complained to the waiter about the noisy people at the next table, he just ……………….. his shoulders and said he couldn’t do anything about them.

3 Nadia is so………………..! She never listens to anyone, and does whatever she wants.

4 I only met Mike two weeks ago at a party. We’re not really friends, we’re just…………………

В  Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

• fond • accuse • bright • optimistic • dull • host

• keen • resolve • opportunity • hug

5 When I told Alan the good news, he gave me a big………………..and a kiss on the cheek.

6 You don’t need to argue. I’m sure there’s a calmer way for you to ……………….. your differences.

7 The film we went to see last night was so……………….. that I almost fell asleep atbthe cinema.

8 Be absolutely sure that it was actually George who told the lies, before you………………..him.


С   Underline the correct item.

9   Watch where you’re going! You are falling/are going to fall into that hole!

10 Do you know where Sam is? I have waited/ have been waiting for him for over an hour and I’m starting to lose my patience.

11 There’s someone at the door. I go/will go and see who it is.

12 Jane works/has worked at her dad’s restaurant every Friday night.

13 Emma is always interrupting/has always interrupted me whenever I tell a story. It’s so annoying!

D  Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

14 What time……………….(you/take) the dog for a walk this morning?

15 My parents………………..(rarely/leave) us home alone when we were young.

16 Sandra ……………….. (water) the flowers while Ian was cleaning out the garage.

E   Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

      e.g. Paul is the tallest (tall) student in my class.

17   Don’t you think that Nathan needs to be a bit ………………..(sensitive) to other people’s feelings?

18 Ron was very rude to Mary. I think that ………….. (little) he could do is apologise to her.

19 My younger sister is………………..(sociable) person in our family.

Everyday English

F Choose the correct response.

20 Can I offer you something? …….       A So am I.

21 Excuse me! …….                                В Take care.

22 Talk to you later. …….                        С Yes, can I help you?

23 I’m glad you came. …….                     D Fine, thanks.

24 How’s it going? …….                          E No thanks, I’m fine.


G   Listen to some teenagers talking on a radio programme about their friends. Then, match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one extra statement.

A The speaker sees his/her friends every day.

В The speaker and his/her friends share the same pastime.

С The speaker spends all his/her free time with his/her friend.

D The speaker thinks of his/her friend as part of the family.

E The speaker moved close to his/her friend’s house.

F The speaker thinks he/she is lucky to have such good friends.

25 Speaker 1 …….

26 Speaker 2 …….

27 Speaker 3 …….

28 Speaker 4 …….

29 Speaker 5 …….

Test 1 A (Module 1)


A    Fill in the
missing word/ phrase. There are two answers you do not need to use.

Showed up,
acquaintances, niece, slim, got over, stubborn, colleagues, shrugged, tapping,

1. Pam is so
_____________ !  She never listens to anyone, and does whatever she wants.

2. I don’t think
Ann is going camping this weekend; she still hasn’t ______________ her cold.

3. I only met Ted
three weeks ago at a party. We’re not really friends, we’re just

4. Don’t worry, Mike
will be here on time; he’s very ______________.

5. When we
complained to the waiter about the noisy people at the next table, he just

     his shoulders
and said he couldn’t do anything about them.

6. Ben was
_____________ his foot nervously while he was waiting for his test results.

7. When Alan told
his _____________ that he was leaving the company, they decided to buy him a

    going- away

8. Kate is a
pretty girl with green eyes and a(n) ______________ build.

B      Fill in the
missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

Hug, opportunity,
fond, energetic, dull, keen, host, avoid, bright, blush

9.  The film I
went to see last week was so _________ that I almost fell asleep at the cinema.

10.  When I told
Tom the good news, he gave me a big __________ and a kiss on the cheek.

11.  We always
enjoy ourselves when we go to Mel’s parties; he’s an excellent _____________.

12.  Cindy is very
_____________. She works very hard and likes participating in a lot of activities.

13.  Greg is a
very cheerful person who always looks on the ___________ side of life.

14.  I’m not very
__________ on basketball. I prefer football.

15. ________
asking  British people about their age, religion, politics, weight or how much
they earn.


C      Underline
the correct item.

16.  Do you know
where Mark is? I have waited / have been waiting for him for over an
hour and I’m starting to lose my patience.

