Fill in the gaps with the right word there was a really loud

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Test 10th form

1.Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue

Inna: We
are stuck in traffic/city/car stop.

Andrew: This
is awful! It’s taking forever to get to work.

Inna: I’m
sorry. I understand your complaints. There are just too many 

people/cars/animals. The traffic seems to get
worse every day.

Andrew: Next
time we should take public/social/personal  transport. If we
take the 

bus/aeroplane/subway, we will have more time for
ourselves and won’t have to sit in traffic.

Inna: Yeah.
That’s a great way to save/waste/avoid a lot of money. I won’t have
to pay for petrol.

Andrew: I
agree with you. Furthermore, we will make a small step in saving our nature.
Such decisions will help people to reduce their impact on global warming and
make air less /fewer/clean/polluted.

Inna: In
the evening, the air in our town is so polluted. Sometimes I can’t breathe or
even find my car in this smog/dim/fog.

Andrew: People
in our society don’t think about the future. Inna, let’s meet tomorrow at 8 a.m.
and use our local subway to get to work.

Inna: Great
idea! Sam can join us. He will support us. He is a(n) 

strong/eco-friendly/conversative person.

2.Choose the correct words to complete the sentences

  1.  Liquid/Endangered/Solar
    species are still suffering from a lack of/loss of/height of  habitat
    due to hunting and poaching.
  2. I
    think shopkeepers should take away plastic and paper/wood/iron bags
    from the supermarket. Customers can use their own cloth bags.
  3. Some
    people don’t have enough time to eat/provide/recycle bulbs
    and batteries. They just throw them away.
  4. Regular
    bulbs reduce/produce/waste too much energy/wind
    /recycle, so why not use compact fluorescent light bulbs?
  5. New
    toothbrushes are made of 100% recyclable plastic, and each toothbrush
    comes with a reusable/proactive/steel travel
  6. A
    cloth bag is made of 100% organic/plastic/reusable
  7. New steel/electric/wind cars
    cause less air pollution on the road.

3.Fill in the gaps with the right words

Lightning, warming, floods, forest fire, thunderstorm, global,
drought, tornado, Forest, volcanic eruption, blizzards, earthquakes, fires

1.     There was a really
loud ________ last night with lots of thunder and _______.

2.     Some airports were
closed after a _____________  in Peru.

3.     The firefighters
used more than 150,000 litres of water to stop the ___.

4.     25 million people
don’t have enough water because of a ________.

5.     A ______ with
winds of 150 km/h damaged more than 1,000 houses last night.

6.     Seasonal
flash ______ can cause thousands of deaths, land degradation and
house inundation.

7.     The scientists
declare that ________concern all of us.

8.     It scares me that
we have regularly had _______lately.

9.     If you want to
travel to Siberia in winter, you must be aware of
severe _______ because you won’t see anything in the blustery snow.

10.  ________may be caused by
drought and low rainfalls.

4.Read the examples and choose the correct meanings

Modal Verbs

1. Can I give you a hand? (prohibition, offer,

2.Everything should
 all right. (probability, permission, advice)

3.I can do this
task easily. (necessity, permission, ability)

4.You could
have warned
 me about the results! (prohibition, criticism, inability)

5.I wasn’t
able to write
 the report on time. (absence of necessity, prohibition,

6.Knitting may
 too boring for somebody. (permission, possibility, advice)

7.He can’t
 in Egypt now! (deduction, inability, prohibition)

8.You should
 eating so much. (permission, advice,probability)

9.I couldn’t
 my glasses anywhere until I found them on my head. (past
inability, past possibility, past prohibition)

10.We don’t
have to get up
 early tomorrow. (prohibition,
lack of necessity
, advice)

5. Read the situations and choose the correct options

mother doesn’t let you go to the party until you do your homework.

have to/had to/do your homework if you want to
go to the party.»

b)There is a speed
limit sign on the road. You friend says, «You have to/must

 drive not
faster than 50 kilometres per hour here.»

c)You parents say
that it’s your duty to clean your room. «You had to/should

 keep your
room clean.»

d)Your friend is
surprised to know you went to the park after school yesterday. He says, «I
thought you had to/ought to do your homework first. That’s
what your mother always says.»

e)There is a rule
in the classroom concerning mobile phones. It says: «You should/must
 switch your phones off and put them in a special box at the beginning of
every lesson.»

f)You have a
terrible toothache. Your mother tells you, «You have to /had to

 go to the

g)Your friend asks
you about the chores at your house. «What chores do you  must/have
 do at home?»

