Fill in the gaps using the word in the panel

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: z1610


Автор ответа: cherckasovaliza



1. cottage

2. gallery

3. department store

4. zoo food restaurant

6. palace

7. tent

8. sports centre

9. library

10. swimming pool


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Интересные вопросы

Предмет: Окружающий мир,
автор: zlata0315

Экологические проблемы родного края. Урок 1.

На территории городского сквера наблюдается массовая гибель деревьев.

Определи правильную последовательность действий человека при исследовании экологической
проблемы своего региона.

1. Установление факта высыхания деревьев в городском сквере.
2. Обсуждение решений.
3. Очистка каналов в мусоре.
4. Определение причины высыхания деревьев — засорение поливных каналов.

4 года назад

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Антоніми до слова внизу​

4 года назад

Предмет: Русский язык,
автор: arinakozhina

Помогите пожалуйста, 5 класс

4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: вика1073

из чисел 6 4 8(5 9 7) составь наибольшее и наимньшее треззначние числа. найди их разность. из цифр ответа составть наибольшее и наименьшее числа. нацди их рзность. повтори эти действия 4 раза.

6 лет назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: Аноним

решите У ровнение 5/16-x=7/12

6 лет назад

Помогите срочно!!!
1. Fill in the gaps using the words from the frame.
fast food restaurant zoo gallery cottage department store palace swimming pool library sports centre tent
1) The Smiths live in a ___ in the countryside.
2) There are lots of works of art in the ___.
3) This is a really big ___. They sell everything here!
4) My little sister wants to see the animals at the ___.
5) I’m so hungry. Can we go to a ___?
6) The Queen lives in a big luxirious ___.
7) Bob and Roy are staying in a small ___ at the campsite.
8) Tim is keeping fit at the ___.
9) I’m taking this book back to the ___.
10) If you want to go to the ___, you’ll need a bathing costume, a cap and watersport goggles.
2. Choose and write out the correct item.
1) Tom lives in a large block of … (tents, hotels, flats).
2) They are staying in a fantastic … while they’re on holiday (palace, tent, hotel).
3) Are you …? I totally disagree with you! (brilliant, strange, serious).
4) There are too many … about what we can and can’t do (timetables, rules, reasons).
5) We pay the … for our house every month (ticket, price, rent).
6) He’s going to the International Summer … in August (house, flat, school).
3. Choose and write out the correct item.
1) You can have a picnic / listen to the song / watch a film at the cinema.
2) You can relax / do sports / swim at the gym.
3) You can take pictures / go camping / find a book at the library.
4) You can play football / see fish / buy some bread at the aquarium.
5) You can swim / buy a present / see a play at the theatre.
4. Choose the correct modal verb.
1) You mustn’t/can’t/needn’t talk during the test. It’s prohibited.
2) You can’t/have to/mustn’t pay your rent. That’s the rule.
3) You needn’t/can’t/mustn’t eat in the classroom. It’s forbidden.
4) You can’t/mustn’t/needn’t have any pets in this house. It’s not allowed.
5) You needn’t/must/mustn’t go to the doctor. You look very ill.
5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1) Tracy / do / to / has / up / washing / the.
2) is / the / intelligent / Sarah / most / girl / university / our / in.
3) have / wear / school / to / we / uniform.
4) is / biggest / Hyde Park / the / London / park / in.
5) doesn’t / to / Susan / have / the / clean / flat.
6. Read the text and answer the questions. Dear Kirsten, Hi! How are you? I’m writing to say thank you for letting me stay with you. Your family’s flat is very different from our cottage. The rooms in your flat are smaller than the rooms in our cottage. We can go for a walk in the countryside, but we can’t go to the cinema or theatre. We can enjoy peace and quiet, but we can’t see a lot of people. I guess no one can have everything they want at once. Visit me soon. All my love, Amy.
1) What kind of home does Kirsten live in?
2) Which home has the biggest rooms?
3) Which home is close to a cinema and a theatre?
4) Which home is in the countryside?
5) Which home is peaceful and quiet?
7. Match the questions to the aswers.
1) How about going to the aquarium? A OK. I want to see the monkeys.
2) Shall we go to that new department store? B I’d rather not. I don’t like him.
3) Why don’t we go to the zoo. C I don’t really like fish.
4) How about visiting Paul? D That sounds good. I’m tired.
5) Why don’t we go home? E Brilliant idea! I need some new clothes.

Module 5
6th form
1. Fill in the gaps using the words from the frame.
gifts flowers decorations fireworks costumes
phone cake gardening special dish dusting

1. Mum is making a ___ for my birthday party.
2. Can I make a ___ call?
3. At Halloween, we all wear strange ____
4. Barbara is doing the ____. She loves plants and flowers.
5. People like to watch the ____ in the sky on Guy Fawkes Night.
6. The twins are making the _____ for Christmas.
7. Laura is making a ____ for dinner tonight.
8. He gives his mother ____ on her birthday.
9. Children мейд a mess in the room. Lets do some ____.
10. Its great fun to exchange ___!

