Fill in the missing word bring up research

I.Fill in the missing words.

bring up / research / salary / uniform / prize / freelancer / overtime / deadline

1. Ann has worked ….. every day this month, as it’s the busiest time in her company.

2. John has to wear a ….. , there are strict rules in his school.

3. Tony loves working as a ……. because he doesn’t have to spend 8 hours in the office every day.

4. Marie Curie was the first woman who won the Nobel … .

5. I really admire Jane. She could …. two children when her husband had died.

6. If Jane gets the promotion, it will add an extra four thousand pounds to her annual

7. After many years of scientific …… ……., Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

II. Choose the correct item.

1. I believe Sam will have a brilliant career in/by law.

2. In/At the beginning of his career, Thomas Edison mostly invented telegraphic devices.

3. Mary was under/in charge of presenting our science project to the class yesterday.

4. Joe couldn’t believe it while/when he won first prize at the science show.

5. This job brings him about/in enough money to get by.

III. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions: in, out, up, round, about, back

1. Kate passed out after the operation and the doctor brought her …..

2. We thought that new students would bring ….some changes in our work and daily routine.

3. John was brought …. in the USA that’s why he can speak English fluently.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Mum was angry because she ……….(CLEAN) the house all morning when the children came in with those muddy shoes.

2. Tom didn’t want to go to the cinema with us because he … already …. (SEE) the film.

3. The woman sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He …. never …(FLY) before.

4. When we got home last night, we found out that somebody ….(BREAK) into the flat.

5. We ……(PLAY) tennis for half an hour when it started to rain.

V. Put the verbs into the correct PAST TENSE.

1. Alice ____________________________(paint) for three years before she sold her first painting.

2. While Emily ____________________ (read) a book her brother was listening to music.

3. Jenny ___________________( drive) along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

4. Sam didn’t go to the exhibition because he __________________(not/finish) his project.

5. Paul _______________________(not/watch) a film yesterday.

6. When I was younger I __________ (use/go) for long walks in the countryside with my family.

1. Ann has worked OVERTIME every day this month, as it’s the busiest time in her company.

2. John has to wear a UNIFORM , there are strict rules in his school.

3. Tony loves working as a FREELANCER because he doesn’t have to spend 8 hours in the office every day.

4. Marie Curie was the first woman who won the Nobel PRIZE .

5. I really admire Jane. She could BRING UP two children when her husband had died.

6. If Jane gets the promotion, it will add an extra four thousand pounds to her annual SALARY.

7. After many years of scientific RESEARCH, Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

II. Choose the correct item.

1. I believe Sam will have a brilliant career IN law.

2. AT the beginning of his career, Thomas Edison mostly invented telegraphic devices.

3. Mary was IN charge of presenting our science project to the class yesterday.

4. Joe couldn’t believe it WHEN he won first prize at the science show.

5. This job brings him IN enough money to get by.

III. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions: in, out, up, round, about, back

1. Kate passed out after the operation and the doctor brought her ROUND.

2. We thought that new students would bring ABOUT some changes in our work and daily routine.

3. John was brought UP in the USA that’s why he can speak English fluently.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Mum was angry because she HAD BEEN CLEANING the house all morning when the children came in with those muddy shoes.

2. Tom didn’t want to go to the cinema with us because he HAD already SEEN the film.

3. The woman sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. She HAD never FLOWN before.

4. When we got home last night, we found out that somebody HAS BROKEN into the flat.

5. We HAVE BEEN PLAYING tennis for half an hour when it started to rain.

V. Put the verbs into the correct PAST TENSE.

1. Alice HAD BEEN PAINTING for three years before she sold her first painting.

2. While Emily WAS READING a book her brother was listening to music.

3. Jenny WAS DRIVING along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

4. Sam didn’t go to the exhibition because he HADN’T FINISHED his project.

5. Paul DIDN’T WATCH a film yesterday.

6. When I was younger I USED TO GO for long walks in the countryside with my family.

. Fill in the missing words. There are two words you don’t need to use.
*tutor * *bring up * research *came* salary *vet *uniform *prize *sound *freelancer *overtime *deadline
1.Bob hated working in the bank and he ______ to the conclusion that a desk work wasn’t for him.
2. Ann has worked ________ every day this month, as it’s the busiest time in her company.
3. John has to wear a _________there are strict rules in his school.
4. Tony loves working as a _______ because he doesn’t have to spend 8 hours in the office every day.
5. The children returned home safe and _______after a search team found them in the forest.
6. Marie Curie was the first woman who won the Nobel _________.
7. I really admire Jane. She could ___________ two children when her husband had died.
8. Alex has a rough ________ to meet so he’s been working during the weekend
9. We shall go to Moscow when my father gets his _________ .10. Pete has got lessons with a__________ after school because he wants to catch up his classmates in Physics.

