Fill in the missing word feet colour worse shape

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 22

г. Балашиха

Контрольная работа для 10 класса

по теме “Food and health”

Учитель английского языка

МБОУ СОШ № 22 г. Балашиха

Сиверкина Диана Александровна

2014 учебный год

Modular test 6




1 Fill in the missing words: feet, colour, worse, shape, regular exercises, low

carbohydrate diet, spicy food, dry skin , tooth decay, health tips

1) Jane has been off ……… for weeks. I hope she is feeling better soon.

2) I’m so glad you are back on your……..after the operation.

3) You need to do some exercise to get back into ………………after having a


4) Harry was getting better, but suddenly he took a turn for the


5) Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps to prevent……………………….

6) Jenny is on a ………………. so don’t offer her any bread!

7) If you want to avoid……………………. drink lots of water and eat oily


8) My personal trainer at the gym gave me some very good


9) I love ……………….. but it gives me terrible indigestion.

10) Since I have been taking ……………….I feel much fitter

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1) A: I love ice cream. B: Yes, but if you ( eat)………. a lot of it, you (get)


2) A: I’m bored! I’m going out. B: Come on. If you (not/study),………. you

(fail)……….your exams.

3) A: Where is Donna? B: If she (not/arrive)……….soon, we (leave)…….

without her.

4) A: If it’s sunny tomorrow, we (go)……. to the beach. B: What a good idea!

5) A: What would you do if you won the lottery? B: If I (win)………..a lot

of money, I (buy) …….a new car.

6) A: Did you walk to work? B: No way! If I (walk)………to work, I


7) A: Poor Mary. She looks exhausted! B: Yes, but if she (not/stay)……….out

late she (not/be) ……….tired!

8) A: Should I wear my red dress or my blue trousers to Mary’s party? B: If I

(be)……………you, I …………(wear) your red dress.

9) A: Do you like living in London? B: Not really. If I (have)………….a

choice, I (move) ……… the countryside.

10) A: How does Tim like his new school? B: We (know) next Monday,

when his classes (start)……………

3 Fill in: off, away, back, up (2). of against from up with

1) He has decided to give……..smoking.

2) The rubbish bins gave ………a nasty smell in the hot weather.

3) Kerry gave ……..all her old clothes.

4) They have given……..hope of finding the two divers alive.

5) Did Fiona give…….the cookerybook you lent her?

6) Not exercising enough can result ………problems later in life.

7) I’m thinking ………… up coffee.

8) Paul is finding it hard to cope…………………..his schoolwork.

9) Mum often suffers………………. terrible back pain.

10) He advised me……………my diet.



1 colour, 2 feet, 3 shape, 4 worse, 5 tooth decay, 6 low carbohydrate diet,7 dry ski, 8 health tips,

9 spicy food, 10 regular exercise


1 eat will get, 2 don’t study will fail, 3 doesn’t arrive will leave, 4 will go, 5 won/ would buy, 6

had walked would have been, 7 hadn’t stayed/ wouldn’t have been,

8 were would wear, 9 had/ would move, 10 will know start


1 up, 2 off, 3 away, 4 up, 5 back, 6 in, 7 of, 8 with, 9 from, 10 against

Modular test 6

10th form  Вариант 1

1 Fill in the missing words:
feet, colour, worse, shape, regular exercises, low carbohydrate
diet, spicy food, dry skin , tooth decay, health tips

Jane has been off…….. for weeks. I hope she is feeling better

I’m so glad you are back on your……..after the operation.

3)    You need to do some exercise to get back into ………………after having
a baby.

Harry was getting better, but suddenly hetook a turn for the

Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps toprevent……………………….      

Jenny is on a ……………..  so don’t offer her any bread!

If you want to avoid…………………….     drinklots of water and eat
oily fish.

My personal trainer at the gym gave me somevery good ……………………….  

I love ……………….  but it gives me terrible

10) Since I have been taking ……………….Ifeel much fitter

Fill in:
off, away, back, up (2). of,аgainst, from,up, with

He has decided to give……..smoking.

The rubbish bins gave  ………a nasty smell in the hot weather.

