Fill in the gaps use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given

Grammar in Focus Fill in the gaps. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given. 1 Macy uses Skype with her friend (communicate) lives in Australia. 2 The leafy sea dragon is a type of seahorse that (look) more like seaweed an actual seahorse. 3 John was frustrated because he …. (try) to fix his computer for two hours before he realised that there was nothing else he do to make it work. 4 a cold day! I wish I (wear) a warmer jacket. 5 Adam works a forensics photographer and his photos S (use) to help police investigations. 6 Mary can’t wait .. .. (play) tennis with one of the … (famous) players in the country. 7 My advice is that if you . . your marks to improve, you should (want) more attention in class. 8 1.. . (finish) my homework by the time you get home, so we can …. shopping then. (go) 9 Jacob told Sam printer because it had run (not/use) the of ink. 10 Lucy’s skirt now that she has had it (fit) her much better (take) in.

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Fill in the gaps. Use the appropriate form
of the word in brackets when given.
As I was talking to my grandfather the other day |
realised that things couldn’t 1) ……
easy for him when he was at school. He 2) ……….. to
wako up at 6:30 every day and grab something to eat.
Unlike me, he didn’t have his breakfast 3)…
(proparo) and waiting on the table for him as his
parents were already out working in the fields at that
time. Also, his school was 5 km away and there was no
public transport. So he 4) ……….. to make the whole
distance 5) ………… foot, come rain or shino. In the
afternoon, he would return home exhausted, but he
still found the enorgy to focus 6) …
schoolwork. On top of that, he 7) …………….. (oblige)
to holp around the house and do some farm work
every day. Despite the difficulties, Grandpa told me
that he 8) ………… ……………… (never/miss) a single
day of school. I really admire him for 9) …………….(be)
so determined. All I know is that if I had been in his
shoes, I 10) …………….. (complain) every single day!

Читайте также

1) What is the simbol of Scotland?
2) What is the capital of Scotland?
3) What are the most interesting parts of Edinburgh?
4) When does the Edinburgh military tatoo take place?
5) What is the Holyrood House?
6) What is the most picturesque part of the Royal Mile?
7) What is the best known monument in Edinburgh?
8) Which street is the most beautifull in the New Town?
9) With the name of which famous writer Princes Street is connected?
10) What city is known as the Athens of the North?

Реши с помощью переводчика. А потом выучи, наптши

<span>I’m /to/don’t/tomorrow/going/play/not/football
I’m not going to play football tomorrow.
The team is going to have new sponsors.
We aren’t goinf to watch the tennis match.

He isn’t going to be (the) captain next year.

1. Present simple: I do my homework every day Don’t plays basketball twice a week. Present continuous: My mom is cooking a dinner right now. He is taking a shower at the moment. This evening we are going to the club. After school tomorrow I am welling with my friends.

Shelling hub — центр артобстрела

76 месяцев назад

Fill in the gaps using the appropriate form of the word in the box.Olga’s family is 1)…and they spend a lot of time

together.2)…is not a problem with her,because she does not have to 3)…her room with anybody.Her parents are very nice to her and they 4)…have problems in 5)… .Sometimes she want to gain greater 6)…. .It happens that her parents and she has 7)…views on when she can do some things alone.But on the whole the climate in their family is independent 8)….and they never quarrel with each other . 1)friend 2)private 3)sharing 4)rare 5)understand 6) 7)difference 8)please


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос


“Solitude? I thought this story was about being closer,” you might be wondering. MIT professor Sherry Turkle, who studies technology and the self, believes alone time is essential if we want intimacy in our lives.

“Solitude is where you find yourself so that you can reach out to other people and form real attachments,” she explains. “When we don’t have the capacity for solitude, we turn to other people in order to feel less anxious or in order to feel alive. When this happens, we’re not able to appreciate who they are.” And if we can’t see them as real people, the more likely we are to look at them transactionally (more on that below) and view them as objects who can deliver us the things we want.

What’s more, spending time apart from others can give us the time we need to reflect on what matters most to us and space to recharge our creative and emotional energies.


Our relationships aren’t built instantly; instead, they develop and evolve from all of the interactions we have with other people. And if you want to be closer to someone, you might look at how you’re approaching these exchanges, however minor they may be. Wharton School of Business organizational psychologist Adam Grant specializes in studying workplace behavior and categorizes people into three types: Givers (people who are constantly trying to help someone), Takers (those who are focused on what they might receive from the exchange) and Matchers (those try to keep an even balance of give and take). He says, “The more often people are helping and sharing their knowledge and providing mentoring, the better organizations do on every metric.”