Английский язык,

вопрос задал siskinaireska,

7 месяцев назад


Ответы на вопрос

Ответил imblind



1. came

2. brought up

3. sound

4. freelancer

5. deadlines

6. overtime

7. full-time

8. uniform

9. shift

10. overtime

11. uniform

12. freelancer

13. sound

14. prize

15. bring up

16. deadline

17. salary

18. tutor

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Все категории

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Можете помочь срочно!!! Fill in the missing words. There are two words you don’t need to use.

*tutor * *bring up * research *came salary *vet *uniform *prize *sound *freelancer *overtime *deadline

1.Bob hated working in the bank and he __ to the conclusion that a desk work wasn’t for him.

2. Ann has worked ____ every day this month, as it’s the busiest time in her company.

3. John has to wear a ____ , there are strict rules in his school.

4.Tony loves working as a ____ because he doesn’t have to spend 8 hours in the office.

5. The children returned home safe and _____ after a search team found them in the forest.

6. Marie Curie was the first woman who won the Nobel _____ .

7. I really admire Jane. She could _____ two children when her husband had died.

8. Alex has a rough ______ to meet so he’s been working during the weekend

9. We shall go to Moscow when my father gets his _____ .

1 ответ:



7 bring up 1 came 9 salary 3 uniform 6 prize 5 sound 4 freelancer 2 overtime 8 deadline

Читайте также

1) will be coming
2) will be meeting
3) will be flying
4) will be singing
5) probably will be raining
6) will be writing
7) will be watching
8) will be eating
9) will be sleeping
10) will be arriving

1. They said to me that we would have finished building by the end of the year.
2. My sister said she had got a headache.
3. He asked if I would refuse to see my best friend for a million pounds.
4. She asked if I had ever made a speech in front of one thousand people.
5. The policeman asked if I knew the case of the fire.
6. The manager said we had received a complaint about the prices.
7. The man told me not to park my car in front of the gate.
8. Delia said that Tom had invited her to go sailing at the weekend.
9. David promised he would get the ticket to the concert.
10. He wondered when he could talk to me.

<span>Want to go to the cinema later tonight? 
(Не хотели бы вы сходить в кино сегодня вечером?)</span>

My name is …(твоё имя). I am 13 (Мне 13 лет). I study at school № .1.. in the town of … . My favourite hobby is painting. I’ve been doing it since I was .11.. . I study Russian, the English language, Mathematics and Geography at school. As for my character, I am a kind and friendly person. Unfortunately, I don’t always have time to go for a walk. When I have some time, I like walking with my friends and have fun. I want to become a teacher of paining. My dream is to go to America. The last thing I would like to add I hope to become a smart person and achieve  success in my life.  After finishing school I’ll try to enter the University, in order to make a successful career, to create the dream house and to meet a reliable man to share all our emotions in future life.
Меня зовут … Мне .. (лет). Я учусь в школе № .. в городе …. Моё любимое хобби — живопись… Я начала заниматься этим, когда мне было .. лет. Я изучаю русский, английский язык, математику и географию в школе.Ч</span>то касается моего характера, я доброжилательный человек. У меня не всегда есть время прогуляться. И когда выдается свободное время, я гуляю с моими друзьями и весело провожу время. Я хочу стать учительницей рисования.Моя мечта – поехать в Америку . Я хочу стать хорошим человеком.И последнее, я хотел бы добавить: после окончания школы попытаться поступить в Университет, чтобы иметь очень успешную карьеру, построить дом моей мечты и найти кого-то, с кем я могу всем этим поделиться.


She is tall and thin. She has long blonde hair.

Помогите пожалуйста, контрольная работа

2. Fill in the missing words. There are two words you don’t need to use.

*tutor * *bring up * research *came salary *vet *uniform *prize *sound *freelancer *overtime *deadline

1.Bob hated working in the bank and he __ to the conclusion that a desk work wasn’t for him.

2. Ann has worked ____ every day this month, as it’s the busiest time in her company.

3. John has to wear a ____ , there are strict rules in his school.

4.Tony loves working as a ____ because he doesn’t have to spend 8 hours in the office.

5. The children returned home safe and _____ after a search team found them in the forest.

6. Marie Curie was the first woman who won the Nobel _____ .

7. I really admire Jane. She could _____ two children when her husband had died.

8. Alex has a rough ______ to meet so he’s been working during the weekend

9. We shall go to Moscow when my father gets his _____ .

10. Pete’s got lessons with a ____ after school because he wants to catch up his classmates in Physics.​

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