Fill in the gaps with the right word from the word bank

Filling the gaps

Drag and drop the suitable word in each gap.

Many countries use fossil , such as coal and oil, to generate electricity.

is caused by high levels of dangerous gases in the atmosphere.

Wind is a renewable of energy.

Wind power offers a to energy problems.

I can’t stand people who drop in the street.

The ozone protects the earth from the sun’s harmful rays .

We should protect animals’ natural .

Many forests in Europe have been damaged by rain.

Many species of fish have been by overfishing.

Pandas are considered an endangered .


Global warming







wiped out



Match the words and word combinations with their definitions.

to preserve landfill space

public assistance provided by governments

arrange for smth to happen

aggressive urban environment

not use up land in rubbish dumps

reduce poisonous substances in the air

substances that cause the atmosphere to get hotter

Filling in the gaps

Fill in the gaps with the right word from the word-bank.

My friends and I a study group to help us prepare for the exams.

My sister and I it in to do the washing up.

By recycling we can help preserve the amount of in the world.

Cutting down on the amount of rubbish we produce helps to .

Many shops the price of items to tempt shoppers to buy their products.

are harmful for the ozone layer.

Preparing nutritious meals needn’t be .

It is the responsibility of local to collect the rubbish from the streets.

It is extremely difficult to a red wine stain from a light carpet.

Leaving the lights on when you are not in the room energy.

I am quite happy with the my local community offers.

My mum is of tidying up after my little brother.

Many big cities are unpleasant to live in because they resemble a .

It is a good idea to have plants in your house as they are good at .

set up



limited raw materials

preserve landfill space


Greenhouse gases






sick and tired

concrete jungle

filtering out pollutants

Choosing the correct answer

Read the sentences and underline the correct compound noun.

The smog in the street was so thick that people had to put / their gas masks/ raincoats to ensure normal breathing.

Urban sprawl /acid rain is destroying the tropical forests of the Amazon.

The greenhouse effect/ ozone layer has led to many ice areas melting and sea levels rising.

Aerosolstoxic fumes and gases cause the hole in the ozone layer/ acid rain to increase, which makes the sun rays all the more dangerous.

The cycle lane/ urban sprawl has given rise to megacities with scores of problems like pollution and crime.

Scandinavian countries have a rich network of cycle lanes/ rubbish dumps to protect their cyclists.

The greenhouse gases/ rubbish dump on the outskirts of the town is an eyesore

Filling in the table

You will hear 5 different people talking about recycling. Match the speakers 1-5 with the statements A-F.

This helps cut down energy use.

Teaching the public about recycling.

Things can be used more than once.

Providing work and helping the Environment.

This will save lives.





Speaker 1

Sorting the phrases

Match the problems to their effects and their solutions.




Global warming


Hunting/ overfishing


Change in world’s climate-ocean levels rising-extreme weather conditions

Very poor air quality in cities-rivers and lakes full of industrial waste

Many animals and fish wiped out

Destruction of the rainforest

Reduce use of aerosols. Use alternative sources of energy.

Reduce gasses emitted from factories. Use public transport instead of cars

Have stricter laws and harsher punishments for illegal hunting and fishing

Encourage countries to control the number of trees that are cut down


Match the words to form compound nouns.

Choosing the right answer

Read the text and for each gap choose the correct word.

Your Future World.

What will you be doing in 2025? Will you be living in an undersea research station? Will you be the chief engineer

 a bridge across the Atlantic Ocean? Will you be leading an

to the planet Mars? Will you be …?

You can daydream, of course, but nobody knows exactly what the world will be

But scientists have made some guesses.

Based on the advances made, they believe people will be healthier. Diphtheria, malaria, tuberculosis, polio and many other killers are under control now. These diseases are on the way out,

to germ-killing chemicals, new ways of finding out about our bodies, and new ways of providing clean, safe

and water.

Healthier people live longer, so we can expect the world’s population to

sharply. It may double in the next forty years! This brings up a serious problem: how will we find food, water, and minerals for such a huge population?

Scientists are at work on some

From the ocean they hope to get new fertilizers to increase the yield of the soil; new chemicals to kill crop-destroying insects without

other animals, new sources of water or supplies of food.

Choosing the right answer

Read the text and for each gap (1-8-) choose the correct word.

New York City: Nostalgia for the Old Neighbourhood.