But this idea isn’t limited to the workplace. The more you can give to other people in any aspect of your life, the closer people will feel to you. Takers who ask “What can you do for me?” have a more difficult time building relationships because they are too self-serving and ungenerous.

Grant points to serial entrepreneur Adam Rifkin as a successful example of someone who has mastered the art of giving by doing “five-minute favors.” Finding small ways to add value to others’ lives — from making an introduction to saying a thank you and meaning it — can strengthen your bonds.


Sometimes in life, it’s not until the worst happens — death, illness, divorce, job loss — that we make it a priority to reassess our relationships, to cultivate the ones we already have and to mend ones that have been broken.

But, says wellness specialist Elizabeth Lesser, “you don’t have to wait for a life-or-death situation to clean up the relationships that matter to you, to offer the marrow of your soul and to seek it in another.” She experienced this firsthand when her sister needed a bone marrow transplant for a rare blood cancer — and Lesser was a match. The illness motivated the sisters to address their relationship with the help of therapy, uncovering years of stories and assumptions about each other, as she puts it, “until all that was left was love.”

Building closer relationships can involve the hard work of recognizing years of long-held beliefs, committing to honesty, and wiping away old grudges. But, as Lesser says, “We can be like a new kind of first responder … the one to take the first courageous step toward the other.”


Particularly in today’s climate, political differences can create hard-to-mend rifts between family members, friends and colleagues. But instead of settling for relationships that atrophy and wither, it’s possible to take a cue from two friends who have tactics for making it work.

Best friends Caitlin Quattromani and Lauran Arledge have always been on opposite sides of the political spectrum, and they’ve chosen to engage in honest dialogue about topics like attending the Women’s March and voting for Donald Trump. How? By not taking the other person’s comments or opinions as a personal affront to their own values and beliefs. The two women have learned to “replace our ego and our desire to win with curiosity, empathy and a desire to learn,” says Arledge.

The essential ingredients to maintaining their bond are respect and curiosity. What’s been critical for the women is to feel — and act — as if their relationship always comes first, while elections and issues will come and go. “We have made the commitment to each other that our friendship is way more important than either of us being right or winning a conversation about politics,” says Quattromani.


Who has time anymore for hours-long phone calls or long afternoon brunches? There are so many demands competing for our attention that it’s often easy for relationships to fall to the end of the to-do list. But maintaining them doesn’t have to be exhausting.

Actress and activist Jane Fonda has found that a little attention can go a long way. She makes an effort to plan “play dates” with her friends — but between get-togethers, she’ll mails them books she thinks they’ll enjoy, giving them a new thing to talk about and a new common bond.

Консультации по учебе, на самой крупной бирже
студенческих работ !

Ответы на Тесты по Английскому языку для всех курсов ПОЛИТЕХ (СПБСТУ) ИММИТ ИЭИТС ИСИ ИКНТ ИФНИТ ИПМЭИТ …

Наилучшим решением для поиска задачи является ввод 2-3 первых слов условия задачи !!!

Fill in the gap with the appropriate words.
Готовиться к экзамену — to revise for ап ехат. ...

Fill in the gap with the appropriate words.
Готовиться к экзамену — to revise for ап ехат.

Match the words with their meanings.
A group of criminals who work together;
People who try to find out about a crime or accident as part of their j ...

Match the words with their meanings.
A group of criminals who work together;
People who try to find out about a crime or accident as part of their job;
People who see a crime or accident and can say what happened;
A surprise attack on a bank or shop to steal things;
Money in the form of coins and notes;
Money that is given to someone to thank them for doing something.

Which person do you need т each situation?
You want to know what is trendy today. Fashion blogger +
You think that style you have now doesn"t suit y ...

Which person do you need т each situation?
You want to know what is trendy today. Fashion blogger +
You think that style you have now doesn»t suit your personality anymore. stylist 5
You want to start a new trend in your shop. trendsetter =
You need to have a well-designed wedding clothes done. designer =

Make up questions to the sentence below. Start with the given words.
Oprah Winfrey publishes her own magazines.
Does Oprah Winfrey publish her own m ...

Make up questions to the sentence below. Start with the given words.
Oprah Winfrey publishes her own magazines.
Does Oprah Winfrey publish her own magazines ?
Oprah Winfrey publishes her own magazines, does not she 2
Who publishes her own magazines i?
What magazines does Oprah Winfrey publish 2

Name the part of an essay described below
The paragraphs that explain and support the thesis statement
Выберите один ответ:
a. concluding sentence( ...

