Fill in the gaps with the right form of the word i my passport

Fill in the right form of the word.

I my passport while I was travelling.

Yesterday he an accident on the road.

My car on way to work two days ago.

Hurry up! We shouldn’t our flight.

My sister always seasick on the ferry.






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Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs in brackets.

30p 1.

Daisy (bring) some chocolates to the birthday party.

2. I (hear) a new song on the radio.

3. Peter (read) three books last week.

4. The Smiths (speak) Italian to the waitress.

5. Peter (understand) during the class, but now he doesn`t understand7 6.

My mother (forget) to buy some milk.

7. Susan (have) a baby in August.

8. We (lose) our keys last friday.

9. They (swim) 500 m yesterday afternoon.

10. I (give) my mother a CD for her birthday.

11. At the age of 23, she (become) a teacher.

12. I (know) the answer yesterday 13.

Peter (tell) me that he lived in New York.

14. We (lend) John €200.

15. She (drink) too much coffee yesterday.

16. The children (sleep) in the car.

17. He (keep) his promise 18.

We (choose) the steak for dinner.

19. The film (begin) late.

20. They (fly) to Madrid.

21. We (drive) to Edinburgh.

22. Mrs.

Black (teach) English at the University.

23. They (send) me an e — mail earlier.

24. We (leave) at 7 a.


На этой странице находится вопрос Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs in brackets?, относящийся к категории
Английский язык. По уровню сложности данный вопрос соответствует знаниям
учащихся 10 — 11 классов. Здесь вы найдете правильный ответ, сможете
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помощью автоматического поиска на этой же странице можно найти похожие
вопросы и ответы на них в категории Английский язык. Если ответы вызывают
сомнение, сформулируйте вопрос иначе. Для этого нажмите кнопку вверху.

I. Fill in the gaps with the right word I remember my first day of school in detail. It was a nice bright September morning when my mum _______________me to a large school ground. There were lots of kids and parents there. At first I felt uneasy as I _____________ any of them. I wanted to go inside but the doors ______________. “Look around”, my mum said. “There are so many ______________ here. I’m sure you will make friends with them very soon”. Almost every child had a bouquet of flowers and I felt very proud because my bouquet was the ___________. Some men and women in the centre of the playground were telling us about their school years. “Look at that woman, mum”, I whispered “She________________ to the Head of the school now. I’m sure that I __________________ her. Her face looks very familiar”. Later I found out that she was a TV presenter for an educational programme for young children and a graduate of our school. She was a very ____person. Her clothes were __________ and _________. BRING NOT KNOW СLOSE CHILD GOOD SPEAK ALREADY SEE

Fill in the gaps with the right word.
1. I felt p _ _ _ _ _ _ when the man spoke to me in Chinese.
2. He never smiles. He’s such a m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ man.
3. She’s leaving for Paris tomorrow. She’s so e _ _ _ _ _ _ .
4. Karen hasn’t come back from work yet. I’m getting w _ _ _ _ _ _ .
5. After working all day in the garden, Tim felt very t _ _ _ _ .

Английский язык 6 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. Progress Check 7 (страница 74). Номер №3


Перевод задания
Заполните пробелы правильным словом.
1. Я был _ , когда этот человек заговорил со мной по−китайски.
2. Он никогда не улыбается. Он такой _ человек.
3. Завтра она уезжает в Париж. Она так _ .
4. Карен еще не вернулась с работы. Я начал _ .
5. После целого дня работы в саду, Тим очень _ .

1. I felt puzzled when the man spoke to me in Chinese.
2. He never smiles. He’s such a miserable man.
3. She’s leaving for Paris tomorrow. She’s so excited.
4. Karen hasn’t come back from work yet. I’m getting worried.
5. After working all day in the garden, Tim felt very tired.

Перевод ответа
1. Я был озадачен, когда этот человек заговорил со мной по−китайски.
2. Он никогда не улыбается. Он такой несчастный человек.
3. Завтра она уезжает в Париж. Она так взволнована.
4. Карен еще не вернулась с работы. Я начал беспокоиться.
5. После целого дня работы в саду, Тим очень устал.

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