Fill in the missing part of the word size sculptures park

A. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

designing, artistic, still, portray, starring, stunts, spray, private, set, miniature, plots, remain

1. … pieces of art are called micro sculptures.

2. You can’t imagine adventure films and blockbusters without any … .

3. Some people choose to … anonymous because they are afraid of being in the spotlight.

4. The film is … in medieval times.

5. While the photographer was taking our picture we stayed perfectly … .

6. Crime novels always have interesting and mysterious … .

7. What do his paintings … ?

8. … creativity is an essential part of life of humans.

9. That house is his … property.

B. Choose the correct answer.

10. Tim … see a science fiction film than a comedy.

a) would sooner b) would prefer c) sooner

11. We … go to a classical music concert than go to a rock concert.

a) would prefer b) would to c) would rather

12. Jane … to take photography classes than learn how to paint.

a) would b) would prefer c) would rather

13. Olga … going to the cinema on a weekday, when it’s not so crowded.

a) prefers b) would rather c) prefer

C. Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-.

14.My parents usually ….. about which film to go and see. (agree)

15.They ….. us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back.(charge)

16.The foreigners are difficult to understand because they ….. many Russian words.(pronounce)

17.You should ….. your composition because you made many mistakes. (write)

18.We were sorry to realize that we ….. in the shop. (pay)

D. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

19.Pushkin is one of the best poet ….. all time.

20.He is popular ….. fans of art cinema.

21.This director is famous ….. his comedies.

22.Who stars ….. Pirates of the Caribbean?

23.The paintings add value ….. the house.

E. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.


A The Class

The Class is about a young teacher who works at a school in a poor area of Paris and his difficult students. The story was originally a book written by Frangois Begaudeau. The film tells the sad story of how a teacher tries to teach his class of teenage students but fails, because the students don’t respect education or teachers, and because they have no desire to learn. Everyone who stars in the film (including Begaudeau, who plays himself) is a non-professional. People expect The Class to be boring because the teacher-student theme has appeared in films many times before, but it isn’t. It is an absolutely brilliant film and no one should miss it.

B Slumdog Millionaire

Director Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal, a poor boy in India, who goes on the TV show ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’. The story was originally a prize-winning novel by Indian author Vikas Swarup. Jamal wins the TV show. But before he does, they take him to a police station because the police think that he is cheating. While the police ask Jamal questions, we see events from Jamal’s life which explain why he knows the answers.

At one point, the creators of Slumdog Millionaire had decided not to show it in film theatres, and just make it into a DVD. Luckily, they changed their minds, because this film is now an international hit!

C American Teen

American Teen is a documentary film by director Nanette Burstein. Burnstein filmed the lives of five teenagers, who go to a school in Indiana, USA. She followed the students filming their everyday lives for a year, because she wanted to show what it is like to be a teenager in America today.

American Teen is an enjoyable documentary, but sometimes it doesn’t feel true to life. In fact, some film critics think that Burstein gave the teens lines to learn. But in interviews, the teenagers have always said that the film is 100% real-life and no one is acting.

Whether real-life or not, American Teen is an entertaining look at young people today.

Which film (A, B, or C) …

24. was not going to play in cinemas at first?

25. does not seem realistic to some people?

26. is interesting even though the plot is not original?

27. is extremely popular all over the world?

28. is about someone trying but not succeeding?

29. was first a very successful book?

30. is about daily life experiences?


Vocabulary & Reading

Упражнение 1, с. 68

1. a) Match the words, then listen to and check. Which of these things can you see in the pictures? — Сопоставьте слова, затем послушайте и проверьте. Какие из этих вещей вы видите на фотографиях?

1 C underwater park — подводный парк

2 D coral reef — коралловый риф

3 E scuba diver — аквалангист

4 B sea creatures — морские существа

5 A life-size sculptures — скульптуры в натуральную величину


In the picture, I can see an underwater park. A coral reef, sea creatures and life-size sculptures.
На снимке я вижу подводный парк. Коралловый риф, морские существа и скульптуры в натуральную величину.

Study skills
Key words
Key words help you predict the content of a text.

Навыки обучения
Ключевые слова
Ключевые слова помогают предсказать содержание текста.

b) Read the title of the text and the key words in the Check these words box. Which is the text about? Listen to, read and check. — Прочтите заголовок текста и ключевые слова в рубрике Check these words. О чём этот текст? Послушайте, прочитайте и проверьте.


