Fill in the gaps with the necessary word i can things for people


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    Fill in the gaps with the necessary words: senior, answer, natural, full, charity, foster, burst, answer, staff, take.

    Fill in the gaps with the necessary words: senior, answer, natural, full, charity, foster, burst, answer, staff, take.



    phone calls

    care of

    into tears

    a full recovery




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        1. natural choice  

        2. staff members  

        3. answer phone calls  

        4. take care of  

        5. burst into tears  

        6.  a full recovery  

        7. foster home  

        8. charity event  

        9. senior citizen


        2 Richard’s love for animals made it a natural choice to volunteer at the animal shelter. — Любовь Ричарда к животным сделала естественным выбор в пользу волонтерства в приюте для животных

        3 Richard assists staff members with their duties at the shelter. — Ричард помогает штатным работникам с их обязанностями в приюте.

        4 Sometimes Richard answers phone calls at the shelter. — Иногда Ричард отвечает на телефонные звонки в приюте.

        5 Many animal owners don’t take care of their animals properly. — Многие владельцы животных не заботятся должным образом о своих питомцах.

        6 Richard wanted to burst into tears when he saw the neglected pony. — Ричард хотел разразиться слезами, когда увидел заброшенного пони.

        7 The pony made a full recovery and is fine now. — Пони полностью восстановился и сейчас все хорошо.

        8 Some animals stay at a foster home and get special care. — Некоторые животные остаются в семье на воспитание и получают особую заботу.

        9 Richard suggests going to a charity event as a way to help out in your community. — Ричард предложил пойти на благотворительное мероприятие, как способ помочь нашему сообществу.

        10 One great way to volunteer is to visit a senior citizen for a few hours a week.  — Один великолепный способ для волонтеров это посещать пожилых граждан пару часов в неделю.

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        Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations
        b) the USA
        c) Turkey
        d) February
        f) wool sack
        g) Thanksgiving Day
        h) cranberry sauce
        i) domestic
        j)the eve
        k)Chimney sweeps
        1)Halloween or….of all saints Day is celebrated on october 31. 2)Thoung there are few …working today,a sweeps festival is celebrated in rochester on the first weekend in may in honour of this old profession. 3) St valentines Day is celebrated on….14. 4)to present …on Christmas is a good tradition. 5)….is a characteristic feature of english people. 6)i know that many English people like …animals. 7) Thanksgiving Day is very popular in….  8)The people can spend …with their families as it is a four-day holiday. 9)as the….cooks make the simple homemade….10) The lord Chancellor presides over parliament sitting on a …which symbolizes the importance of wool in english history

        Fill in the gap with the necessary words:
        1. We are bigger___GNC, but Satco are ___ biggest in the market.
        2. I can see you either day. One day is ___good ___the other.
        3.Nobody knows more about electronics ___Tina ___.
        4.Of course, I’ll speak to him. It’s the____I can do after all your help.
        5.Sorry, 5% discount is my best offer. Its the ___I can do.
        6.He is one of the____difficult customers I have ever dealt with.
        7.Everyone else had worked a lot longer on the project___I___.
        8.I don’t think that this market is___risky___it was.
        9.The restaurants are the same. This one is___as expensive____that one.
        10.This restaurant is better for us. It’s____as expensive___that one.

        6.Correct the mistakes in the sentences:
        1.Prague has become central Europe’s glamourest city.
        2.Most tallest office towers in the world are in Kuala Lumpur.
        3.Cleveland is now one of the most cleanest cities in North America.
        4.In Buenos Aires foreign bankers are as common than coffee house poets.
        5.The London Underground is worst than the Tokyo Underground system. S. Ireland is not as larger as Sweden.
        6.Ireland is not as larger as Sweden.
        7.The London Stock Exchange is very older than the Singapore Exchange.
        8.Their prices are very high in compared to ours.

        7.Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).
        My house is (big) than yours.
        This flower is (beautiful)than that one.
        This is the (interesting)…book I have ever read.
        Non-smokers usually live (long)…than smokers.
        Which is the (dangerous)…animal in the world?
        A holiday by the sea is (good)…than a holiday in the mountains.
        It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)…than a beer.
        Who is the (rich)…woman on earth?
        The weather this summer is even (bad)…than last summer.
        He was the (clever}…thief of all.

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