Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word given below the british

Помогите,срочно нужно…
Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations.
1.The British Parliament consists of…and….
2. Englishmen always respect their…
3. The United Kingdom is separated from the continent by…
4. Many young people from all over the world would like to enter…
5. Agriculture is developed in Scotland, especially…
6. The climate of the UK is…
7. Liverpool is famous….as the Beatles were organized there.
8. Among British industries the most developed are…
9. Two thirds of the world’s….used to come from UK….
10. In the early 18th century British…manufacture was based on wool which was processed by individual artisans.
A.customs and traditions
C.from a cultural aspect
D.Oxford University
E.the House of Lords
G.the Straits of Dover
H.computing and electronics.
J.the House of Commons

What are the changes in British eating habits?
Fill in the gaps in the article with the appropriate conjunction or linking word from ex. 2. More than one answer may be possible.
Eating in Britain
Visitors to Britain generally agreed about one thing — British cooking. «It’s terrible!» they said. «You can cook vegetables in so many interesting ways. (0) But
the British cook vegetables for too long; (1)_________, they lose their taste.» But
things have changed …
Food has become very important in Britain. (2)_________, TV cooks are more
famous than writers and their recipe books are bestsellers.
Twenty years ago, British people usually ate at home. Today, (3)____ __, many
people eat out at least once a week in lots of different kinds of restaurants,
(4)__________French, Indian, Chinese, Thai … People prefer «international» food,
(5)_________, pizza and curry.
More people are interested in healthy eating these days. (6)_________, a growing
number of people are becoming vegetarians. That is the good news. (7)_________,
there is also some bad news.
(8)_________ the British work harder and have less time, they are eating more
fast food. Even in the evening they eat their ready-made dinners in front of the TV. Meals are no longer family occasions.

Помогите, срочно нужно.

Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations.

1. The British Parliament consists of.

And. 2.

Englishmen always respect their.

3. The United Kingdom is separated from the continent by.

4. Many young people from all over the world would like to enter.

5. Agriculture is developed in Scotland, especially.

6. The climate of the UK is.

7. Liverpool is famous.

As the Beatles were organized there.

8. Among British industries the most developed are.

9. Two thirds of the world’s.

Used to come from UK.

10. In the early 18th century British.

Manufacture was based on wool which was processed by individual artisans.

A. customs and traditions B.

Sheep — breeding C.

From a cultural aspect D.

Oxford University E.

The House of Lords F.

Ships G.

The Straits of Dover H.

Computing and electronics.

I. varied J.

The House of Commons K.

Shipyards L.


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Fill in the gaps 1 – 7 with appropriate words given below:fee, percent перевод - Fill in the gaps 1 – 7 with appropriate words given below:fee, percent русский как сказать

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Fill in the gaps 1 – 7 with appropriate words given below:

fee, percent, boarding, assistance, scholarships, attended, highly.

The most famous schools in Britain are private _1_ schools, such as Eton College, Harrow School, Rugby School, and Winchester School. These famous private schools, founded during the Middle Ages, are theoretically open to the public, but in reality are _2_ by those who can afford the _3_. Many of Britain’s leaders have attended these private schools, which cater to those wealthy and influential but also offer some _4_ to gifted poorer children. Local authorities and the central authority also provide _5_ to some families who are unable to pay the fees. Just a small percentage of the population can attend these ancient and _6_ prestigious schools. Only seven _7_ of British students attend private schools.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Заполните пробелы 1 – 7 с соответствующие слова, приведенные ниже:платы, процентов, интернат, помощи, стипендий, участие, высоко.Самых известных школ в Великобритании являются частные _1_ школы, такие как Итон Колледж, школа Хэрроу, регби школа и школа винчестер. Эти знаменитые частные школы, основан во времена средневековья, теоретически открыты для общественности, но в действительности являются _2_ теми, кто может позволить себе _3_. Многие из лидеров Великобритании посетили эти частные школы, которые обслуживают тех богатых и влиятельных, но также предлагают некоторые _4_ для одаренных бедных детей. Местные органы власти и Центральный орган также предоставлять _5_ некоторые семьи, которые не способны оплатить сборы. Только небольшой процент населения могут посещать эти древние и _6_ престижной школы. Только семь _7_ британских студентов посещают частные школы.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Заполните пробелы 1 — 7 с соответствующим словами, приведенными ниже: плату, процентов, интернатов, помощь, стипендии, присутствовали, высоко. Наиболее известные школы в Великобритании являются частные _1_ школы, такие как Итон Колледж, Харроу школы, школе Регби и Винчестер школа. Эти известные частные школы, основанные в средние века, теоретически открыты для общественности, но в реальности _2_ те, кто может позволить себе _3_. Многие из лидеров британских приняли участие эти частные школы, которые обслуживают тех, богатых и влиятельных, но также предлагают некоторые _4_ для одаренных детей из бедных семей. Местные органы власти и центральная власть также обеспечить _5_ в некоторых семьях, которые не в состоянии платить за обучение. Просто небольшой процент населения может присутствовать эти древние и престижные школы _6_. Только семь _7_ британских студентов посещают частные школы.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе. (автор:  Биболетова  М.З.)

