Fill in the gaps using the appropriate form of the word in the box

76 месяцев назад

Fill in the gaps using the appropriate form of the word in the box.Olga’s family is 1)…and they spend a lot of time

together.2)…is not a problem with her,because she does not have to 3)…her room with anybody.Her parents are very nice to her and they 4)…have problems in 5)… .Sometimes she want to gain greater 6)…. .It happens that her parents and she has 7)…views on when she can do some things alone.But on the whole the climate in their family is independent 8)….and they never quarrel with each other . 1)friend 2)private 3)sharing 4)rare 5)understand 6) 7)difference 8)please


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос


“Solitude? I thought this story was about being closer,” you might be wondering. MIT professor Sherry Turkle, who studies technology and the self, believes alone time is essential if we want intimacy in our lives.

“Solitude is where you find yourself so that you can reach out to other people and form real attachments,” she explains. “When we don’t have the capacity for solitude, we turn to other people in order to feel less anxious or in order to feel alive. When this happens, we’re not able to appreciate who they are.” And if we can’t see them as real people, the more likely we are to look at them transactionally (more on that below) and view them as objects who can deliver us the things we want.

What’s more, spending time apart from others can give us the time we need to reflect on what matters most to us and space to recharge our creative and emotional energies.


Our relationships aren’t built instantly; instead, they develop and evolve from all of the interactions we have with other people. And if you want to be closer to someone, you might look at how you’re approaching these exchanges, however minor they may be. Wharton School of Business organizational psychologist Adam Grant specializes in studying workplace behavior and categorizes people into three types: Givers (people who are constantly trying to help someone), Takers (those who are focused on what they might receive from the exchange) and Matchers (those try to keep an even balance of give and take). He says, “The more often people are helping and sharing their knowledge and providing mentoring, the better organizations do on every metric.”

But this idea isn’t limited to the workplace. The more you can give to other people in any aspect of your life, the closer people will feel to you. Takers who ask “What can you do for me?” have a more difficult time building relationships because they are too self-serving and ungenerous.

Grant points to serial entrepreneur Adam Rifkin as a successful example of someone who has mastered the art of giving by doing “five-minute favors.” Finding small ways to add value to others’ lives — from making an introduction to saying a thank you and meaning it — can strengthen your bonds.


Sometimes in life, it’s not until the worst happens — death, illness, divorce, job loss — that we make it a priority to reassess our relationships, to cultivate the ones we already have and to mend ones that have been broken.

But, says wellness specialist Elizabeth Lesser, “you don’t have to wait for a life-or-death situation to clean up the relationships that matter to you, to offer the marrow of your soul and to seek it in another.” She experienced this firsthand when her sister needed a bone marrow transplant for a rare blood cancer — and Lesser was a match. The illness motivated the sisters to address their relationship with the help of therapy, uncovering years of stories and assumptions about each other, as she puts it, “until all that was left was love.”

Building closer relationships can involve the hard work of recognizing years of long-held beliefs, committing to honesty, and wiping away old grudges. But, as Lesser says, “We can be like a new kind of first responder … the one to take the first courageous step toward the other.”


Particularly in today’s climate, political differences can create hard-to-mend rifts between family members, friends and colleagues. But instead of settling for relationships that atrophy and wither, it’s possible to take a cue from two friends who have tactics for making it work.

Best friends Caitlin Quattromani and Lauran Arledge have always been on opposite sides of the political spectrum, and they’ve chosen to engage in honest dialogue about topics like attending the Women’s March and voting for Donald Trump. How? By not taking the other person’s comments or opinions as a personal affront to their own values and beliefs. The two women have learned to “replace our ego and our desire to win with curiosity, empathy and a desire to learn,” says Arledge.

The essential ingredients to maintaining their bond are respect and curiosity. What’s been critical for the women is to feel — and act — as if their relationship always comes first, while elections and issues will come and go. “We have made the commitment to each other that our friendship is way more important than either of us being right or winning a conversation about politics,” says Quattromani.


Who has time anymore for hours-long phone calls or long afternoon brunches? There are so many demands competing for our attention that it’s often easy for relationships to fall to the end of the to-do list. But maintaining them doesn’t have to be exhausting.

Actress and activist Jane Fonda has found that a little attention can go a long way. She makes an effort to plan “play dates” with her friends — but between get-togethers, she’ll mails them books she thinks they’ll enjoy, giving them a new thing to talk about and a new common bond.


62. Work

Task 1. VERBS

Read the text in the box below and
match the words in bold with their definitions underneath. Use your
dictionary to check your answers.

Brian James left University and decided
to apply for a job which he
saw advertised in the paper. He filled
the application forms and, a few weeks later, was asked to attend an interview. He was offered
the job that same day.

