Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box the most

Lucy is talking about her classmates’ favourite activities. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Most children in my class have free time (0)   every day
(1) _________________ they are bored but at other times they
try   to   do   something   (2)   ___________________.   They   have
different    hobbies.    One    of    the    most    popular    hobbies    is
collecting.    They    collect    everything:    (3)    _______________,
(4)_________________, coins and other things and like swapping
them during lunch time. A lot of pupils are (5)______________,
of playing computer games in their free time. (6) _
all boys are (7)_______________about football. Two boys prefer
a     more     (8)     _____________________     sport — motorcycling.     Some     girls
(9)                                        up       dancing.       Of       course,       we       all       enjoy
(10)_______________________out in our school playground.  As for me,  I’m
(11)_____________________on travelling. (12)_____________________my family
(13) _______________ trips to different parts of our country. I like visiting new
places and getting exciting experiences (14) ______________________ my trips.
Travelling is a (15) _______________ from school and a good way to make new


4. Fill in each gap with the correct word from the box.
Ann is very happy because there is a big sports centre near her home.
There are football 1)
tennis and basketball 2)
swimming 3)
a sports hall with two boxing 4)
even a skating 5)
There is also a separate athletics 6)
where 30,000 spectators can watch sport events on the 7)
field events in the grass centre, such as 8)
and throwing.


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Автор ответа: polinabognibova


Ann is very happy because there is a big sports centre near her home. There are football pitches (футбольные поля) tennis and basketball courts (теннисный и баскетбольный корты) swimming pools (плавательные бассейны) a sports hall with two boxing rings (спортивный зал с двумя боксёрскими рингами) and even a skating rink (и даже каток) There is also a separate athletics stadium (Здесь также отдельный стадион для лёгкой атлетики) where 30,000 spectators can watch sport events on the track (где 30 тысяч зрителей могут смотреть события на дорожках) and field events in the grass centre, such as jumping and throwing (прыжки и метания)​

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Fill in the gaps with words from the box.







  1. There’s an _ with Brad Pitt in today’s newspaper.
  2. I find _ gossip very boring.
  3. Our teacher is on the _ news for saving a student’s life.
  4. I’m interested in _ about the environment.
  5. The only thing we watch on TV is the _ news.
  6. Find out everything about the latest summer trends in our _ section.

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 4a. News stories. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Заполните пропуски словами из рамки.







  1. В сегодняшней газете есть _ с Брэдом Питтом.
  2. Я нахожу сплетни о _ очень скучными.
  3. Наш учитель в _ новостях за то, что спас жизнь ученика.
  4. Меня интересуют _ об окружающей среде.
  5. Единственное, что мы смотрим по телевизору, − это _ новости.
  6. Узнай все о последних летних трендах в нашем разделе _ .

1. There’s an interview with Brad Pitt in today’s newspaper.
2. I find celebrity gossip very boring.
3. Our teacher is on the daily / local news for saving a student’s life.
4. I’m interested in articles about the environment.
5. The only thing we watch on TV is the local / daily news.
6. Find out everything about the latest summer trends in our fashion section.

Перевод ответа
1. В сегодняшней газете есть интервью с Брэдом Питтом.
2. Я нахожу сплетни о знаменитостях очень скучными.
3. Наш учитель в ежедневных / местных новостях за то, что спас жизнь ученика.
4. Меня интересуют статьи об окружающей среде.
5. Единственное, что мы смотрим по телевизору, − это местные / ежедневные новости.
6. Узнай все о последних летних трендах в нашем разделе моды.

Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box using the Present Simple.

Explain their usage.

Live, take, understend, make, wear, go in for, study, like, mean, fall, see, go, read.

1. I .

From eight till three.

2. She .

Figure skating 3.

The partner .

A mistake and .

On the ice !

4. . you .

Far from your work?

5. . he .

Technical books?

No. He .

Books on history.

6 It .

My brother a lot of time to get to the college.

7. you .


What .

This word ?

9. I .

You. the rules of the game!

10. .

You .

To the concerts at weekends?

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