Fill in the missing word in the sentences below choose from the following



Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following:

in a rut
in cash
in charge of
in common
in due course
in favour of
in the limelight

in season
in short
in stock
in succession
in the dark
in one ear & out
in the long run

in the nick of
timein the redin
in tune
in turns
the other
in vain

01. I can’t think why they ever got married. They have absolutely
nothing ___.
02. The inexperienced teacher tried ___ to control the unruly class. In the end she had to
call for the headmaster.
03. “Two tins of baked beans, please.” “I’m afraid we haven’t got any ___ at the
moment. But we should getting some more on Thursday.”
04. Last year was the third year ___ that they had come top of the football league.
05. The staff took it ___ to make afternoon coffee.
06. No one’s been told what’s going to happen at the conference yet. We’re all being
kept ___ for some reason.
07. We got to the station ___. A second later and we’d have missed our connection.
08. It must be difficult being famous. Just imagine being ___ all the time; never being
able to go out without being recognised.
09. This is Mrs Brightwell. She’s ___ marketing.
10. Although I’ve been trying hard to pay back my bank loan, I’m still ___. In fact,
I’ve got to go and see my bank manager about it tomorrow.
11. Strawberries cost a lot at the moment because they’re not ___.
12. Thank you for attending the interview, Mr Blake. You’ll be hearing from us ___ –
probably at the end of next week.
13. Although I like teaching, I sometimes feel that I’m ___. I seem to be doing the same
thing all the time – the job is no longer challenging enough.
14. Are you sure your piano’s ___? It sounds terrible to me.
15. My Frank is tall, dark, handsome, has a marvellous job and is incredibly rich. ___
he’s the perfect husband!
16. Hands up all those ___ capital punishment. Thank you. Now hands up all those against.
17. It costs $300 if you pay by credit card or $250 if you pay ___.
18. The law may be unpopular now, but I’m sure people will soon see how good it is for
the country and themselves ___.
19. It’s no use talking to Jane. She never listens. It’s a case of ___.
20. His idea sounded wonderful ___, but they never seemed to work out in practice.


Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following:

on account of
on and off
on average
on board
on the carpet

on principle
on purpose
on tenderhooks
on the cards
on the rocks

on the contrary
on the dot
on the house
on the other hand
on the whole

on the run
on the shelf
on the spur of the moment
on call
on one’s toes*

01. When I was growing up in Wales, a girl was considered to be ___ if
she wasn’t married by the time she was twenty-five.
02. “The drinks are ___!” said the smiling landlord to his customers on Christmas
03. My mother, being an ardent socialist, disagrees with everything the Conservative Party
does ___.
04. We mustn’t be late tomorrow, so I expect you all to be here at 9 o’clock ___ .
05. The football match had to be postponed ___ the bad weather.
06. James and I hadn’t really planned to get married; we just did it ___ one day.
07. “How much do teachers earn in your country?” “It varies, but ___ about Ј1,000 a
08. Sales have really fallen off this year. If this goes on much longer, the company will
soon be ___ .
09. His work is quite good ___ , but there are still one or two things I’m not really
happy with.
10. Arnold has been learning Russian ___ for three years.
11. Selling computers is very competitive. You really have to be ___ to keep your job.
12. You’ll be ___ if the boss ever finds out that you forgot to deliver those parcels on
time last week.
13. She didn’t know whether to take the job or not. On the one hand the salary was much
better, but ___ it meant a lot more travelling every day.
14. I hate travelling by boat. As soon as I get ___ I start to feel seasick.
15. After ten days of being ___ he finally gave himself up to the police.
16. One of the disadvantages of being a doctor is that you are frequently ___ at weekends.
17. The students were all ___ as they awaited the results of the examination.
18. It isn’t true that I hate pop music; ___ I like it very much.
19. It’s ___ that the Foreign Secretary will be forced to resign because of that
business in the East.
20. It was no accident! You did it ___!


Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following:

at loose ends
at a loss
at a pinch
at all costs
at all hours
at best
at a standstill

at death’s door
at fault
at first sight
at least
at loggerheads
at most
at once

at one’s wits’ end*at randomat short
noticeat sixes and sevensat the crack of dawn at will

(* change possessive pronouns as appropriate)

01. We must ___ catch the 7. 30 train. Otherwise we won’t get to the meeting in time.
02. It is difficult to know who’s ___ in the matter. Perhaps we’re all to blame.
03. It’s late. I think you’d better go to bed now, darling. Remember, you’ve got to
get up___ tomorrow.
04. Since it’s his first offence he’ll probably get off with a warning – ___ a small
05. If you’re ___ this weekend, Joan, why not come over for a meal? It’ll give us a
chance to catch up on some gossip.
06. I may be getting on a bit, but I’m certainly not ___ yet! I hope to live for at
least another ten to fifteen years!
07. When her daughter didn’t come home on the last bus with the other girls, Mrs Jenkins
was ___, terrified that something dreadful had happened to her.
08. Like you, I’m ___ to explain the sudden fall in share prices. I’ve absolutely no
idea what can have caused it.
09. When Richard Burton saw Elizabeth Taylor it was a classic case of love ___.
10. Traffic was ___ this morning because of an accident on the A21.
11. I’m afraid everything’s ___ this week. Both the secretaries are ill and no one
knows where anything is.
12. The hotel wasn’t that modern, but ___ it was cheap and reasonably clean.
13. I’ve got room in the car for three – four people ___.
14. Mrs Smith’s daughter is terrible, isn’t she? Out about town ___ and never a kind
word to anyone.
15. You should be able to sell your stereo equipment for $300 – ___ $350.
16. If you don’t get out ___ then I shall have you thrown out.
17. Pamela and David are always ___. I really can’t imagine why they got married in the
first place. They are absolutely nothing in common.
18. A chameleon is a remarkable creature – it is able to change the colour of its skin
19. You can’t expect me to work overtime ___ such ___! I need to be told at least two
days in advance.
20. I was in a hurry for my train, so I chose a book ___.

Compiled by Elena Kisunko, Moscow, School No. 651

to be continued



01. (nothing) in common (They do not share e.g. hobbies, interests,
taste in music etc.)
02. in vain (Without success)
03. in stock (Available for sale)
04. in succession (Three consecutive years without a break e.g. 1988, 1989, 1990)
05. in turns (They shared the coffee making equally, each person doing it on a particular
06. in the dark ( We are not being told; it is being kept secret)
07. in the nick of time (At the last possible moment)
08. in the limelight (The focus of attention)
09. in charge of (Responsible for)
10. in the red (I still owe the bank money)
11. in season (The time when plants and fruit are normally ripe)
12. in due course (At some future date)
13. in a rut (In a job or way of life which is boring and which has no prospects of
14. in tune (Sounds at the correct pitch; sounding well together)
15. in short (Briefly; in a few words)
16. in favour of (Who support capital punishment)
17. in cash (Ready money as opposed to a cheque or a credit card)
18. in the long run (In the end; over a long period of time)
19. in one ear and out the other (She never listens to anything you say to her)
20. in theory (The opposite of “in practice”; an idea which seems fine on paper may
not necessary work out in practice)


01. on the shelf (Unmarried, and with no prospects of getting married)
02. on the house (Free)
03. on principle (As a matter of principle because of her fixed beliefs in socialism)
04. on the dot (At 9 o’clock exactly)
05. on account of (Because of; due to)
06. on the spur of the moment (Without planning beforehand; impulsively)
07. on average (He earns about $ 2000 a month)
08. on the rocks (The company will soon be bankrupt)
09. on the whole (Overall, generally)
10. on and off (Irregularly; from time to time)
11. on your toes (Alert; ready to act)
12. on the carpet (Told off; reprimanded by one‘s boss)
13. on the other hand (“On the one hand ___ on the other”. Used to emphasise the
contrast between two opposite statements)
14. on board (As soon as I step onto the boat)
15. on the run (Fleeing from the police)
16. on call (Available for duty)
17. on tenterhooks (Very nervous; be in a state of a nervous suspense)
18. on the contrary (Used to contradict what has been said. The truth is the opposite of
what he said)
19. on the cards (Possible; likely)
20. on purpose (You did it deliberately)


