Fill in the gaps with the words from the box use each word only once

Journey club
Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization. Last year we visited Egypt, and we went to see the 1 pyramids. They are made of 2 stone. Their size is amazing. They look 3 huge! They are probably the 4 best-known of the past. Though they were built many centuries ago, they do not look 5 ancient. There is the 6 statue of The Great Sphinx next to one of them. It’s very big, it is really 7 gigantic!
The name “sphinx” comes from an old Greek 8 legend of a creature with the head of a woman, the body of a lion, and the wings of a bird. The age of The Great Sphinx is not known, but it is very old. The statue is partly 9 ruined — it lost its nose long before Napoleonic wars. Very little is known about the 10 construction of the pyramids and the sphinx, although there are many theories about it.
Клуб путешествий
Египет славится своей древней цивилизацией. В прошлом году мы посетили Египет, и мы ездили к пирамидам. Они сделаны из камня. Их размер поражает воображение. Они выглядят огромными! Они, наверное, самые известные из прошлого. Хотя они были построены много веков назад, они не выглядят древними. Статуя Большого Сфинкса находится рядом с одной из них. Она очень большая, она действительно гигантская!
Название «сфинкс» происходит из древнегреческой легенды о существе с головой женщины, телом льва и крыльями птицы. Возраст Великого Сфинкса не известен, но он очень старый. Статуя частично разрушена — она потеряла свой нос еще задолго до наполеоновских войн. Очень мало известно о строительстве пирамид и сфинкса, хотя есть много теорий об этом.


Fill in the gaps with a word from the box. Only use each word once.

selfish bad-tempered tough crafty sensitive
sensible strict trustworthy dull shy
mean reliable stubborn silly nice
cheerful sympathetic clumsy loyal gentle

1. Janet is incredibly_____________ . She always arrives on time and does
her job well.
2. It’s impossible to say anything to his grandmother. One word and she starts crying. She is so ________________.
3. I wonder why he is so ________________ . He has got lots of money but he
hates spending it.
4. When she was a child, her parents were incredibly _____________ .
Whenever she did the smallest thing wrong, they would send her to bed.
5. Ann is such a_________________ girl. She is always laughing and smiling.
6. I’ll give you a lift home if you are______________________ to me.
7. She was so _______________ and understanding. When I told her about my
problems, I immediately felt better afterwards.
8. In westerns, the hero is always __________________ . He always beats his
enemies and can put up with any hardship.
9. That’s the second plate you’ve broken this week. Why do you have to be so ________________?
10. I think he is an extremely ______________ boy. He laughs at stupid
things and never concentrates in class.
11. Children are often really _____________ . They hide behind their
mothers when guests come.
12. Don’t be __________________ Cathy. You’ve got to learn to share things
with other children.
13. She is 100% ___________________ . I’d leave my money, car, anything, for her
to look after.
14. When I broke my leg, the nurse was so_________________ that she hardly
hurt me at all.
15. Why do you get angry all the time? You are so_______________ .
16. Bob is my best friend. He remained ___________________ through all my problems.
17. He is such a ______________ person with his boring little job and his
boring little wife.
18. He is terribly _______________ . Once he has made up his mind, it’s
impossible to get him to change it even if it’s obvious that he is wrong.
19. The general was really ______________ . Just when the enemy thought it had won the battle, he played his best card.
20. Come on, Maria! You can’t go on a country walk wearing high heels. Do be ________________ for once.

1. reliable
2. sensitive
3. mean
4. strict
5. cheerful
6. nice
7. sympathetic
8. tough
9. clumsy
10. silly
11. shy
12. selfish
13. trustworthy
14. gentle
15. bad-tempered
16. loyal
17. dull
18. stubborn
19. crafty
20. sensible

0 голосов

116 просмотров

Fill in the gaps with words from the box. Use earch word only once.


  • words
  • earch
  • 5 — 9 классы
  • английский язык

Английский язык


22 Апр, 18


116 просмотров

Дано ответов: 2

0 голосов

1. Pyramids; 2. Stone; 3. Huge; 4. Best-known; 5. Ancient; 6. Statue; 7. Gigantic; 8. Legend; 9. Ruined; 10. Constructions


22 Апр, 18

0 голосов



22 Апр, 18

7 Заполните пропуски. Используйте слова в блоке в нужной форме (active или passive). Каждое слово может быть использовано только один раз.

1 К сожалению, мы опоздали на рейс. Когда мы приехали в аэропорт, наш самолет уже вылетел. Поэтому, мы положили наш багаж обратно в такси и вернулись домой.

2 Когда Джейсон проходил таможню, офицер попросил его открыть свой чемодан и осмотрел все его вещи очень тщательно.

3 Мы планировали быть в Париже в первой половине дня, но наш рейс был отсрочен из-за погоды. Поэтому, мы увидели Эйфелеву башню только ночью.

4 — Какой рейс был объявлен? Разве не наш?

— Нет, это рейс 143 Бритиш Эирлайнс. А номер нашего рейса 143 Аэрофлот.

5 Когда мы увидели Джонсонов в аэропорте, они получили свой багаж и ждали нас на стойке информации.

6 Мы приехали в Лондон поздно вечером, но такси у аэропорта было очень много.

1 had (already) taken off (время Past Perfect, активный залог)

2 was going through (время Past Progressive, активный залог)

3 was delayed (время Past Simple, пассивный залог)

4 has (just) been announced (время Present Perfect, пассивный залог)

5 had collected (время Past Perfect, активный залог)

6 arrived (время Past Simple, активный залог)

Fill in the gaps with the words that fit in the correct form from the box. You can use the words only once.
to be around
a character
to include
an item
to pack
to represent
a type of
1) Red Square is one of the most ___ icons of Russia.
2) Red Square best ___ Russia because it makes everyone feel the past and present of this country.
3) Every day the Obraztsov Puppet Theatre ___ with people who come to see its performances.
4) The Obraztsov Puppet Theatre clock is ___ clock you cannot find in any other country.
5) The Obraztsov Puppet Theatre clock is decorated with folk tale ____.
6) The circus artis school in Russia____ for a hundred of years.
7) The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts ____ wonderful collections of items from different countries.
8) The Museum of the History of Moscow has more than one million ___ : documents, maps, ancient books, manuscripts and other publications.

Автор: Гость

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