Fill in the gaps with the words in the word box in the correct form

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

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What jobs do some people have? Fill in the gaps with the words in the word box in the correct form. One word is extra.
Слова для справок:
an accountant, a lawyer, a computer operator, a businessman, a designing engineer, a mechanic, a secretary, a librarian.

Только слова в скобках не используйте. Пожалуйста помогите!

1 ответ:



6. <span>a mechanic
7. </span><span>a secretary
8. </span>a designing engineer<span>
9. </span>a computer operator
10. <span>a librarian
11. </span><span>an accountant
12. </span><span>a businessman</span>

Читайте также

London is amazing city. There is 8 787 892 people. The streets are full of people. Ekaterina The Quin is a popular person in London. There are many places of interest in London. Tourists often come to London and spend a lot of money. Big-Ban is the largest clock in the world. 150-year-old big Ben, is one of the main tourist attractions of London. The modern Big Ben was built in 1858. The watch has become a popular attraction and appears in many films. At the beginning, Big Ben called the biggest bell of the Vesminster abbey, but over time the name passed to the clock and was fixed forever.

Удачи в школе=^^=

This cat like fish. Tim swims well.
We make kites. Kate visits Jane.

<span>Сын и внук священников. Закончил </span>Кембриджский университет<span> (</span>1858<span>). Увлёкся музыкой и рисованием. Порвав с отцом, в </span>1859<span>—</span>1864 годах<span> жил в </span>Новой Зеландии<span>, разводил овец. Стал горячим приверженцем</span>дарвинизма<span>. Вернувшись в Англию, занялся литературой и живописью, жил отшельником. Путешествовал по Италии и Сицилии. Выставлял картины в Королевской Академии, писал об итальянском искусстве. Ни литературного, ни художнического успеха не имел, хотя его прозу высоко ценили </span>Форстер<span> и </span>Шоу<span>, а позднее </span>Джойс<span>, </span>Лоуренс<span>, </span>Олдос Хаксли<span>, </span>Моэм<span>, </span>Джордж Оруэлл<span>.</span>

1 should

2 don’t have to

3 should

4 might

5 shouldn’t

6 might not

7 has to

2. The boss will be angry if you arrive late to work again.

3. If you eat too much,  you»ll be sick.

4.If the weather is bad on Sunday,  we’ll stay at home.

5.You should see a doctor if you do not  feel well.

6. If you study hard,  you’ll pass the exam.

Fill in the gaps with the words that fit in the correct form from the box. You can use the words only once.
to be around
a character
to include
an item
to pack
to represent
a type of
1) Red Square is one of the most ___ icons of Russia.
2) Red Square best ___ Russia because it makes everyone feel the past and present of this country.
3) Every day the Obraztsov Puppet Theatre ___ with people who come to see its performances.
4) The Obraztsov Puppet Theatre clock is ___ clock you cannot find in any other country.
5) The Obraztsov Puppet Theatre clock is decorated with folk tale ____.
6) The circus artis school in Russia____ for a hundred of years.
7) The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts ____ wonderful collections of items from different countries.
8) The Museum of the History of Moscow has more than one million ___ : documents, maps, ancient books, manuscripts and other publications.

Автор: Гость

72 месяца назад

Do you agree with her choice? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in the correct form. action, century,commemorate,

courage, Hero, invent, inventor, scientist, treat, trouble. I admire Vladimir Shukhov. He is often called the number one Russian engineer. And he is a famous Russian …………,architect and ………….. . He ………… many useful things. He built bridges, factories, special towers, ships, railways and railway stations. Vladimir Shukhov invented the first pipeline in Russia in the nineteenth ………! He is ………… in the statue in the centre of Moscow. I respect Leonid Roshal. He is the most famous children’s doctor in Russia. He helped many children in …………. . Doctor Roshal …….. children in dangerous places. For his ………. and for his ……….. he got many awards: the European of the Year in 2005, the Doctor of Peace and a National ………….. of Russia. In 1996 he became the Doctor of the World. For me, Doctor Roshal is an example to follow.


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8 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

British children write about their favorite after-school activities on the Internet.

1) What do the following children write? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in the correct form.
thanks in advance!!

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(43 оценки)


5 лет назад

Светило науки — 9925 ответов — 180294 помощи

1. Have been going in for
2. Ambition
3. Championships
4. Top
5. Award
6. Have tried
7. Set a record
8. Gold
9. Necessary
10. Hard
11. Properly
12. Achieve
13. Abilities
14. Professional

(43 оценки)

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