Fill in the gaps with the correct word we have a small

Fill in the gaps 15 with the correct word (A − C). Listen and check.

What is life like for teenagers in the UK? Teen Arena talks to James,
15, from Hampshire.
Name: James Johnson
Lives: In a semi−detached house with his dad Tony, mum Carol and brothers Chris (11) and Julian (9)
When does school start/finish?*

It starts at
8:30 1) _ finishes at 3:15. It’s quite a short day, but we get lots of homework as well!

**Do you get any pocket money?

Oh yes, I get £
10 a week. I spend it 2) _ my mobile phone, CDs and the cinema. My Mum gives me extra money if I help her out around the house though.
How do you spend you free time?

I love computers! I surf the net
3) _ night or I play on my Playstation. I listen to music a lot. My favourites are, McFly, Avril Lavigne, Beyonce and Mis−teeq. I also watch a lot of television. Eastenders is the best soap opera. It’s on four times 4) _ week.
Do you get along with your family?

Most of the time, but I often argue with my brothers. It’s usually about the Playstation. They say I don’t let them use it often enough. I disagree of course.

What do you like/dislike about being a teenager?

I like my life at the moment. I work hard
5) _ school, but I have a good time as well. It is nice being a teenager.

A. also

B. and

C. small


A. on

B. for

C. with


A. on

B. in

C. every


A. the

B. on

C. a


A. at

B. on

C. under

Английский язык 6 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. Culture Corner 4d (страница 41). Номер №2


Перевод задания
Заполните пропуски 15 правильным словом (A − C). Прослушай и проверь.
Подростковая жизнь в Великобритании
Какова жизнь подростков в Великобритании? Teen Arena разговаривает с 15−летним Джеймсом из Хэмпшира.
Имя: Джеймс Джонсон
Живет: в таунхаусе с отцом Тони, мамой Кэрол и братьями Крисом (11 лет) и Джулианом (9 лет).
Когда начинается / заканчивается школа?
Она начинается в 8:30 1) _ и кончается в 3:15. Это довольно короткий день, но у нас также много домашней работы!
У тебя есть карманные деньги?
О да, я получаю 10 фунтов в неделю. Я трачу их 2) _ мой мобильный телефон, компакт−диски и кино. Моя мама дает мне дополнительные деньги, если я помогаю ей по дому.
Как ты проводишь свободное время?
Я люблю компьютеры! Я сижу в сети 3) _ ночью или играю на PlayStation. Я много слушаю музыку. Мои любимые − McFly, Avril Lavigne, Beyonce и Mis−teeq. Еще я много смотрю телевизор. «Истендерс» − лучшая мыльная опера. Ее показывают четыре раза в неделю.
Вы ладите со своей семьей?
В большинстве случаев да, но я часто спорю со своими братьями. Обычно это про PlayStation. Они говорят, что я не позволяю им пользоваться достаточно часто. Я, конечно, не согласен.
Что вам нравится / не нравится в подростковом возрасте?
Мне нравится моя жизнь на данный момент. Я много работаю 5) _ школе, но я тоже хорошо провожу время. Приятно быть подростком.










A. the


C. a





1 – B, 2 – B, 3 – C, 4 – C, 5 – A.



