Fill in the gaps with the correct word career choice

ФИ_____________________________________________________10 класс

1.Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Career choice

When school is over, young people need to make a choice of what they want to do further. Our grandparents often say that life used to be safer and less_____(1) when they were young. That may be true, but I think that our generation have more opportunities than they had. We have a wider career choice and we can shape our life ______ (2) our inclinations and abilities. I’m sure that there are no good or bad jobs but there are right and wrong ones for every particular person. One and the same job could be very______(3) and enjoyable for one person and absolutely inappropriate for another one. It’s also natural that different people have different job_____ (4). Some of us seek a prestigious job, some look______(5) a well-paid job, and some people want to work freelance and don’t care about money or______ (6) — they just want to be their own bosses and plan their own days. Distance jobs are gaining popularity for the same reasons. You see that we can choose not only the industry we want to devote_____(7) to, but the format of the job too.

1. a) complicated b) comfortable c) communicative d) competent

2. a) because of b) due to c) according to d) in spite of

3. a) refreshing b) retraining c) relaxing d) rewarding

4. a) preferences b) benefits c) opportunities d) responsibilities

5. a) at b) after c) for d) forward

6. a) salary b) payment c) costs d) prestige

7. a) ourselves b) yourselves c) us d) yours

2. Make the right word combinations.

1) full-time a. person

2) self-employed b. skills

3) engineering c. job

4) telephone d. profession

3. Choose the right variant.

1. The children hadn’t met … their grandparents or their uncle before.

a) or, b) neither; c) nor, d) either.

2. Before she started university, Jane … in the States for six months working as a nanny.

a) lives; b) has been living; c) has lived; d) had lived.

3. He was … tired to go on.

a) to; b) enough; c) so; d) too.

4. I … saw Michael two years ago.

a) lastly; b) last time; c) last; d) the last time.

5. I like the red dress and the pink shoes. The trouble is that they don’t …very well.

a) match not each other; b) match themselves; c) go with each other; d) go on with the other.

6. He’s as polite as his brother is …polite. (подобрать префикс)

a) im; b) non; c) dis; d) un.

7. It’s been quite a long time … I had a holiday abroad,

a) ago; b) since; c) for; d) when.

8. You … pay for this information. It’s free.

a) oughtn’t to; b) don’t have to; c) shouldn’t to; d) mustn’t.

9. I’m free this evening. … we go out to dinner?

a) Will; b) Would; c) Shall; d) Won’t.

10. I need a holiday, … I?

a) need nоt; b) aren’t; c) don’t; d) need.

Ключи 11 КЛАСС.


  1. — A

  2. — B

  3. — D

  4. — D

  5. — C

  6. — D

  7. — A


  1. — C

  2. — A

  3. — B

  4. — D


  1. — D

  2. — B

  3. — D

  4. — B

  5. — C

  6. — A

  7. — B

  8. — B

  9. — C

  10. — C

Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the words in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each line.
Making a career choice is one of the most difficult and most important) (0) decisions) we will ever make in our lives. It has to be made with much thought and deliberation. Moreover, career choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria alone. Your job may carry great monetary benefits and perks, but if you do not enjoy what you do then you are foolishly wasting a large part of your life. At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is all satisfaction but no pay, things can get difficult.
Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first. But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to nowhere. We end up more confused than we were at the beginning. Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to) think about consulting a career counselor.
A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate your interests, personality, skills and values. He or she will then show you how all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession.
Once you have all the information you need, list out all the pros and cons of that particular job. Look at the various alternatives. Check to see if the job gives you what you want from a career. Passion is the key word in selecting a career. Select something because you feel passionate about it, not because it is the latest thing in the job market.

Поделитесь с коллегами:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 11 класс 1 вариант.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Career choice

Making a career choice is one of the most difficult and most important decisions we will ever make in our lives. It has to be made with much_____ (1) and deliberation. Moreover, career choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria alone. Your job may carry great monetary benefits and perks, but if you do not enjoy what you do then you are_____ (2) wasting a large part of your life. At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is all____ (3) but no pay, things can get difficult.

Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first. But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to ___(4) . We end up more____ (5) than we

were at the beginning. Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to think

about _______ (6) a career counselor.

A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate

your interests, personality, _______ (7) and values. He or she will then show you how all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about

a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession.

1. a) think b) thought c) thinking d) thinkable

2. a) fool b) foolish c) foolishly d) fooling

3. a) satisfaction b) satisfy c) satisfying d) satisfied

4. a) somewhere b) anywhere c) where d) nowhere

5. a) confusion b) confused c) confusing d) confusable

6. a) consulting b) consult c) consulted d) consultive

7. a) skillful b) skilled c) skills d) unskilled

2.Make the right word combinations.

