Fill in the gaps with the necessary word i enjoy the centre of attention


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    Fill in the gaps with the necessary words: senior, answer, natural, full, charity, foster, burst, answer, staff, take.

    Fill in the gaps with the necessary words: senior, answer, natural, full, charity, foster, burst, answer, staff, take.



    phone calls

    care of

    into tears

    a full recovery




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        Test (9th form) Unit 2 «It’s a big world! Start travelling now!» Variant 1 I. Fill in the gaps with «the» where necessary 1. ____Sahara Desert is situated in _____ Africa. 2. Have you ever been to ____ Malta? 3. ____Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on ___ Earth. 4. Is ____ Nile the longest river in ____ world? 5. The capital of ____ Netherlands is ___ Amsterdam. II. Form nouns or adjectives from the words in capitals to fill in the gaps. 1. The Titanic was considered to be SINK. 2. V. Bering is famous for his EXPLORE of the far north-eastern part of Siberia. 3. The London Eye is a famous tourist ATTRACT. 4. Are you fond of reading DETECT stories? III. Match the words in the columns. IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct reflexive pronouns. 1. I got upset when I saw _____ in the mirror. 2. Come in and make _____ at home. 3. Ann did everything _______ . Nobody helped her. 4. Let’s clean our classroom ______ . 5. They washed _______ very fast. V. Choose the appropriate modal verb. 1. ______ you play football well? a) may b) can c) must 2. Jane ______ read and write when she was five. a) can b) could c) may 3. You ______ visit your mum in the hospital yesterday. a) had to b) must c) should 4. _____ I use your mobile phone? a) may b) could c) must 5. You ______ apologise, I think. a) had to b) could c) should 6. You ________ eat so many sweets. You’ll get fat. a) should b) shouldn’t c) can. VI. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions (to, through, by, on, for). 1. Let him be ____ himself for a while. 2. Usually I go to school ____ foot. 3. I’d prefer coffee _____ tea. 4. In case of an accident your insurance company pays ____ you. 5. Your passport is checked when you get ____ passport control. VII. Choose the right item 1. The national emblem of the USA is _______. a) the double-headed eagle b) the bald-headed eagle c) the Statue of Liberty 2. The USA is situated in ______ a) South America b) the British Isles c) North America 3. The Scottish floral symbol is the ______ . a) thistle b) shamrock c) red rose 4. Russia has a sea border with _____ . a) the UK b) Mexico c) the USA 5. The official name of the UK is _______. a) Great Britain b) the United States of America c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 6. The flag of the UK is called ________ . a) the Union Jack b) the Stars and Stripes c) The Imperial Flag Test (9th form) Unit 2 «It’s a big world! Start travelling now!» Variant 2 I. Fill in the gaps with «the» where necessary 1. ____ Japan occupies _____ Japanese Islands. 2. _____ Atlantic Ocean divides _____ Europe and ____ North America. 3. ____Everest is the highest peak of ____ Himalayas. 4. ____ Statue of Liberty is one of the symbols of ____USA. 5. ____Yenisei runs into ____Kara Sea. II. Form nouns or adjectives from the words in capitals to fill in the gaps. 1. What scientist is famous for INVENT of the first computer? 2. We have all the necessary EQUIP for our expedition. 3. It was an BELIEVE success. 4. There are a lot of ENTERTAIN for tourists in this hotel.


        1. Leaving school, boys and girls choose different educational establishments to get a profession.

        2. Mike studies at the economical faculty.

        3. Students take exams or credit-tests at the end of each term.

        4. You should do sports in this sporting club, it is rather well-equipped.

        5. There is a hostel for students from the countryside.

        6. I make a research (исследование) for my scientific work.

        7. I am good at tennis, and I am going to take part in the tennis tournament.

        8. My sister masters a profession of a medical worker in the college.​


        1. Окончив школу, мальчики и девочки выбирают разные учебные заведения, чтобы получить профессию.

        2. Майк учится на экономическом факультете.

        3. Студенты сдают экзамены или зачеты в конце каждого семестра.

        4. Вам следует заниматься спортом в этом спортивном клубе, он достаточно хорошо оборудован.

        5. Есть общежитие для студентов из сельской местности.

