Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the box and find

Sophie is a 14-year-old girl. She is fond of sport. She talks about the rules of netball.
Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the box and find out how to play netball.
Netball is my CO) favourite   sport. I play netball for my school.
The first game of netball was (1)__________________ in the UK
in  1895.   Netball  has a  few (2)__________________ to basketball.   That’s  because  it  started   off   as   a   women’s   version   of
(3)_________              _ in America. The really big (4) _
__________ between  netball   and  basketball   is   that   you   can’t
dribble   (вести)   with   the   (5)___________________.   A   netball
(6)__________   _______is divided into three sections with seven
(7) _        _____________in each team. You can’t (8)
__________ the ball the whole length of the court, it has to be passed through
every section.  Netball is a (9)__________________sport and the defenders have
to be 0.9 (10)__________________ away from the player with the ball. To keep
the game really fast, if you’ve (11)__________________ the ball, you only have
three seconds  to pass it on again.   Netball was (12)________.__________as an
Olympic sport in 1995. Although it’s traditionally been a (13)_________________
sport, some boys are now playing it too. I like playing netball because I get to
(14)__________________by doing something that I (15)__________________. Boys
have their sports like rugby and football, (16)__       ____________some girls play
those games too. But for me netball is a (17)__          ___________ girls’ sport.

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Задание от гостя:

Размещено 15.01.2018 08:55:16

Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the box and find out how to play netball.

Ball basketball caught court defenders
difference girls keep fit played players proper recognised throw

Текст с пропусками:
Netball is my favourite sport. I play netball for my school. The first game of netball was (1)__________ in the UK in 1895. Netball has something in common with basketball. That’s because it started off· a women’s variant of (2)__________ in America. The really big (3)__________ between netball and basketball is that you can’t dribble the (4)__________ . A netball (5)__________ has three parts and each team has seven (6)__________ . You can’t (7)__________ the ball the whole length of the court, it has to be passed through every part of it. During the game the players can’t touch each other and the (8)__________ have to be 0.9 metres away from the player with the ball. The game is really fast and, if you (9)__________ the ball, you only have three seconds to give it to another player. Netball was (10)__________ as so. Olympic sport in 1995. Although it’s traditionaly been a (11)__________ sport, some boys are now playing it too. I like playing netball because I (12)__________ by doing something that I enjoy. For me netball is a (13)__________ girls’ sports.

Ваш комментарий:

Мы будем вынуждены удалить ваши комментарии при наличии в них нецензурной брани, оскорблений или спама


Заполните пробелы словами, которые даны ниже:
a) firemen
b) network security professionals
c) salespeople
d) mechanics
e) accountants
f) marketing specialists
g) cosmetologist
h) lawyers
i) computer engineers
j) artists

1. _____ on average hear «no» four to five times before making a sale to a customer.
2. _____ should enjoy working with people because they are representing their legal interests.
3. Many little boys dream of becoming _____ when they grow up.
4. Not everyone working at your local makeup counter is a licenced _____ . Most are just sales people.
5. The industries of chemicals, energy, healthcare, financial services, business services and government are hiring the largest number of _____ at present.
6. Years ago advertising agencies hired professional trained _____ to produce graphics for their magazine and newspaper ads.
7. Some of the most popular career choices for _____ are auto, industrial, diesel and aircraft mechanics.
8. College main subjects for _____ include computer science, mathematics or software engineering
9. When a company can’t figure out how to connect what they do to people around them, _____ help get people excited about its products and services.
10. A small company may have one or two _____ employed, while a large firm may have a vast team of _____ working in different divisions or branches.

2 ответа:



1. c);
2. h);
3. a);
4. g);
5. b);
6. j);
7. d);
8. i);
9. f);
10. e).



1. Salespeople on average hear «no» four to five times before making a sale to a customer.
2. <span> Lawyers </span>should enjoy working with people because they are representing their legal interests.
3. Many little boys dream of becoming <span> firemen </span>when they grow up.
4. Not everyone working at your local makeup counter is a licenced <span> cosmetologist</span>. Most are just sales people.
5. The industries of chemicals, energy, healthcare, financial services, business services and government are hiring the largest number of network security professionals at present.
6. Years ago advertising agencies hired professional trained artists to produce graphics for their magazine and newspaper ads.
7. Some of the most popular career choices for mechanics are auto, industrial, diesel and aircraft mechanics.
8. College main subjects for computer engineers include computer science, mathematics or software engineering
9. When a company can’t figure out how to connect what they do to people around them, marketing specialists help get people excited about its products and services.
10. A small company may have one or two accountants employed, while a large firm may have a vast team of <span>accountants </span>working in different divisions or branches.