The text is about an underwater park with sculptures.
Этот текст о подводном парке со скульптурами.

Check these words

sculptures [ˈskʌlptʃəz] скульптуры
diving [ˈdaɪvɪŋ] подводное плавание
snorkelling [ˈsnɔːkəlɪŋ] с маской и трубкой
bellow the waves [ˈbeləʊ ðə weɪvz] ниже волн
sea creatures [siː ˈkriːtʃəz] морские существа

share [ʃeə] делиться 
underwater [ˌʌndəˈwɔːtə] под водой
life-size sculptures [ˈlaɪf saɪz ˈskʌlptʃəz] скульптуры в натуральную величину
cyclists [ˈsaɪklɪsts] велосипедисты

sculptor [ˈskʌlptər] скульптор
cast a statue [kɑːst eɪ ˈstætʃuː] отлить статую
local people [ˈləʊkl ˈpiːpl] местные жители
recognise [ˈrekəgnaɪz] узнавать
encourage [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] поощрять, поддерживать

think about the environment [θɪŋk əˈbaʊt ðə ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt] думать об окружающей среде
pollution [pəˈluːʃn] загрязнение
damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ] разрушает 
coral reefs [ˈkɒrəl riːfs] коралловые рифы 
create statues [kriːˈeɪt ˈstætjuːz] создавать статуи

cement [sɪˈment] цемент   
attract [əˈtrækt] привлекает
grow [ɡrəʊ] расти, выращивать
flippers [ˈflɪpəz] ласты
stunning [ˈstʌnɪŋ] потрясающий

Sculptures under the sea
Скульптуры под водой

Tourists diving or snorkelling off the beautiful Yucatan Peninusula near Cancun, Mexico might not believe their eyes. That’s because there are amazing sculptures of men, women and children up to 8 metres bellow the waves!

Sea creatures will soon share the bottom of Mexico’s Carribbean Sea with the world’s largest underwater sculpture park! Eventually, there will be 400 life-size sculptures including people holding hands in a circle, cyclists, office workers and pets. The sculptor, Jason deCaires Taylor, casts his statues from local people, so divers might even see someone they recognise!

Jason hopes that his sculptures will encourage people to think about the environment. Pollution and hundreds of thousands of visitors per year are damaging Mexico’s coral reefs. Jason wants people to swim to the underwater sculptur park instead of the damaged reefs. He creates the statues from cement that attracts sea creatures and encourages coral to grow on them.

So, if you ever visit Cancun, why not put on your flippers and snorkel and swim out to this amazing park? In time, you probably won’t be able to see the sculptures, but you will see a stunning new coral reef!

Туристы, ныряющие или ныряющие с маской и трубкой у прекрасного Юкатанского полуострова Пенинусула близ Канкуна, Мексика, могут не поверить своим глазам. Это потому, что здесь есть удивительные скульптуры мужчин, женщин и детей высотой до 8 метров, реющих на волнах!

Морские существа скоро разделят дно Мексиканского Карибского моря с самым большим в мире парком подводных скульптур! В конце концов, там будет 400 скульптур в натуральную величину, включая людей, держащихся за руки в кругу, велосипедистов, офисных работников и домашних животных. Скульптор Джейсон Декер Тейлор отливает свои статуи c местных жителей, так что дайверы могут даже увидеть кого-то, кого они узнают!

Джейсон надеется, что его скульптуры побудят людей задуматься об окружающей среде. Загрязнение окружающей среды и сотни тысяч посетителей в год наносят ущерб коралловым рифам Мексики. Джейсон хочет, чтобы люди плавали в подводный парк скульптур вместо повреждённых рифов. Он создаёт статуи из цемента, который привлекает морских существ и поощряет кораллы расти на них.

Итак, если вы когда-нибудь посетите Канкун, почему бы вам не надеть ласты и трубку и не поплавать в этом удивительном парке? Со временем вы, вероятно, не сможете увидеть скульптуры, но вы увидите потрясающий новый коралловый риф!

Упражнение 2, с. 68

2. Now read the text again andfor questions 1-4, choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Find evidence in the text. — Теперь прочитайте текст ещё раз и для вопросов 1-4 выберите лучший ответ A, B, C или D. Найдите доказательства в тексте.