17.   Watch where
you’re going! You are falling / are going to fall into that hole.

18.  Lyn is
always interrupting/has always interrupted
me whenever I tell a story. It’s
so annoying!

19.  There’s
someone at the door. I go/will go and see who it is.

20.  The film is
starting/ starts
at 8:00. Do you want to go to dinner before that?

Test 1 A (Module 1)

21.  My friends stay/
are staying
in a nice hotel in the centre of the town.

22.  Ben works/
has worked
at his uncle’s restaurant every Saturday night.

23.  I promise I am
helping /will help
you with your homework as soon as I can.

24.  Have you
met/ Have you been meeting
our new neighbours yet? They seem really nice.

25.  We are
going / will go
to the cinema tomorrow night. Why don’t you join us?

    Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

26.  My mother
_____________ (rarely/leave) us home alone when we were young.

27.  What time
______________ (you/take) the dog for a walk this morning?

28.  Nadia
_______________ (water) the flowers while Nick was cleaning out the

29.  We
_____________  ( not/ meet) Sandra and Ian for coffee yesterday ,
because we were too busy.

30.  Mary didn’t
hear the phone ring because she _____________ ( listen) to music very

    Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

31.  My younger
brother is ____________________ (sociable) person in our family.

32. Don’t you
think that Adam needs to be a bit _____________ (sensitive) to other
people’s feelings?

33.  Mrs Brown is
_______________________ (patient) teacher I have ever had.

34.  Ben was very
rude to Jane. I think that ________________ (little) he could do is
apologise to her.

35.  According to
an English saying, the __________________ (old) we grow, the wiser we

Everyday English

    Choose the correct response

36.  Can I offer
you something?   ________                              A So am I.

37.  Excuse
me!                            ________                              B Take

38.  Talk to you
later.                   ________                              C Yes,
can I help you?

39.  I’m glad you
came.               ________                               D Fine,

40.  How’s it
going?                     ________                              E No
thanks, I’m fine.


Read the text and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

Test 1 A (Module 1)

cool for school

   You’ve always
wanted to be popular in school. You’ve dreamt a thousand times what it would be
like to be the star of your school’s football team or that tall blonde girl who
everyone fancies.

 ‘Cool’ people are
attractive, confident and always wear stylish outfits. Everyone wants to hang
out with them. But often “cool” people aren’t very nice! They can be selfish
and bossy. At times they get impatient with people who might be shy or a bit

   If you really
want to make some true friends, here are some tips. Don’t choose friends based
on looks. What really matters in a friend is not being slim and beautiful but
reliable and generous. Choose friends who are humorous, talkative and who never
treat others badly. In fact, these are the people who are truly cool! Try to
choose friends that you can actually benefit from. Those who are creative and
have interests other than fashion and parties.

   Be flexible but
don’t say or do things that make you feel uncomfortable just to make ‘cool’
people like you. Always speak your mind. Those who really care for you will
still be your friends- even if at times you drive them crazy. Remember: real
friends are those you can open up to. Those who will hold their tongue and will
never give away your secrets.

Take a minute and think. What really matters? Making friends that count or
counting friends?

41. Popular kids
in school are often selfish and bossy. _______

42. It is better
to hold your tongue and never speak your mind or you will end up all

43.  You will
benefit more from having one friend who is creative and interesting than having
ten who are boring. _

44. A true friend
will care for you even if at times you get on their nerves.________

45. “Cool” people
are usually ugly._______


H        Listen to
some teenagers talking on a radio programme about their friends. Then, match
the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one extra statement.

A  The speaker
thinks of his/her friend as part of the family.

B  The speaker
moved close to his/her friend’s house.

C  The speaker
thinks he/she is lucky to have such good friends.

D  The speaker sees
his/her friends every day.

E  The speaker and
his/her friends share the same pastime.

F  The speaker
spends all his/her free time with his/her friend.

46.  Speaker 1

47.  Speaker 2 

48. Speaker 3

49. Speaker

50. Speaker 5

Test 1 B (Module 1)


A   Fill in the
missing word/ phrase. There are two answers you do not need to use.

Respect, colleagues,
slim, stubborn, acquaintances, shrugged, tapping, reliable, got over, nephew

1.      When Mike told his
_____________ that he was leaving the company, they decided to buy him a

going- away

2. Don’t worry,
Ted will be here on time; he’s very ______________.

3.  Sarah is a
pretty girl with blue eyes and a(n) ______________ build.

4. When we
complained to the waiter about the noisy people at the next table, he just

    his shoulders
and said he couldn’t do anything about them.

5. Diana is so
_____________ !  She never listens to anyone, and does whatever she wants.

6. I only met Alan
two weeks ago at a party. We’re not really friends, we’re just ______________.

7. I don’t think
Lyn is going camping this weekend; she still hasn’t ______________ her cold.

8. Dan was
_____________ his foot nervously while he was waiting for his test results.

B   Fill in the
missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

Blush, host, fond,
dull, hug, avoid, bright, energetic, opportunity, keen

9. ________
asking  British people about their age, religion, politics, weight or how much
they earn.