2. Make up sentences in Present Continuous. Give short anwers for interrogative ones.

1. watching/not/Susan/is/film/a.
2. the/are/boys/Cola/drinking? No, …
3. they/enjoying/their/are/holidays? Yes, …
4. am/not/eating/sandwich/a/I.
5. playing/Ted/drums/is/the? No, …

3. Match the answers to the questions.

1. Are you doing anything at the moment? A Its brilliant!
2. What do you have in mind? B No, not really.
3. What are the sandwiches like? C Yes, please. I have it ready.
4. Would you like to include a card? D A dozen white roses.
5. What do you think of the party? E They are horrible.
4. Read the text and answer the questions.
This is a picture of my brother at his party. His name is Paul and in this picture he is wearing his favourite T-shirt and a party hat. Our house is full of decorations and my brother is having a great time. He is blowing a party horn and drinking some orange juice. His friends are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to music. You cant see our parents in this picture because they are making all the food and drinks in the kitchen

1. What is Paul wearing? 4. What kind of hat is Paul wearing?
2. What is Paul drinking? 5. What are Pauls friends eating?
3. What is everybody listening to? 6. Where are Pauls parents?
5. Match the words.

light the washing up
decorate a costume
exchange a party horn
make lamps
wear preparations
visit the house
watch gifts
do a great time
have relatives
blow the fireworks
6. Choose the correct preposition.

1. I am tired and want to sleep. I hope the party is nearly ___ (about/off/over).
2. Why is it so dirty here? Help me clean ___ (out/up/in).
3. In the tug of war two teams hold ___ (up/off/onto) a rope and try to pull the other team ___ (in/over/out) the line.
4. Why dont you come ___ (up/in/over) and join ___ (for/off/in)?
5. Its a Halloween party so you should dress ___ (on/about/up).
6. They usually sell ___ (in/off/out) the tickets months before the games because they are really popular among people.
7. We have run out (in/on/of) drinks. Can you bring some?

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Fill in the gaps using the word in the brackets. These sentences are in the past perfect.
1. If you (listen) to me, you would have got the job.
2. The garden was dead because it (be) dry all summer.
3. The grass was green because it (rain) all summer.
4. The children (do) their homework, so they weren’t in trouble.
5. They (eat) before we went home.
Complete the sentences using the information in the brackets. Use the past perfect in negative sentences. Study the example.
1. I saw him because he (not/leave) for work.
2. He didn’t get the job because he (not/send) all his papers in.
3. The dog was really hungry. Mary (not/feed) it since Monday.
4. In the shopping centre I met a friend who I (not/see) for ages.
5.The thief could walk right into the house because you (not/lock) the door.
Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets using the past perfect continuous.
1) When the boss came back, I _________there for 6 months. (work)
2) It was obvious from her outrageous behavior that she ___________. (drink)
3) Mike wanted to sit down because he _______ all day at work. (stand)
Complete the questions using the information in the brackets. Use the past perfect.
1. (you/go) there before we went together?
2. When she arrived (we/eat) already?
3. Where (you/be) before I saw you?
4. Where (she/work) before she moved to London?
5. (we/visit) our parents before Christmas?
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences. All the sentences are in the past perfect.
1. We could not send you a postcard because we ____________________ our address book.
had forget
had forgeted
had forgotten
2. _______________ your homework before you went to the cinema?
Had you finished
Finished had you
Had you finish
3. Why ___________________ the bathroom before you bathed the dog?
had you clean
had you cleaned
you had clean
4. His mother was angry because he _____________ her with the shopping.
did not help
had not helped
has not helped
5. Where _______________ before she moved to Chicago?
had she lived
he lives
had he live
Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets using the past perfect continuous.
1) Before Jim finally decided to go to Thailand, he ____________ about it for months. (think)
2) It was obvious from her outrageous behavior that she ___________. (drink)
3) He was tired because he _______ so hard. (exercise)
Complete the questions using the information in the brackets. Use the past perfect
1. (she/see) the film before we said about it?
2. When she arrived (we/eat) already?
3. (John/meet) Lucy before they started working together?
4. (you/do) your homework before I saw you?
5. (we/visit) our parents before Christmas?
Read and write only the correct forms of the verbs. Use the past perfect or the past perfect continuous. Use full verb forms.
1. When I got to the garage, the mechanic (not/repair) my car.
2. Tom (look) for a job for 5 months when he found one.
3. They (watch) a carnival for 2 hours before the mobile phone rang.


Помогите, пожалуйста! Очень срочно!

Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations in the box.

