Fill in the gaps with any appropriate word from the exercise

1 — Я не могу справляться с таким большим количеством различных задач и занятий в одно и то же время. Это совершенно невозможно!
— В этом нет ничего невозможного. Если вы говорите, что вы (1) достаточно взрослый, чтобы управлять своей жизнью самостоятельно, вы должны нести ответственность и уметь планировать свое время.
2 — Аллан выглядит немного расстроено. Что не так?
— Я не имел в виду ничего оскорбительного. Честно. Но я был не в состоянии (2) подавить смех, когда он говорил о планировании времени. Говорить о планировании времени, когда он сам всегда опаздывает!
3 — Это новое кафе выглядит красиво, не так ли? Вы были там?
— Да. Они открыли его в (3) из-за местного спроса, поскольку люди нуждаются в месте, где они могут быстро и дешево пообедать.
4 – Какой народ вы считаете самым пунктуальным?
— Я не знаю. Немцы, я считаю, делают все вовремя, и они, как правило, планируют все заранее. Немецкий друг однажды сказал мне, что тщательное планирование является частью их национального (4) определения.
5 – Я купил компакт-диск с компьютерной игрой. Я думаю, что Джулиан будет рада такому подарку на день рождения.
— Я не уверен. Он занимается (5) боевыми искусствами очень серьезно, и предпочитает физические упражнения сидению перед монитором.

1 mature
2 suppress
3 response
4 identity
5 martial

помогите, срочно
TASK 2. Fill in the gaps with any appropriate word. You should use only one word
for a gap.
                plan      as     
mature     response     suppress      down   
identity        evoke
1 — I can’t manage so many
different tasks and activities at the same time. It’s utterly impossible! —
There’s nothing impossible there. If you say that you are (1)________ enough to control your life yourself, you have to be
responsible and able to (2)______your
2 — Allan looks a bit (3)_____. What’s wrong?
— I didn’t mean any offense. Honestly. But I wasn’t
able to (4) _______a laugh when he
was talking about time management. To talk about planning time, when he’s never
on time himself!
3 — That new cafe looks nice, doesn’t it? Have you
been there?
— Yes. They’ve opened it in (5) _______to local demand, (6) ______people need a place where
they can have a quick and cheap lunch.

Автор: Гость

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word.
1. 420 employees were made ____________________ because of restructuring of the company (reduce).
2. I have been ______________ by Mrs. Anna Clarkson with regard to your claim against her in your dispute (instruction).
3. I cannot understand the _____________ between solicitors and barristers (differ).
4. He made a lot of _____________ against his employer (allege).
5. We have to consider different _______________ for this job (apply).
6. I cannot do this work now. I have an __________________ (appoint).
7. This situation _____________ us to take serious steps (able).
8. You can make a _____________ in any bank (pay).
9. There are _____________ instructors on hand to help you (qualify).
10. It is _____________ to write a career objective at the beginning of your CV (advise)

Помогите, срочно

TASK 2. Fill in the gaps with any appropriate word. You should use only one word

for a gap.

plan as

mature response suppress down

identity evoke

1 — I can’t manage so many

different tasks and activities at the same time. It’s utterly impossible! —

There’s nothing impossible there. If you say that you are (1)________ enough to control your life yourself, you have to be

responsible and able to (2)______your


2 — Allan looks a bit (3)_____. What’s wrong?

— I didn’t mean any offense. Honestly. But I wasn’t

able to (4) _______a laugh when he

was talking about time management. To talk about planning time, when he’s never

on time himself!

3 — That new cafe looks nice, doesn’t it? Have you

been there?

— Yes. They’ve opened it in (5) _______to local demand, (6) ______people need a place where

they can have a quick and cheap lunch.


22 Март, 18


(54 баллов)

в категории Английский язык

Контрольные задания. 1 четверть.

УМК «Spotlight 10» — Английский в фокусе 
(Оби Б., Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Дули Д., Эванс В.)

Exercise 1. Fill in the missing letters and translate the words.

1. dr_ _ _ c_de _______________________________________________________
2. l_r_cs ____________________________________________________________
3. sc_ol_ _ _ hip _____________________________________________________
4. home_ _ _k _______________________________________________________
5. mat_ _ e __________________________________________________________
6. in f_ _ o_ _ of _____________________________________________________
7. comp_ _ _o_ _ _____________________________________________________
8. s_ pp_ _ _ s _______________________________________________________
9. go a_ _ _ _ ________________________________________________________
10. ev_ _ _ __________________________________________________________

Exercise 2. Read the definitions and write down the words or word combinations.

1. Simple in design with no decoration. __________________
2. The name that a company chooses for its product. _____________________
3. Extremely fashionable. ____________________
4. Public appreciation for a person or group’s achievements. __________________

Exercise 3. A) Match the words to make meaningful phrases. Write down the translation. B) Fill in the gaps with any appropriate words from the table above.

1. I promise to call you ___________________________________________.
2. Planning your day is the best way to __________________________________.
3. __________________________________________, tennis players have to wear only white clothes and shoes.
4. The authorities decided to _____________________________________ for their bravery.

Exercise 4. Write the verbs in the correct form and write down the translation.

1. I wish I ______________ a border. I’m homesick during my studies. (NOT/BE)
2. I wish I _______________ a new suit for tomorrow’s conference. (HAVE)

Exercise 5. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence. One word is extra.

A/ scholarship/ hard/ in/ working/ to/ win/ I’m.

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the words in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each line.

1. I think it’s _________________________ expensive if you spend 50 per cent of your salary on a place to live. (UNREASONABLE)
2. It’s __________________ of teenagers to listen to music on the way to school. (TYPE)
3. The most ___________________ activities in my life revolve around music. (MEANING)

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with necessary words.

homesick, border, compulsory, private, semesters, scholarship

1. You have to pay for your education at a ________ school.
2. At universities bright students get a ________ .
3. Being away from home I am always ________ .
4. ________ subjects must be studied by all students.
5. A school year in high school in Russia is divided into two ________ .
6. A ________ studies and lives at school.

   Контрольные задания. 1 четверть. 

48.2. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the previous exercise.

1. data. 2. process. 3. file. 4. programm. 5. key in. 6. save. 7.

bit. 8.hardwarw. 9.load. 10. print out. 11.byte. 12. software. 13. graphics.

Computer Actions.

Computer is an electronic machine that can be supplied with a plan of operations and can store and recall information and perform various processes on it. A computer standard now is a piece of office equipment and, moreover, it has become an integral part of modern life.

The information that you put into a computer is called 1._____________. If you 2.__________ data, the computer will 3.________ it. The list of instructions that the computer follows to process data is called a 4.________ If you want to it. The store a program onto a disk or tape, you 5. ________ data can be organized and saved on different 6________. You 7________ the computer by putting the disk or taping back. You can 8.________ information from a computer onto paper this paper is called a printout. A 9________ unit of computer memory. One is just enough memory to store a single letter or figure. It is usually made up of a series of 8 smaller units called 10.________.

The computer and any equipment connected to it we usually call 11.________. But the programs used in a computer are called 12.________. A person who writes computer pro- grams is 13.________. Finally, with the help of a computer we can get information in the form of images that can be stored, changed or output by a computer. It is called 14.________.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word treats
  • Fill in the correct word using the text
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  • Fill in the correct word uniform profession specialist fail course
  • Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word lawyers often help people