Fill in the gaps with the proper word ceremony

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: Grisha2008c


Автор ответа: riglest


  • tribes
  • discovered
  • voyage
  • shore
  • hopes
  • fight
  • ceremony
  • remember
  • state
  • hunt



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hunt; discovered; fight; hopes; remember; shore; state

1.The Indians lived in _____________.

2.Christopher Columbus ___________America in 1492.

3.We were on the ocean________ last month. We sailed to the USA.

4.When I was a child I found shells on the sea_____________.

5.My grandmother always_________ for better. She is optimistic.

6.Little children couldn’t ______during the war, so they worked hard on the plants.

7.In China you can see tea__________. It is so interesting!

8.Can you tell me her address and the phone number, I don’t _______ them.

9.Texas is one of the largest ____________in the USA.

10.His father goes to _________. Sometimes he shots ducks and hares.

Task 2. Choose the right variant.

During the war a lot of people were fighting______(1) the enemies. Some people say we can do it again, we can win the war nowadays. I am not sure_____ (2) it. Our great-grandparent and grandparents belonged ______ (3) different kind of people. They fought _____ (4) their land, families, homes. They could scarify their lives. But I hope _____ (5) the better, I hope the war will never begin again.

1. a) from b) against c) for

2. a) of b) to c) from

3. a) through b) to c) in

4. a) in b) about c) for

5. a) for b) about c) at

Task 3.Write the right forms of the verbs (Future Simple or Present Simple)

1.If I______(buy) a new car, we_________(go) to Chicago.

2.We______(help) you as soon as I _______(come) home.

3.Before Ann________(leave) our town, she______(make) a party.

4.When Mr. Charles ________(get) a job, he _______(find) a new flat.

5.My grandparents_____(grow) flowers when they ____(move) to the country house.

6.After my friends_________(paint) the fence, they_______(go) for a swim.

7.I _________(find) the keys, when I_______(be) free.

8.English ______(be) the main language if the USA _____(be) more powerful.

Task 4.Translate into English.

1) Если я сделаю домашнее задание, я пойду гулять.

2) Скоро я уеду с США.

3) Мы собираемся открыть новую землю.

Task 1. Choose the right variant.

1) The USA is situated in_______.

a) South America b)North America c) Eurasia

2) The head of the USA is________.

a) The Queen b)The Parliament c) The President

3) Manhattan is _____________

a)part of New York b) a large city c) a Shopping Centre.

4) The largest city of the USA.

a) Chicago b)New York c)Washington

5) Washington stands on the_____________river.

a)Mississippi b) Missouri c) Potomac

READING (Read the text and do the tasks after it.)
The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world.

It is situated on the North American continent and is washed by three oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic.

The USA borders only two countries — Canada and Mexico.

This great country has a lot of mountains, rivers, lakes. The longest rivers are the Mississippi and the Missouri.

The climate of the country is varied. In the southern part it is subtropical while the northern part has very cold weather in winter.

America has fifty states and one federal District of Columbia where the capital of the country is situated.

The capital of the USA is Washington. It stands on the Potomac River in the eastern part of the country.

The main cities are located on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. New-York is the largest city of the country. Other large cities are San-Francisco, Los-Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, Phoenix and Dallas.

Task 1. Say whether the sentences are TRUE or FALSE.

1) The Russian Federation borders the USA.

2) The USA washed by Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

3) Washington is the capital of the USA.

4) The largest city is Detroit.

5) The Amazonka River is the main river of the USA.

Ответ №1


Task 1










Task 2

1. b

2. a

3. b

4. c

5. a

Task 3

1. buy , will go

2. will help , come

3. leave, will make

4. get, will find

5. will grow, move

6. paint, will go

7. will find, am

8. will be , is

Task 4

1. If I do my homework, I will go for a walk.

2. I will leave the USA soon.

3. We are going to open a new land.

Task 1

1. b

2. c

3. a

4. b

5. c

Task 1

1. false

2. false

3. true

4. false

5. false

Ответ дал: svetafinchenko



task 1 — 1 tribes 2 discovered 3 voyage 4  shore 5 hopes 6 fight  7ceremony 8 remember 9 state 10 hunt  task 2 — 1 against 2 of 3  to 4 for 5 for task 3 1 buy/will go 2 will help/come 3 leaves/ will make 4 gets/will find 5 will grow/ move 6 pait/will go 7 will find/am 8 will be/ is  culture task 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5


Fill in the gaps with words from below.

• research

• members

• attend

• mayor

• pollution

• ceremony

• stray

1. Who’s the _ in your town?
2. Did you _ the art class this morning?
3. Bob is doing some _ on the Amazon River.
4. Our Golf Club has 300 _ .
5. Air _ is a big problem in my area.
6. There are a lot of _ animals in Athens.
7. The Oscars is the most popular film award _ in the world.

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 4c. Take action!. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Заполните пробелы словами снизу.
• исследование
• члены
• посещать
• мэр
• загрязнение
• церемония
• бродячий
1. Кто является _ вашего города?
2. Вы _ сегодня утром на урок рисования?
3. Боб проводит _ реки Амазонки.
4. В нашем гольф−клубе 300 _ .
5. _ воздуха − большая проблема в моем районе.
6. В Афинах много _ животных.
7. Оскар − самая популярная _ вручения кинопремии в мире.

1. Who’s the mayor in your town?
2. Did you attend the art class this morning?
3. Bob is doing some research on the Amazon River.
4. Our Golf Club has 300 members.
5. Air pollution is a big problem in my area.
6. There are a lot of stray animals in Athens.
7. The Oscars is the most popular film award ceremony in the world.

Перевод ответа
1. Кто является мэром вашего города?
2. Вы ходили сегодня утром на урок рисования?
3. Боб проводит исследования реки Амазонки.
4. В нашем гольф−клубе 300 членов.
5. Загрязнение воздуха − большая проблема в моем районе.
6. В Афинах много бездомных животных.
7. Оскар − самая популярная церемония вручения кинопремии в мире.

1) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words.

ceremonies / military / on duty / residence / months / modern / uniform / husband / palace
Buckingham Palace is the official London 1_________ of the kings and queens of the United Kingdom. It is the home of Queen Elizabeth the Second. She lives here with her 2______________, the Duke of Edinburgh.
The Changing of the Guard is one of the most famous 3_______________ in London. It happens at Buckingham Palace. The ceremony takes place regularly throughout the year, and every day during some of the summer 4__________. The Queen’s guards protect the 5___________ and the Queen.
The guards get ready at the army barracks, near Buckingham Palace at ten o’clock in the morning. They get dressed into their 6____________. They wear black shoes, black trousers, a red jacket and a black hat, or ‘Bearskin’.
The ceremony begins at about half past eleven in the morning. The guards in the 7____________ band play traditional music as well as more 8____________ pop songs. The ceremony takes about thirty minutes.
At the end of the ceremony, the guard 9___________ leaves his post, and the new guard takes the post.

2) Answer the questions to the text.

1. What is the official London residence of the kings and queens of the United Kingdom?
2. Who is the Duke of Edinburgh’s wife?
3. Where does the Changing of the Guard happen?
4. Who and what do the guards protect?
5. What time do the guards get ready?
6. What is a ‘Bearskin’?
7. What time does the ceremony begin?
8. How long does the ceremony usually take?

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