Fill in the gaps with the words from the word box travelling

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. There are two extra words!
travel, national, adventures, life, explorer, arrive, sailing

Roald Amundsen was a famous _ .

His mother wanted him to become a doctor, but he liked sea _ .

Amundsen was the first to _ to both the North and the South Pole.

He was a _ hero in Norway. There are many books and films about his _ .

Задание рисунок 1

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс FORWARD часть 1 Вербицкая. Consolidation 1. Номер №12


Перевод задания
Заполните пропуски словами из поля. Есть два лишних слова!
путешествовать, национальный, приключения, жизнь, исследователь, прибыть, плавание
Роальд Амундсен был известным _ .
Его мать хотела, чтобы он стал врачом, но он любил морские _ .
Амундсен был первым, кто _ на Северном и Южном полюсе.
Он был _ героем Норвегии. О его _ написано много книг и снято фильмов.


Roald Amundsen was a famous

His mother wanted him to become a doctor, but he liked sea

Amundsen was the first to
travel to both the North and the South Pole.

He was a
national hero in Norway. There are many books and films about his life.

‘sailing, ‘arrive’ – extra words.

Перевод ответа
Роальд Амундсен был известным исследователем.
Его мать хотела, чтобы он стал врачом, но он любил морские приключения.
Амундсен был первым, кто побывал на Северном и Южном полюсе.
Он был национальным героем Норвегии. О его жизни написано много книг и снято фильмов.
«Плавание под парусами», «приехать» − лишние слова.

50 месяцев назад

Fill in the gaps with the correct words from the box below: travel journey trip voyage expedition 1.How long is your

_____ to work? 2.How do you like to ____ ? By car, by train, by plane, on the underground or on foot? 3.Which airline do you usually ____ with? 4.What’s the least successful business ____ you’ve ever had? 5.After a long and difficult ____ across the sea, Columbus discovered America in 1692. 6.Do you make your ____ arrangements via a travel agency or on the Internet?7.Our sightseeing ____ around Rome was very informative. 8.What’s the longest train ____ you’ve ever had? 9.Do you like reading books by ____ writers? 10.Their ____ to the North Pole was a great success. 11.She is away on a business _____ 12.My ____ to work takes an hour 13.I’ve got to pick up the tickets from the ____ agent.


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

работа по английскому языку для 8 класса по теме «Путешествия».

УМК – Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М. и др.

Составитель: Ерхан Т.В., МОУ «СОШ

« Travelling», Form  8


1) Translate:

1.  to travel abroad –

2.  a hotel accommodation –

3.  a seaside resort –

4.  a favourite destination –

5.  to get new experience –

2) Fill in the gaps with the words from
the word box. 











I like 1_________
very much. My parents and I go 2 _________every summer. Our
favourite 3_________is Cyprus because there are a lot of seaside 4________and
достопримечательности). It is a great opportunity to
meet                                                       6
иностранцы) and learn about culture and 7 ________ of the country you
visit from them. We never travel on our own. I think it is  8  _________.
We usually buy package tours.
 A package
includes transport       9  _______, a hotel accommodation, meals  and 
sometimes excursions. As a rule, at the airport you must have a visa and 10  __________customs
declaration. After that you are on the plane and ready to have beautiful time!

3) Modal verbs

1.      You ___ get a visa – должны

2.      We____ play games – удалось

3.      I ____ take a lot of luggage. – не нужно

4.      He ___ buy a ticket – следует

5.      We ____ visit the Moscow Kremlin. – могли бы

6.      If you are lost when travelling, you _____ ask a
policeman for help. —

4) Translate the sentences

1.      У меня есть паспорт

2.      Я часто хожу в туристическое агентство

3.      Вам нужно планировать путешествие как следует.

4.      Мы пойдем на эту экскурсию

« Travelling», Form  8


1) Translate:

1.  a travel agency –

2.  a hotel accommodation –

3.  a medical insurance –

4.  a favourite destination –

5.  to visit various attractions –

2) Fill in the gaps with the words from
the word box. 











My parents
and I like 1_________ very much. We go 2
_________every summer. Our favourite 3_________is Crimea because
there are a lot of seaside 4________and 5_________(
достопримечательности). It is a
great opportunity to meet                                                      
6 __________(
иностранцы) and learn about culture and 7 ________ of the country you
visit from them. We never travel on our own. I think it is  8  _________.
We usually buy package tours.
 A package
includes transport       9  _______, a hotel accommodation, meals  and 
sometimes excursions. As a rule, at the airport you must have a visa and 10  __________customs
declaration. After that you are on the plane and ready to have beautiful time!

3) Modal verbs

1.      All travelers  ___ fill in the customs declaration.   – должны

2.      My parents____ visit a lot of attractions. – удалось

3.      You ____ take a lot of luggage. – не нужно

4.      If you are lost when travelling, you _____ ask a
policeman for help. —

5.      He ___ see a lot – удалось

6.      She ___ write the letter – следует

4) Translate the sentences

1.      У меня есть виза.

