Fill in the gaps with suitable words one word in each

Fill the gaps with a suitable word.(One word only for each gap.)

1)Would you prefer a holiday in a seaside …………………. or a holiday in the country?
2)Would you prefer to stay in one place,or would you rather(=prefer to) go to ……………………… places?
3)Would you prefer to spend your time ………………………. on a beach or would you rather go for long walks?
4)Would you prefer to stay in a hotel or ………………… an apartament?
5)Would you prefer to eat in a restaurant or have a ………………………… in the open air?
6)Would you prefer somewhere that was quite lively,or would you rather go to a place where there was peace and ……………………..?

Look at the questions again.Which would you prefer?If possible,discuss your answers with someone else.

Помогите пожалуйста,срочно очень нужно!)
Заранее спасибо!)


<span>Fill the gaps with a suitable word.(One word only for each gap.)
1)Would you prefer a holiday in a seaside …………………. or a holiday in the country?
2)Would you prefer to stay in one place,or would you rather(=prefer to) go to ……………………… places?
3)Would you prefer to spend your time ………………………. on a beach or would you rather go for long walks?
4)Would you prefer to stay in a hotel or ………………… an apartament?
5)Would you prefer to eat in a restaurant or have a ………………………… in the open air?
6)Would you prefer somewhere that was quite lively,or would you rather go to a place where there was peace and ……………………..?

Look at the questions again.Which would you prefer?If possible,discuss your answers with someone else.

<em>Помогите пожалуйста,срочно очень нужно!)
</em><em>Заранее спасибо!)</em>

1 ответ:




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3a4d5c6—-сори я не разобралсЯ

<span>Большую роль в жизни человека играет искусство. Оно явля­ется проявлением и выражением творческих сил человека. В ис­кусстве человек пытается передать свое видение мира, свои пере­живания, мысли и идеи через художественные образы. У каж­дого вида искусства свой материал. У писателя — слово, у скульп­тора — мрамор, у архитектора — камень, а у художника — краски. С помощью этих материалов мастера-творцы создают произведе­ния искусства. Самые замечательные работы великих художников хранятся в музеях. 

В картинной галерее можно увидеть произведения живописи. Это полотна разных жанров и самые разные по тематике. Здесь они объединены по хронологическому принципу: от более ран­них периодов развития к современности. Каждый зритель выби­рает тот зал, который ему интереснее посмотреть. Размещая кар­тины в залах, работникам музея важно учитывать характер осве­щения в помещении, как падают на полотно солнечные лучи, какие картины соседствуют друг с другом. Встреча с произведениями живописи всегда оставляет неизгладимое впечатление.</span><span>Прогуливаясь по залам галереи и рассматривая полотна, мы как будто знакомимся с разными взглядами на мир художников раз­ных времен и эпох. С портретов на нас глядят строгие государи и полководцы, прекрасные дамы и галантные кавалеры, простые крестьяне и добродушные дети. Художники старались передать в портретах не только внешнее сходство, но, прежде всего, харак­тер, богатый внутренний мир своих героев. С помощью тонкой игры света и тени художники пытались сохранить в портретах богатство чувств и эмоциональных переживаний своих героев. Моя&ю бесконечно долго всматриваться и каждый раз улавли­вать новые изменения их душевных состояний. 

Одним из излюбленных жанров художников был пейзаж. Кисть мастера может запечатлеть тончайшие оттенки окружающего мира, его изменчивость и непостоянство, краски неба, реки и леса. На полотнах каждый пейзаж передает особое настроение. Благодаря живописи мы по-новому воспринимаем красоту и поэтичность мира. 

Целый ряд картин посвящен истории. Художник умеет увидеть историческую важность события, место и роль в истории отдель­ного человека. Переживания художника помогают нам как бы оку­нуться в прошлое, заставляют также волноваться и переживать. В живописи история предстает перед нами не просто в фактах, а в наглядных и зримых образах. 

