Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word lawyers often help people

1. Lawyers often help people to reach just agreement (agree).2. After  перевод - 1. Lawyers often help people to reach just agreement (agree).2. After  русский как сказать

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1. Lawyers often help people to reach just agreement (agree).
2. After long discuss they made a decision.
3. Each citizen has rights and obligations.
4. I think the decision is just.
5. It is not easy to give a definition of justice.
6. In the modern world countries cooperates more and
7. It is important to make legal standards international
8. In many cases we have to follow regulation.
9. The answer was entirely satisfactory.
10. I cannot accept your refusal


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


1. юристы часто помогают людям достичь справедливого соглашения (согласны).2. После длительного обсуждения было принято решение.3. Каждый гражданин имеет права и обязанности.4. я думаю, что решение является просто.5. это не легко дать определение справедливости.6. в современном мире стран сотрудничает более ибольше.7. важно сделать международные правовые стандарты8. во многих случаях мы должны следовать правилам.9. ответ был полностью удовлетворительным.10. я не могу принять ваш отказ

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


1. Адвокаты часто помогают людям достичь только договор (согласен).
2. После долгих обсудить они приняли решение.
3. Каждый гражданин имеет права и обязанности.
4. Я думаю, что решение просто.
5. Это не просто дать определение справедливости.
6. В современных странах мира сотрудничает более и
7. Важно, чтобы правовые нормы международного
8. Во многих случаях мы должны следовать регулирования.
9. Ответ был вполне удовлетворительным.
10. Я не могу принять ваш отказ

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


1.адвокаты часто помогают людям возможность достичь только соглашение (согласны).
2.после долгого обсуждения они приняли решение.
3.каждый гражданин обладает правами и обязанностями.
4.я думаю, решение просто.
5.это не просто дать определение ответственности.
6.в современном мире страны сотрудничает более
7.важно, чтобы правовые нормы международного
8.во многих случаях мы должны следовать правилам.
9.ответ вполне удовлетворительна.
10.я не могу принять ваш отказ.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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 Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word: treat(2), decent, disturb, hesitate, oppressive, spin, shrewd, shiver, scratch, fade, distress, board (2).

  1. I don’t know why she ……. him so coldly.
  2. The tree branch has ……… my leg and it’s bleeding.
  3. He has always been a serious and …… person.
  4. The editorial ……… will examine your article thoroughly before publishing it.
  5. His dream to become famous is ………..
  6. It’s a real chance for his career I can’t understand why he ………….
  7. My Granny showed me how to ……….. wool, and it’s not so easy.
  8. The doctor …….. her for stomachache with different pills.
  9. The citizens didn’t know how they could resist those ……… forces.
  10. I didn’t tell Philip your secret I think he is just a ……… boy.
  11.  Alex, cut the bread on the chopping …….!
  12. Although it was rather warm outside the little girl was ……. with cold.
  13. Don’t be so angry with her, she didn’t want to …….. you.
  14. John is sad but he doesn’t want to talk about the things which …… him.

2. Translate into English.

1) Все знают, что он был очень проницательным политиком.

2) В этом году зима будет слишком суровая.

3) Доктор лечит ее от головной боли.

4) Кошка поцарапала мне руку.

The key:

  1. Treats; 2) scratched; 3) decent; 4) board; 5) fading; 6) hesitates; 7) spin; 8) treats; 9) oppressive; 10) shrewd; 11) board; 12) shivering; 13) disturb; 14) distress.
  2. Everybody knows that he was a very shrewd politician.

Winter will be too oppressive this year.

The doctor treats her for her headache.

The cat has scratched my hand.










262.19 Кб


Личный кабинет / Мои курсы / ИнЯз/Базовый курс 2 / Module 6. Education / Module 6 Test

Тест начат Понедельник, 23 Март 2020, 01:07

Состояние Завершенные

Завершен Понедельник, 23 Март 2020, 01:13

Прошло 5 мин. 58 сек.