1 Visitors to the underwater sculpture park will be able to see …
Посетители парка подводных скульптур смогут увидеть …

B sculptures of people and animals
скульптуры людей и животных

(there will be 400 life-size sculptures including people holding hands in a circle, cyclists, office workers and pets.)

2 Local people visiting the park may see …
Местные жители, посещающие парк, могут это увидеть …

A statues of themselves.
статуи самих себя.

(his statues from local people, so divers might even see someone they recognise!)

3 Jason wants the park to …
Джейсон хочет, чтобы парк …

B help protect Mexico’s coral reefs.
помог защитить мексиканские коралловые рифы.

(Jason hopes that his sculptures will encourage people to think about the environment. Pollution and hundreds of thousands of visitors per year are damaging Mexico’s coral reefs. Jason wants people to swim to the underwater sculptur park instead of the damaged reefs. He creates the statues from cement that attracts sea creatures and encourages coral to grow  on them.)

4 In the future, it will be more difficult to see the sculptures because …
В будущем будет сложнее увидеть скульптуры, потому что …

B a new coral reefs will cover them.
их покроют новые коралловые рифы.

(In time, you probably won’t be able to see the sculptures, but you will see a stunning new coral reef!)

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 6 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 6 класс. Workbook.

Английский язык. 6 класс

Страница 61 из 135

4e Eco-tourism (страница  68)

Vocabulary & Reading

Упражнение 1, страница  68

1. a) Match the words, then listen to and check. Which of these things can you see in the pictures? — Сопоставьте слова, затем послушайте и проверьте. Какие из этих вещей вы видите на фотографиях?

1 C underwater park — подводный парк

2 D coral reef — коралловый риф

3 E scuba diver — аквалангист

4 B sea creatures — морские существа

5 A life-size sculptures — скульптуры в натуральную величину


In the picture, I can see an underwater park. A coral reef, sea creatures and life-size sculptures.
На снимке я вижу подводный парк. Коралловый риф, морские существа и скульптуры в натуральную величину.

Study skills
Key words
Key words help you predict the content of a text.

Навыки обучения
Ключевые слова
Ключевые слова помогают предсказать содержание текста.

b) Read the title of the text and the key words in the Check these words box. Which is the text about? Listen to, read and check. — Прочтите заголовок текста и ключевые слова в рубрике Check these words. О чём этот текст? Послушайте, прочитайте и проверьте.


The text is about an underwater park with sculptures.
Этот текст о подводном парке со скульптурами.

Check these words

sculptures [ˈskʌlptʃəz] скульптуры
diving [ˈdaɪvɪŋ] подводное плавание
snorkelling [ˈsnɔːkəlɪŋ] с маской и трубкой
bellow the waves [ˈbeləʊ ðə weɪvz] ниже волн
sea creatures [siː ˈkriːtʃəz] морские существа

share [ʃeə] делиться
underwater [ˌʌndəˈwɔːtə] под водой
life-size sculptures [ˈlaɪf saɪz ˈskʌlptʃəz] скульптуры в натуральную величину
cyclists [ˈsaɪklɪsts] велосипедисты

sculptor [ˈskʌlptər] скульптор
cast a statue [kɑːst eɪ ˈstætʃuː] отлить статую
local people [ˈləʊkl ˈpiːpl] местные жители
recognise [ˈrekəgnaɪz] узнавать
encourage [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] поощрять, поддерживать

think about the environment [θɪŋk əˈbaʊt ðə ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt] думать об окружающей среде
pollution [pəˈluːʃn] загрязнение
damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ] разрушает
coral reefs [ˈkɒrəl riːfs] коралловые рифы
create statues [kriːˈeɪt ˈstætjuːz] создавать статуи

cement [sɪˈment] цемент
attract [əˈtrækt] привлекает
grow [ɡrəʊ] расти, выращивать
flippers [ˈflɪpəz] ласты
stunning [ˈstʌnɪŋ] потрясающий

Sculptures under the sea
Скульптуры под водой

Tourists diving or snorkelling off the beautiful Yucatan Peninusula near Cancun, Mexico might not believe their eyes. That’s because there are amazing sculptures of men, women and children up to 8 metres bellow the waves!

