Fill in the missing word describing weather and clothes today is monday

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: aynarinatkyzy2010



Автор ответа: Ankabena



1. Spring

2. Sun

3. Cool

4. Jeans

5. Rains

6. Umbrella

7. Gloves

8. Favourite

это точно правильно?

насколько я понимаю то да, потому что больше всего подходит по смыслу

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не за что!!

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Monday, the eighth of February


1. Refer the words and word combinations to the four seasons.

have a picnic, pick flowers, go camping, be on the beach, play in the snow, wear a raincoat, sit on the balcony, rake leaves, go swimming, go ski/boarding, wear warm clothes, make a snowman, pick berries and mushrooms, sit by the fireplace, play golf.

Winter: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Spring: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Summer: …………………………………………………………………………………..

Autumn: ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. Fill in the missing words describing weather and clothes.

sun have to hot rains cool rainy cold warm colours take wear red shoes best scarf feet clothes

Today is Monday. It is the beginning of spring. The flowers start to boom and the 1) … shines almost every day. I have to go to school and I don’t know what to wear. In the morning it is a little 2) … because the temperatures are low. Then later in the day, it is sunny and 3) … . So I have to take a jacket and then I 4) … it off when it gets warm. Sometimes it 5) … and I have to wear my red raincoat. When it doesn’t rain I take a jacket. In the spring my fingers and nose are always 6) … in the morning.

In winter it is very 7) … . It is snowy and rainy all the time. I have a lot of clothes- my blue hat on my head, my black 8) … around my neck, my red coat around my body and my thick grey socks on my 9) … . Then, on top of my thick socks, I 10) … my grey boots. I look like a penguin with all these 11) … . I hate it! It makes me look funny. But I am warm.

Summer is the 12) … because it is 13) … and sunny. I only wear T-shirt and shorts on my legs. My T-shirts are in all 14) … -purple, green, black, blue, yellow, orange, red, grey, white, brown, pink and even multicoloured ones. On my feet I wear my blue sandals or light, white socks with my red and blue sports 15) … .

Then in autumn it gets cloudy and 16) … again. I 17) … wear my coat and jacket again. I don’t like it because then later it is winter and I look like a penguin again.

Today is Monday morning.

It is the beginning of spring.

The flowers start to bloom and the ____sun__shines almost every day.

I have to go to school and i do not know what to wear.

In the morning it is a little__cold_____because the temperatures are low.

Then later in the day, it is sunny and __warm_____.

So i have to take a jacket and then i_have to take_it off when it gets warm.

Somtimes it_is _windy_and i have to wear my scarf and gloves — — fingers and nose are always_frozen in the morning.

In winter it is very _cold_.

It is snowy and rainy all the time.

I have a lot of clothes — my blue hat on my__head______.

Then, on top of my black__scarf_______around my neck, my red coat around my body and my thick grey socks on my__feet_____.

Then, on top of my thick socks, i_wear_ my grey boots.

I look like a penguin with all these__things_.

I hate it!

It makes my look funny!

But i am warm

Summer is the ___best_______because it is__warm______and sunny.

I only wear T — shirts and shorts on my legs.

My T — shirts are in all__colours — _purple, green, black, blue, yelow, orange, beige, red, grey white, brown, pink and even multi — colored ones.

On my feet i wear my blue sandals o light, white socks white my red and blue sports__boots_.

Then in autumn it gets cloudy and__cold_________again.

I__have___to____wear my coat and jacket agin.

I do not like it because then later it is winter and i look like a penguin again.

Переведите пожалуйста срочно.

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урок по английскому языку в 5б классе по учебнику Ваулина Ю.В. (

Учитель Клевцова Ольга Олеговна

Дата 17.03.17

Тема: «У погоды нет плохой

Тип урока:
обобщения и систематизации знаний.

активизация изученной лексики по темам «Погода», «Одежда», тренировка
навыков чтения, активизация навыков монологической речи.

образовательные-совершенствовать навыки
речевой деятельности, совершенствовать навыки чтения;
развивающие-развивать навыки
фонетического слуха, развивать орфографические навыки, развивать умение
обучающихся осуществлять монологические высказывания;
воспитательные-воспитывать у обучающихся
интерес к изучению английского языка, расширять кругозор обучающихся.

Планируемые результаты: предметные
– обучающийся научится слушать и понимать на слух текст с опорой на картинку,
рассказывать о погоде и занятиях в разные времена года; обучающийся получит
возможность научиться сопоставлять названия времен года и месяцев, предметов
одежды на русском и английском языках, составлять предложения со словами. Метапредметные
– работать в паре, в группе в соответствии с нормами общения, правилами

Методы, технологии и
игровой метод, метод проектов, информационно-коммуникативные
технологии, здоровье сберегающие технологии, применение пословиц, рифмовок и
песенного материала. Наиболее активными формами работы являются
самостоятельный поиск учащимися дополнительного материала к уроку, работа с
учебником, выполнение практических заданий, работа в парах/группах, фронтально.

Оборудование: компьютер,
проектор, презентация к уроку, аудио-приложение, учебник, рабочая тетрадь, фото
файлы интернет ресурса.

Ход урока


Ознакомление учащихся с целью и планом

Работа по плану урока (См. Презентацию урока):

1. Разговор о погоде, одежде.

