Fill in the gaps with the suitable words and word combinations

Помогите, пожалуйста! Очень срочно!

Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations in the box.

( energy-saving, a part of it, air pollution, oxygen, breathe, countryside, movements, take care, extinct and endangered, deforestation )

1. People should live closer to nature because we are ……………….
2. Many people prefer to live in the ………………….
3. The big city is always synonymous with high ……………………. from vehicles or industry.
4. People can’t live without ………………….
5. I would never cut down trees, they lets us ……………………
6. Seventy per cent of land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the ……………….. that destroys their homes.
7. Land degradation leads to an increasing number of ……………….. animals.
8. To save our planet we must …………….. of it.
9. The least we can do is try and adopt some ……………… methods.
10. Our company supports ecological organizations and ……………….. .

Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations
b) the USA
c) Turkey
d) February
f) wool sack
g) Thanksgiving Day
h) cranberry sauce
i) domestic
j)the eve
k)Chimney sweeps
1)Halloween or….of all saints Day is celebrated on october 31. 2)Thoung there are few …working today,a sweeps festival is celebrated in rochester on the first weekend in may in honour of this old profession. 3) St valentines Day is celebrated on….14. 4)to present …on Christmas is a good tradition. 5)….is a characteristic feature of english people. 6)i know that many English people like …animals. 7) Thanksgiving Day is very popular in….  8)The people can spend …with their families as it is a four-day holiday. 9)as the….cooks make the simple homemade….10) The lord Chancellor presides over parliament sitting on a …which symbolizes the importance of wool in english history

1) The process of carbon emissions is when cars and plants burn oxygen and make carbon dioxide co2. (Carbon emission — выбросы карбона из растений и автомобилей)

2) The word global describes something that is related to the whole world. (Глобальный — что-то, связанное со всем миром)

3) To reuse means to use something more than once not to throw things away. (Reuse — использовать заново, то есть, больше чем 1 раз)

4)  To recycle means process unnecessary plastic, paper or glass so that it could be used again. (Перерабатывать — что-то делать с ненужными пластиком или бумагой, чтобы их можно было использовать еще раз)

5) To reduce means to make the amount of something, that you see, less. (Уменьшить — значит сделать значение чего-то меньше.)

6) The world weather is getting warmer because the level of CO2 is increasing. It is called climate change. (Изменения климата — погода становится теплее из-за уровня СО2)

7) Pieces of rubbish that people drop down or leave on the ground in public places are called litter. (Одним словом мусор на улице — waste)

8) So called smoke is often produced when something burns. It can be a black, grey or white mixture of some carbon and gas. (Дым — то, что появляется после того, как что-то горит)

9) The condition in the atmosphere, for example, hot ,cold,cloudy, sunny or wet, are called the weather. (Состояние в атмосфере, то есть теплое, солнечное, холодное, облачное или влажное — погода)

Помогите,срочно нужно…
Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations.
1.The British Parliament consists of…and….
2. Englishmen always respect their…
3. The United Kingdom is separated from the continent by…
4. Many young people from all over the world would like to enter…
5. Agriculture is developed in Scotland, especially…
6. The climate of the UK is…
7. Liverpool is famous….as the Beatles were organized there.
8. Among British industries the most developed are…
9. Two thirds of the world’s….used to come from UK….
10. In the early 18th century British…manufacture was based on wool which was processed by individual artisans.
A.customs and traditions
C.from a cultural aspect
D.Oxford University
E.the House of Lords
G.the Straits of Dover
H.computing and electronics.
J.the House of Commons

Народ помогите срочно!!!!!!
По английскому задали два номера не могу сделать.
пятое задание
Make up the words/
1. a dish a) room
2. an arm b) case
3. a bath c)washer
4. a book d)board
5. a cup e) chair

и шестое задание.
Fill in the gaps with sutable words

bathroom bedroom wardrobe carpet
cupboard curtains utility room attic
1. We usually keep old furniture in the___________________.
2. We take a shower in the______________.
3. People sleep and get dressed in their___________.
4.Dishes and cups are in the kitchen______________.
5.People often watch television and spend time together in the____________.
6. You hand clothes in the_________________.
7. A_______________is a machine where you put dirty plates and it washes them.
8. We have a fluffy___________on the flooor.
9. You draw the__________to make the room darker.
10. We keep large equipment, like the washing machine in the____________.
Пожалуйста помогите срочно

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