Читайте также

1. quarrel. quarrels.
2were watching. asked.

Dear Sarah,
<span>  THANK you for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you!</span>
   You asked me to tell you how I spent the summer. Well, I <span><span>spent </span>this summer very well. Our family was invited to visit our relatives who have a house in Spain in the suburbs of the city of Barcelona. We spent almost a month traveling around the country. By the way, I <span>learnt </span>a little Spanish.
   We have a lot of sun and swimming in the warm sea. We <span>visited </span>the Salvador Dali museum and Barcelona Zoo. We <span>WATCHED </span><span>«Singing Fountain» and the botanical garden Gaudi. As for </span></span>me, I liked the water park with dolphins.
   I must go now, my mother is waiting for me. I will write to you soon again.
   Take care,
<span>   Katia
</span>Дорогая Сара,
   Спасибо за твое последнее письмо. Так здорово — получить весточку от тебя!
   Ты просила рассказать, как я провела лето. Ну, я провела это лето великолепно. Нашу семью пригласили в гости наши родственники, у которых есть свой дом в Испании в пригородах города Барселона. Почти месяц мы провели путешествуя по этой стране. Кстати, я немного выучила испанский язык.
   Мы много загорали и купались в теплом море. Посетили музей Сальвадора Дали и зоопарк Барселоны. Смотрели «Поющие фонтаны» и ботанический сад Гауди. Что касается меня, то мне больше всего понравился аквапарк с дельфинами.
   Я должна идти, мама ждет меня. Напишу тебе скоро ещё.
   Береги себя,
<span>   Катя</span><span>

My favorite book
My favorite book is Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. is the debut novel by American author Ransom Riggs. It is a story of a boy who, following a horrific family tragedy, follows clues that take him to an abandoned orphanage on a Welsh island. The story is told through a combination of narrative andvernacular photographs from the personal archives of collectors listed by the author.

A) My elder brother likes to play golf
b) We usually have supper at 8 o’clock
c) My father doesn’t like to clean the car
d) In summer I fish in the lake
e) My parents go to Italy Every spring
f) My father never eats fruit

7 In

8 On

9 At

10 On

11 In

12 In

Fill in the gaps with words from the box.







  1. There’s an _ with Brad Pitt in today’s newspaper.
  2. I find _ gossip very boring.
  3. Our teacher is on the _ news for saving a student’s life.
  4. I’m interested in _ about the environment.
  5. The only thing we watch on TV is the _ news.
  6. Find out everything about the latest summer trends in our _ section.

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 4a. News stories. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Заполните пропуски словами из рамки.







  1. В сегодняшней газете есть _ с Брэдом Питтом.
  2. Я нахожу сплетни о _ очень скучными.
  3. Наш учитель в _ новостях за то, что спас жизнь ученика.
  4. Меня интересуют _ об окружающей среде.
  5. Единственное, что мы смотрим по телевизору, − это _ новости.
  6. Узнай все о последних летних трендах в нашем разделе _ .

1. There’s an interview with Brad Pitt in today’s newspaper.
2. I find celebrity gossip very boring.
3. Our teacher is on the daily / local news for saving a student’s life.
4. I’m interested in articles about the environment.
5. The only thing we watch on TV is the local / daily news.
6. Find out everything about the latest summer trends in our fashion section.

Перевод ответа
1. В сегодняшней газете есть интервью с Брэдом Питтом.
2. Я нахожу сплетни о знаменитостях очень скучными.
3. Наш учитель в ежедневных / местных новостях за то, что спас жизнь ученика.
4. Меня интересуют статьи об окружающей среде.
5. Единственное, что мы смотрим по телевизору, − это местные / ежедневные новости.
6. Узнай все о последних летних трендах в нашем разделе моды.


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    62. Work

    Task 1. VERBS

    Read the text in the box below and
    match the words in bold with their definitions underneath. Use your
    dictionary to check your answers.

    Brian James left University and decided
    to apply for a job which he
    saw advertised in the paper. He filled
    the application forms and, a few weeks later, was asked to attend an interview. He was offered
    the job that same day.