        6. Я провожу исследование  для своей научной работы.

        7. Я хорошо играю в теннис, и собираюсь принять участие в теннисном турнире.

        8. Моя сестра осваивает профессию медицинского работника в колледже.​

        Fill in the gap with the necessary words:
        1. We are bigger___GNC, but Satco are ___ biggest in the market.
        2. I can see you either day. One day is ___good ___the other.
        3.Nobody knows more about electronics ___Tina ___.
        4.Of course, I’ll speak to him. It’s the____I can do after all your help.
        5.Sorry, 5% discount is my best offer. Its the ___I can do.
        6.He is one of the____difficult customers I have ever dealt with.
        7.Everyone else had worked a lot longer on the project___I___.
        8.I don’t think that this market is___risky___it was.
        9.The restaurants are the same. This one is___as expensive____that one.
        10.This restaurant is better for us. It’s____as expensive___that one.

        6.Correct the mistakes in the sentences:
        1.Prague has become central Europe’s glamourest city.
        2.Most tallest office towers in the world are in Kuala Lumpur.
        3.Cleveland is now one of the most cleanest cities in North America.
        4.In Buenos Aires foreign bankers are as common than coffee house poets.
        5.The London Underground is worst than the Tokyo Underground system. S. Ireland is not as larger as Sweden.
        6.Ireland is not as larger as Sweden.
        7.The London Stock Exchange is very older than the Singapore Exchange.
        8.Their prices are very high in compared to ours.

        7.Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).
        My house is (big) than yours.
        This flower is (beautiful)than that one.
        This is the (interesting)…book I have ever read.
        Non-smokers usually live (long)…than smokers.
        Which is the (dangerous)…animal in the world?
        A holiday by the sea is (good)…than a holiday in the mountains.
        It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)…than a beer.
        Who is the (rich)…woman on earth?
        The weather this summer is even (bad)…than last summer.
        He was the (clever}…thief of all.

        Task 1

        Fill in the gaps with the words:

        cycle of life, read this book about ecology, a plastic bag, volunteers, collect rubbish, clean out this pond, recycle cans, build nesting boxes, gardening gloves, plant flowers.

        1. I’m going to __________ in my garden. It will be fragrant in spring.

        2. I think we should __________. Animals can hurt their legs if they step on them.

        3. Let’s __________ around our block of flats. It’s starting to smell and some stray dogs already live there.

        4. My father and I always __________ so the birds could lay their eggs.

        5. We can learn about the __________ during our Biology classes.

        6. If we __________, fish may come back.

        7. You really should __________. You can learn a lot of useful things from it.

        8. I need __________ to fix these flower beds. I had my nails done yesterday.

        9. Don’t buy __________ in the shop. Take this reusable shopping bag.

        10. Some __________ helped the town to clean its streets from garbage.

        Task 2 (30 points).

        Complete these sentences with a question tag.

        1. It’s a beautiful day, __________?

        2. Kira doesn’t eat meat, __________?

        3. Sarah lives in Cairo, __________?

        4. You won’t be late, __________?

        5. You closed the window, __________?

        6. You haven’t met my sister, __________?

        7. Those jeans are nice, __________?

        8. You don’t smoke, __________?

        9. That isn’t your house, __________?

        10. Gerald will be at home, __________?

        11. Anna is cleaning out the lake, __________?

        12. Andrew has passed the exam, __________?

        13. Your mum can speak two languages, __________?

        14. Sarah is collecting rubbish, __________?

        15. These pupils study at the elementary school, __________?

        Task 3 (20 points).

        Make your own tag questions according to the situations.

        Example: You look at the bees making honey. You say:

        (hardworking bees) The bees are hardworking, aren’t they?

        1. You are walking over a wooden bridge with your friend. The bridge looks rather old and some of its parts are broken. You say:

        (not / very safe) This bridge _________________________________________?

        2. You and your friend are outside the restaurant. You are looking at the menu through the window. The prices are high. You say:

        (expensive) It _____________________________________________________?

        3. You’re listening to the radio. A man is singing well. You say:

        (a good voice) This man _____________________________________________?

        4. A bear escaped from the zoo and you’ve heard about it from the news. You say:

        (be / dangerous) A bear can __________________________________________?

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      • Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations ответ