10.  Ben is a very
cheerful person who always looks on the ___________ side of life.

11.  He’s not very
__________ on basketball. He prefers tennis.

12.  The film we
went to see last week was so _________ that we almost fell asleep at the

13.  Beth is very
_____________. She works very hard and likes participating in a lot of

14.  We always
enjoy ourselves when we go to Bob’s parties; he’s an excellent _____________.

15. When I told
Mark the good news, he gave me a big __________ and a kiss on the cheek.


C   Underline the
correct item.

16. We are
going / will go
to the theatre tomorrow.  Why don’t you join us?

17.  Kate works/
has worked
at her aunt’s restaurant every Friday night.

18.  I promise I am
helping /will help
you with your homework as soon as I can.

19.  Have you
met/ Have you been meeting
our new neighbours yet? They seem really nice.

20.  Do you know
where Ann is? I have waited / have been waiting for her for over an hour
and I’m starting to lose my patience.

Test 1 B (Module 1)

21. There’s
someone at the door. I go/will go and see who it is.

22. Watch where
you’re going! You are falling / are going to fall into that hole. 

23.  Jack is
always interrupting/has always interrupted
me whenever I tell a story. It’s
so annoying!

24. Nicole and her
husband stay/ are staying in a nice hotel in the centre of the town.

25.  The concert
is starting/ starts at 9:00 pm.  Do you want to go to dinner before

D    Put the verbs
in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

26. I
_____________  ( not/ meet) Kate and Jason for coffee yesterday ,
because I was too busy.

27. What
______________ (you/do) at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon?

28. Sam didn’t
hear the phone ring because he ____________ (listen) to music very

29. He picked up
his jacket, locked the door and ___________ (leave).

30. When
_______________ (you/ start) learning French?

E    Put the
adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

31. Paul is
____________ (selfish) person in his family.

32. I’ve never met
a ________( dull) person than Steve.

 33. Thanks so
much for the flowers!- It’s ____________ (little) I could do.

34. The _________ (much)
he said, the angrier I felt!

35. The sooner,
the ___________ (well).

Everyday English

F    Choose the
correct response

36. I haven’t seen
you for ages. ________                             A So am I.

37. Thank you very
much.        _________                            B Indeed it is. 

38. I’m glad you
came.             _________                            C Couldn’t be better!

39. What a nice
day!                  _________                           D I know! You haven’t
changed a bit.

40. How’s it
going?                   __________                         E Don’t mention it.


G     Read the
text and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

Test 1 B (Module 1)

cool for school

   You’ve always
wanted to be popular in school. You’ve dreamt a thousand times what it would be
like to be the star of your school’s football team or that tall blonde girl who
everyone fancies.

 ‘Cool’ people are
attractive, confident and always wear stylish outfits. Everyone wants to hang
out with them. But often “cool” people aren’t very nice! They can be selfish
and bossy. At times they get impatient with people who might be shy or a bit

   If you really
want to make some true friends, here are some tips. Don’t choose friends based
on looks. What really matters in a friend is not being slim and beautiful but
reliable and generous. Choose friends who are humorous, talkative and who never
treat others badly. In fact, these are the people who are truly cool! Try to
choose friends that you can actually benefit from. Those who are creative and
have interests other than fashion and parties.

   Be flexible but
don’t say or do things that make you feel uncomfortable just to make ‘cool’
people like you. Always speak your mind. Those who really care for you will
still be your friends- even if at times you drive them crazy. Remember: real
friends are those you can open up to. Those who will hold their tongue and will
never give away your secrets.

Take a minute and think. What really matters? Making friends that count or
counting friends?

41. A true friend
should be reliable and generous.________

42. The only way
to make new friends is by doing everything they ask you to do. _____

43.  A true friend
should be able to keep your secrets._________

44. What really
matters is having a lot of friends. _________

45. People who are
truly cool are talkative and friendly. ________


H        Listen to
some teenagers talking on a radio programme about their friends. Then, match
the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one extra statement.

A  The speaker and
his/her friends share the same pastime.

B  The speaker
moved close to his/her friend’s house.

C  The speaker sees
his/her friends every day.

D The speaker
spends all his/her free time with his/her friend.

 E  The
speaker thinks of his/her friend as part of the family.

F  The speaker
thinks he/she is lucky to have such good friends.