Life is made up of little things: some unimportant memories from childhood that, in fact, shaped your character. I 

on Third Avenue in midtown Manhattan during the 1950s-60s where family life was centred around old 

of flats and small stores. Third Avenue was my old neighbourhood and it had character. It was

with working families of Italian, German and Irish origin. We shopped together with all those people and their kids played together. Third Avenue influenced the way our family lived. I absorbed the street life. It gave me an 

that I could not have received in any other place. To me, it was home.

In a recent walk around Third Avenue my eyes 

signs of the old neighbourhood but couldn’t find any. If I hadn’t been born here and someone described the area, it would be

to believe. It wasn’t because a few buildings had changed – everything had changed. The transformation began in the

1950s and 60s when corporations replaced the old neighbourhood. In the early 1960s, the houses were pulled down. Families were forced to 

, the small stores went out of business and the old neighbourhood was changed forever. And now there is a lack of character in the transformed neighbourhood.

Filling the gaps

Read the text about a wild animal park and complete the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in capital letters.

Wild Animal Park.

The wide, wild world of animals interests many people. But, as civilizations crowd animals out of their natural habitats,

(SCIENCE) and concerned citizens ask, “What is going to happen to animals?” 

One place that has pioneered research in the

(CONSERVE) of rare animals is the Wild Animal Park of San Diego, California. Its special concern is endangered species.

Although people can visit the Park, it is a 720-hectare preserve where animals walk

(FREE). Many people have a unique opportunity to take photos of rare wild animals in their natural environment.

People all over the world have helped with the

(DEVELOP) of the Park. It was planned in 1959; it was opened in 1972. So it took 13 years to build it.

Divided into

(GEOGRAPHY) sections, the Park has areas similar to the animals’ natural habitats in Africa and Asia.

Since the Wild Animal Park opened, it has become famous for its captive breeding work. More than 86 percent of animals born in the park survive. Many

(FOREIGN) travel to California to watch wildlife and enjoy beautiful nature.

Filling the gaps

Read the text about Central park and complete the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in capital letters.

Central Park.

One of the world’s most well-known green spaces, Central Park in New York occupies 843 acres of land with European-style gardens, a lake and a reservoir.

(NATURAL), among Central Park sights one should also mention an outdoor theater, a memorial to John Lennon and a very famous statue of Alice in Wonderland. Many tourists consider Central Park to be a truly

(BEAUTY) place. It is important to say that this huge park was designed as a leisure space for all New Yorkers,

(REGARD) of color or class. Today, this “people’s park” is still one of the city’s most popular

(ATTRACT). It is also a very popular place for numerous

(JOG). Even in winter with its snowstorms there is something to do there, like cross-country

(SKI). If you plan to visit New York, Central Park is an absolute must for you. 

Crossing out

Read the texts about ecology of the earth and cross out the wrong answer.

The North Pole has melted again.

Two weeks of warm weather in the high Arctic have caused a lake to begin forming. To be clear, the water surrounding/surrounded the pole is not sea water from the ocean.

It is melting/melted ice water resting on a layer of ice below. “Its a shallow lake. Its a cold lake. But it is, actually, a lake,” writes William Wolfe of

That lake started to form on July 13 during a month of coming the weathertemperatures were 13 degrees Celsius higher than average in the Arctic Ocean this month. In addition, the weather is likely to get worst /worse over the coming week. An Arctic cyclone will bring strong winds and rain.

The largest snowfall in decades.

This weeks snowfall in Brazil is one of the largest in decades. As snow on the ground is not a very common landscape in a socalled tropical country, everybody feel/ felt excited when they saw streets in snow.

In the cities by the sea people are used to spending the summer sun bathing. They are surprised/were surprised very much when they saw snow covering the city.

It is not/ was not long before social media became loaded with pictures of white fields and roads, and snowmen.

Crossing out

Read the texts about ecology of the earth and cross out the wrong answer.

Global warming.

In northern Québec and Labrador, temperatures rose/have risen two degrees Celsius since the mid1990s. That rise has helped more trees grow in the area are was previously too cold for trees.

And the more trees that grow, the warmer/ the warmest the  region becomes.

 “The cold landscape that we are accustomed to in northern Canada is/will be a thing of and past soon,” specialists predict.


There are many kinds of bears. The polar bear lives mostly in the Arctic North, often on drifting masses of floating sea ice called/calling ‘floes’.

Brown bears, once widespread in Europe and Asia, are now rare. The American black bear is smallest/smaller  than the brown bears.

