Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in bold

Даю 50 баллов
Нужно: заполните пропуски в правильном слове, полученном из слов, выделенных жирным шрифтом.
Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
from the words in bold.
1 We love living in the country
because life is so ..
………. here.
2 What you did was silly and …..
3 Mark cheated in the competition
so he was …….
4 Sarah was completely
in what the teacher was saying,
5 The special effects in that film
were very
6 You don’t need to wear a suit, it’s
a(n) ………………. …… party.
7 This chocolate cake is
…….. I must have another piece. RESISTABLE
8 It would be very
of us not to go to John’s party.
9 Some of this information is
…. . We should check CORRECT
the facts again.
10 My dad is a shift worker. He
works very
hours. REGULAR



Task 1

Fill in: threaten, steal, to be forced, murder, set.

  1. She ________ him for his money.

  2. Why do middle class women ________ food from supermarkets?

  3. Having made no profit that year, he _______ fire to his own factory.

  4. People broke into our house and ______ our video camera.

  5. He __________to tell the newspapers unless he got three thousand pounds.

  6. The pilot _________ to take the plane to Tashkent.

Max: 6 points

Task 2

Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in bold.

«Honour your mother and father and you will live long and be well, if not, you will die» — says the Bible. Some families are happy, some are dead. It seems to me the reason is ___________ (misunderstand) of each other in the family.
One more thing, teenagers can take on most of the rights and _________
(response) of adulthood. Before this occurs, however, they go through the period of adolescence and most of them experience conflicts at that time. They change rapidly both physically and emotionally and they search self-identity as they grow up and become more independent.
Sometimes teenagers develop interests and values different from those of their parents. That sets a conflict between two generations, which leads to a gap in mutual __________
(understand). Traditional ____________(disagree) are: the time to come home at night, doing work about the house and the friends to spend time with.
I’d like to point out, that teens face a number of problems: __________
(drink) alcohol or ________ (use) drugs. Moreover, some _________ (child) run away from their homes. Most of them return after a few days or weeks, but some turn to crime and become juvenile delinquents.
I’m convinced that sometimes parents do not care about their children. It is exactly at that age when young people need a piece of advice or help. _________
(Differ) TV programmes and magazines for the young come to their rescue. In case of need you can also dial a special telephone number, the so-called ‘telephone of trust’.
But it’s not the way out. Parents should help their children and find the right approach to them so as to make everything clear. Being able to view the problems more rationally, they should try to do their best to resolve them. We need to learn to talk our problems over in our family. If we are able to do it, ________
(every) will be all right.

Max: 9 points

Task 3

Match to form exchanges

Max: 4 points

Task 4

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

  1. I don’t remember ___________ (have) read this book before.

  2. The idea of __________ (spend) our holidays in the country belongs to my brother.

  3. I remember _________ (have) read this article on criminology.

  4. The juvenile was found guilty of _________ (have) committed a murder.

  5. _____ (Carry) out a criminal order issued above a punishable .

  6. I like ________ (read) detective stories.

  7. He was accused( его обвинили) of_________ ( commit) a crime.

  8. After _________ (have) been discussed by the whole population the low was adopted.

Max: 8 points

Task 5

Read the text and answer the questions.

Criminal Law

Criminal Law is to provide protection for the Russian social and state system, personal property and the personal lights of citizens against criminal encroachments. Criminal Law defines the acts which-are socially dangerous and must be regarded as crimes. Here are some leading principles of Russian Criminal Law:

a.  A person may be charged with criminal responsibility only when he has committed an act specially provided for in Criminal law. b.  Responsibility can exist only in the presence of guilt. c.  Criminal .punishment shall be applied only by .sentence of the court. d.  Persons committing crimes  in a state of intoxication are not released from criminal responsibility. e. The death sentence may be passed as an exceptional penalty in cases specifically enumerated in law.

Criminal laws, like all other laws of the stale, are obligatory for all citizens. Criminal laws determine general principles of combating crime as well as the corpus delicti of crimes and the punishment applied to persons who have committed these crimes. Only the highest organ of state power may enact criminal laws. No other organ has the right to approve or amend criminal laws.Criminal law usually takes the form of a criminal code, which consists of a general and a special part. The General Part determines the general principles of criminal responsibility for each crime. It defines the grounds for criminal responsibility, the scope of criminal law. the general (main) elements of a crime, the responsibility for a completed or incompleted crime, and for complicity in crime; it sets forth the purposes of punishment, lists penalties, establishes the procedure oа of then application, release from punishment and so on. The Special Part defines the types of crime and prescribes the penalties.