Kerry gave ……..all her old clothes.

They have given……..hope off in dingthetwodiversa live.

Did Fiona give…….the cookery book you lenther?

Not exercising enough can result ………problems laterinlife.

I’m thinking ………… up coffee.

Paul is find in githard to cope…………………..his school work.

Mum often suffers………………. Terrible backpain.

He advised me……………my diet.

the most suitable verb forms in each

a) Why
didn’t you tell me? If you told/had
me, I had helped/would have helped you. b) If Bill didn’t steal/hadn’t stolen the car, he wasn’t/wouldn’t be/hadn’t been in prison now. c) If Ann wasn’t driving/didn’t drive/hadn’t
so fast, her car didn’t crash/wouldn’t
crash/wouldn’t have crashed 
a tree. d) Let me give you some advice. If you smoked/would smoke/had smoked less, you didn’t feel/wouldn’t feel/wouldn’t
have felt 
so tired. e) What
bad luck! If Alan didn’t
fall/hadn’t fallen/wouldn’t fall 
he won/would win/would have
the race.

4. Rewrite
the sentences using the correct Conditional Type, as in the example

e.g. I
wish Jack were here (he/help us) – If Jack were here he would help us.

1. I wish
you paid more attention in class (you/understand everything). 2. I wish they
had called before they came (I/cook something)

5. Fill
in the correct word: keep, fight, protect, feel, complain, grapes, spices,
rumbling, greedy, carrots.

1. I’m
making a fruit salad with apple, peach and ___. 2. Why do you always __ about
everything? Don’t you like the food? 3. The soup is very tasty. What __ did you
use? 4. Fruit and vegetables __ us from all kinds of illnesses. 5. Is there
anything to eat? My tummy is __. 6. I am usually in a very good mood but
sometimes I __ down in the dumps too. 7. She is so __; she can eat without even
offering anyone! 8. He can’t __ his emotions under control. 9. My favourite
vegetables are cabbage and__. 10. Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis;
it’s the only way to __ off infections.

6. Put
down the correct prepositions:

1. You must
give __ this diet; it’s not good for you. 2. She suffers __ headaches. 3. He
can’t cope __ the stress. 4. The doctor advised me __ fatty food. 5. What are
you cooking there? It
s giving __a nasty smell!

7. Translate

о животе),боль в  желудке, медицинский рецепт, чайная ложка, увидеть мельком.

Modular test 6

10th form  Вариант 2

1. Fill in the missing
feet, colour, worse, shape, regular
exercises, low carbohydrate diet, spicy food, dry skin , tooth decay, health

Jane has been off…….. for weeks. I hope she is feeling better

I’m so glad you are back on your……..after the operation.

3)    You need to do some exercise to get back into ………………after having
a baby.

Harry was getting better, but suddenly hetook a turn for the

Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps toprevent……………………….      

Jenny is on a ……………..  so don’t offer her any bread!

If you want to avoid…………………….     drinklots of water and eat
oily fish.

My personal trainer at the gym gave me somevery good ……………………….  

I love ……………….  but it gives me terrible

10) Since I have been taking ……………….Ifeel much fitter

Fill in:
off, away, back, up (2). of,аgainst, from,up, with

He has decided to give……..smoking.

The rubbish bins gave  ………a nasty smell in the hot weather.

Kerry gave ……..all her old clothes.

They have given……..hope off in dingthetwodiversa live.

Did Fiona give…….the cookery book you lenther?

Not exercising enough can result ………problems laterinlife.

I’m thinking ………… up coffee.

Paul is find in githard to cope…………………..his school work.

Mum often suffers………………. Terrible backpain.

He advised me……………my diet.

the most suitable verb forms in each

a) If you invited/had invited me last week, I was able/had been able/would have
been able 
to come. b) I’m
sure your letter hasn’t arrived yet. If it came/had
I’m sure Inoticed/had
noticed/would have noticed 
c) We have a suggestion to make. How do
you feel/would you feel 
if weoffered/would
offer/had offered 
you the job
of assistant manager? d) If you lent/had
us the money, we paid/would pay/had paid you back next week. e) Terry never
catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he catches/caught/had caught a fish, he throws/would throw it back!