01. at all costs (Without fail)
02. at fault (It is difficult to know who is to blame)
03. at the crack of dawn (Very early)
04. at most (The worst or most severe punishment will be a small fine)
05. at loose ends (If you have nothing to do this weekend)
06. at death’s door (Seriously ill; about to die)
07. at wits’ end (She was in such a state of anxiety that she didn’t know what to do)
08. at a loss (Unable to explain the sudden fall in share prices)
09. at fist sight (It was love from the first moment they saw each other)
10. at a standstill (The traffic was not moving)
11. at sixes and sevens (Everything is very confused and muddled)
12. at least (If nothing else)
13. at a pinch (Four if necessary, but with some difficulty)
14. at all hours (She is out all the time)
15. at best ($350 would be the best price the person could get)
16. at once (Immediately)
17. at loggerheads (They are always quarrelling)
18. at will (It can change the colour of its skin whenever it wants to)
19. at (such) short notice (With such little advance warning)
20. at random (Without choosing carefully or deliberately)

to be continued

Your company

Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the words in the box. You can the use similar sentences to talk about your company.

Competitiors customers employees leader products profit
share shareholders share price subsidiaries turnover

1. I work for a company called Kwikshoe.
2. Our main products are sport shoes
3. Kwikshoe leader In the tennis shoe.
4. It has a national market share of 23%
5. Ithas 2,500 employees in this country.
6. It has seven subsidiaries in five different countries.
7. Its main customers are young people and people who do sport.
8. Its main competitors are in Britain and the USA.
9. Its main shareholders are banks and pension funds
10. Its turnover last year was $1.2 billion.
11. Its profit last year was $16 million.
12. Its share price today is $57.

Activities: I completed the sentences whit tha words corresponding of a company.
Reflection: Well, in this exercise I learned some basic concepts in a company and applied in the sentences corresponding.
Source: Flinders Steve, Penguin English Guides, Proffesional English, page 2.

(закрытое) собрание; совещательный
голос; внести дополнения и изменения;
поставить вопрос на голосование;
предложение; выдвинуть предложение;
поддержать предложение; отклонить
предложение; заключительное слово;
повестка дня; предлагаемая повестка
дня; регламент и порядок ведения собрания;
протокол ведения собрания; вести протокол
собрания; открытое голосование поднятием
рук; поименное голосование; тайное
голосование; делегат с правом голоса;
повестка дня принята; разное; значительное
число возражающих; предложение было
принято; кандидатура; подавляющее
(простое) большинство; воздержаться от
голосования; книга протоколов; быть
за/против; выступать, брать слово;
составлять документ; возобновлять
собрание; отменять собрание; набрать
кворум; переходить к следующему вопросу;
правила процедуры; проект решения
собрания (3); решение собрания в целом;
редакция текста; вычеркнуть слово;
заменить слово; изменить.

IV. Match the synonyms:

move – to replace

discuss – to meet again

disagree – to make up

adjourn – to make a speech

set a time limit – to change

resume – to put off

alter — to fix a time limit

To overrule – to protest

object to – to dissent

substitute — to debate

take the floor – to repeal, to revoke

draw up – to propose, to suggest

V. Match the antonyms:

– to be against

object to – to take part in

alter – to be in favor of

of hands – card vote

observe – to conceal

delete a word – to ignore

adjourn – to keep (retain)

reveal – to start (begin)

Introductory part –
Absolute majority

majority – closing statement

VI. Fill in the missing words in the
sentences below. There are two possible answers for number 8. Choose
from the following:

item point

Any other business
matters arising room

minutes start



It was a terrible … .

It was planned to … at nine o’clock.

But no one had an … .

And no one knew which … to go to.

The … arrived at 9. 15. At last we thought we could start.

6. But no one had the … of the last meeting, so
the secretary had to go and look for them.

7. It took a long time to go through the … from
the last meeting.

8. At last we got to the main … on the agenda.

9. We talked for two hours but did not reach a …

10.There was no time for … .

11. The chair declared the meeting … just before

12. Thank goodness it’s only a … meeting.

VII. Fill in the missing words in the sentences by changing the nouns in brackets to verbs. (See example):

Meetings are good if everyone prepares
for them very carefully in advance. (preparation)

2. First of all, we have to … who will be the
chair. (decision)

3. I… that Mr. McBride
(should) chair the meeting. (suggestion)

4. I … that he is the
right man for the job. (agreement)

5. He is the only man here who can … the
situation properly. (analysis)

6. He can … the
problem if anyone can. (solution)

7. Mr. Hong, please would you not … when I am
speaking. (interruption)

Next point. I … that everyone here (should) get a 20% salary
increase next year. (proposal)

9. We must …for the next stage of the project.

Celia is now going to … the sales figures for the last quarter.