Listening.  Listen to 2 teenagers
talking about their jobs. Fill in the table.

Variant- 1



Where dose he/she work?

How much is he/she paid?

What do they spend their money on?

II. Reading.  
Read the text and do the task.

MIKE: I’m going on a camping holiday in Scotland. I like walking
and climbing. At night I’ll camp. If it’s raining, I’ll stay in a Youth Hostel.
They are cheap, but you must get up early and help with the breakfast.

JOHN: I’m going to a sailing school in the Lake District. I like
yachting and canoeing. We’ll stay in a mountain chalet. We’ll have sailing
lessons every day.

SALLY: I’m going on archaeological dig in Cornwall. I love
history. We’re digging for Camelot at South Cadbury. Camelot was King Arthur’s
castle. It’s hard work, but you meet a lot of people.

CHRISTINE: I’m going on a canal holiday. My father
steers the boat. I’ll lie on the deck and sunbathe. I hope it doesn’t rain!

TOM: Now we have summer holidays to look forward to. Mark and I
are planning to go off with a couple of friends on a bicycling holiday. I think
I have persuaded Mum and Dad to let us go. We are planning to go to Ireland for
a week. We’ll take the bikes and our camping gear but if it rains I expect
we’ll have to stay in hostels. Apparently there are loads of hostels in the
part of Ireland we’re planning to visit and they don’t cost a fortune. We’ll go
across on the ferry from Wales – it takes all night. Then we will bicycle
around the coast. We’ll probably do about 30
miles a day. Let’s hope it doesn’t pour with rain! It should be fun – I hope!

1) Fill in the table:

Information about the teenagers

The names of the teenagers

This person is fond of history

This person will travel by bike

3.      This person enjoys sailing

4.      This person prefers camping

5.      This person likes sunbathing

III. Use of English.

Read the text below and
choose the correct word for each space. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate

         Shortly after the war, my brother and I were invited
(1) ______ a few days’ holiday with an uncle (2)______ had just returned
(3)________ abroad. He had rented a cottage (4) ______ the country, (5) ______
he rarely spent much time there. We understood the reason (6)_____ this after
our arrival: the cottage had no comfortable furniture in it.

1. A to spend    B
spent     C spending    D have spent

2. A which       B
whose   C whom         D who

3. A from         B
after      C before         D out of

4. A outside     B
in           C inside         D to

5. A in fact       B
while     C and             D but

A for             B of          C on               D in

Task 1. Put
in “the” where necessary.

1. We live on  ____(1)__ Earth. 2. Many people dream
about traveling in ___(2)____ space. 3. __(3)____Russia is situated in ___(4)____
Europe and ___(5)__ Asia. 4. There are 50 states in ___(6)___ USA. 5. He is
going to see ___(7)___ Alps. 6. ____(8)__Volga flows into ___(9)__ Caspian Sea.