Rewrite the sentences using the correct Conditional Type, as in the example

e.g. I
wish Jack were here (he/help us) – If Jack were here he would help us.

1. I wish
Sandra got up early (we/run in the morning). 2. I wish we had not got stuck in
traffic (we/be late for work)

5. Fill
in the correct word: keep, fight, prescription, feel, complain, pain, spices,
rumbling, sour, carrots.

1. I’ve had
this ___ in my back since yesterday. 2. Why do you always __ about everything?
Don’t you like the food? 3. The soup is very tasty. What __ did you use? 4. You
can get this midicine only with a doctor’s __. 5. Is there anything to eat? My
tummy is __. 6. I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I __ down in the
dumps too. 7. I find that natural lemonade is extremely __! 8. He can’t __ his
emotions under control. 9. My favourite vegetables are cabbage and__. 10. Make
sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it’s the only way to __ off

6. Put
down the correct prepositions:

1. You must
give __ this diet; it’s not good for you. 2. She suffers __ headaches. 3. He
can’t cope __ the stress. 4. The doctor advised me __ fatty food. 5. What are
you cooking there? It’s giving __a nasty smell!

7. Translate

Угощать, инжир, набирать вес, зубная боль, выздороветь.

Modular test 6    

10th form 1вариант

1 Fill in the missing words:feet, colour, worse, shape, tooth decay. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. Jane has been off…… for weeks. I hope she is feeling better soon.

  2. I’m so glad you are back on your……..after the operation.

  3. You need to do some exercise to get back into ………………after having a baby.

  4. Harry was getting better, but suddenly he took a turn for the ………………….

  5. Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps to prevent…..

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

  1. A: I love ice cream. B: Yes, but if you ( eat)………. a lot of it, you will get………fat

  2. A: I’m bored! I’m going out. B: Come on. If you don’t………. you   (fail)……….your exams.

  3. A: Where is Donna? B: If she (not/arrive)……….soon, we will miss the train

  4. A: If it’s sunny tomorrow, we (go)……. to the beach. B: What a good idea!

  5. A: What would you do if you won the lottery?B: If I won ………..a lot of money, I (buy) …….a new car

  6. If I played a guitar, I …( become) a very famous rock star

  7. If I (be) you, I would take part in this competition

  8. If he is late, he( miss) the train

  9. If Helen (eat) so much ice cream, she would not have fallen it

  10. If we were clever and careful, we ( live )among litter and waste.

3Translate the sentences from English into Russian

  1. If he gets into a university, everybody will be really surprised.

  2. If he knows the truth, he will be very angry.

  3. I will stay for lunch if I have free time.

  4. If I were you I would tell my parents about it.

  5. If I had time, I would do this work.

4. Fill in:off, away, back, up (2). of against from up with. Translate into Russian.

  1. He has decided to give……..smoking.

  2. The rubbish bins gave ………a nasty smell in the hot weather.

  3. Kerry gave ……..all herold clothes.

  4. They have given……..hope of finding the two divers alive

  5. Did Fiona give…….the cookerybook you lent her

Modular test 6    

10th form 2вариант

1 Fill in the missing words low carbohydrate diet, health tips, dry skin, spicy food, regular exercise. Translate into Russian

1. Jenny is on a ……………. so don’t offer her any bread!

2. If you want to avoid……………………. drink lots of water and eat oily fish.

3. My personal trainer at the gym gave me some very good ……………………….

4. I love ………………. but it gives me terrible indigestion.

5. Since I have been taking ……………….I feel much fitter.

2.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense

1.A: Did you walk to work? B: No way! If I (walk)………to work, I (be)……late.

2.A: Poor Mary. She looks exhausted! B: Yes, but if she (not/stay)……….out late she (not/be) ……….tired!

3.A: Should I wear my red dress or my blue trousers to Mary’s party? B: If I (be)……………you, I …………(wear) your red dress.

4.A: Do you like living in London? B: Not really. If I (have)………….a choice, I (move) ……… the countryside.

5.A: How does Tim like his new school? B: We (know) next Monday, when his classes (start)……………

6.If I_________ (to have) something to say to a man, I’ll tell it to his face.

