Fill in the missing word choose 10 words or phrases from the list given below

60 месяцев назад

from the list of words given below Three months ago I joined the … . I decided to … the society because i want to help … animals. I believe that every … has the … to live . … many people are trying to … animals and birds … and fish from death. They organize … where scientists … the animals and their young. Помощь:hobbies,soap operas,be responsible for,like dancing,dive,stay at home,in fond of,eating cakes and sweets,free time,sport,programmes,keep fit, swimming,models of ships,have fun,stamps and coins,horse riding


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 6
класс (углубленное изучение)

Variant 2:

1) Fill in the missing words. Choose 10 words or phrases from the
list given below:

Three month ago I (1) __________ the society of
London. I decided to join the (2) _________
 because I want to help(3) ____________ animals. I (4) ___________ that every (5) ___________ has the right to live.
In many countries of (6) ____________ many people (7) ________
 to save animals
and (8) __________, fish and insects from death. They(9) ____________
 zoos and parks for
animals where (10) _________
 may watch the animals and
their young.

for use: 
organize, believe, joined, endangered,  the world, birds,
Zoological society, are trying, scientists, living thing.


such, so, what, a/

1) The shape of this throne is
______ nice!

2) His father told us ______
touching stories!

3) ______ interesting politics!

4) He was ______ undefeated pirate!

the questions.

5) He needs our help. (What)

6) We have dinner at 2 o’clock.
(When) _______________________________________________________.

7) They will go to the café tomorrow.
(Where) __________________________________________________.

8) You should eat more fruit. (What)

any, some

9)  May I have ____________ juice?

10) There is not____________ flour  on
the table.

the correct form.

11) When father (come) home we (have)

12) If it (not/ snow) she (go) for a
walk. _


In 1608 an
Englishman whose name was Thomas Coryate visited Italy. He liked the country
and noted down every interesting thing he found. But there was one thing which
he found more interesting than the others. In his diary Thomas wrote, “When the
Italians eat meat, they use small forks. They don’t eat with hands because, as
they say , do not always have clean hands”.

Before leaving
for England, Thomas Coryate bought a few forks.

At home Thomas
gave a dinner party to show the invention to his friends. When the servant
brought the steak, he took out a fork and began to eat like they did in Italy.

Everybody looked
at him in surprise. When he told his friends what it was, they all wanted to
take a good look at the strange thing. All his friends said that the Italians
were very strange people because the fork was very inconvenient.

Thomas Coryate
tried to prove the opposite. He said it was not nice to eat with one’s fingers
because they were not always clean.

Everybody got
angry at that . Did Mr. Coryate think that people in England always had dirty
hands? And weren’t the ten fingers they had enough for them?

Thomas Coryate
wanted to show that it was very easy to use the fork. But the first piece of
meat he took with the fork fell to the floor. His friends began to laugh and he
had to take the fork away.

Only fifty years
later people in England began to use forks.

Put “T” if the
sentence is true and “F“ if it is false

1.       They eat with the
hands because, as they say, do not always have clean hands.

2.       Everybody got happy
at that.

3.       Only seventy years
later people in England began to use forks.

4.       When the servant
brought the steak, he took out a knife and began to eat like they did in Italy.

5.       People in England
always had dirty hands

4)Listening. Listen to the
interview and decide which answer is correct, a, b or c.

1. George lives in

Los Angeles.

New York.


George goes to the studios by

a bus.

b car.

c taxi.

In the Actors’ Club he

a plays
computer games.

b plays

c goes

George usually goes on holiday

a in

b in

c in

favourite sport is





to the interview again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

In New York George gets up at 8.15.

He meets his friends in Central Park.

George works in the evening.

His friends call him lazy.

He goes skiing in Aspen.


Ваш друг по
переписке Сэнди, которая живет в  Австралии, хочет приехать к Вам в гости на
летние каникулы. В своем письме она спрашивает вас о том, какая погода в
Комсомольске-на Амуре летом и какую одежду ей следует привезти с собой.
Подробно ответьте на ее вопросы и задайте ей 3 собственных вопроса. Объем
письма – 60-100 слов. Можно начать письмо следующим образом:

Dear Sandy,

 It is so nice to
hear from you again and to learn that you are coming to my town. We will have
such a great time together!

I hope I have answered
your questions. I can’t wait to see you!

Love, …

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Помогите пожалуйста с Англ-яз
fill in the missing words.Choose 10 words and phrases from the list of words given below:hobbies,soap operas,be responsible for,like dancing,dive,stay at home,is fond of,eating,cakes and sweets,free time,sport,programmes,keep fit,swimming,models of ships,have fun,stamps and coins, horse riding.
There are five of us in my family.We all have different___.My dad___fishing.My mother prefers to___and watch TV.She can watch silly___the whole day.My elder sister tries to___.She likes dancing and___.My little brother has a sweet tooth.He enjoys___.My grandpa makes___.He also has a big collection of___.My best friend and me___at discos.So you see,tastes differ.