Баллы 39,00/40,00

Оценка 4,88 из 5,00 (98%)

Вопрос 1

Fill in the gap with the appropriate words.


Поступить в университет — to get a place

at university.

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Вопрос 2


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Вопрос 3


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Вопрос 4


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Вопрос 5


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Write the word that mean the following. The first letter is given to you, write the word without it.

Andrew is such a brilliant dancer, therefore, he is invited in a lot of TV projects. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have any

time for lessons and Andrew left the school – he d ropped out of the school.

Put the words of the sentence in the correct order and write it.

The Mona Lisa, Louvre, which is Leonardo da Vinci. was pained in the by

Ответ: The Mona Lisa, which is in the Louvre, was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

Choose the correct answer.

The woman …………… called said she’d ring again later.

Выберите один или несколько ответов: a. whose

b. who

c. which

d. no relative pronoun

e. that

Ваш ответ верный.

Write the word that mean the following. The first letter is given to you, write the word without it.

It is hard for lazy students to get used to do h omework


Вопрос 6


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Вопрос 7


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Вопрос 8


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Вопрос 9


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Вопрос 10


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Вопрос 11


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Put the words of the sentence in the correct order and write it.

by who is The be being man, for questioned reasons. police, can’t the legal named

Ответ: The man, who is being questioned by the police, can’t be named for legal reasons.

Write the word that mean the following. The first letter is given to you, write the word without it.

Before the state exams everybody studied hard and m ade

great p rogress


Put the words of the sentence in the correct order and write it.

New who in York. dentist, Her is lives son, a

Ответ: Her son, who is a dentist, lives in New York.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate words.

Непрерывное оценивание — continuous assessment


Choose the correct answer.

Have you seen the necklace …………… he gave me? It’s beautiful!

Выберите один или несколько ответов: a. whose

b. that

c. which

d. who

e. no relative pronoun

Ваш ответ верный.

Put the words of the sentence in the correct order and write it.

5 The by going over queen, building, to which is million be costs opened the pounds.

Ответ: The building, which is going to be opened by the queen, costs over 5 million pounds.

Вопрос 12


Баллов: 5,00 из


Match the words with their meanings.

Arriving, doing something, or happening at the expected, correct time; not late

You must do it because of a rule or law

Strongly limiting someone’s freedom to behave as they wish, or likely to severely punish someone if they do not obey

Not necessary or demanded but possible or available; depending on what you decide to do Being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual, or special in some way

Ваш ответ верный.






Вопрос 13


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Вопрос 14


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Вопрос 15


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Вопрос 16


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Choose the correct answer.

That’s the man …………… son is a professional footballer.

Выберите один ответ: a. which

b. who

c. no relative pronoun

d. whose

e. that

Ваш ответ верный.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

Like my favorite film lead actor I do my best

for achieving all my goals.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate words.

Пересдавать курс — to retake a course


Fill in the gap with the appropriate words.

Готовиться к экзамену — to revise for

an exam.

Вопрос 17


Баллов: 1,00 из


Write the word that mean the following. The first letter is given to you, write the word without it.

In the beginning of each year the head teacher and his/her employees create a new studying plan — c urriculum .

Вопрос 18


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Вопрос 19


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Вопрос 20


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Вопрос 21


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Вопрос 22


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Choose the word that mean the following.

To put yourself or someone else on an official list for an activity or for membership in a group, or to accept someone in such a list

Выберите один ответ: a. To apply for

b. To enroll

c. To put in an order for

Ваш ответ верный.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

The woman who

lives next door works in a bank.

Choose the correct answer.

A method is

Выберите один ответ:

a. a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or of ideas that are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more generally, an opinion or explanation

b. a route, direction, or path

c. a particular way of doing something

Ваш ответ верный.

Choose the word that mean the following.

To not succeed in what you are trying to achieve or are expected to do —

Выберите один ответ: a. To retake

b. To fail

c. To pass

Ваш ответ верный.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate words.