7. What _____ you____ (to do) if you won 500 dollars?

8. If the weather had been sunny and warm, we __________ (to go) to the country.

9. If they_________ (to know) about the consequences, they wouldn’t have dropped that cigarette pocket.

10. If John_______ (to do) his home task, he’ll go for a walk

3Translate the sentences from English into Russian

1. If I got a pay rise, I would buy some things.

2. If he hadn’t got a bad mark, he wouldn’t have spent the whole day at home.

3. I would have come if they had phoned me.

4. The judge would have given another verdict if they had seen the evidence.

5. He wouldn’t have accused this man if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes

4. Fill in:off, away, back, up (2). of against from up with

1Not exercising enough can result ………problems later in life.

2.I’m thinking ………… up coffee.

3.Paul is finding it hard to cope…………………..his schoolwork.

4.Mum often suffers………………. terrible back pain.

5.He advised me……………my diet.

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 10 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 6b.

Exercise 1. Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences.
Упражнение 1. Образуйте сочетания и упoтребите их в предложениях.


1) health
2) regular
3) low carbohydrate
4) spicy
5) dry
6) tooth

a) food
b) skin
с) decay
d) exercise
e) tips
f) diet

1) Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps to prevent __ .
2) Jenny is on a __ so don’t offer her any bread!
3) If you want to avoid __, drink lots of water and eat oily fish.
4) My personal trainer at the gym gave me some very good __ .
5) I love __ but it gives me terrible indigestion.
6) Since I have been taking __ I feel much fitter.

1) health tips – советы относительно здоровья
2) regular exercise – регулярные упражнения
3) low carbohydrate diet – диета с низким содержанием углеводов
4) spicy food – острая еда
5) dry skin – сухая кожа
6) tooth decay – кариес

1) Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps to prevent tooth decay.
2) Jenny is on a low carbohydrate diet so don’t offer her any bread! – Дженни сидит на диете с низким содержанием углеводов, так что не предлагайте ей никакого хлеба!
3) If you want to avoid dry skin, drink lots of water and eat oily fish. – Если вы хотите избежать сухости кожи, то пейте много воды и ешьте жирную рыбу.
4) My personal trainer at the gym gave me some very good health tips. – Мой персональный тренер в спортзале дал мне некоторые очень хорошие советы относительно здоровья.
5) I love spicy food but it gives me terrible indigestion. – Я люблю острую еду, но у меня от нее ужасное несварение.
6) Since I have been taking regular exercise I feel much fitter. – Поскольку я регулярно выполняю физические упражнения, я чувствую себя гораздо лучше.

Exercise 2. Fill in: catch, feel, have, wander, cut out.
Упражнение 2. Вставить: catch, feel, have, wander, cut out.


1) My dentist told me to __ sugary drinks completely.
2) I always __ sleepy in the afternoon.
3) My thoughts usually __ during History lessons.
4) The dentist said that I needed to __ a tooth pulled out.
5) Wear a jumper! You don’t want to __ a cold.

1) My dentist told me to cut out sugary drinks completely. – Мой стоматолог сказал мне полностью исключить напитки с содержанием сахара.
2) I always feel sleepy in the afternoon. – Днем я всегда чувствую себя сонным.
3) My thoughts usually wander during History lessons. – НА уроках истории мои мысли обычно блуждают.
4) The dentist said that I needed to have a tooth pulled out. – Стоматолог сказал, что мне надо удалить зуб.
5) Wear a jumper! You don’t want to catch a cold. – Надень джемпер! Ты же не хочешь простудиться.