Name the part of an essay described below
The paragraphs that explain and support the thesis statement
Выберите один ответ:
a. concluding sentence(s)
b. indent
c. supporting sentences
ed. main part (body) ¥
е. paragraph

Why not pop up here to see us?
Выберите один ответ:
а. formal
р. шюпта! ...

Why not pop up here to see us?
Выберите один ответ:
а. formal
р. шюпта!

He"s so
Выберите один ответ:
a. adventurous
b. ambitious
that he said he intended to be the boss in two vears ...

He»s so
Выберите один ответ:
a. adventurous
b. ambitious
that he said he intended to be the boss in two vears

I don"t find this story
Выберите один ответ:
amused ...

I don»t find this story
Выберите один ответ:

Mark the sentence true or false according to the listening text.
To improve water storage methods is not sufficient for water management in the futur ...

Mark the sentence true or false according to the listening text.
To improve water storage methods is not sufficient for water management in the future.
Выберите один ответ:

Make up phrases by matching the words from the two columns
travel abroad > Vv
health resort 7
explore new places $ VW
holiday maker sv
insurance  ...

Make up phrases by matching the words from the two columns
travel abroad > Vv
health resort 7
explore new places $ VW
holiday maker sv
insurance policy ov

Annual damage can be eliminated by moving houses further from the river.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Threat
b. Flood
c. Superbug ...

Annual damage can be eliminated by moving houses further from the river.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Threat
b. Flood
c. Superbug

Choose the suitable answer.
He said that 2 weeks before, a 950-ton partially assembled pedestrian bridge at Florida International University in
Miam ...

Choose the suitable answer.
He said that 2 weeks before, a 950-ton partially assembled pedestrian bridge at Florida International University in
Miami had suddenly collapsed collapsed onto the busy highway below.

Isert "to" where necessary. If "to" is not necessary, insert "x".
1.The boy helped us ю find the way to the railway station.
2. He would sooner x di ...

Isert «to» where necessary. If «to» is not necessary, insert «x».
1.The boy helped us ю find the way to the railway station.
2. He would sooner x die than x betray his friends.
3. Why not x start out now? We cannot wait for the rain to stop.
4.Don»tletus x get worried. There are a hundred things to be done.
5. What made you x think so?
6. He was made to obey the rules.
7. There is hardly anything to do but x work out an alternative plan.

Use the word in brackets to form а word that best fits the gap.
The bearing capacity (capable) of soil is the maximum average contact pressure betwee ...

Use the word in brackets to form а word that best fits the gap.
The bearing capacity (capable) of soil is the maximum average contact pressure between the foundation and
the soil which should not produce shear failure in the soil.

Match the terms with their definitions.
Supporting the weight of the building above it(Adj.)
Staying in one place without moving, or not changing fo ...

Match the terms with their definitions.
Supporting the weight of the building above it(Adj.)
Staying in one place without moving, or not changing for a long time(Adj.)
Trees that are grown so that the wood from them can be used for building(/(NOUN)
The amount of weight carried, especially by a vehicle, a structure such as a bridge(NOUN)
A layer of material that is put in the bottom of a wall in order to stop water from rising through
the bricks(NOUN)
damp course

Benhas a terrible headache. ...

Benhas a terrible headache.

Complete the gaps. Use the auxiliary verb (Am, Is, Are, Do, Does)
Does she accept criticism easily?
Do they look smart and dress well?
Is the compa ...

Complete the gaps. Use the auxiliary verb (Am, Is, Are, Do, Does)
Does she accept criticism easily?
Do they look smart and dress well?
Is the company looking for new employees now?
Are they ambitious?
Does she have a good sense of humour?

Match the words and phrases with their synonyms.
spoken communication
a time when important things start happeni ...

Match the words and phrases with their synonyms.
spoken communication
a time when important things start happening in a situation, especially things that you cannot
word of mouth
a tipping point

Теа had been made by Nancy.
This is the example of...
Выберите один ответ:
а. Present Perfect Passive
р. Past Perfect Passive
c. Past Simple Pass ...

Теа had been made by Nancy.
This is the example of…
Выберите один ответ:
а. Present Perfect Passive
р. Past Perfect Passive
c. Past Simple Passive

Each building has only one structural system.
Выберите один ответ:
Неверно ...

Each building has only one structural system.
Выберите один ответ:

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