Task 2:
Find the word with the same or similar meaning.
Example: to defend – b) a) to save
b) to protect c) to help

   a) independence    b) lack           c  ) purpose

bully                       a) to pick on           b) to allow     c) to

to be frightened  
   a) to be tired of      b) to be afraid of       c) to be jealous of

  a) occupation           b) threat         c) person

create                 a) to earn b) to produce c) to argue

Task 3. Write down the
words in the correct order and translate the sentences.

friendly, their,
and, family, traditional, is.

any, many, don’t
have, children, punishment.

his, proud, is,
family, of, he.

Task 4. The word in capitals above each
of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the
blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

In my opinion, kids behave worse in more … societies.

Parents treat their children … .

SUCCESS         If
technologies aren’t developed, we will not … .

But, you know, I had a life- … illness.

DEPEND        On
one hand, … means freedom within reasonable limits, of course.

Task 5. Complete the
sentences. Fill in 
do or make in an
appropriate form.
 Example: Have you … your homework? – Not yet.    Have
you done your homework? – Not yet.

She doesn’t … much

They … delicious
food in this restaurant.

Will you … me a
favour? Help me carry this table.

Harry is expected
to … the final decision.

5)      Earthquakes … a lot of damage.

6: Open the brackets using Past Continuous or Past Simple.

When I (come) home, my mother
(cook) dinner.    

Yesterday at 2 o’clock I (prepare)
for my English test.

7 : Open the brackets using Past Perfect or Past Simple.

Helen (do) it by 10 o’clock

She (translate) the article before
the film (begin).

8 : Continue the sentences. Use  Conditional II or III :

If we cut down fewer forests, the
air (be) clean.                                    

If you ( give)  him the money, he
would have spent all of them.               

: Write the sentences in reported speech:

Tom said: “The book is worth

Martin said: “We had a wonderful
party yesterday.”

Teacher asked: “Where do you live?”

Fill in “to” if necessary:

We want you … join our

She made her son … read the

Task11.  Use
an appropriate pronoun: some, any, much, many:

I haven’t got some/any 

I met some/any
interesting people last night.

How many/much eggs
do we need?

How many/much salt
do we put in?

Task12.  Use Gerund or Infinitive:

He enjoys (to watch/
) cartoons.

We want (to eat/ eating).

This book is worth (to
read/ reading

 IV.Writing. Write an e-mail to Kate.
Answer her questions. Write 90-110 words. Remember the rules of letter-writing.




Dear friend,

How are you? I like
London very much. It’s really a beautiful city, but the weather is not always
good. It’s very hot and humid now. It’s often humid because the city is on the
river Thames. When the weather is like this, I like to go to the museums, because
they are all air-conditioned. The winter is usually cold and wet, and I don’t
like to be outside long then. My favourite seasons here are spring and autumn
because they are really nice. It’s usually cool and sunny, and I like to go on
picnics and jog.



контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе. (автор:  Биболетова  М.З.)

Listening.  Listen to 2 teenagers
talking about their jobs. Fill in the table.

Variant- 2



Where dose he/she work?

How much is he/she paid?

What do they spend their money on?

II. Reading.  
Read the text and do the task.

MIKE: I’m going on a camping holiday in Scotland. I like walking
and climbing. At night I’ll camp. If it’s raining, I’ll stay in a Youth Hostel.
They are cheap, but you must get up early and help with the breakfast.

JOHN: I’m going to a sailing school in the Lake District. I like
yachting and canoeing. We’ll stay in a mountain chalet. We’ll have sailing
lessons every day.

SALLY: I’m going on archaeological dig in Cornwall. I love
history. We’re digging for Camelot at South Cadbury. Camelot was King Arthur’s
castle. It’s hard work, but you meet a lot of people.

CHRISTINE: I’m going on a canal holiday. My father
steers the boat. I’ll lie on the deck and sunbathe. I hope it doesn’t rain!