1) dead-end a) skills

2) interpersonal b) estimate

3) rough c) person

4) self-confident d) job

3.Choose the right variant.

1. I don’t remember … that I’m sure you’re mistaken.

a) to say; b) say; c) saying; d) to have said.

2. There were two answers, and … was right.

a) neither; b) no one; c) no; d) not any.

3. This dress is … as the one I had before.

a) plenty the same; b) very similar; c) very same; d) much the same.

4. He … here from 1955 to 1960.

a) worked; b) works; c) has been working; d) has worked.

5. He’s… his sister.

a) much taller that; b) much more taller than; c) much taller than; d) more taller than.

6. Be careful you don’t… your keys!

a) lost; b) loosen; c) lose; d) loose.

7. What they say may be true; you never can…

a) guess; b) tell; c) remember; d) recognize.

8. He didn’t move, but just… where he fell.

a) lain; b) lay; c) laid; d) lied.

9. I haven’t had a reply to the invitation I sent you last week. … to my party?

a) Shall you come; b) Are you coming; c) Do you come; d) Will you come

10. That man reminds me … my history teacher.

a) from; b) of; c) about; d) on.

4. Read the text. Choose one of the variants given.

Two men were traveling (1) … a very wild part (2) … America. They saw no houses and no traces of civilization (3) … many days. They saw only the few huts made (4) … wood where Indians lived. One day they met an old Indian who was very clever and knew everything (5) … the forest. «Can you tell (6) … us what the weather will be like (7) … the next few days?» one of the travelers asked him. «Oh, yes,» he said. «Rain is coming, and wind. Then there will be snow.» «These old Indians know more about Nature than we do,» said the man (8) … his friend. Then he turned (9) … the old Indian: «How do you know all that?» The Indian answered: «I’ve heard it (10) … the radio.»

  1. a) through; b) at; c) in; d) on.

2. a) in; b) at; c) of; d) across.

3. a) at; b) in; c) for; d) since.

4. a) of; b) from; c) to; d) with.

5. a) about; b) over; c) in; d) at.

6. a) to; b) -; c) for; d) about.

7. a) in; b) at; c) to; d) on.

8. a) by; b) at; c) to; d) -.

9. a) of; b) for; c) to; d) -.

10. a) by; b) at; c) to; d) on.

Контрольная работа 11 класс (2 четверть)


I. Аудирование. (EE 11 класс SB p 75. )

1 Listen to a career officer talking about the importance of a person’s first job and

decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Everyone likes his/her first job.

2 Money is the main reason you get your first job.

3 Your first job helps you to feel independent.

4 Your first job teaches you responsibility.

5 You don’t have to show up to your first job.

6 If you are sick, your supervisor will find somebody to fill in.

7 If you don’t do a good job, you will lose your position.

8 You will use all your skills in your first job.

9 You will feel more adult because of your first job.

10 Your first job will help you to grow personally.

II. Лексика и грамматика.

1.Guess the person who does work to improve bad social conditions and help

people in need.

a) a social worker c) a mechanic

b) a journalist d) a computer operator

2. Choose the appropriate word.

For my boss home exists only in his ______.

a) imagine c) imagination

b) imaginary d) imaginable

3.Choose the correct form of the verb.

Next year all the school-leaving exams ______ by the end of June.

a) will be taken c) will have taken

b) will take d) will have been taken

4. Give the definition of the word responsible.

a) well-informed

b) pleased and happy

c) difficult and complex

d) having a duty to be in charge of doing something

5.Make the right word combinations.

1) dead-end a) skills

2) interpersonal b) estimate

3) rough c) person

4) self-confident d) job

6. Open the brackets and fill in the appropriate form of the words.

1) This job is not________(to enjoy), it is rather


2) We would like to be self-employed____(busy) people.

7. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Career choice

Making a career choice is one of the most difficult and most important

decisions we will ever make in our lives. It has to be made with much_____ (1) and

deliberation. Moreover, career choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria

alone. Your job may carry great monetary benefits and perks, but if you do not enjoy

what you do then you are_____ (2) wasting a large part of your life. At the same time,

remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is

all____ (3) but no pay, things can get difficult.

Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first.

But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to ___(4) . We end up more____ (5) than we

were at the beginning. Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to think

about _______ (6) a career counselor.

A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate

your interests, personality, _______ (7) and values. He or she will then show you how

all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about

a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession.