Sea creatures will soon share the bottom of Mexico’s Carribbean Sea with the world’s largest underwater sculpture park! Eventually, there will be 400 life-size sculptures including people holding hands in a circle, cyclists, office workers and pets. The sculptor, Jason deCaires Taylor, casts his statues from local people, so divers might even see someone they recognise!

Jason hopes that his sculptures will encourage people to think about the environment. Pollution and hundreds of thousands of visitors per year are damaging Mexico’s coral reefs. Jason wants people to swim to the underwater sculptur park instead of the damaged reefs. He creates the statues from cement that attracts sea creatures and encourages coral to grow on them.

So, if you ever visit Cancun, why not put on your flippers and snorkel and swim out to this amazing park? In time, you probably won’t be able to see the sculptures, but you will see a stunning new coral reef!

Туристы, ныряющие или ныряющие с маской и трубкой у прекрасного Юкатанского полуострова Пенинусула близ Канкуна, Мексика, могут не поверить своим глазам. Это потому, что здесь есть удивительные скульптуры мужчин, женщин и детей высотой до 8 метров, реющих на волнах!

Морские существа скоро разделят дно Мексиканского Карибского моря с самым большим в мире парком подводных скульптур! В конце концов, там будет 400 скульптур в натуральную величину, включая людей, держащихся за руки в кругу, велосипедистов, офисных работников и домашних животных. Скульптор Джейсон Декер Тейлор отливает свои статуи c местных жителей, так что дайверы могут даже увидеть кого-то, кого они узнают!

Джейсон надеется, что его скульптуры побудят людей задуматься об окружающей среде. Загрязнение окружающей среды и сотни тысяч посетителей в год наносят ущерб коралловым рифам Мексики. Джейсон хочет, чтобы люди плавали в подводный парк скульптур вместо повреждённых рифов. Он создаёт статуи из цемента, который привлекает морских существ и поощряет кораллы расти на них.

Итак, если вы когда-нибудь посетите Канкун, почему бы вам не надеть ласты и трубку и не поплавать в этом удивительном парке? Со временем вы, вероятно, не сможете увидеть скульптуры, но вы увидите потрясающий новый коралловый риф!

Упражнение 2, страница  68

2. Now read the text again andfor questions 1-4, choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Find evidence in the text. — Теперь прочитайте текст ещё раз и для вопросов 1-4 выберите лучший ответ A, B, C или D. Найдите доказательства в тексте.

1 Visitors to the underwater sculpture park will be able to see …
Посетители парка подводных скульптур смогут увидеть …

B sculptures of people and animals
скульптуры людей и животных

(there will be 400 life-size sculptures including people holding hands in a circle, cyclists, office workers and pets.)

2 Local people visiting the park may see …
Местные жители, посещающие парк, могут это увидеть …

A statues of themselves.
статуи самих себя.

(his statues from local people, so divers might even see someone they recognise!)

3 Jason wants the park to …
Джейсон хочет, чтобы парк …

B help protect Mexico’s coral reefs.
помог защитить мексиканские коралловые рифы.

(Jason hopes that his sculptures will encourage people to think about the environment. Pollution and hundreds of thousands of visitors per year are damaging Mexico’s coral reefs. Jason wants people to swim to the underwater sculptur park instead of the damaged reefs. He creates the statues from cement that attracts sea creatures and encourages coral to grow on them.)

4 In the future, it will be more difficult to see the sculptures because …
В будущем будет сложнее увидеть скульптуры, потому что …

B a new coral reefs will cover them.
их покроют новые коралловые рифы.

(In time, you probably won’t be able to see the sculptures, but you will see a stunning new coral reef!)

** Fill in: local, sculptures, pollution, flippers,
cement, creatures, encourage, recognise.
1 Jason de Caires Taylor creates wonderful
…….. under the sea.
2 The statues are made from
3 He hopes they will ……..
…………. people to
think about the environment.
4 He models the statues after …..
5 Divers who live in the area may
a statue as someone they know.
6 The statues attract sea
7 All you need to visit the park are
and a snorkel​


1 Jason de Caires Taylor creates wonderful  sculptures

under the sea.

2 The statues are made from  cement

3 He hopes they will encourage people to

think about the environment.

4 He models the statues after local people.

5 Divers who live in the area may  recognise

a statue as someone they know.