As he lived in a small town outside the
city, he had to commute every
day. He was good at his job and very soon was promoted. However, the company he worked for was having
problems. Two people were dismissed
for stealing and two of their friends resigned
in sympathy, the directors decided to lay
five more because the company couldn’t afford to keep them, and
the managing director decided to retire
early. The atmosphere was so bad that Brian eventually decided to hand in his notice.


to give up a job.


to ask for a job, usually by writing a


to be removed from a job, usually
because you have done something bad.


same as 1.


to stop work and take a pension,
usually when you are in late middle age.


to write in the empty spaces on a form.


to be given a better job in the
organization you work for.


to be questioned by one or more people
when you are applying for a job so that they can decide if you are suitable
for that job.


to travel to work from home each day,
usually from one town to another.


to be dismissed from your job for a
time until more work is available.

Task 2. NOUNS

Read the text which follows and fill in
the gaps with an appropriate word from the box below. Use your dictionary to
help you. In some cases, more than one answer is possible.

















A computer company had a (1)__________
for position of (2)__________, and decided to advertise for anew
(3)__________. A lot of (4)__________ with good (5)__________ and (6)__________
applied for the job, and after all the interviews had finished, the directors
made a (7)__________ of the best (8)__________, then invited them to come
back for another interview.

The person who eventually got the job
was very happy. After all, he would receive an annual (9)__________ of
£25,000, with a 5% (10)__________ twice a year, a 15% (11) __________ for
each computer he managed to sell, excellent (12)__________ such as private
health insurance and a company car, a company (13)__________ to make sure he
would be well-off when he retired, and the chance of (14)__________ from
salesman to sales (15)__________ if he was successful. All in all, his future
(16)__________ looked very good.


Match the sentences on the left with an
appropriate sentence on the right. The sentences on the right include an
idiom or colloquialism connected with work in bold. Use your dictionary to
help you.

My brother is a manual worker in a factory.

My cousin is a secretary in an office.

I need to do some more hours at work so that I can make more money.

The train drivers are refusing to work.

I work from 10.00pm to 6.00am.

I work for a very small amount of money.

Jo is unemployed and receiving unemployment benefit.

Jim applied to his boss for more money.

Our boss makes his staff work too hard.

Bob works too hard. Yesterday, he started at 7.30 in the morning and didn’t
finish until almost midnight!

Our company director was given a large sum of money when he retired before
the end of his contract.

Sarah has great potential and ambition.

My boss made a mistake and made me take responsibility for it.

Our company is still working in the usual way in spite of difficulties.

Steve has an unusual job; he looks for top managers and offers them jobs in
other companies.

Have you heard? John has been dismissed for coming late all the time.

She’s always been a high-flyer.

He put in for a rise.

Like me, he’s a blue collar worker.

He’s such a slave driver!

I’m glad to say it’s business as

Of course, I get paid more for working the night shift.

If he continues like that, he’ll burn
himself out

I really hate working for peanuts.

I think I’ll ask if I can work

They’ve decided to come out on

I hate it when I have to carry the can
for someone else.

I wish I could get a golden
like that!

Like me, he’s a white collar worker.

I always knew he’d get fired
one day.

He’s a headhunter.

There’s nothing worse than being on the


Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 10 класс>> Check your progress -6

Lesson 9  Check your progress

1 Make up lists of:

. five sports that don.t need a ball
. two sports that need a track
. two sports that need a table
. five things you can do with a ball
. two sports that need a racket.

Points_/16  (one for each kind of  sport or activity)

 2 What do you call a person who:

a) SWims
b) rides horses in races
c) plays football
d) does gymnastics
e) plays hockey

: plays lennis — a lennis player

f) does the high jump
g) plays darts
h) goes cycling
i) runs long distances
j) does sports.

Points _/5  0.5 for each word

3 Do the crossword.

английский язык

 4 Fill in the gaps in the advertising booklet using the words from the box in the appropriate form.

. The initial letters will help you.
. be into increase decrease improve sense of individuality to acquire
: self -confidence to overcome fitness weight make a big Impact injury :
: indulge in :


A sport such as cycling has always m… … … … (1) on people, If you a… … (2) cycling your life will completely change, You are sure to a.., … (3), your 1… (4) will i… (5). You will be able to i… … (6) tasty things, because your intensive training will prevent putting on the w… (7). Moreover, it will d… (8). Cycling will help you
to 0,.. (9) difficulties and avoid i… (10) Your friends will not recognise you because of your new looks and s… … … (t 1). And your outlook will be i.., (12) as you will see new places and new faces.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Points _/12

5 Write one sentence for each picture according to the example.

. Use the following verbs: decrease, force, inspire, improve, injure, lose, win.


                                                                                                                                                                                           6 Make conditional sentences for the following situations.


I’m not very strong so I won’t be a weight lifter.
If I were stronger I would be a weight lifter,
The dog bit me. (I tried to stroke it.)
If I hadn’t tried to stroke the dog, it wouldn’t have bitten me.