2.      Обычно я предпочитаю морские курорты..

3.      Вам нужно планировать путешествие как следует.

4.      Мы посетим много разнообразных 

« Travelling», Form  8


1) Translate:

1.  to travel on one’s own –

2.  a favourite destination –

3.  transport tickets–

4.  a seaside resort –

5.  to get impressions –

2) Fill in the gaps with the words from
the word box. 











People like 1_________
very much. My parents and I go 2 _________every year. Our
favourite 3_________is Egypt because there are a lot of seaside 4________and
достопримечательности). It is a great opportunity to meet                                                       6
иностранцы) and learn about culture and 7 ________ of the country you
visit from them. We never travel on our own. I think it is  8  _________.
We usually buy package tours.
 A package
includes transport       9  _______, a hotel accommodation, meals  and 
sometimes excursions. As a rule, at the airport you must have a visa and 10  __________customs
declaration. After that you are on the plane and ready to have beautiful time!

3) Modal verbs

1.      People _______ have a medical insurance when they travel
abroad. –

2.      I____ visit St.Petersburg last summer. – удалось

3.      You ____ take a lot of luggage. – не нужно

4.      We ___ buy transport tickets. – следует

5.      We ____ visit the Moscow Kremlin. – могли бы

6.      If you are lost when travelling, you _____ ask a
policeman for help. —

4) Translate the sentences

1.      Отдыхающие должны  иметь визу.

2.      Я часто путешествую заграницу.

3.      Вам нужно планировать путешествие как следует.

4.      Они поедут на морский курорт.

« Travelling», Form  8


1) Translate:

1.   to prefer travelling abroad–

2.  a  destination –

3.  to get new experience –

4.  a seaside resort –

5.  a travel agent–

2) Fill in the gaps with the words from
the word box. 











We like 1_________
very much. My parents and I go 2 _________every year.

Our favourite
3_________is Egypt because there are a lot of seaside 4________and
достопримечательности). It is a great opportunity to
meet                                                       6
иностранцы) and learn about culture and 7 ________ of the country you
visit from them. We never travel on our own. I think it is  8  _________.

We usually
buy package tours.
 A package
includes transport       9  _______, a hotel accommodation, meals  and 
sometimes excursions. As a rule, at the airport you must have a visa and 10  __________customs
declaration. After that you are on the plane and ready to have beautiful time!

3) Modal verbs

1.      We____ visit Turkey last summer. – удалось

2.      People _______ have a medical insurance when they travel
abroad. –

3.      Holidaymakers ____ take a lot of luggage. – не нужно

4.      I ___  buy transport tickets. – следует

5.      We ____ visit the Moscow Kremlin. – могли бы

6.      If you are lost when travelling, you _____ ask a
policeman for help. —

4) Translate the sentences

1.      Отдыхающие должны  иметь визу.

2.      Я часто путешествую заграницу.

3.      Вам нужно планировать путешествие как следует.

4.      Они поедут на морский курорт.

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: anastasia4156

Где the words in the box?

resorts, abroad, destination, fill in, foreigners, excursions,tickets, visa, suitcase, accommodation, travelling, tourist, attentions


Автор ответа: nunny


4 resorts, 2 abroad, 3 destination, 12 fill in, 6 foreigners, 7 excursions, 8 tickets, 11 visa, 10 suitcase, 9 accommodation, 1 travelling, tourist, 5 attentions

Предыдущий вопрос

Следующий вопрос

Интересные вопросы

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марта пробежала за 28 секунд,а ира на15 процентов медленее,а света на 8 процентов быстрее чем марта.За какое время пробежали ира и света?помогите пожалуйста!​

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9 (0,5-1,4p)+7-3,8pпомогите

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Вопрос по английскому языку:

Помогите пожалуйста, 50 баллов!!!

Read the text about travelling. Fill in the gabs. Use the words from the box:
efficient, accelerating, force, purposes, long-distance, curious.

It’s evident that nowadays people more often than they used to. Tourists feel very 1) _ about the remote and exotic places of the planet and want to see them with their own eyes. Fortunately, the transport has become more affordable and 2)_. There are fast-speed trains and reliable planes for 3)_ flights.
The migration processes are 4)_ too. People migrate for career 5) _, to learn new professional skills and get education. Unfortunately, sometimes people have to migrate in order to survive as numerous local wars threaten their lives and 6)_ them to leave their countries.

Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

Воспользуйся формой подбора репетитора и занимайся онлайн. Пробный урок — бесплатно!

Ответы и объяснения 1



1 — curious
2 — efficient
3 — long-distance
4 — accelerating
5 — purposes
6 — force

Знаете ответ? Поделитесь им!


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  • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
    побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

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  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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  • Fill in the gaps with the words from the word box tickets
  • Fill in the gaps with the words from the word box i like very much
  • Fill in the gaps with the words from the word box below
  • Fill in the gaps with the words from the word box abroad
  • Fill in the gaps with the words from the box use each word only once