1. a) think b) thought c) thinking d) thinkable

2. a) fool b) foolish c) foolishly d) fooling

3. a) satisfaction b) satisfy c) satisfying d) satisfied

4. a) somewhere b) anywhere c) where d) nowhere

5. a) confusion b) confused c) confusing d) confusable

6. a) consulting b) consult c) consulted d) consultive

7. a) skillful b) skilled c) skills d) unskilled

III. Письмо

1.Write the three most important personal qualities and the three most important

professional qualities or skills for each job.

a) I think that a pilot should be very responsible, ______, _____, _____.

b) Besides, it is important for him to be able to solve problems, _____, _____, ____.

Контрольная работа 11 класс (2 четверть)


I. Аудирование. (EE 11 класс SB p 75. )

1 Listen to a career officer talking about the importance of a person’s first job and

decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Everyone likes his/her first job.

2 Money is the main reason you get your first job.

3 Your first job helps you to feel independent.

4 Your first job teaches you responsibility.

5 You don’t have to show up to your first job.

6 If you are sick, your supervisor will find somebody to fill in.

7 If you don’t do a good job, you will lose your position.

8 You will use all your skills in your first job.

9 You will feel more adult because of your first job.

10 Your first job will help you to grow personally.

I. Лексика и грамматика.

1. Guess the person who repairs the pipes in the bathroom.

a) a physician c) a plumber

b) a surgeon d)

a school teacher

2. Choose the appropriate word.

My relatives were very … when I made a career.

a) support c) supported

b) supportive d) supportable

3. Choose the correct form of the verb.

They … their school certificates by next Friday.

a) will be given

b) will give

c) will have given

d) will have been given

4. Give the definition of the word challenging.

a) dull and tiresome

b) making you feel happy and satisfied

c) irritating and often overwhelming

d) difficult in an interesting or enjoyable way

5. Make the right word combinations.

1) full-time a. person

2) self-employed b. skills

3) engineering c. job

4) telephone d. profession

6. Open the brackets and fill in the appropriate form of the words.

1) This job is not well paid but it is quite_______ (satisfaction).

2) Does your friend have any unusual_______ (ambitious)?

7.Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Career choice

When school is over, young people need to make a choice of what they want

to do further. Our grandparents often say that life used to be safer and less_____(1)

when they were young. That may be true, but I think that our generation have more

opportunities than they had. We have a wider career choice and we can shape our life

______ (2) our inclinations and abilities. I’m sure that there are no good or bad jobs

but there are right and wrong ones for every particular person. One and the same job

could be very______(3) and enjoyable for one person and absolutely inappropriate for

another one. It’s also natural that different people have different job_____ (4). Some

of us seek a prestigious job, some look______(5) a well-paid job, and some people

want to work freelance and don’t care about money or______ (6) they just want to

be their own bosses and plan their own days. Distance jobs are gaining popularity for

the same reasons. You see that we can choose not only the industry we want to

devote_____(7) to, but the format of the job too.

1. a) complicated b) comfortable c) communicative d) competent

2. a) because of b) due to c) according to d) in spite of

3. a) refreshing b) retraining c) relaxing d) rewarding

4. a) preferences b) benefits c) opportunities d) responsibilities

5. a) at b) after c) for d) forward

6. a) salary b) payment c) costs d) prestige

7. a) ourselves b) yourselves c) us d) yours

II. Письмо

1.Write the three most important personal qualities and the three most important

professional qualities or skills for each job.

a) I think that a businessman should be very responsible, ______, _____, _____.

b) Besides, it is important for him to be able to solve problems, ______, _____, ____.

Контрольная работа  11 класс  (2 четверть)


  1. Аудирование. (EE 11 класс SB p 75. )

1 Listen to a career officer talking about  the importance of a person’s first job and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Everyone likes his/her first job.

2 Money is the main reason you get your first job.

3 Your first job helps you to feel independent.

4 Your first job teaches you responsibility.

5 You don’t have to show up to your first job.

6 If you are sick, your supervisor will find somebody to fill in.

7 If you don’t do a good job, you will lose your position.

8 You will use all your skills in your first job.

9 You will feel more adult because of your first job.

10 Your first job will help you to grow personally.

  1. Лексика и грамматика.

1.Guess the person who does work to improve bad social conditions and help people in need.

    a)  a social worker        c) a mechanic

  b) a journalist                 d) a computer operator

2.        Choose the appropriate word.

For my boss home exists only in his ______.

a) imagine        c) imagination

b) imaginary        d) imaginable

3.Choose the correct form of the verb.

Next year all the school-leaving exams ______ by the end of June.

a) will be taken        c) will have taken

b) will take        d) will have been taken

4. Give the definition of the word “responsible”.
 a) well-informed

 b) pleased and happy

 c) difficult and complex

 d) having a duty to be in charge of doing something

5.Make the right word combinations.