2, V-1

1.      Fill
in the gaps with the correct word: kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom,

1.      We
have a small bath and a washbasin in the _____________________.

2.      The
_________________ has got a sink and cupboards.

3.      There
is a huge sofa with big cushions in the ____________________.

2.      Fill
in: is or are.

1.      There
________ a sofa in the living room.

2.      There
________ any stairs in the room.

3.      There
________ a wardrobe in the room.

4.      There
________ some cushions on the sofa.

5.      There
________ a coffee table in the room.

3.      Write
the plural forms.

1.      Computer
— _______________________

2.      child
— ____________________________

3.      Leaf
— ___________________________

4.      Pipe
— ___________________________

5.      Box
— ___________________________

6.      Man
— __________________________

4.      Write
the shops: florist’s, bookshop, supermarket, baker’s, chemist’s, clothes shop,
butcher’s, pet shop.

1.      You
can buy a jacket at the ___________________.

2.      You
can buy meat at the _____________________.

3.      You
can buy pasta at the _____________________.

4.      You
can buy flowers at the ___________________.

5.      Underline
the correct item.

1.      There
is a fridge/ toilet in the kitchen.

2.      The
Empire State Building is popular/ friendly with tourists.


work № 2, V-2

1.      Fill
in the gaps with the correct word: kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom,

1.      We
have a small bed and a wardrobe in the _____________________.

2.      The
_________________ has got a big table and chairs.

3.      There
is a huge sofa with big cushions in the ____________________.

2.      Fill
in: is or are.

1.      There
________ a table in the living room.

2.      There
________ any chairs in the room.

3.      There
________ a desk with computer on it in the room.

4.      There
________ a mirror on the wall..

5.      There
________ some armchairs in the room.

3.      Write
the plural forms.

1.      plant
— _______________________

2.      mouse
— ____________________________

3.      brush
— ___________________________

4.      knife
— ___________________________

5.      fox
— ___________________________

6.      woman
— __________________________

4.      Write
the shops: florist’s, bookshop, supermarket, baker’s, chemist’s, clothes shop,
butcher’s, pet shop.

1.      You
can buy medicine at the ____________________.

2.      You
can buy a dictionary at the _____________________.

3.      You
can buy a cat at the _____________________.

4.      You
can buy bread at the ____________________.

5.      Underline
the correct item.

1.      There
is a wardrobe/ washbasin in the bedroom.

2.      The
Eiffel Tower is glass/ steel tower.

6.      Write
a short text describing your favourite room. Use.

favourite room is __________. There is/are __________ in the room.


Points:___________/max 25/

Mark __________________

6.Write a short text describing your
favourite room. Use.

favourite room is __________. There is/are __________ in the room.


Points:___________/max 25/

Mark __________________

Test 2
Variant 1

Name:__________________________ Class: _________ Date: _______________

Fill in the correct word: teaspoons, opposite, grated, overcooked, portions, nursery, grilled, preheat, piece, pinch

1.This restaurant serves very small _______________ . 2.I’m hungry after I leave it!
3.I’d like two _______________ of sugar in my tea, please!
4.My mum is making pizza. We need some _______________ cheese.
5._______________ chicken is my favourite dish!
6.I didn’t like vegetables at all. They were _______________ .
7.The test is very easy. It was a _______________ of cake.
8.You should add another _______________ of pepper to the sauce.
9.Bill likes sharing his food with other little children at the _______________ school.
10.Where’s the chemist’s? — _______________ the supermarket.
11._______________ the oven to 190 °C and bake cherry cake for 50 minutes.

Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold.
1.She has a very strong _____________ of coffee. She drinks tea. (like)
2.Her name is very difficult and most people ___________ it when they write it down. (spell)
3.I’ve had a ____________ with my History teacher. (understanding)
4.Mary is polite and never shows _____________ to others. (respect)
5.What are the _____________ of living in a big city?(advantages)

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
The police 1.____________________ (go) after a robber for over an hour.
2.We __________never______________(buy) things at the flea market.
3.The waiters ________already____________ (serve) steamed fish.
4.Vegetables ____________________ (boil) for 30 minutes.
5.We____________________ (try) to find tickets for the concert for three weeks.
6.My sister _________________(write) her new book for the last two months.
7.She _______________________ (not/read) this book yet.
8.You look tired! __________you ________________ (work) all day?
9.I _______________________ (not / eat) Chinese food yet.
10.How long _______ you ________________(study) English?
11.How many souvenirs you ________ your sister ______________(buy) in Spain?
12.I _______________________ (not / see) Tina for ages.
13.I ____________________(know) Mrs Brown for twenty years now.
14.Can we go soon? We ____________________ (walk) around this department store for about last two hours!
15.______ you ______________(do) your homework yet?

Complete the phrasal verbs with the right pre»Times New Roman, serif»>down with, off, without, up, with, after, through
1.Mary went _______ the flu yesterday and she stayed at home.
2.Boys have gone _______ the kitten and caught it.
3.Don’t use this cheese! It’s gone _______ .
4.Dad is so sad. He is going _______ a difficult time.
5.The price of oil has gone _______ recently.
6.This dress goes _______ your new trousers.
7.What animals can do _______ water for a long time?

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Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

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Fill in the gaps 1-5 with the correct word (A-C). Listen and check.

 Name: James Johnson Lives: In a semi-detatched house with his dad Tony, mum Carol and brothers Chris (11) and Julian (9)
When does school start/finish?
It starts at 8:30 1)……………… finishes at 3:15.
It’s quite a short day, but we get lots of homework as well!
Do you get any pocket money?
Oh yes, I get £10 a week. I spend it
2)……….. my mobile phone, CDs and the
cinema. My Mum gives me extra money if I help her out around the house though.
How do you spend you free time?
I love computers! I surf the net 3)……………………..
right or I play on my Playstation. I listen to music a lot. My favourites are, McFly, Avril Lavigne, Beyonce and Mis-teeq. I also

 watch a lot of television. Eastenders is the
best soap opera. It’s on four times 4)………………..
Do you get along1 with your family?
Most of the time, but I often argue2 with my brothers. It’s usually about the Playstation. They say I don’t let them use it often enough. I disagree of course.
What do you like/dislike about being a teenager?
I like my life at the moment. I work hard
5)……….. school, but I have a good time as
well. It is nice being a teenager.

 1       A also           В and              C small
2       A on             В for               C with
3       A on             В in                C every
4       A the            В on               C a
5       A at              В on               C under

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