protection – Защищать

Defines – Определять, устанавливать

Regarded — Внимание, уважение

Principles – Принцип, правило

Exist – Существовать

Intoxication – Опьянение

Punishment – Наказание

Applied – Прикладной

Released – Освобождать

Exceptional – Исключительный

Enumerated – Перечислять

Combating – Сражаться

Enact – Предписание

Amend – Исправлять

Purposes – Цель


  1. What is the aim of criminal law?

  2. What are the principles of criminal law?

  3. What organs may enact laws?

  4. What form does criminal law take?

Max: 4 points


  1. Murdered, steal, set, steal, threatened, was forced.

  2. Misunderstanding, responsibilities, understanding, disagreements, drinking, using, children, different, everything.

  3. 1B, 2D, 3A, 4C

  4. Having, spending, having, having, Carrying, reading (to read), commiting, having

  5. 3. Only the highest organ of state power may enact criminal laws. 4 Criminal law usually takes the form of a criminal code

1 students (студенты)
2 famous (известный)
3 eastern (восточный)
4 different (различный)
5 cultural (культурный)
6 quickly (быстро)
7 definitely (определенно)

Многие 1) студенты принимают решение сделать годовой перерыв и попутешествовать по миру, перед тем как они закончат университет. Одной из самых популярных вещей является поездка по Транс-сибирской железной дороге.
Транс-сибирская железная дорога самый долгий и наиболее 2) известный маршрут для поездов. Она начинается в Москве, проходит через европейскую часть России, пересекает Уральские годы, продолжается в степи Сибири и заканчивается во Владивостоке на 3) восточном побережье России.
Вдоль 9000-км маршрута ТСЖД вы увидите 4) различные типа пейзажей и повстречаете разных людей из разных 5) культурных наследий. ТСЖД может 6) быстро отвезти вас с одной стороны России на другую сторону всего через 6 дней, но большинство людей делают остановки на пути, чтобы максимально использовать свою поездку.
Если у вас есть возможность, сделайте остановку на Озере Байкал, потому что это 7) определенно один из основных моментов поездки. Это самое большое и самое глубокое пресноводное озеро на земле.

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 11 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из Workbook, 3 Vocabulary Practice.

Exercise 1. Fill in: agreements, tablets, civilisations, concern, opportunity, depicts, life-size replica, violated, morally, harbour.
Упражнение 1. Вставить agreements, tablets, civilisations, concern, opportunity, depicts, life-size replica, violated, morally, harbour.


1) I’m learning about the major __ of the ancient Mediterranean in my History class.
2) I think he acted __ under the circumstances.
3) The USA is known as the ‘land of __ ‘.
4) According to the Old Testament, the Ten Commandments were written on two stone __ .
5) Van Gough’s painting ‘Cafe Terrace at Night’ __ a cafe in Arles, southern France.
6) Free trade __ signed between countries allow for goods and services to be bought and sold without government restrictions.
7) The TV advertisement __ false-advertising law, so it was taken off the air.
8) The ferry boat set sail from Wellington __ at daybreak.
9) A __ of a Tyrannosaurus Rex is on display at the Natural History Museum.
10) There’s a lot of public __ about the recent increase in crime.

1) I’m learning about the major civilisations of the ancient Mediterranean in my History class. – На уроке истории я изучаю главные цивилизации древнего Средиземноморья.
2) I think he acted morally under the circumstances. – Я думаю, что он поступил высоконравственно в данных обстоятельствах.
3) The USA is known as the ‘land of opportunity‘. – США известна в качестве “страны возможностей”.
4) According to the Old Testament, the Ten Commandments were written on two stone tablets. – Согласно Старому Завету, Десять Заповедей были написаны на каменных скрижалях.
5) Van Gough’s painting ‘Cafe Terrace at Night’ depicts a cafe in Arles, southern France. – Картина Ван Гога “Ночная терраса кафе” изображает кафе в городе Арль на юге Франции.
6) Free trade agreements signed between countries allow for goods and services to be bought and sold without government restrictions. – Соглашения о свободной торговле, подписанными между странами, разрешают торговлю товарами и услугами без правительственных ограничений.
7) The TV advertisement violated false-advertising law, so it was taken off the air. – Телевизионная реклама нарушила закон о недобросовестной рекламе, поэтому она была снята с эфира.
8) The ferry boat set sail from Wellington harbour at daybreak. – На рассвете паром отправился из порта Веллингтона.
9) A life-size replica of a Tyrannosaurus Rex is on display at the Natural History Museum. – Копия естественных размеров Тираннозавра выставлена в Музее естественной истории.
10) There’s a lot of public concern about the recent increase in crime. – В обществе имеется обеспокоенность по поводу возросшей в последнее время преступности.

Exercise 2. Match to form collocations. Use the collocations to complete the following sentences.
Упражнение 2. Соотнесите слова и полученные сочетания вставьте в предложения.


1) political
2) huddled
3) human
4) litter
5) symbolic
6) organic
7) social
8) achievable

a) targets
b) foods
с) class
d) monument
e) masses
f) views
g) collections
h) rights

1) ‘Lady Liberty’ is a __ to freedom and democracy in the USA.
2) Despite the higher cost, consumers prefer to buy __ which are healthier.
3) The king spoke to the __ below him.
4) At the meeting, the manager spoke to his staff about the company’s __.
5) The politician’s __ will be made clear in his speech.
6) In Ben’s neighbourhood, __ are carried out twice a week.
7) There are several non-profit organisations dedicated to the protection of __.
8) __ is largely determined by family background, wealth and education.