6 The statues attract sea  creatures

7 All you need to visit the park are  flippers

and a snorkel​


Джейсон де Каирс Тейлор создает замечательные скульптуры на дне моря.

Статуи сделаны из цемента

Он надеется они воодушевят людей на то, чтобы задуматься об окружающей среде

Он создает статуи в честь местных людей

Дайверы которые живут рядом ( в данной местности ) могут узнать в статуях кого-то, кого они знают

Статуи привлекают обитателей моря

Все, что тебе нужно, чтобы посетить парк, это ласты и трубка

Test 5 A


A Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not
need to use (9 points)

designing, artistic, still, portray, starring, stunts, spray, private,
set, miniature, plots, remain

1. … pieces of art are called micro sculptures.

2. You can’t imagine adventure films and blockbusters without
any … .

3. Some people choose to … anonymous because they are afraid of
being in the spotlight.

4. The film is … in medieval times.

5. While the photographer was taking our picture we stayed
perfectly … .

6. Crime novels always have interesting and mysterious … .

7. What do his paintings … ?

8. … creativity is an essential part of life of humans.

9. That house is his … property.                                       

B Fill in the correct phrase. (6 points)

special effects, action-packed, box office, all-star, predictable,
model making

10. … films are full of excitement and adventure scenes.

11. The film has a(n) … cast and it has received very good

12. The … in that film were brilliant, the characters seemed to
do magic.

13. What makes a film a … success? – Nobody knows the answer.

14. … is creating miniature forms of objects like buildings,
vehicles, ships, etc.

15. … storylines are typical for Indian films.


Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets. (8

I wasn’t feeling well yesterday, but I feel a bit … (good) today.

What’s … (expensive) thing you’ve ever bought?

I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s … (comfortable).

Amy and Ben have three daughters. … (old) is 14 years old.

The meteor was moving closer and … (close) to the Earth.

Don’t tell him anything. The … (little) he knows, the … (well).

Chemistry is not as … (easy) as Maths for me.

What’s … (quick) way to get to the station?

Choose the correct answer. (4 points)

Tim … see a science fiction film than a comedy.

would sooner          b) would prefer           c) sooner

We … go to a classical music concert than go to a rock concert.

would prefer           b) would to                 c) would rather

Jane … to take photography classes than learn how to paint.

would                     b) would prefer           c) would rather

Olga … going to the cinema on a weekday, when it’s not so crowded.

prefers                     b) would rather           c) prefer


E Read the text and answer the questions that follow. (7 points)


A The Class

The Class is about a young teacher who works at a school in a
poor area of Paris and his difficult students. The story was originally a book
written by Frangois Begaudeau. The film tells the sad story of how a teacher
tries to teach his class of teenage students but fails, because the students
don’t respect education or teachers, and because they have no desire to learn.
Everyone who stars in the film (including Begaudeau, who plays himself) is a
non-professional. People expect The Class to be boring because the
teacher-student theme has appeared in films many times before, but it isn’t. It
is an absolutely brilliant film and no one should miss it.

B Slumdog Millionaire

Director Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire is the story of
Jamal, a poor boy in India, who goes on the TV show ‘Who wants to be a
millionaire?’. The story was originally a prize-winning novel by Indian author
Vikas Swarup. Jamal wins the TV show. But before he does, they take him to a
police station because the police think that he is cheating. While the police
ask Jamal questions, we see events from Jamal’s life which explain why he knows
the answers.

At one point, the creators of Slumdog Millionaire had decided
not to show it in film theatres, and just make it into a DVD. Luckily, they
changed their minds, because this film is now an international hit!

C American Teen

American Teen is a documentary film by director Nanette
Burstein. Burnstein filmed the lives of five teenagers, who go to a school in
Indiana, USA. She followed the students filming their everyday lives for a
year, because she wanted to show what it is like to be a teenager in America

American Teen is an enjoyable documentary, but sometimes it
doesn’t feel true to life. In fact, some film critics think that Burstein gave
the teens lines to learn. But in interviews, the teenagers have always said that
the film is 100% real-life and no one is acting.

Whether real-life or not, American Teen is an entertaining look
at young people today.

Which film (A, B, or C) …

28. was not going to play in cinemas at first?

29. does not seem realistic to some people?

30. is interesting even though the plot is not original?