46.  Speaker 1

47.  Speaker 2 

48. Speaker 3

49. Speaker

50. Speaker 5



A 1 stubborn                     
           5 shrugged  

    2 got
over                                  6 tapping

    3 acquaintances               
        7 colleagues

reliable                                   8 slim

dull                                       13  bright 

hug                                      14  keen    

host                                      15 Avoid

    12 energetic

16  have been waiting               21 are staying

    17  are going to
fall                   22  works

    18  is always  
interrupting        23  will help

    19  will
go                                  24  Have you met

    20  starts                                 
   25 are going

26 rarely left                    E      31   the most sociable

    27 did you
take                        32    more sensitive

    28 was
watering                       33   the most patient

    29 didn’t
meet                          34  the least

    30 was
listening                        35 older

36 E                                G      41 T                               H 
       46   C    

C                                          42 F                                       
   47   F 

    38 B                                          43
T                                           48  A

A                                          44 T                                           49 

D                                          45 F                                           50 



  A 1 colleagues
                          5   stubborn 

     2 reliable                                 6

     3 slim                 
                    7 got over      

     4 shrugged                               8 tapping

 Avoid                                  13 energetic

bright                                   14 host     

    11 keen                                
    15 hug

    12 dull 

16  are going                             21  will

    17 works                                  
 22  are going to fall                  

    18  will help                             
23  is always   interrupting       

    19 Have you met                       24 
are staying

    20  have been
waiting                25 starts

26 didn’t meet                 E      31   the most selfish

    27 were you doing                  
32    duller

    28 was listening                     
 33   the least

    29 left                   
                   34   more

    30 did you start                   
     35  better

36 D                                G      41
T                               H        46   F    

    37 E                       
                  42 F                                          47   D 

    38 A                                         
43 T                                          48   E

    39 B                                         
44 F                                           49  A

    40 C                                         
45 T                                           50  C

Tape script

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: kesh04

12 и 14 совпадают, проверьте их


Автор ответа: MaryFairy211


11 scored

12 individual sports

13 bat

14 повтор, см. 12

15 opposing

16 tournament

17 worked out

18 enthusiasm

уже поздно

но все равно спасибо

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Предмет: Физика,
автор: Robertthe

Математический маятник длиной 0,99 м за 1 мин 40 с совершает 50 полных колебаний. Чему равно ускорение свободного падения в этом месте Земли? Округли ответ до сотых.​

4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: mekaasammkg

Решите уровнение​

4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: annadorn

Существует ли трехзначное число, которое равно произведению своих цифр? Ответ объясните. Поясните простым языком на уровне 6 класса пжл)

4 года назад

Предмет: История,
автор: Доширак204

Напишите краткое содержание «Католическая церковь: путь к вершине могущества», желательно 3-ий пункт

6 лет назад

Предмет: Литература,
автор: antonmolka

Даю 7 баллов
помогите!!! задание «Дайте визначення поняття композиція.»

6 лет назад

Модуль 8 (9 кл)

Контрольная работа

I. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use: total, first aid kit, experience, sprained, bruised, face, bump, cast, sling, survived.

1. It`s amazing that Mike ……… the skydiving accident.

2. John`s eye was badly …………. when he was accidentally hit by the ball.

3. Helen Keller not only managed to ………. her own challenges, but she also helped many other people with disabilities.

4. Everyone should have a …… in their homes, as small injuries can happen at any time.

5. Jack has a ……. on his leg because he broke it skateboarding.

6. It was a ……. miracle that Liz recovered from her spinal injury.

7. Your ankle looks swollen; are you sure you haven`t ………. it?

II. Underline the correct item.

  1. Tim climbed up the tree and recovered/rescued the kitten.

  2. Why is Alicia wearing a(an) sling/ice-pack on her arm? Did she break it?

  3. Sarah found a(an) harmed/injured bird and took it to the vet.

  4. He decided to go surfing instead of/besides rock climbing.

III. Rewrite the following statements into reported speech using the words in brackets.

  1. “I can`t be at basketball practice because I broke my arm,” Bill said. (explained)

  2. “I will not pay for your skydiving lessons, Tom,” Anne said. (refused)

  3. “I`ll help you with your application form,” Mary said to Sarah. (offered)

  4. “Don`t play with that pen knife, children,” Dad said. (warned)

  5. “My throat`s feeling sore,” Jennifer said. (complained)

IV. Underline the correct item.

  1. Can you tell James that there`s someone/anyone on the phone for him.

  2. Everyone/someone in the trekking club loves extreme sports.

  3. Researches come from everywhere/nowhere to explore Antarctica.

  4. There is something/nothing wrong with your wrist; it`s not even swollen.

  5. Helping out at the animal shelter is so easy that anyone/no one can do it.

V. Complete the exchanges using the phrases bellow. There is one extra phrase.

— Oh, dear! What happened? — Ouch! That hurt! -Oh, that`s good. –Get well soon.

Yes, it really hurts. – Hmm…I don`t know.

  1. A. You got very bad sunburn at the beach.

B. ………………………………………..

2. A. My karate teacher says I`ve made a lot of improvement.

B. ………………………………………………………….

3. A. What do you think about us joining an extreme sports club?

B. …………………………………………………………….

4. A. John`s in hospital with a broken leg.

B. ……………………………………………………………..

5. A. I`ve been under the weather for the past few days.

B. ………………………………………………………

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