Острый взгляд художника всегда помогает нам в привычном и, казалось бы, неинтересном увидеть необыкновенное и прекрас­ное. Каждый художник по-особому видит мир, его взгляд всегда необычен и поэтичен. Кисть мастера с помощью богатой цвето­вой палитры передает красоту окружающего мира. Встреча с на­стоящей живописью всегда оставляет неизгладимое впечатление. Я начинаю внимательнее вглядываться в окружающие меня пред­меты и явления и любуюсь их красотой.</span>

1.My sister lives in Kiev. 
<span>2. My friends is reading foreign journals in the reading room. </span>
3. It often  rains in autumn in our region.
4. Do farmers  grow these crops here?
5. I don`t like winter.
<span>6.My sister doesn`t work, she is a student. </span>
7. Do your parents  speak English?
<span>8. Doesn`t it  snow in Africa. </span>
9. Did students  begin their work in the field late?
<span>10. The farmers of this farm  haven`t high incomes.

Я принадлежу теннисному клубу и я практикуюсь каждый день. Я участвую во многих соревнованиях и моим родителям стоит это немало денег! Я люблю свой спорт и это отличный путь быть здоровым и спортивным,но более того это фантастический путь завести новых друзей


Complete the following
lecture summary. Write
each answer.

South-East Asian

  • Course materials

two textbooks—Osborne and Legge

study guide and

get textbooks from 2________________________and
other materials from
Paul Stange after this lecture.

Two of the readings difficult, but Bender


very important because help develop 4


course focus is on 5___________________of
South-East Asia.

from 6_______________and

influences have been both 8____________________and

emphasis is on 9_______________________between
past influences and
present cultural patterns.

to other courses

Later courses focus
more on political and economic aspects of modern

course serves as 10______________________to
later courses.

Academic vocabulary in use

  1. Fill in each gap with one suitable word.

Getting Away From The Land

By the start of the
twenty-first century, Britain had become a highly urbanized
country, with only a small proportion of the population in touch
…(1)… the working life of the countryside. But this has by
…(2)… means always been the case. At the end of the nineteenth
century, in excess …(3)… a million people were employed in
agriculture, five …(4)… today’s figure.

Even …(5)… , however,
the total was significantly below that in most European countries,
high factory wages having already tempted people to leave the
countryside in favour of the industrial cities. In …(6)… to
this, the English custom of primogeniture, by …(7)… land is
inherited only by the eldest son, served …(8)… further
accelerate the rural exodus.

the war years of the 1940s, at a time …(9)… food was short,
people seized whatever opportunities …(10)… were to improve
their diet …(11)… growing their own vegetables. However, this
practice soon lost …(12)… appeal once the war was over, as
…(13)… other temporary expediencies, such as keeping chicken
in town gardens. …(14)… is more, mixed arable and livestock
farming, once the norm, became rare, so that even …(15)…
people than ever were involved in agriculture.

  1. Select the best answer (a, b, c or d) which is appropriate for all three gaps in each of the following sets of sentences.

  1. This medication can affect
    your … , so you must only take it before you go to bed.

Success is motivating your
staff requires striking a delicate … between asserting your
authority and giving praise.

She could not explain the
deficit in her bank … .



  1. Karen and Brad got married
    last week, in a …ceremony in London.

She never really got along
with her cousin, but they had always managed to be … to each other.

He objected to the company’s
no-smoking rule, claiming that it was an encroachment on his …





  1. Developments took a new …
    on Tuesday, with the stock market tumbling by 5.4%.

Mark admitted that he had
spoken out of … .

The … of the century found
Europe in a state of turmoil.




  1. There is a(n) … invitation
    for the trade unions to take part in the negotiations, but they have
    chosen to ignore it.

Most universities have …
days in May, so that prospective students and their families can
visit and find out more about the institution.

Never leave children under 14
alone in a room with a(n) … fire.





  1. Under pressure from the
    opposition, the government decided to call a … election.

Not only keeping fit help you
control your weight, but it will also give you a … sense of

Latest figures confirm a …
increase in unemployment despite recent government measures.