Exercise 3. What problem does each person have? rash, indigestion, toothache, stomach ache, headache, cold.
Упражнение 3. Определите недуг: rash, indigestion, toothache, stomach ache, headache, cold


1) ‘My head hurts,’ said Tony. (__)
2) ‘Oh dear! I shouldn’t have eaten that spicy food,’ said Frankie. (__)
3) ‘I think I should go to the dentist,’ said Katerina. (__)
4) ‘I’ve got red itchy spots all over my skin, ’ said George. (__)
5) ‘I can’t stop sneezing and my eyes are watering!’ said Caroline. (__)
6) ‘I have pains in my stomach!’ said Vincent. (__)

1) ‘My head hurts,’ said Tony. (headache)
“У меня болит голова”, – сказал Тони. (головная боль)

2) ‘Oh dear! I shouldn’t have eaten that spicy food,’ said Frankie. (indigestion)
“О, дорогой! Мне не следовало есть эту острую еду”, – сказала Франки. (несварение)

3) ‘I think I should go to the dentist,’ said Katerina. (toothache)
“Я думаю, что мне надо к стоматологу”, – сказала Катерина. (зубная боль)

4) ‘I’ve got red itchy spots all over my skin, ’ said George. (rash)
“У меня красные зудящие пятна по всех коже”, – сказал Джордж. (сыпь)

5) ‘I can’t stop sneezing and my eyes are watering!’ said Caroline. (cold)
“Не могу перестать чихать, и у меня глаза слезятся”, – сказала Карлин. (простуда)

6) ‘I have pains in my stomach!’ said Vincent. (stomach ache)
“У меня боли в животе”, – сказал Винсент. (боли в животе)

Exercise 4. Fill in: feet, colour, worse, shape.
Упражнение 4. Вставить: feet, colour, worse, shape.


1) Jane has been off __ for weeks. I hope she is feeling better soon.
2) I’m so glad you are back on your __ after the operation.
3) You need to do some exercise to get back into __ after having a baby.
4) Harry was getting better, but suddenly he took a turn for the __.

1) Jane has been off colour for weeks. I hope she is feeling better soon. – Уже несколько недель Джейн нездорова. Я надеюсь, что она вскоре поправится.
2) I’m so glad you are back on your feet after the operation. – Я рад, что ты снова встал на ноги после операции.
3) You need to do some exercise to get back into shape after having a baby. – После рождения ребенка тебе надо выполнять физические упражнения, чтобы вернуться в форму.
4) Harry was getting better, but suddenly he took a turn for the worse. – Самочувствие Гарри улучшалось, но внезапно ему стало хуже.

Exercise 5. Circle the correct response.
Упражнение 5. Отметьте правильный ответ.


A: I’m overweight!
В: (a) Have you thought about taking more exercise? (b) Maybe you’re right.

A: So what are you going to order?
В: (a) I hate tea! (b) I’ll have a cola.

A: I get terrible indigestion.
B: (a) Have you thought about avoiding spicy foods? (b) Thanks! I hadn’t thought of that.

A: I’ve had a toothache for a week now.
B: (a) Much better, thanks. (b) If I were you, I’d go to see a dentist.

A: My mouth is feeling a bit sore.
B: (a) Are you feeling better? (b) You should order a nice soothing cup of lemon tea.

A: I’ve just been to the doctor’s.
B: (a) Everything OK? (b) I’m not sure if it’ll work.

A: I’m overweight! – У меня большой вес!
В: Have you thought about taking more exercise? – Ты когда-нибудь думал о том, чтобы заниматься побольше физически?

A: So what are you going to order? – Итак, что вы собираетесь заказывать?
В: I’ll have a cola. – Я возьму колу.

A: I get terrible indigestion. – У меня ужасное несварение.
B: Have you thought about avoiding spicy foods? – Ты думал о том, чтобы избегать острой еды?

A: I’ve had a toothache for a week now. – Уже неделю у меня болит зуб.
B: If I were you, I’d go to see a dentist. – На твоем месте я бы пошел на прием к стоматологу.

A: My mouth is feeling a bit sore. – Мое горло немного воспалено.
B: You should order a nice soothing cup of lemon tea. – Тебе следует заказать чашку хорошего успокаивающего чая с лимоном.

A: I’ve just been to the doctor’s. – Я только что был у врача.
B: Everything OK? – Все в порядке?

Exercise 6. Expand into full sentences.
Упражнение 6. Образуйте полные предложения. Первое предложение дано в качестве примера.


1) tea / milk / no sugar
► I’d like tea with milk but no suqar.