31. is extremely popular all over the world?

32. is about someone trying but not succeeding?

33. was first a very successful book?

34. is about daily life experiences?

Test 5 B


A Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not
need to use (9 points)

designing, artistic, still, portrays, starring, stunt, anonymous,
private, set, miniature, plot, spray

1. If you are not a professional … man, don’t even try to
perform it. It is dangerous!

2. Since childhood he was keen on … sculptures.

3. The painting … a lot of primary school children with their
teacher walking in the garden on a nice spring day.

4. She expresses her … creativity through drawing and painting

5. I have read the book recently but the … hasn’t made any
strong impression on me.

6. Bedtime stories is a brilliant comedy … Adam Sandler.

7. … property is protected by the law.

8. The novel is … in London in the 1960s.

9. A number of architectural students are … a building of a new

B Fill in the correct phrase. (6 points)

theme tune, model making, action-packed, special effects, box
office, all-star

10. … are illusions or visual tricks used in the film,
television, theatre, video game and simulator industries.

Bred has been playing the … on his guitar all morning.

12. … films are enjoyed mostly by young audience who love

13. A … success is a very successful film or play that earns a
lot of money.

14. The film with an … cast has been recently shown at our

15. Do you fancy joining … classes at our school? – Yes, I’d
love to.


Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets. (8

Who is the … (old) person you know?

Which is … (quick) – the bus or the train?

The … (much) time I have, the … (little) it takes me to do things.

I can remember when I was three years old. It’s … (early) memory.

Everest is … (high) mountain in the world.

My toothache is getting more and … (painful).

This knife isn’t very sharp. Do you have a … (sharp) one? 

‘How long can I stay with you?’ ‘You can stay as … (long) as you like.’

Choose the correct answer. (4 points)

What would you rather …: go to the cinema or stay in and watch a DVD?

to do                       b) do                           c) doing

I’d … read a book than see this boring film.

sooner                     b) would prefer           c) prefer

Alice prefers going to the theatre … seeing films at the cinema.

from                        b) than                         c) to

The Waltons would prefer to see the play tonight rather … wait until next week.

than                         b) to                            c) sooner


E Read the text and answer the questions that follow. (7 points)


The Tale of Despereaux

who liked reading Kate DiCamillo’s The Tale of Despereaux will certainly enjoy
the film. It’s about Despereaux, a likeable mouse with big ears who falls in love
with a human princess called Pea. A servant girl, who wants to become the
princess, kidnaps Pea with the help of Roscuro, an evil rat. It is up to
Despereaux to defeat his opponents and rescue Pea. Although it is an American
film, The Tale of Despereaux has an interesting European feel to it. It
features a great cast of voice actors, with Mathew Broderick starring as
Despereaux. It might not do well at the box office, because it is more artistic
than action-packed, but it is sure to be a significant film for true film

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

is back! After years of waiting, enthusiasts of the adventurous archaeologist
Indiana Jones, once again played by Harrison Ford, can enjoy their
favourite character as he’s
off to uncover more mysteries of the ancient world. Everything we expect from an
Indiana Jones film is there: the action, the special effects, the excitement,
and the clever dialogues. Yet, those of us who have been following Indy’s
career since its start will feel like we’ve seen it all before. Predictable or
not, though, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is still an
excellent film for those who enjoy a light-hearted adventure, and it’s also
among this year’s greatest box office hits.


Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

magical world of Narnia is opening its doors one more time. The four Pevensie
children enter the wardrobe once again, this time to help Prince Caspian get
his kingdom back from the villain, the evil King Miraz. Prince Caspian has all
the fascinating elements that made the first film in the series. The Lion, the
Witch and the Wardrobe, a success and continues to entertain the audience with
its intriguing characters. One problem with it, though, is its runtime: parents
might find it challenging to keep their young children still and quiet for
almost two and a half hours!

Which film (A, B, or C) …

28. is
a romantic tale? …

29. is
rather long? …

includes historical elements? …

31. is
an animated film? …

32. will
probably disappoint fans of the main character? …

will probably sell the most cinema tickets? …

34. takes
its plot from a book? …

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  • Fill in the gaps with these words there is one extra word the people
  • Fill in the gaps with the world and word combinations in the box
  • Fill in the gaps with the words in the word box in the correct form