1) political views – политические взгляды
2) huddled masses – массы, сбившиеся в кучу
3) human rights – человеческие права
4) litter collections – уборка мусора
5) symbolic monument – символический памятник
6) organic foods – органическая еда
7) social class – социальный класс
8) achievable targets – достижимые цели

1) ‘Lady Liberty’ is a symbolic monument to freedom and democracy in the USA.
2) Despite the higher cost, consumers prefer to buy organic foods which are healthier. – Несмотря на более высокую стоимость, потребители предпочитают покупать органические продукты, которые полезнее для здоровья.
3) The king spoke to the huddled masses below him. – Король говорил с массами, столпившимися под ним.
4) At the meeting, the manager spoke to his staff about the company’s achievable targets. – На совещании управляющий говорил со своим персоналом о достижимых целях.
5) The politician’s political views will be made clear in his speech. – Политические взгляды этого политика будут разъяснены в его речи.
6) In Ben’s neighbourhood, litter collections are carried out twice a week. – В районе у Бена уборка мусора проводится дважды в неделю.
7) There are several non-profit organisations dedicated to the protection of human rights. Существует несколько некоммерческих организаций, посвященные защите прав человека.
8) Social class is largely determined by family background, wealth and education. – Социальный класс в общем и целом определяется происхождением семьи, благосостоянием и образованием.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in bold.
Упражнение 3. Преобразуйте слова и вставьте в предложения.


1) Jim uses a _CHARGE_ battery pack for his MP3 player.
2) The refugees suffered all kinds of _JUSTICE_.
3) The scholarship is open to all applicants _REGARD_ of class, colour or creed.
4) The main concern of Amnesty International is the _PROTECT_ of human rights.
5) Global climate change, ozone depletion and deforestation are all _ENVIRONMENT_ issues.
6) During the war, prisoners suffered unspeakable _CRUEL_.
7) _DISPOSE_ plastic bags remain in landfills for hundreds of years.
8) The Universal _DECLARE_ of Human Rights was adopted to protect the rights and freedoms of all people.

1) Jim uses a rechargable battery pack for his MP3 player. – Джим испoльзует заряжаемый блок питания для своего MP3-проигрывателя.
2) The refugees suffered all kinds of injustices. – Беженцы страдали от всякого рода несправедливости.
3) The scholarship is open to all applicants regardless of class, colour or creed. – Стипендия открыта для всех заявителей, независимо от класса, цвета или вероисповедания.
4) The main concern of Amnesty International is the protection of human rights. – Основная задача организации Amnesty International – это защита прав человека.
5) Global climate change, ozone depletion and deforestation are all environmental issues. – Глобальное изменение климата, истощение озонового слоя и вырубка леса – это экологические проблемы.
6) During the war, prisoners suffered unspeakable cruelties. – Во время войны заключенные страдали от невыносимых жестокостей.
7) Disposable plastic bags remain in landfills for hundreds of years. – Одноразовые пластиковые пакеты остаются на свалках в течение многих лет.
8) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted to protect the rights and freedoms of all people. – Универсальная декларация прав человека была принята для защиты прав и свобод всех людей.

Exercise 4. Fill in: on, from, at, to, off and in.
Упражнение 4. Вставить on, from, at, to, off and in.


1) Tourists should carry their passports with them __ all times.
2) Sarah visits her brother __ prison every week.
3) Turning __ lights when you aren’t using them is an easy way to conserve energy.
4) Nancy buys organic foods __ her local farmer’s market.
5) __ your tour of Quebec City remember to stop at Le Chateau Frontenac.
6) Everyone has the right __ a basic education.

1) Tourists should carry their passports with them at all times. – Туристам следует всегда носить паспорт.
2) Sarah visits her brother in prison every week. – Сара каждую неделю посещает своего брата в тюрьме.
3) Turning off lights when you aren’t using them is an easy way to conserve energy. – Выключение ламп, когда они вам не нужны, – это легкий способ сохранить энергию.
4) Nancy buys organic foods from her local farmer’s market. – Нэнси покупает органическую еду на рынке у местного фермера.
5) On your tour of Quebec City remember to stop at Le Chateau Frontenac. – Во время своего тура по городу Квебек не забудьте остановиться в отеле Le Chateau Frontenac.
6) Everyone has the right to a basic education. – У каждого есть право на основное обучение.

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Ответ дан

6 месяцев назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

14. Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in bold. Please


(1 оценка)



6 месяцев назад

Светило науки — 21 ответ — 0 раз оказано помощи


1. Uncomplicated

2. Illogical

3. unqualified

4. uninterested

5. unrealistic

6. an informal

7. irresistible

8. impolite

9. incorrect

10. irregular

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