I hate the weekly sales meeting. Archie and Pat always … all the
time. (argument)

12. I … with what you say. Mr. Hong is the
problem. (disagreement)

13. We need to … again soon. (meeting)

14. We have to … this question in more detail.

15. So, I’d like to … what we have said so
far. (summary)

16. Good, So who is going to … all this to the
Board? (report)

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помогите пожалуйста, вы полнить задание:
Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the box. You will need to use each word more than once.

account accounts accountant accounting accountancy

Can you check that the figures have been entered correctly in the bank account ?

He’s at university studying_____

The management of the company have not yet decided on their ___ policies.

A bookkeeper writes details of financial transactions In the

Most people in the profession read_, magazines and
Journals In order to stay informed.

She’s been working as an_with this firm for several
years now.

The directors of the company approve the____at the
end of the______year.

The chief______has completed the draft____ for
this year.

Each branch maintains its own full__ system,
They have opened an__for the consignment to Bombay.
___Is really not an exact science.

A business manager needs some_knowledge in order
to understand what he reads in the company_.

This is drawn up to check that the two sides of the accounts are the same.

The cost of transporting goods is called this.

The official books for keeping accounts.

Introducing accounting 2
Complete trie following words.

This is the name for buildings, machinery, money in the bank and money owed by
customers. AS S ETS

The loss of value of the things in
number 1. DP N
Money which is borrowed. L___
The extra money a company or person
pays for borrowing money. I___ ST
The total sum of money which is supplied
by the owners of a company to set it up. C___T__
Cash or goods which the owner takes
from the company for his own private use. D__W___S
These are bought by people wishing to
invest In the company. s____s
The extra amount which is paid for a
company above the value of its assets. GOO
The purchase of another company. ACQU_______
An official examination of the accounts. A___T
A financial plan for the future. B____T
A statement of the financial position of
the company. B _ E SHEET

  • 0

СРОЧНО I. Fill in the missing words in the letters below. Choose from the following. (See example):
in reply appreciate send ask enquire concerning translated payment delighted enclose faithfully grateful hearing please regarding regret hesitate sincerely sorry
1. Dear Ms Chan, ….. (1) to your letter of 24 April, (2)…..the exhibition in Anytown in August, we are (3)……to inform that our company will be taking part in.
(4)…………..the conference, we will (5)………it if you could ….. us details of all the delegates. We would also (5)……….you to let us have details of the equipment you need for your presentation. We look forward to (6)……….your reply. Yours (7)……….
2. Dear Sir/Madam Your company has been recommended to us by a business associate and I would like to (8) …… your translation services. My company has recently entered the export market and we need advertising material (9) …… into Chinese, Italian, and Turkish. We would be (10)……..if you could send us your prices and terms of (11)……… We look forward to (12)……….from you. Yours (13)……….
3. Dear Mr Kadenza I was very (14)……….to hear about your problems with the new super vacuum. I have investigated the complaint and I (15)……….to tell you that the problem is the result of faulty operation. I (16)………….a copy of the inspector’s report with this letter. If you require us to repair the machine, do not (17)……….to contact me at the number above. Yours ………,

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1. Dear Ms Chan, in
reply (1) to your letter of 24 April, (2)
concerning the
exhibition in Anytown in August, we are (3)
delighted to inform you that our
company will be taking part in.
(4) R
egarding the conference, we will (5) appreciate it if you could send
us details of all the delegates. We would also (5)
ask you to let
us have details of the equipment you need for your presentation. We look
forward to (6) receiving
your reply. Yours (7) faithfully.
2. Dear Sir/Madam Your company has been recommended to us by a business
associate and I would like to (8)
enquire your translation services. My
company has recently entered the export market and we need advertising
material (9)
translated into Chinese, Italian, and Turkish. We would be
grateful if you could send us your prices and terms of (11) payment.
We look forward to (12)
hearing from you. Yours (13) sincerely.
3. Dear Mr Kadenza I was very (14)
sorry to hear about your problems
with the new super vacuum. I have investigated the complaint and I
regret to tell you that the problem is the result of faulty
operation. I (16)
enclose a copy of the inspector’s report with this
letter. If you require us to repair the machine, do not
hesitate to contact me at the number above. Yours  sincerely,

  • Комментариев (0)

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