TOM: Now we have summer holidays to look forward to. Mark and I
are planning to go off with a couple of friends on a bicycling holiday. I think
I have persuaded Mum and Dad to let us go. We are planning to go to Ireland for
a week. We’ll take the bikes and our camping gear but if it rains I expect
we’ll have to stay in hostels. Apparently there are loads of hostels in the
part of Ireland we’re planning to visit and they don’t cost a fortune. We’ll go
across on the ferry from Wales – it takes all night. Then we will bicycle
around the coast. We’ll probably do about 30
miles a day. Let’s hope it doesn’t pour with rain! It should be fun – I hope!

1) Fill in the table:

Information about the teenagers

The names of the teenagers

This person is fond of history

This person will travel by bike

3.      This person enjoys sailing

4.      This person prefers camping

5.      This person likes sunbathing

III. Use of English.

Read the text below and
choose the correct word for each space. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate

         Shortly after the war, my brother and I were invited
(1) ______ a few days’ holiday with an uncle (2)______ had just returned
(3)________ abroad. He had rented a cottage (4) ______ the country, (5) ______
he rarely spent much time there. We understood the reason (6)_____ this after
our arrival: the cottage had no comfortable furniture in it.

1. A to spend    B
spent     C spending    D have spent

2. A which       B
whose   C whom         D who

3. A from         B
after      C before         D out of

4. A outside     B
in           C inside         D to

5. A in fact       B
while     C and             D but

A for             B of          C on               D in

Task 1. Put
in “the” where necessary.

1. We live on  ____(1)__ Earth. 2. Many people dream
about traveling in ___(2)____ space. 3. __(3)____Russia is situated in
___(4)____ Europe and ___(5)__ Asia. 4. There are 50 states in ___(6)___ USA.
5. He is going to see ___(7)___ Alps. 6. ____(8)__Volga flows into ___(9)__
Caspian Sea.

Task 2. Find the word with the same or similar meaning. Example: to
defend – b) a) to save b) to protect c) to help

a) right b) victim c) chance

to be
frightened        a) to be tired of b) to be afraid of c) to be jealous of

a) individual b) owner c) bully

a) dependent b) equal c) hard-working

succeed               a) to achieve b) to obey c) to encourage

Task 3 .Write down the words in the correct order and translate
the sentences.

care, parents, of, children, take, their.

other, can, friends, on, rely.

proud, is, family, of, he.

Task 4 .The word in capitals above each of the following
sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.
Fill each blank in this way.

In my opinion, kids behave worse in more … societies.

Parents treat their children … .

If technologies aren’t developed, we will not … .

But, you know, I had a life- … illness.

On one hand, … means freedom within reasonable limits, of course.

Task 5. Complete the sentences. Fill in do or make in an appropriate form.

Example: Have you … your homework?
– Not yet.   Have you done your homework? – Not yet.

doesn’t … much money.

They …
delicious food in this restaurant.

you … me a favour? Help me carry this table.

is expected to … the final decision.

… a lot of damage.

Task 6: Open the
brackets using Past Continuous or Past Simple.

When I (come) home, my mother
(cook) dinner.    

Yesterday at 2 o’clock I (prepare)
for my English test.

7 : Open the brackets using Past Perfect or Past Simple.

Helen (do) it by 10 o’clock

She (translate) the article before
the film (begin).

8 : Continue the sentences. Use  Conditional II or III :

If we cut down fewer forests, the
air (be) clean.                                    

If you ( give)  him the money, he
would have spent all of them.               

: Write the sentences in reported speech:

Tom said: “The book is worth

Martin said: “We had a wonderful
party yesterday.”

Teacher asked: “Where do you

Fill in “to” if necessary:

We want you … join our

She made her son … read the

Task11.  Use
an appropriate pronoun: some, any,

much, many:

I haven’t got some/any 

I met some/any
interesting people last night.

How many/much eggs
do we need?

How many/much salt
do we put in?

Task12.  Use Gerund or Infinitive:

He enjoys (to watch/
) cartoons.

We want (to eat/ eating).

This book is worth (to read/

IV.Writing. Write an e-mail to Kate. Answer her questions. Write
90-110 words. Remember the rules of letter-writing.