2) Coffee / black / two sugars
3) Well done steak / roast potatoes
4) Three slices toast / butter / jam
5) Bottle of water / sparkling / not still

1) tea (чай) / milk (молоко) / no sugar (никакого сахара)
► I’d like tea with milk but no suqar. – Я хотел бы чай с молоком, но без сахара.

2) Coffee (кофе) / black (черный) / two sugars (два кусочка сахара)
► I’d like a black coffee with two sugars. – Я бы хотел черный кофе с двумя кусочками сахара.

3) Well done steak (хорош прожаренный стейк) / roast potatoes (запеченный картофель)
► I’d like a well done steak with roast potatoes. – Я бы хотел хорошо прожаренный стейк с запеченным картофелем.

4) Three slices toast (три тоста) / butter (масло) / jam (джем)
► I’d like three slices of toast with butter and jam. – Я бы хотел три тоста с маслом и джемом.

5) Bottle of water (бутылка воды) / sparkling (с газом) / not still (простая, негазированная)
► I’d like a bottle of water, sparkling, not still. – Я бы хотел бутылку воды с газом, не без газа.



Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Пятигорский техникум торговли, технологий и сервиса»


Контрольный срез по иностранному языку для 2 курса СПО по профессии 19.01.17 – «Повар, кондитер»

Преподаватель иностранного языка


Валуева Ольга Васильевна




Group: ____________________



1 Fill in the missing words:feet, colour, worse, shape, regular exercises, low carbohydrate diet, spicy food, dry skin , tooth decay, health tips

Jane has been offfor weeks. I hope she is feeling better soon.

I’m so glad you are back on your……..after the operation.

You need to do some exercise to get back into ………………after having a baby.

Harry was getting better, but suddenly hetook a turn for the …………………..

Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps toprevent……………………….

Jenny is on a so don’t offer her any bread!

If you want to avoid……………………. drinklots of water and eat oily fish.

My personal trainer at the gym gave me somevery good ……………………….

I love butit gives me terrible indigestion.

10)Since I have been taking ……………….Ifeel much fitter

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

A: I love ice cream. B: Yes, but if you ( eat)………. a lot ofit, you (get) ………fat

A: I’m bored! I’m going out. B: Come on. If you (not/study),……….you (fail)……….your exams.

A: Where is Donna?B: If she (not/arrive)……….soon, we(leave)……. without her.

A: If it’s sunny tomorrow, we (go)…….to the beach.B: What a good idea!

A: What would you do if you won the lottery?B: If I (win)………..a lot ofmoney,I (buy) …….a new car.

A: Did you walk to work? B: No way! If I (walk)………to work, I (be)……late.

A: Poor Mary. She looks exhausted! B: Yes, but if she (not/stay)……….out late she (not/be) ……….tired!

A: Should I wear my red dress or my blue trousers to Mary’s party? B: If I (be)……………you, I …………(wear) your red dress.

A: Do you like living in London? B: Not really. If I (have)………….a choice, I (move) ……… the countryside.

A: How does Tim like his new school? B: We (know) next Monday, when his classes (start)……………

3 Fill in:off, away, back, up (2). of against from up with

He has decided to give……..smoking.

The rubbish bins gave ………a nasty smell in the hot weather.

Kerry gave ……..all herold clothes.

They have given……..hope of finding the two divers alive.

Did Fiona give…….the cookerybook you lent her?

Not exercising enough can result ………problems later in life.

I’m thinking ………… up coffee.

Paul is finding it hard to cope…………………..his schoolwork.

Mum often suffers………………. terrible back pain.

He advised me……………my diet.



1 colour, 2 feet, 3 shape, 4 worse, 5 tooth decay, 6 low carbohydrate diet,7 dry ski, 8 health tips, 9 spicy food, 10 regular exercise


1 eat will get, 2 don’t study will fail, 3 doesn’t arrive will leave, 4 will go, 5 won/ would buy, 6 had walked would have been, 7 hadn’t stayed/ wouldn’t have been,

8 were would wear, 9 had/ would move, 10 will know start


1 up, 2 off, 3 away, 4 up, 5 back, 6 in, 7 of, 8 with, 9 from, 10 against

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