The spectacled bear, which gets its name from the lightcoloured rings around its eyes, is the only bear of the Southern Hemisphere. It is found/ finds in the Andes Mountains.

Putting the exchanges in the correct order

Put the exchanges in the correct order to make up a dialogue.

You’re right. Our streets are covered with litter.

You know I’ve just had a brilliant idea. Why don’t we start a clean-up campaign?

Let’s start right now. Who’s going to pick up the first piece of litter?

That’s a great idea. We could pick up litter and clean up our neighborhood at the same time.

I can’t believe how much litter there is everywhere!


Choose the correct variant and colour it. 

I cant believe first many/much/little concrete there is everywhere!

Youre right. There are more and more buildings being built/build/to build every day.

You know Ive just had/have/am having a brilliant idea. I think we should to start/start/starting a treethe campaign.

Thats a great idea. We could to make/make/have made our town a more pleasant place to live in.

Lets start right now. Whos going plant/ to plant/planted the first tree?


Par Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word
1. That
is too high to climb.
2. We must find a
to the difficult problem,
3. I asked you a question. What is your
4. The rain formed
on the road.
5. Do you
the thought that went into the gifts you got? пж кто сможет? 30÷2=15баллов​

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Fill in the gaps with the right word:

puzzled, worried, excited, tired, miserable

1. I felt …when the man spoke to me in Japan.

2. He never smiles. He’s such a ….. man.

3. She’s leaving to Paris tomorrow. She’s so …

4. Karen hasn’t come back yet. I’m getting ….

5. After working all day in the garden, Tim felt very ….

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Тест для промежуточной аттестации в 11 классе (I полугодие)

Вариант I

1.Мatch the headings
to the paragraphs. There is one extra heading.








1.    In
2004 Australia was ranked the fourth most competitive economy in the world, up
from the seventh place in 2003 and the tenth in 2002.

2.    Australia
is one of the world’s oldest landmasses and has been populated for an estimated
60 000 years. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal peoples
inhabited most areas of the continent. Australia’s contemporary history is
quite short, with the first European settlement established by England in 1788.

3.    On
average, Australians spend more years in primary and secondary school than in
many other countries, including Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. Each
year Australia welcomes an increasing number of international students.

4.    Australia’s
system of government reflects the British and North American models of liberal
democracy, but has uniquely Australian features.

5.    A
great number of Australia’s native plants, animals and birds exist nowhere else
in the world. Australia is committed to conserving its unique environment and
natural heritage by a wide range of protecting measures.

6.    State
and Territory government have primary responsibility under the Constitution for
the actual position of health services.

6 points

2. Fill in the correct
form of the verb in brackets (-ing form,

to-infinitive or

1. My brother made me ______________
(apologize) for taking his football without asking.

2. He’s old enough ___________ (drive) a car.

3. I don’t like ___________ (shout) at you but
sometimes you make me so angry!

4. You should ___________ (be) very careful
when you walk in dark streets at night.

5.  I like to have a glass of milk before
___________ (go) to bed.

                            5 points

3. Complete
the sentences with the relative pronoun

1.   This is Jane ….sister is my friend.

2.   The café …we had dinner yesterday is very expensive.

3.   That was a year …I entered institute.

4.   The bank … is there worked last weekend.

5.   That’s the woman…is a famous actress.

  5 points

4.Underline the correct item.

1.    Joe
joined a gym so that/in case he could become fitter

2.    He
went to the bank due to/with the aim of asking for a loan.

3.    I’ll
get my umbrella to/ in case it rains.

4.    Knife
is for/because of cutting food.

5.    She switched on
the TV due to/to watch the news.

10 points

5. Fill the gaps with the
appropriate words derived from the words on the right.

works with  international
organizations,                                                          including
the World Health Organization and the
 Organization for Economic (1)_______________                       COOPERATE
and (2)_______________, health ministries in                            
other countries, and with (3)__________________                      DEPENDENCE

research institutes to prevent and control the spread
of disease, in (4)_______________ international                         SET
health standards and in (5)__________________                        SUPPORT
health promotion (6)__________________ .                               ACTIVE

24 points

Total 50 points


Вариант I


1b, 2c, 3a, 4d, 5f, 6g


1 apologize, 2 to drive, 3 shouting, 4 be, 5 going


1  whose, 2 where, 3 when, 4 which, 5 who


1 so that, 2 with the aim, 3 in case, 4 for, 5 to


cooperation, development, independent, setting, supporting, activities.

для промежуточной аттестации в 11 классе (


the headings to the paragraphs. There is one extra heading.