2. Выполнение контрольных заданий по разным
видам речевой деятельности:

    а) контроль лексико-грамматических

    б) контроль чтения

3. Выполнение и презентация проектов.

Подведение итогов урока.

Тексты заданий, включенных в Презентацию урока

1. Describe the weather/cloths on the pictures

2. Make up the word combinations, name them and translate (one by





















3. Match the beginnings (1-9) and the endings of
the sentences/phrases (a-i):

1. It’s raining.

2. When it rains…

3. When it’s hot…

4. The sun is shining!

5. When it’s very cold…

6. Look! It’s snowing!

7. It’s summer in the picture!

8. Look out of the window! It’s very cold.

9. When it’s a foggy…

a) we take an umbrella.

b) Let’s go swimming!

c) we put on warm jackets.

d) Put on your raincoat.

e) The children are wearing warm scarves and gloves.

f) my dad doesn’t drive.

g) The girl is picking flowers.

h)Let’s make a snowman!

i) we go swimming.

4. Fill in the missing words in the text
describing weather and clothes. Find the Present Continuous constructions in
the text:

sun, favourite, warm, spring, cool, gloves, rains, jeans,
umbrella, freezing, bright

Today is Friday morning. It is the beginning of …….
The flowers start to bloom and the …….

shines almost every day. In the morning it is a little
…… because the temperature is low. Then later in the day, it is sunny
and…..So I put on a jacket and a ….. Sometimes it …… and I have to wear
my raincoat and take an ……. with me. Today I’m wearing ….. because my
fingers are……

But spring is my ……. season. The nature is becoming

5. Making and presenting projects. (слайды 7,8)

— task for the second group:
























20 8 5 18 5     9 19     14 15,  20 8 5 18 5     1 18 5     2 1 4     3
12 15 20 8 5 19 !

23 5     1 18 5     23 8 1 20     23 5     23 5 1 18 !

6. Singing the song. (Seasons Change).

1) Организационный момент: 2 мин.

Good afternoon! Nice to meet you! I am very glad to see
you today. Today we have guests. Let’s greet them!

are you? (We are fine,
thanks)                                                                                               Who
What date is it today? What day of the week is it now? What is the season? What
is the weather like today?

2) Фонетическая
зарядка: 4 мин.

on the
screen. Here you can see 4 pictures,
describe them please: name seasons and kinds of weather. What do these pictures
show us? So, now you know the theme of our lesson.(
учащихся на вопрос
учителя) .

today we continue speaking about the weather and clothing, the theme of our
lesson is “There is no bad weather…”. We will discuss kinds of weather and
describe clothes, which people usually wear in different seasons, at the end of
the lesson we will make projects. So the motto of our lesson is “We are what we

3) Речевая зарядка: 7 мин                                                                                                                                            Look
on the screen and m
ake up the word combinations, name them and
translate; match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences/phrases (ученики выполняют задания на слайдах 2,3,4).

4) Чтение. Reading – 8 мин.                                                                      
Read the short text,
fill in the missing words (
текст, заполняя пропуски словами) and then try to describe any picture you like, using
the examples (
ученики составляют краткие рассказы, на основе прочитанного текста, используя опоры; слайды 5,6).

5) Физкульминутка2 мин.                         
can see that you are tired. Let’s do exercises together. (

6) Работа над проектами 10 мин.                                                                                                                                         
It is time for making projects. We will work in groups. You know the theme
of our lesson, don’t you? Now you should make up a poster. Show us the way we
can put on our clothes, how we can look brightly and fashionable but sometimes
funny in different weather conditions.
(учащиеся 2х групп создают постеры из предложенного им
материала — вырезанные предметы одежды на разное время года и аксессуары; 3
группа работает над названиями постеров, составляя их из криптограмм; слайды
7,8;9 слайд резервный для 2 группы)

7) Говорение. Speaking — 8 мин (Представление проектов).                                                                                                                                         
Time is over, let’s present your projects. Well done.

8) Reciting 2 мин (ученики поют песню Seasons Change”, слайд 10)                                                                                                                                                   
Lets sing the song to finish our lesson.

9) Подведение
итогов — 2 мин.

Teacher: Well, our lesson is
almost over. We’ve spoken about the weather and clothes, which people usually
wear in different seasons. I’m sure that you all have your favourite season and
like  feeling yourselves comfortable in what you wear. We must remember that “There
is no bad weather, there are bad clothes! And we’re what we wear!”.

Fill in the missing words describing Maria’s daily routine
Это те которые мне сложны…
Every day Maria …. at 6:40. She always goes ….. in the park for half an hour to keep fit. Then she ….. a shower, …… dressed and at 7:30 she has ….. She usually ….. a big breakfast. Then she offten surfs the internet for the news. At half ….. eight maria.


Светило науки — 21184 ответа — 153888 раз оказано помощи

Every day Maria .gets up… at 6:40. She always goes
..for a walk… in the park for half an hour to keep fit. Then she ..has/takes… a shower,
..gets…. dressed and at 7:30 she has ..breakfast… She usually ..has… a big
breakfast. Then she offten surfs the internet for the news. At half
..past … eight Maria goes to school.


Светило науки — 156 ответов — 2526 раз оказано помощи

wakes up
for a walk
has, gets, breakfast

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