1) dead-end           a) skills

2) interpersonal           b) estimate

3) rough            c) person

4) self-confident           d) job

6. Open the brackets and fill in the appropriate form of the words.

1) This job is not________(to enjoy), it is rather  boring.

2) We would like to be self-employed____(busy) people.

7. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Career choice

Making a career choice is one of the most difficult and most important decisions we will ever make in our lives. It has to be made with much_____ (1) and deliberation. Moreover, career choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria alone. Your job may carry great monetary benefits and perks, but if you do not enjoy what you do then you are_____ (2) wasting a large part of your life. At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is all____ (3) but no pay, things can get difficult.

Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first. But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to ___(4) . We end up more____ (5) than we

were at the beginning. Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to think

about _______ (6) a career counselor.

A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate

your interests, personality, _______ (7) and values. He or she will then show you how all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about

a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession.

  1. a) think           b) thought     c) thinking      d) thinkable
  2. a) fool            b) foolish      c) foolishly     d) fooling
  3. a) satisfaction    b) satisfy       c) satisfying    d) satisfied
  4. a) somewhere    b) anywhere    c) where        d) nowhere
  5. a) confusion      b) confused    c) confusing    d) confusable
  6. a) consulting     b) consult      c) consulted     d) consultive
  7. a) skillful         b) skilled      c) skills         d) unskilled
  1. Письмо

1.Write the three most important personal qualities and the three most important

professional qualities or skills for each job.

a) I think that a pilot should be very responsible, ______, _____, _____.

b) Besides, it is important for him to be able to solve problems, _____, _____, ____.

Контрольная работа  11 класс  (2 четверть)


  1. Аудирование. (EE 11 класс SB p 75. )

1 Listen to a career officer talking about  the importance of a person’s first job and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Everyone likes his/her first job.

2 Money is the main reason you get your first job.

3 Your first job helps you to feel independent.

4 Your first job teaches you responsibility.

5 You don’t have to show up to your first job.

6 If you are sick, your supervisor will find somebody to fill in.

7 If you don’t do a good job, you will lose your position.

8 You will use all your skills in your first job.

9 You will feel more adult because of your first job.

10 Your first job will help you to grow personally.

  1. Лексика и грамматика.

1.  Guess the person who repairs the pipes in the bathroom.

a) a physician        c) a plumber

b) a surgeon        d)  a school teacher

2. Choose the appropriate word.    

My relatives were very … when I made a career.
a) support             c) supported

b) supportive             d) supportable

3. Choose the correct form of the verb.

They … their school certificates by next Friday.

a) will be given

b) will give

c) will have given

d) will have been given

4. Give the definition of the word “challenging”.

a) dull and tiresome

b) making you feel happy and satisfied

c) irritating and often overwhelming

d) difficult in an interesting or enjoyable way

5. Make the right word combinations.

    1) full-time                 a. person

    2) self-employed        b. skills

    3) engineering        c. job

    4) telephone                 d. profession

6. Open the brackets and fill in the appropriate form of the words.

1)        This job is not well paid but it is quite_______ (satisfaction).

2)        Does your friend have any unusual_______ (ambitious)?

7.Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Career choice

When school is over, young people need to make a choice of what they want to do further. Our grandparents  often say that life used to be safer and less_____(1) when they were young. That may be true, but I think that our generation have more opportunities than they had. We have a wider career choice and we can shape our life ______ (2) our inclinations and abilities. I’m sure that there are no good or bad jobs but there are right and wrong ones for every particular person. One and the same job could be very______(3) and enjoyable for one person and absolutely inappropriate for another one. It’s also natural that different people have different job_____ (4). Some of us seek a prestigious job, some look______(5) a well-paid job, and some people want to work freelance and don’t care about money or______        (6) — they just want to be their own bosses and plan their own days. Distance jobs are gaining popularity for the same reasons. You see that we can choose not only the industry we want to devote_____(7) to, but the format of the job too.

  1. a) complicated        b) comfortable        c) communicative            d) competent
  2. a) because of        b) due to                 c) according to            d) in spite of
  3. a) refreshing        b) retraining        c) relaxing            d) rewarding
  4. a) preferences        b) benefits        c) opportunities            d) responsibilities
  5. a) at                 b) after                 c) for                     d) forward
  6. a) salary                 b) payment        c) costs                     d) prestige
  7. a) ourselves        b) yourselves        c) us                     d) yours
  1. Письмо

1.Write the three most important personal qualities and the three most important professional qualities or skills for each job.

a) I think that a businessman should be very responsible, ______, _____, _____.

b) Besides, it is important for him to be able to solve problems, ______, _____, ____.

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