Fill in the gaps with the where necessary word



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Fill in gaps with articles where necessary. )The oldest country in the world is….Iran, which was known as….persia until 1934 2)The hunters got lost in….Rocky Mountains. 3)….Iceland is a volcanic island. 4)The highest peak in….North America is….Mount McKineley. 5)They are planning to visit …Lake Chad in….North Central Africa during their holiday. 6)Although….Australia is the smallest continent it is the largest island in the world. 7)….Europe extends from….British isles in….west towards …urals in the world. 8)….Republic of ireland is a state in …west europe. 9)….Dead Sea also called …salt seais a salt lake bordering….jordan to …east and….israel and …weat bank to …west. 10) ….Tasmania, located…..southeast of…. mainland Australia, is a major tourist attraction due to its diverse and spectacular scenery, unspoilt wilderness and heritage.

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)The oldest country in the world is Iran, which was known as Persia until 1934 2)The hunters got lost in the Rocky Mountains. 3)Iceland is a volcanic island. 4)The highest peak in North America is Mount McKineley. 5)They are planning to visit Lake Chad in North Central Africa during their holiday. 6)Although Australia is the smallest continent it is the largest island in the world. 7)Europe extends from the  British isles in the  west towards the Urals in the world. 8)The Republic of ireland is a state in west europe. 9)The Dead Sea also called  the salt sea is a salt lake bordering jordan to the east and israel and the weat bank to the west. 10) Tasmania, located southeast of  mainland Australia, is a major tourist attraction due to its diverse and spectacular scenery, unspoilt wilderness and heritage.

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Test (9th form) Unit 2 «It’s a big world! Start travelling now!» Variant 1 I. Fill in the gaps with «the» where necessary 1. ____Sahara Desert is situated in _____ Africa. 2. Have you ever been to ____ Malta? 3. ____Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on ___ Earth. 4. Is ____ Nile the longest river in ____ world? 5. The capital of ____ Netherlands is ___ Amsterdam. II. Form nouns or adjectives from the words in capitals to fill in the gaps. 1. The Titanic was considered to be SINK. 2. V. Bering is famous for his EXPLORE of the far north-eastern part of Siberia. 3. The London Eye is a famous tourist ATTRACT. 4. Are you fond of reading DETECT stories? III. Match the words in the columns. IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct reflexive pronouns. 1. I got upset when I saw _____ in the mirror. 2. Come in and make _____ at home. 3. Ann did everything _______ . Nobody helped her. 4. Let’s clean our classroom ______ . 5. They washed _______ very fast. V. Choose the appropriate modal verb. 1. ______ you play football well? a) may b) can c) must 2. Jane ______ read and write when she was five. a) can b) could c) may 3. You ______ visit your mum in the hospital yesterday. a) had to b) must c) should 4. _____ I use your mobile phone? a) may b) could c) must 5. You ______ apologise, I think. a) had to b) could c) should 6. You ________ eat so many sweets. You’ll get fat. a) should b) shouldn’t c) can. VI. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions (to, through, by, on, for). 1. Let him be ____ himself for a while. 2. Usually I go to school ____ foot. 3. I’d prefer coffee _____ tea. 4. In case of an accident your insurance company pays ____ you. 5. Your passport is checked when you get ____ passport control. VII. Choose the right item 1. The national emblem of the USA is _______. a) the double-headed eagle b) the bald-headed eagle c) the Statue of Liberty 2. The USA is situated in ______ a) South America b) the British Isles c) North America 3. The Scottish floral symbol is the ______ . a) thistle b) shamrock c) red rose 4. Russia has a sea border with _____ . a) the UK b) Mexico c) the USA 5. The official name of the UK is _______. a) Great Britain b) the United States of America c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 6. The flag of the UK is called ________ . a) the Union Jack b) the Stars and Stripes c) The Imperial Flag Test (9th form) Unit 2 «It’s a big world! Start travelling now!» Variant 2 I. Fill in the gaps with «the» where necessary 1. ____ Japan occupies _____ Japanese Islands. 2. _____ Atlantic Ocean divides _____ Europe and ____ North America. 3. ____Everest is the highest peak of ____ Himalayas. 4. ____ Statue of Liberty is one of the symbols of ____USA. 5. ____Yenisei runs into ____Kara Sea. II. Form nouns or adjectives from the words in capitals to fill in the gaps. 1. What scientist is famous for INVENT of the first computer? 2. We have all the necessary EQUIP for our expedition. 3. It was an BELIEVE success. 4. There are a lot of ENTERTAIN for tourists in this hotel.

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    Fill in the gaps with the necessary words: senior, answer, natural, full, charity, foster, burst, answer, staff, take.

    Fill in the gaps with the necessary words: senior, answer, natural, full, charity, foster, burst, answer, staff, take.



    phone calls

    care of

    into tears

    a full recovery




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        Fill in gaps with articles where necessary. )The oldest country in the world is….Iran, which was known as….persia until 1934 2)The hunters got lost in….Rocky Mountains. 3)….Iceland is a volcanic island. 4)The highest peak in….North America is….Mount McKineley. 5)They are planning to visit …Lake Chad in….North Central Africa during their holiday. 6)Although….Australia is the smallest continent it is the largest island in the world. 7)….Europe extends from….British isles in….west towards …urals in the world. 8)….Republic of ireland is a state in …west europe. 9)….Dead Sea also called …salt seais a salt lake bordering….jordan to …east and….israel and …weat bank to …west. 10) ….Tasmania, located…..southeast of…. mainland Australia, is a major tourist attraction due to its diverse and spectacular scenery, unspoilt wilderness and heritage.

        1 ответ:



        oldest country in the world is Iran, which was known as Persia
        until 1934 2)The hunters got lost in the Rocky Mountains. 3)Iceland
        is a volcanic island. 4)The highest peak in North America is Mount
        McKineley. 5)They are planning to visit Lake Chad in North
        Central Africa during their holiday. 6)Although Australia is the
        smallest continent it is the largest island in the world. 7)Europe
        extends from the  British isles in the  west towards the Urals in the world.
        8)The Republic of ireland is a state in west europe. 9)The Dead Sea
        also called  the salt sea is a salt lake bordering jordan to the east
        and israel and the weat bank to the west. 10) Tasmania,
        located southeast of  mainland Australia, is a major tourist
        attraction due to its diverse and spectacular scenery, unspoilt
        wilderness and heritage.

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        <span>Перевод текста:В дикой природе.


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      • Fill in the gaps with the suitable words and word combinations
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      • Fill in the gaps with the suitable word combinations there are some extra options humanity
      • Fill in the gaps with the suitable question word