Dear friend,

How are you? I like
London very much. It’s really a beautiful city, but the weather is not always
good. It’s very hot and humid now. It’s often humid because the city is on the
river Thames. When the weather is like this, I like to go to the museums,
because they are all air-conditioned. The winter is usually cold and wet, and I
don’t like to be outside long then. My favourite seasons here are spring and
autumn because they are really nice. It’s usually cool and sunny, and I like to
go on picnics and jog.




:   at the baker’s shop;   5
ponds per hour (20 pounds per 4 hours); for a holiday in France

David: do a newspaper round; 30 pounds per week; for a new

1.  Sally  2. Tom  3. John  4.  Mike 
5. Christine

1. the  2. —  3. —  4. – 5. —  6.
the 7. the 8. the 9. the


to spend








in fact




V – I


1- a

2 – a

3 – b

4 – a

5 – b


Their family is friendly and traditional.

Many children don’t have any punishment.

He is proud of his family.

Friends can rely on each other.

Parents should take care of their children.


1.    Encourages

2.    Successful

3.    Independent

4.    Threatening

5.    Careful


1.    Do

2.    Make

3.    Make

4.    Do

5.    Make

6.    Willdo

7.    Do
/ willdo

8.    Made

9.    Make

10.  Makes


1.    To

2.    To


4.    To



I share a room with my sister.

2.    It’shisownidea.

All men are created equal.

4.    Whatisbulling?

5.    Mindyourownbusiness.

V – 2








Parents should take care of their children.

Friends can rely on each other.

He is proud of his family.

Many children don’t have any punishment.

Their family is friendly and traditional.


1.    Unequal

2.    Differently

3.    Succeed

4.    Threatening

5.    Independence


1.    Make

2.    Make

3.    Do

4.    Make

5.    Do
/ did

6.    Make

7.    Does
/ did

8.    Willdo

9.    Making

10.  Doing



2.    To

3.    To

4.    To



1.    Mindyourownbusiness.

I saw him with my own eyes.

3.    Whois
(a) bully?

All men are created equal.

I share a room with my brother.

1 came, was cooking;      2  was
preparing ; 

1 had done;   2 had translated,
began ;  3 saw;   4 ha seen, happened.

1. Would be   2. Had given

1. Tom said the book was worth
reading.   2. Martin said they had had a wonderful party the day before.  3.
Teacher asked where they lived.

1. to  2. –

1. any  2. some   3. many  4. Much

1. watching    2. to eat    3.


Where do you earn your pocket money?

At the baker’s shop at the corner of my street.

How much do you get?

Oh, not much. The owner pays me 5 pounds an hour. So if I work for 4 hours, I
get 20 pounds.

Well, that’s not bad. I only get 30 pounds a week for working every morning.

I didn’t now you work too. What do you do?

I do a newspaper round.

Don’t you have to get up early before school, to do that?

Yes, I get up at half past 6 every morning.

That’s why you nearly fell asleep in Maths yesterday. Don’t you have to get up
early on Sundays, too?

Yes, Sunday is the busiest day of all. Everyone has more papers on Sunday
because they have more time to read them. But it’s worth it. I’ll be able to
buy a new guitar in a month.

I’m trying to save for a holiday in France. We want to go there with my friend
Jane who walks dogs to earn money.

investments, business, equal responsibility, debts and liabilities,
general partners, share, management, tax payments, debts, limited
partners, profits and losses, income taxes, income and deductions,
individual tax return

… is a type of unincorporated business organization in which
multiple individuals, called …, manage the … and are equally
liable for its…. Other individuals, called …, may invest but not
be directly involved in … and are liable only to the extent of
their …. Unlike a Limited Liability Company or a corporation, in a
partnership each partner shares … for the company’s …, and its ….
The partnership itself does not pay …, but each partner has to
report their … of business profits or losses on their ….
Estimated … are also necessary for each of the partners for the
year in progress. Partnerships must file a return on Form 1065
showing …. Estimated tax payments are also required if they expect
their income to be greater than $1,000.