  • 0

Помогите, пожалуйста! Очень срочно! Я дам 50 баллов!

Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations in the box.

( energy-saving, a part of it, air pollution, oxygen, breathe, countryside, movements, take care, extinct and endangered, deforestation )

1. People should live closer to nature because we are ……………….
2. Many people prefer to live in the ………………….
3. The big city is always synonymous with high ……………………. from vehicles or industry.
4. People can’t live without ………………….
5. I would never cut down trees, they lets us ……………………
6. Seventy per cent of land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the ……………….. that destroys their homes.
7. Land degradation leads to an increasing number of ……………….. animals.
8. To save our planet we must …………….. of it.
9. The least we can do is try and adopt some ……………… methods.
10. Our company supports ecological organizations and ……………….. .

Помогите, пожалуйста! Очень срочно! Я дам 50 баллов!  Fill in the gaps with the words and word c...

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1 are part of it
2 countryside
3 air pollution
4 oxygen
5 breathe
6 deforestation
7 extinct and endangered
8 take care
9 energy saving
10 movements

  • Комментариев (0)


Couch potato — лентяй, проводящий много времени перед телевизором
catchy tune — легко запоминающаяся мелодия
fully booked — полностью забронированный
ballet dancer — артист балета
special effects — спецэффекты
daylight robbery — грабеж средь бела дня

1) Follow the
usher. He will show your seats.
2) There will be a live music played by a symphony
3) This is Kate. She is also a member of the cast.
4) I find that almost all Enio Mooricones theme tunes were really catchy.
5) We watched a brilliant comedy last night.We had such a good laugh.
6) I dont like films with a predictable storyline.

1. Nobody was seen by him yesterday. (можно также Nobody saw him)
2. The telegram will be received tomorrow.
3. He will give me this book next week.
4. The answer to this question can be found in the encyclopedia.
5. We showed the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation.
6. You can find interesting information about the life in the USA in this book.
7. Budapest is divided into two parts: Buda and Pest.
8. Yuri Dolgoruki founded Moscow in 1147.
9. Moscow University was founded by Lomonosov.
10. We call Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.

In his childhood Tom used to be beaten with a stick.
Molly’s bedroom wall was covered with posters.
The house was surrounded with flowerbeds.
Soup is eaten with a spoon.
The new swimming pool has been just opened by the mayor.
This story was written by Agatha Christie.
The bear was shot with a gun.

1. We turned on the heater because the room was cold.
2. Anna was offered the job, but she turned it down.
3. I can’t hear the news. Please turn up the volume on the TV.
4. Sam turned up on the doorstep at midnight in the pouring rain.
5. That music is very loud. Could you turn the volume down, please
6. Turn over the page and look at exercise ten.


Отв. дан
2018-09-29 00:00:00

Fill in the gaps with the right word.
1. I felt p _ _ _ _ _ _ when the man spoke to me in Chinese.
2. He never smiles. He’s such a m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ man.
3. She’s leaving for Paris tomorrow. She’s so e _ _ _ _ _ _ .
4. Karen hasn’t come back from work yet. I’m getting w _ _ _ _ _ _ .
5. After working all day in the garden, Tim felt very t _ _ _ _ .

Английский язык 6 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. Progress Check 7 (страница 74). Номер №3


Перевод задания
Заполните пробелы правильным словом.
1. Я был _ , когда этот человек заговорил со мной по−китайски.
2. Он никогда не улыбается. Он такой _ человек.
3. Завтра она уезжает в Париж. Она так _ .
4. Карен еще не вернулась с работы. Я начал _ .
5. После целого дня работы в саду, Тим очень _ .

1. I felt puzzled when the man spoke to me in Chinese.
2. He never smiles. He’s such a miserable man.
3. She’s leaving for Paris tomorrow. She’s so excited.
4. Karen hasn’t come back from work yet. I’m getting worried.
5. After working all day in the garden, Tim felt very tired.

Перевод ответа
1. Я был озадачен, когда этот человек заговорил со мной по−китайски.
2. Он никогда не улыбается. Он такой несчастный человек.
3. Завтра она уезжает в Париж. Она так взволнована.
4. Карен еще не вернулась с работы. Я начал беспокоиться.
5. После целого дня работы в саду, Тим очень устал.

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  • Fill in the gaps with the right word i felt p when the right word
  • Fill in the gaps with the right word i felt p when the man spoke
  • Fill in the gaps with the right word from the word bank
  • Fill in the gaps with the right word from the box there
  • Fill in the gaps with the right word 6 класс