1.State and Territory
government have primary responsibility under the Constitution for the actual
position of health services.

2.In 2004 Australia was
ranked the fourth most competitive economy in the world, up from the seventh
place in 2003 and the tenth in 2002.

3.On average, Australians
spend more years in primary and secondary school than in many other countries,
including Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. Each year Australia welcomes
an increasing number of international students.

4.Australia is one of the
world’s oldest landmasses and has been populated for an estimated 60 000
years. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal peoples inhabited
most areas of the continent. Australia’s contemporary history is quite short,
with the first European settlement established by England in 1788.

5.Australia’s system of
government reflects the British and North American models of liberal democracy,
but has uniquely Australian features.

6.A great number of
Australia’s native plants, animals and birds exist nowhere else in the world.
Australia is committed to conserving its unique environment and natural
heritage by a wide range of protecting measures.

                                    6 points

2. Fill in the correct
form of the verb in brackets (-ing form,

to-infinitive or

1. My brother lets me ______________ (take) his
football without asking.

2. He’s too old ___________ (be) alone.

3. I like ___________ (sing).

4. You should ___________ (wake up) early.

5.  I like to have a cup of tea after
___________ (have) a hard day.

                            5 points

3. Complete
the sentences with the relative pronoun

    1. That’s the woman…is a famous actress.
    2. This is Jane … sister is my friend
    3. The café …we had dinner yesterday is very expensive.
    4. That was a year …I entered institute.
    5. The bank … is there worked last weekend.

  5 points

4.Underline the correct item.

  1. He went to the bank due
    to/with the aim
    of asking for a loan.

      2. Joe joined a gym so
that/in case
he could become fitter

      3. She switched on the TV due
watch the news.

  1. . I’ll get my umbrella to/
    in case
    it rains.
  2. Knife is for/because of cutting food

 10 points

5. Fill the gaps with the
appropriate words derived from the words on the right.

works with international (1) ________ ,                       ORGANIZE                            
 (2) _______ the World Health Organization and the                    INCLUDE
Organization for (3) ____________ cooperation                          ECONOMY

development, health ministries in                             
other countries, and with (4)__________________                     DEPENDENCE
research institutes to prevent and control the spread
of disease, in (5)_______________ international                         SET
health standards and in supporting                   
health (6) _________ activities .                                                   PROMOTE

24 points

                  Total 50 points


Вариант II


1g, 2b, 3a, 4c, 5d, 6f


1 take, 2 to be, 3 singing, 4 wake up, 5 having


1  who, 2 whose, 3 where, 4 when, 5 which


1 with the aim, 2 so that, 3 to, 4 in case, 5 for


organization, including, economic, independent, setting, promotion.

Fill in the gaps with the right word.
1. I felt p _ _ _ _ _ _ when the man spoke to me in Chinese.
2. He never smiles. He’s such a m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ man.
3. She’s leaving for Paris tomorrow. She’s so e _ _ _ _ _ _ .
4. Karen hasn’t come back from work yet. I’m getting w _ _ _ _ _ _ .
5. After working all day in the garden, Tim felt very t _ _ _ _ .

Английский язык 6 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. Progress Check 7 (страница 74). Номер №3


Перевод задания
Заполните пробелы правильным словом.
1. Я был _ , когда этот человек заговорил со мной по−китайски.
2. Он никогда не улыбается. Он такой _ человек.
3. Завтра она уезжает в Париж. Она так _ .
4. Карен еще не вернулась с работы. Я начал _ .
5. После целого дня работы в саду, Тим очень _ .

1. I felt puzzled when the man spoke to me in Chinese.
2. He never smiles. He’s such a miserable man.
3. She’s leaving for Paris tomorrow. She’s so excited.
4. Karen hasn’t come back from work yet. I’m getting worried.
5. After working all day in the garden, Tim felt very tired.

Перевод ответа
1. Я был озадачен, когда этот человек заговорил со мной по−китайски.
2. Он никогда не улыбается. Он такой несчастный человек.
3. Завтра она уезжает в Париж. Она так взволнована.
4. Карен еще не вернулась с работы. Я начал беспокоиться.
5. После целого дня работы в саду, Тим очень устал.

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  • Fill in the gaps with the right word from the box there
  • Fill in the gaps with the right word 6 класс
  • Fill in the gaps with the right form of the word i want to
  • Fill in the gaps with the right form of the word i my passport
  • Fill in the gaps with the right form of the word from the box