    As he lived in a small town outside the
    city, he had to commute every
    day. He was good at his job and very soon was promoted. However, the company he worked for was having
    problems. Two people were dismissed
    for stealing and two of their friends resigned
    in sympathy, the directors decided to lay
    five more because the company couldn’t afford to keep them, and
    the managing director decided to retire
    early. The atmosphere was so bad that Brian eventually decided to hand in his notice.


    to give up a job.


    to ask for a job, usually by writing a


    to be removed from a job, usually
    because you have done something bad.


    same as 1.


    to stop work and take a pension,
    usually when you are in late middle age.


    to write in the empty spaces on a form.


    to be given a better job in the
    organization you work for.


    to be questioned by one or more people
    when you are applying for a job so that they can decide if you are suitable
    for that job.


    to travel to work from home each day,
    usually from one town to another.


    to be dismissed from your job for a
    time until more work is available.

    Task 2. NOUNS

    Read the text which follows and fill in
    the gaps with an appropriate word from the box below. Use your dictionary to
    help you. In some cases, more than one answer is possible.

















    A computer company had a (1)__________
    for position of (2)__________, and decided to advertise for anew
    (3)__________. A lot of (4)__________ with good (5)__________ and (6)__________
    applied for the job, and after all the interviews had finished, the directors
    made a (7)__________ of the best (8)__________, then invited them to come
    back for another interview.

    The person who eventually got the job
    was very happy. After all, he would receive an annual (9)__________ of
    £25,000, with a 5% (10)__________ twice a year, a 15% (11) __________ for
    each computer he managed to sell, excellent (12)__________ such as private
    health insurance and a company car, a company (13)__________ to make sure he
    would be well-off when he retired, and the chance of (14)__________ from
    salesman to sales (15)__________ if he was successful. All in all, his future
    (16)__________ looked very good.


    Match the sentences on the left with an
    appropriate sentence on the right. The sentences on the right include an
    idiom or colloquialism connected with work in bold. Use your dictionary to
    help you.

    My brother is a manual worker in a factory.

    My cousin is a secretary in an office.

    I need to do some more hours at work so that I can make more money.

    The train drivers are refusing to work.

    I work from 10.00pm to 6.00am.

    I work for a very small amount of money.

    Jo is unemployed and receiving unemployment benefit.

    Jim applied to his boss for more money.

    Our boss makes his staff work too hard.

    Bob works too hard. Yesterday, he started at 7.30 in the morning and didn’t
    finish until almost midnight!

    Our company director was given a large sum of money when he retired before
    the end of his contract.

    Sarah has great potential and ambition.

    My boss made a mistake and made me take responsibility for it.

    Our company is still working in the usual way in spite of difficulties.

    Steve has an unusual job; he looks for top managers and offers them jobs in
    other companies.

    Have you heard? John has been dismissed for coming late all the time.

    She’s always been a high-flyer.

    He put in for a rise.

    Like me, he’s a blue collar worker.

    He’s such a slave driver!

    I’m glad to say it’s business as

    Of course, I get paid more for working the night shift.

    If he continues like that, he’ll burn
    himself out

    I really hate working for peanuts.

    I think I’ll ask if I can work

    They’ve decided to come out on

    I hate it when I have to carry the can
    for someone else.

    I wish I could get a golden
    like that!

    Like me, he’s a white collar worker.

    I always knew he’d get fired
    one day.

    He’s a headhunter.

    There’s nothing worse than being on the


    4. Лексика. Заполните пропуски в предложениях ниже подходящими словами из вставки.

    круиз экскурсия полет поездка- тур туристический

    путешествовать поездка (3)

    • (0) Поездка на поезде из Москвы до моего родного города занимает два часа.

    • Нам нравится (1) путешествовать на корабле. В прошлом году наша семья отправилась в двухнедельный (2) круиз по Средиземному морю.

    • В следующем году в отпуск я собираюсь в десятидневную (3) поездку на Карибские острова.

    • Я был рад сойти с самолета после нашего шестичасового (4) перелета в Лондон.

    • (5) Туристический агент помог нам организовать наш отпуск.

    • Мой брат отправится в бизнес (6) поездку в Нью-Йорк на следующей неделе.

    • Моя тетя всегда отправляется в однодневную (7) поездку в Лондон в декабре, чтобы купить подарки на Рождество.

    • (8)Автобусный тур (экскурсия) по городу заняла больше четырех часов.

    • В стоимость пакета включена (9) экскурсия по историческим местам на весь день.

    1) Travelling (путешествовать);

    2) cruise (круиз);

    3) trip (поездка);

    4) flight (перелет);

    5) travel (туристический);

    6) trip (поездка);

    7) trip (поездка);

    8) tour (тур/экскурсия);

    9) excursion (экскурсия)

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