Fill in the gaps with the correct words one word is extra

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Mineral Park is a town in the US. In 1871, it wasn’t crowded (1) but 700 people lived there. So the town was busy (2). People worked in the mines (3) they got enough money and were wealthy (4) and happy. There were lots of shops, a school, a doctor’s, a hotel, a railway (5) station, saloons and a town weekly (6) newspaper. It was a beautiful and clean (7) place.  

One day everything was changed. There was no work anymore (8) and people started to move to different (9) towns. The shops were closed (10) down. Soon the town was nearly empty (11).  

Now it is a deserted (12) place with some ruined (13) buildings. Mineral Park is a ghost (14) town now.

Fill in the gaps with the missing words from the box one word is extra.

Present, got, bike, weekend, often, hat, Hi — ___.


— Hi.

Tom! Is ____ eour new bike?

— No, that’s my brother’s.

I’ve ____ a new skateboard.

— Wow, it’s fantastic!

Is it your father’s _____ — Yes, it is.

— i like skateboarding too.

Dj eou ________ go skateboarding?

— Every Sunday.

Join me next ____.

— I’d love to.

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Fill in the gaps (1-4) with the right words (А-E). There is one extra word.
1. How _____ have you been waiting for me?
А) teaching
2. How many people ______________ you invited?
B) long
3. How long have you been_________________?
C) have
4. How _________________ fish have you caught? D) been
E) many

Матвей Житаров

Вопрос задан 25 сентября 2019 в

5 — 9 классы,  

Английский язык.

  • Комментариев (0)



1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words from the box. One word is extra. Прочтите текст и заполните пропуски словами. Одно слово лишнее.

snakes, Zoo, funny, city, teeth, dangerous, lioness, neck, bananas, tail

A day at the Zoo
It’s Sunday morning. Mark and Sophie are happy to go to the ________ Zoo. First they go straight to the lions’ cage, they want to see the new________. She is very beautiful; she has a long________ and big brown eyes. When the lioness sees them, she opens her huge mouth and shows her________. Then Sophie asks Mark to go to the monkey’s area; she has got some ________ and feeds them slowly. She wants to see how they eat. The monkeys are very________; they throw the bad nanas peel on each other and jump from branch to branch. When they come to the ________ aquarium Sophie has a bad feeling. She hates snakes and she doesn’t want to be there much longer. Mark finds the snakes ________ but interesting. On the way back Mark and Sophie talk about the animals in the ________. They remember a cute little monkey. It was the best!

2. Read the text again and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).
Прочтите текст и пометьте данные ниже утверждения Т- правда, F- не правда, NS- не сказано
1. Mark and Sophie go to the Zoo at the weekend. _____
2. The weather is fine. _____
3. First they go to the aquarium to see the snakes. _____
4. They like the new lioness very much. _____
5. Sophie wants to see how the monkeys eat bread. _____
6. The monkeys are hungry. _____
7. Sophie finds the snakes interesting. _____
8. Snakes are dangerous. _____
9. A little monkey was very cute. _____

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  • Fill in the gaps with the correct word ответы
  • Fill in the gaps with the correct word we have a small
  • Fill in the gaps with the correct word use the words from the box
  • Fill in the gaps with the correct word to complete the answer
  • Fill in the gaps with the correct word survive