Получить диплом — to get a degree


Вопрос 23


Баллов: 1,00 из


Write the word that mean the following. The first letter is given to you, write the word without it.

After some years studying in the compulsory school, Mary has decided to change the type of education for more

personal — p rivate e ducation .

Вопрос 24


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Вопрос 25


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Вопрос 26


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Вопрос 27


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Вопрос 28


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Вопрос 29


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Write the word that mean the following. The first letter is given to you, write the word without it.

John is so proud of his son because he has recently entered the first year of education — e lementary school.

Choose the word that mean the following.

To express disapproval of someone or something

Выберите один ответ: a. To criticise

b. To encourage

c. To approach

Ваш ответ верный.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate words.

Сдавать эссе — to hand in an essay.

Choose the correct answer.

Where’s the book …………… Paul lent me?

Выберите один или несколько ответов: a. who

b. that

c. whose

d. which

e. no relative pronoun

Ваш ответ верный.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

My friend graduated from our university five years ago, it was extremely tough studying for her.

Put the words of the sentence in the correct order and write it.

French whose a surname Vuitton, has is father. Pete,

Ответ: Pete, whose surname is Vuitton, has a French father.

Вопрос 30


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Вопрос 31


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Вопрос 32


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Вопрос 33


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Choose the correct answer.

Non-defining relative clauses are used to

Выберите один ответ:

a. give essential information about something in the main clause

b. give extra information about something in the main clause

Ваш ответ верный.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

This is the dog that

bit my brother.

Choose the correct answer.

Defining relative clauses are used to

Выберите один ответ:

a. give information about something in the relative clause

b. describe ideas, things, places, time, possessions given in the main clause

Ваш ответ верный.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

Our teacher gave us a pretty difficult test, most of my classmates made

a lot of mistakes.

Вопрос 34


Баллов: 1,00 из


Choose the word that mean the following.

The problem or situation of children being absent from school regularly without permission

Выберите один ответ: a. A hooky

b. A truancy

c. A cut

Ваш ответ верный.

Вопрос 35


Баллов: 1,00 из


Вопрос 36


Баллов: 0,00 из


Choose the correct answer.

I’m looking for a thing …………… will clean glass.

Выберите один или несколько ответов: a. no relative pronoun

b. that

c. which

d. who

e. whose

Ваш ответ верный.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

The film whuch

we saw last week was awful.

◄ Match informal phrases with their formal

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Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word.
1. 420 employees were made ____________________ because of restructuring of the company (reduce).
2. I have been ______________ by Mrs. Anna Clarkson with regard to your claim against her in your dispute (instruction).
3. I cannot understand the _____________ between solicitors and barristers (differ).
4. He made a lot of _____________ against his employer (allege).
5. We have to consider different _______________ for this job (apply).
6. I cannot do this work now. I have an __________________ (appoint).
7. This situation _____________ us to take serious steps (able).
8. You can make a _____________ in any bank (pay).
9. There are _____________ instructors on hand to help you (qualify).
10. It is _____________ to write a career objective at the beginning of your CV (advise)


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    помогите, срочно
    TASK 2. Fill in the gaps with any appropriate word. You should use only one word
    for a gap.
                    plan      as     
    mature     response     suppress      down   
    identity        evoke
    1 — I can’t manage so many
    different tasks and activities at the same time. It’s utterly impossible! —
    There’s nothing impossible there. If you say that you are (1)________ enough to control your life yourself, you have to be
    responsible and able to (2)______your
    2 — Allan looks a bit (3)_____. What’s wrong?
    — I didn’t mean any offense. Honestly. But I wasn’t
    able to (4) _______a laugh when he
    was talking about time management. To talk about planning time, when he’s never
    on time himself!
    3 — That new cafe looks nice, doesn’t it? Have you
    been there?
    — Yes. They’ve opened it in (5) _______to local demand, (6) ______people need a place where
    they can have a quick and cheap lunch.

    Автор: Гость

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