( energy-saving, a part of it, air pollution, oxygen, breathe, countryside, movements, take care, extinct and endangered, deforestation )

1. People should live closer to nature because we are ……………….
2. Many people prefer to live in the ………………….
3. The big city is always synonymous with high ……………………. from vehicles or industry.
4. People can’t live without ………………….
5. I would never cut down trees, they lets us ……………………
6. Seventy per cent of land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the ……………….. that destroys their homes.
7. Land degradation leads to an increasing number of ……………….. animals.
8. To save our planet we must …………….. of it.
9. The least we can do is try and adopt some ……………… methods.
10. Our company supports ecological organizations and ……………….. .

1 ответ:



1. a part of it
2. countryside
3. air pollution
4. oxygen
5. breathe
6. deforestation
7. <span>extinct and endangered
</span>8. take care
9. energy-saving
10. movements

Читайте также

On the 8th of March people in our country celebrate International Women’s Day. It’s a great tradition to thank the women we love for beauty and care they give us. We greet our moms and grannies, our sisters and friends, our lovers, teachers and colleges.All the women are always beautiful but on such a day they are absolutely charming like the flowers. Perhaps, that’s why the best present for the 8th of March is a bunch of spring flowers.We always celebrate the 8th of March in our family. Our tradition for this holiday is that all the housework is done by men. My mother and I are not allowed to help in any way.My father and brother get up early and cook celebration meals, decorate the flat with flowers and make coffee while women are restricted to come in. Then we sit down at the table to have breakfast. After that it’s time for giving presents.If the weather is fine we may go for a walk to the park. In the evening we receive guests. Our friends come to talk and have some fun together.The 8th of March is a happy day for every woman when she is specially treated just for being woman. We are always thankful to our dear men for their attention.                                         Перевод «8 марта»                                                                                            8 марта мы отмечаем Международный женский день. Это хорошая традиция – выразить благодарность нашим любимым женщинам за красоту и заботу, которую они нам дарят. Мы поздравляем мам и бабушек, сестер и подруг, любимых, учителей и коллег.Все женщины прекрасны всегда, но в этот день особенно очаровательны, как цветы. Наверно, поэтому лучший подарок на 8 марта – это букет весенних цветов.В нашей семье мы всегда отмечаем 8 марта. Наша традиция в этот день – всю работу по дому делают мужчины. Мне и маме вообще не разрешенается помогать.Папа и брат встают рано, готовят праздничные угощения, украшают квартиру цветами, готовят кофе, в то время как женщинам нельзя входить. Потом мы садимся за стол завтракать. После наступает время вручения подарков.Если погода хорошая, мы можем пойти на прогулку в парк. Вечером мы принимаем гостей. Наши друзья приходят, чтобы поболтать и провести хорошо время вместе.<span>8 марта – это счастливый день для каждой женщины, когда к ней относятся по-особенному просто за то, что она женщина. Мы всегда благодарны нашим дорогим мужчинам за их внимание.</span>

Это очень хороший класс . Парты и учительский стол — совсем новые . Доска имеет зелёный цвет. Цветы каждый день поливают . А в шкафах находятся книги учителей и разные плакаты . 
This is very good class . Desks and teachers desks very new . Board is green , the flovers are watered every day. A book cabinets are located teachrs and different posters .

Where are you going to stay? I’m going to s<span>tay at the pines hotel.
</span>What are you going to do? I’m going to learn windsurfing with our teachers.
<span>What are you going to learn? I’m going to  </span><span>learn to dance and sing.
</span>What are you going to visit? I’m going to visit  the banana museum.<span>
What are you going to eat? </span>I’m going to eat tasty fruit and vegetables.

Japan-April 8.45
Thailand-May 8.00
Australia-January 8.30
Brazil-February 8.00-8.40
China-August 8.00-8.30

<span><span>Здравствуйте, как вы?

-Я в порядке, спасибо,а вы?

-Я в порядке, спасибо.

-Как вы проводите праздники?

-Я был в Италии.

-О, это очень интересно! С кем вы там были?

-Я был в Италии, моя мать, мой отец и моя сестра!

-Это очень хорошо.

-А что насчет тебя?

-Я был в Москве! Я была рада очень!

-Я это понимаю!

-Это была моя лучшая поездка!

-Прошу меня извинить, но я опаздываю на танцы! До свидания!

-До свидания!</span><span>

  • 0

Помогите пройти тест.

1. Fill in the gaps using the words from the frame.

introduce puzzled naughty rush loud

ghost weekly worried knock mines

1. The streets were empty. It was like a ___ town.

2. Can I ___ myself? My name is Henry Smith.

3. You must ___ on the door before you enter the classroom.

4. There are many gold ___ in South Africa.

5. Angela was really ____ because her daughter didn’t come home after school.

6. Fred was so ____ yesterday! He didn’t want to do his homework.

7. My parents buy a ____ newspaper every Sunday.

8. Nick was ____. He didn’t understand what happened.

9. We have got a lot of time. You don’t need to ____.

10. Molly got scared when she heard a ____ noise.

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1 ghost 2 introduce 3 knock 4 mines 5 worried 6 naughty 7 weekly 8 puzzled 9 rush 10 loud 

  • Комментариев (0)

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