6. Translate the following text into English.

– это организационно-правовая форма,
при которой бизнесом владеют два или
более партнеров. При этом предприятие
находится в общей долевой собственности
владельцев. Доля каждого определяется
исходя из размера его вклада в уставный
фонд предприятия, размер которого
собственники определяют самостоятельно,
но не ниже минимума, установленного
чертой товарищества с ограниченной
ответственностью является то, что в
отличие от частного предприятия владельцы
по долгам своего предприятия отвечают
только своей долей вклада. Личное
имущество остается неприкосновенным.
При смешанном товариществе партнеры
(учредители) делятся на действительных
членов и членов-вкладчиков. При этом
первые несут ответственность перед
предприятием всем своим имуществом, а
вторые – только в пределах вклада, имея
разные возможности в управлении. Важно
отметить, что товарищество является
оптимальной формой для многих видов
бизнеса, особенно для тех, которые
требуют такой начальный капитал, который
одному владельцу не собрать или не

Read the text once more and write a short essay on:
their types, their advantages and disadvantages
using some additional information.


chartered by the state in which it has headquar­ters. It is
considered by law to be a unique entity, separate and apart from
those who own it. A
can be taxed; it can be sued; it can enter into contractual
agreements. The owners of a corporation are its shareholders. The
shareholders elect a board of directors to oversee the major policies
and decisions. The corporation has a life of its own and does not
dissolve when ownership changes.

of a Corporation

  1. Shareholders
    have limited liability for the corporation’s debts or judgments
    against the corporations.

  2. Generally,
    shareholders can only be held accountable for their investment in
    stock of the company. (Note however, that offi­cers can be held
    personally liable for their actions, such as the failure to withhold
    and pay employment taxes.)

  3. Corporations
    can raise additional funds through the sale of stock.

of a Corporation

  1. The
    process of incorporation requires more time and money than other
    forms of organization.

  2. Corporations
    are monitored by federal, state and some local agencies, and as a
    result may have more paperwork to comply with regulations.

  3. Incorporating
    may result in higher overall taxes. Dividends paid to shareholders
    are not deductible form business income, thus this income can be
    taxed twice.

features a Corporation:

Shareholders have limited liability

Can raise funds through sale of stock

Life of business is unlimited (continuity of life)

To incorporate a firm takes time and money

May result in higher overall taxes

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3. Заполните пробелы в следующих предложениях соответствующим разделительным вопросом.

0) Некоторые правила поведения кажутся странными для иностранцев, не так ли?

1) В Британии люди не поздравляют друг друга с национальными праздниками, не так ли?

2) Иностранные посетители должны отметить, как громко говорят люди вокруг них, не так ли?

3) В Британии не считается плохими манерами есть на улице, не так ли?

4) Небольшого российского сувенира будет достаточно, если вы будете гостем в британском доме, не так ли?

5) Религиозные праздники могут стать национальными в некоторых странах, не так ли?

6) Невежливо глазеть на другого человека, не так ли?

7) У разных народов разные привычки приветствия, не так ли?

8) Иностранцы медленно заводят друзей, не так ли?

9) Национальные праздники и торжества должны объединять людей, _?

10) Плохая идея не стоять в очереди в линию, не так ли?


1) Do they?

2) shouldn’t they?

3) is it?

4) won’t it?

5) can’t they?

6) is it?

7) don’t they ?

8) don’t they?

10) isn’t it?

3. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate tag.
0) Some behaviour rules seem strange for foreigners, don’t they?
1) In Britain people don’t congratulate each other on national holidays, do they?
2) Foreign visitors should note how loudly people around them are talking, shouldn’t they?
3) In Britain it isn’t considered bad manners to eat in the street, is it?
4) A small Russian souvenir will be fine if you are a guest at a British home, won’t it?
5) Religious holidays can become national ones in some countries, can’t they?
6) It is not polite to stare at another person, is it?
7) Different peoples have different greeting habits, don’t they?
8) Foreigners make friends slowly, don’t they?
9) National holidays and celebrations must unite people, _ ?
10) It is a bad idea not to queue in line, isn’t it?

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