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Народ помогите срочно!!!!!!
По английскому задали два номера не могу сделать.
пятое задание
Make up the words/
1. a dish a) room
2. an arm b) case
3. a bath c)washer
4. a book d)board
5. a cup e) chair

и шестое задание.
Fill in the gaps with sutable words

bathroom bedroom wardrobe carpet
cupboard curtains utility room attic
1. We usually keep old furniture in the___________________.
2. We take a shower in the______________.
3. People sleep and get dressed in their___________.
4.Dishes and cups are in the kitchen______________.
5.People often watch television and spend time together in the____________.
6. You hand clothes in the_________________.
7. A_______________is a machine where you put dirty plates and it washes them.
8. We have a fluffy___________on the flooor.
9. You draw the__________to make the room darker.
10. We keep large equipment, like the washing machine in the____________.
Пожалуйста помогите срочно


Обновлено на

15 авг. 2018

  • Польский
  • Английский (британский вариант)

Вопрос про Английский (британский вариант)

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The owner of it will not be notified.
Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer.

  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Уэльский

b. just?
c. had
d. must
e. should / could / can / will
f. must
g. do / should
h. is
i. must / could
j. must

  • Польский

Thank you very much for all answers. That was useful.

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Put one suitable word in each space. 
a. Quite honestly, you might as well not bother. 
b. It's … that you should know Wendy too!
c. You … better not take any more medicine now. 
d. All students … report to the registrar's office on arrival. 
e. How about going to the lake? We … take a cold lunch with us. 
f. If I say you have to do it, you … do it!
g. I'm not sure about my application … I send two copies or three?
h. … that really by Paula's husband? He looks so young. 
I. This … be the place I suppose, but it doesn't look like it. 
j. Both the clocks say 4.30, so that … be the time.

  • Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.
    a. How funny that you should say that!

  • 1…. of my friends … to open a travel agency.
    1) A couple… plans 2) A couple … plan 3) Th…


    Okay so I’m guessing I’m doing your homework for you but…

    1) 2
    2) 4
    3) 4
    4) 1
    5) 4
    6) 2
    7) 3
    8) 3
    9) 4
    10) 1

    Some of them had more than o…

  • Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.
    a. The heating comes on automatically. Y…


    a. don’t need to
    b. are
    c. will
    d. was
    e. always
    f. are
    g. must
    h. leaves?
    i. are

  • Hi! Could you please help me with the exercise because I don’t know how to do it right, I have tr…


    1 Patrick came across as uncaring
    2 is correct
    3 You ought not to have gone out in the rain
    4 Students are under no obligation to attend the …

  • Check my work please! Is it right?

    Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition(s) or adverb….


    1. ✅
    2. ✅
    4. out
    5. in

  • I am learning about making offers and suggestions. can you help me?

    situation1) it’s raining. …


    1) I think this is a good response.
    2) I would say,”I’ll finish everything else, you can focus on the report.”
    3) This is good!
    4) Are you okay?

  • I’ll be grateful for your help!

    Fill in the blanks with prepositions.
    1) If you get 100 poin…


    Try it yourself using the following to help you:…

  • Guys please 😊🙏🏻. Are these 5 sentences with FACE-UP correct?
    1- The nurse asked me to lie face-u…


    1 — ✔
    2 — «better lie you under» —> «you’d better lie under»
    3 — «put carefully» —> «carefully put» ; ‘a’ or ‘the’ before «stretcher»
    4 — ✔…

  • Insert the preposition, where necessary: 1.Neither specialists nor people…administration insist…


    1._Neither specialists nor people *in the* administration insist *on* destroying this old building.
    2._Do you really prefer being treated *by…

  • Which one is right ?
    The first one is supposed to be right but I think it sounds wrong…
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    00:03:26,096 —> 00:03:27,597
    Good start.

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    00:05:27,285 —> 00:05:31…

  • Is it correct to say «Have a nice rest of the week!» at the end of an email?
  • What exactly does the word «cunk» mean to a British person?
  • Which sentence is correct?

    Please forward the email to whomever you think relevant.


    Please …

  • You deserve & You deserved & You deserve it !which one is right?!
  • «How was your holiday?» Or «How were your holidays?» Are both correct?
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    как они звучат? Стоит использовать?


  • есть больше времени на учёбу. is this sentence true? I want to say “there is more time to study” …
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    как они звучат? Стоит использовать?


  • — Ты обещал взять мой зонт из ремонта. Ты его взял ?
    — Нет, «не взял».

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  • Fill in the gaps with one word which best fits each
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