I fell down from the oak-tree. (Tried to climb it in high-heeled shoes.)
 I train a lot. I have no time to spend with my family.
 I injured my foot. (It was raining and the track was slippery.)
 I never learned to cycle. (Didn’t have a bicycle in my childhood.)
 I have to keep fit, so I can’t indulge in sweets.
 I don’t live by the sea. I can’t go windsurfing or yachting.
 Our- team lost the game. (Didn’t train enough.)
 Our- opponents won, (We were judged subjectively.)
 I don’t do sports and I often fall ill.
 I missed a very exciting football match. (didn’t manege to bay a ticket.)
 I watched a figure- skating championship on TV when I was 5 and took up this sport.



                                                                                                                                                                      TOTAL_ /60  


55-60 points — well done
48-54 points — good I'<
40-47 points — not bad t
39 points or less- go back and revise

O. Л. Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая, Н. Ю. Казырбаева, В. В. Клименко, М. Л. Мичурина, Н. В. Новикова, Т. Н. Рыжкова, Е. Ю. Шалимова, Английский язык нового тысячелентия, Учебник английского языка для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. — 2-е изд. — М. Титул, 2004. — 175 с, ; ил.

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1. Read the text below and decide which answer a, b, c or d best fits each gap.

young man lived in a slum area of the city all his life and it was
just a matter of time before he was in (1)……………..
with the law. At school, which he hardly ever attended, not only did
he (2)……………….

school property but he was also a bully, frightening and beating up
other children. When he was fifteen, he was (3)………………..for
breaking into a local shop. At the age of sixteen, he was
assault. He got off with two years’ (5)……………………for
this and was set free. Within six months, he was back in
he had been arrester for stealing cars. This time, he was
two years in prison. After his release, he again turned to crime.
This time it was bank robbery. At his trial he pleaded (8)………………,
despite the fact he had been caught red-handed. He was found
the judge sentenced him to ten years (10)………………

sociologists blame his background, while others say he was just bad.

  1. A
    problems B
    trouble D

  2. A
    mug B
    vandalize C
    thieve D

  3. A
    accused B
    charged C
    sentenced D

  4. A
    charged B
    accused C
    released D

  5. A
    punishment B
    bail C
    probation D

  6. A
    court B
    probation C
    jail D

  7. A
    punished B
    accused C
    committed D

  8. A
    guilt B
    suspicious C
    innocent D

  9. A
    suspicious B
    guilty C
    illegal D


prison B
probation C

2. Complete the word patterns with words from the box. Laser

charge suspect apologize get away
let off sentence blame

  1. _____________
    somebody with a crime.

  2. _____________
    somebody ____________ with a warning.

  3. _____________
    somebody of (doing) something.

  4. _____________
    somebody of (doing) something.

  5. _____________
    with a crime.

  6. _____________
    somebody for a crime.

  7. _____________
    somebody to time in prison.

  8. _____________
    for (doing) something.


1. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given in brackets.

________________ (systematize)
of fingerprints reached Britain in 1901 and proved

In 1930, Scotland Yard set up its first _______________ (classify)
system to enable officers to compare fingerprints found on the scene
of crime with those of___________________ (crime)
known to the police. Fingerprint technology has advanced __________
since then. Different types of powder are used to (strong)
the impression of the fingerprint before it is taken. Another
______________ (revolutionary)
has been in the way that fingerprints are identified. Today, the
first _______________ (searching)
is done by the computer, which then produces a ________________
(select) of possible matches. The final ____________________
however is done by police experts.

laser c143

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4. Лексика. Заполните пропуски в предложениях ниже подходящими словами из вставки.

круиз экскурсия полет поездка- тур туристический

путешествовать поездка (3)

• (0) Поездка на поезде из Москвы до моего родного города занимает два часа.

• Нам нравится (1) путешествовать на корабле. В прошлом году наша семья отправилась в двухнедельный (2) круиз по Средиземному морю.

• В следующем году в отпуск я собираюсь в десятидневную (3) поездку на Карибские острова.

• Я был рад сойти с самолета после нашего шестичасового (4) перелета в Лондон.

• (5) Туристический агент помог нам организовать наш отпуск.

• Мой брат отправится в бизнес (6) поездку в Нью-Йорк на следующей неделе.

• Моя тетя всегда отправляется в однодневную (7) поездку в Лондон в декабре, чтобы купить подарки на Рождество.

• (8)Автобусный тур (экскурсия) по городу заняла больше четырех часов.

• В стоимость пакета включена (9) экскурсия по историческим местам на весь день.

1) Travelling (путешествовать);

2) cruise (круиз);

3) trip (поездка);

4) flight (перелет);

5) travel (туристический);

6) trip (поездка);

7) trip (поездка);

8) tour (тур/экскурсия);

9) excursion (экскурсия)

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  • Fill in the correct word there are two words you do not need to use
  • Fill in the gaps using a suitable word from a box
  • Fill in the correct word there are two extra words
  • Fill in the gaps use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given
  • Fill in the correct word there are two answers you do not need to use