1 ответ:



<span>we are all have defferent hobbies. My dad is fond of fishing. My mother prefers to stay at home and to watch TV.She can watch silly soap operas the whole day. My elder sister tries to keep fit.She likes dancing and swimming.My little brother has a sweet tooth. He enjoys eating cakes and sweets. My grandpa makes models of ships. He also has a big collection of stamps and coins. My best friend and me have fun at discos. So you see, tastes differ.</span>

Читайте также

2.When we saw the landslide, we were driving home.
3.She was skiing when she heard the avalance.
4.The rescue helicopter arrived when the family was phoning for help.
5.A fire fighter gave them water when they were waiting for an ambulance.
6.I was drinking from my water bottle when i saw a helicopter.

Я думаю будет так:
c, g, b, e, a, f, h, d

1.It’s Maya’s pencil case.
2.It’s grandfather’s jacket.
3.It’s Larry’s T-shirt.
4.It’s Lulu’s doll.
5.It’s Rose’s ruler.

Составить 14 предложений со словами wash,relax,swim,do,play,live,miss,like,say,laugh,cry,walk,bite.

oskarnia [7]

Everybody wash their hair.
Maria cant swim.
I play football with my brother.
She likes cook.
We laugh noizy.
Say him about her.
They will walk next week.
She will cry when he go back
Do this homework today

You should relax at home

2)are watching
5)was listening. rang

6) Fill in the missing words. Choose 10 words or phrases from the list given below:

Words for use: plenty largestopenedattractions reptiles the world
Kinds endangered although

Chester Zoo is one of the most famousand 1… UK zoos. It was 2….in 1931 not far from the English town of Chester.
The zoo has 3…. of animals, birds and 4… to see. In fact, there are more than 500 5…. of animals in Chester Zoo. Some of them belong to 6… species on the planet. In Chester Zoo, visitors canwatch the wildlife. The most popular 7…are “Butterfly Journey” and “Elephant of the Asian Forests”.
8…. the Chester Zoo is home to rare animals from allover9….., it also has amazing children’s areas. Chester Zoo is open 7 days a week from 10 a.m.



Chester Zoo is one of the most famous and largest UK zoos. It was opened in 1931 not far from the English town of Chester.
The zoo has plenty of animals, birds and reptiles to see. In fact, there are more than 500 kinds of animals in Chester Zoo. Some of them belong to endangered species on the planet. In Chester Zoo, visitors canwatch the wildlife. The most popular attractions are “Butterfly Journey” and “Elephant of the Asian Forests”.
Although the Chester Zoo is home to rare animals from allover the world, it also has amazing children’s areas. Chester Zoo is open 7 days a week from 10 a.m.

Похожие вопросы

Составь предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке. Запиши их.
1) Duck, can’t, a, sing.
2) Dogs, run, can?
3) Isn’t, Ann’s, black, cat.
4) likes, Lulu, juice, an, orange

Fill in the missing words. Choose 10 words or phrases from the list gi перевод - Fill in the missing words. Choose 10 words or phrases from the list gi русский как сказать

  • Текст
  • Веб-страница

Fill in the missing words. Choose 10 words or phrases from the list given below:
Three month ago I joined the (1) __________ of London. I decided to (2) _________ the society because I want to help (3) ____________ animals. I believe that every (4) ___________ has the (5) ___________ to live. (6) ____________ many people are trying to (7) ________ animals and birds, (8) __________ and fish from death. They organize (9) ________________ where scientists (10) _________ the animals and their young.
ответы: save, endangered, insects, Zoological Society, right, watch, living thing, wild Animals’ Parks, all over the world, join.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Заполните недостающие слова. Выберите 10 слов или фраз из списка, приведенного ниже:Три месяца назад я присоединился к (1) ___ Лондона. Я решил (2) ___ общества потому, что я хочу помочь (3) ___ животных. Я считаю, что каждый (4) ___ ___ (5) жить. (6) ___ многие люди пытаются (7) ___ животных и птиц, (8) ___ и рыбы от смерти. Они организуют (9) ___ где ученые (10) ___ животных и их молодые.Ответы: сохранить, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения, насекомых, зоологическое общество, право, смотреть, живущих вещь, парков диких животных, во всем мире, присоединиться.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Заполнить недостающие слова. Выберите 10 слов или фраз из списка, приведенного ниже:
Три месяца назад я присоединился к (1) __________ Лондона. Я решил (2) _________ общества, потому что я хочу, чтобы помочь (3) ____________ животных. Я считаю, что каждый (4) ___________ имеет (5) ___________ жить. (6) ____________ многие люди пытаются (7) ________ животных и птиц, (8) __________ и рыба от смерти. Они организуют (9) ________________, где ученые (10) _________ животные и их детенышей.
Ответы: сохранить, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения, насекомые, зоологическое общество, право, часы, живое, парки диких животных, во всем мире, присоединиться к ней.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


заполнить пропущенные слова.выбрать 10 слов или фраз из списка ниже:три месяца назад я присоединился к (1) __________ лондона.я решил (2) _________ общества, потому что я хочу помочь (3) ____________ животных.я считаю, что каждый (4) ___________ имеет (5) ___________ жить.(6) ____________ многие люди пытаются (7) ________ животных и птиц, (8) __________ и рыбы от смерти.они организуют (9) ________________, где ученые (10) _________ животных и их молодых.ответы: спасти, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения, насекомых, зоологического общества, право, часы, живое, диких животных «парки, во всем мире, присоединяйтесь.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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