Fill in the gaps in the text using the pictures and the word


Упражнение 1, с. 34

1. Fill in: snow-capped mountains, volcano, sights, route, fort, flea market, crafts, tour, snack.

1 There are lots of sights to visit in Barcelona.
В Барселоне есть много достопримечательностей, которые стоит посетить.

2 You can buy some souvenirs in the flea market.
Вы можете купить сувениры на блошином рынке.

3 In winter we can see the snow-capped mountains from our house.
Зимой мы можем увидеть заснеженные горы из нашего дома.

4 At the local market you can buy lots of arts and crafts.
На местном рынке вы можете купить множество изделий декоративно-прикладного искусства.

5 The train stops at five stations along the route.
Поезд останавливается на пяти станциях вдоль маршрута.

6 I’m hungry; let’s get a snack at that café over there.
Я голоден; давай перекусим в этом кафе.

7 We’re on a tour around the centre of London and it’s very interesting.
Мы находимся в туристическом автобусе по центру Лондона, и это очень интересно.

8 A lot of soldiers live inside the fort.
Многие солдаты живут внутри форта.

9 Mount Vesuvies, in Italy, is a volcano.
Гора Везувий в Италии является вулканом.

Упражнение 2, с. 34

2. Fill in the correct weather word. Напишите правильное определение погоды.

1 It’s foggy. Туманно.
2 It’s cold. Холодно.
3 It’s sunny. Солнечно.
4 It’s windy. Ветрено.
5 It’s raining. Идёт дождь.
6 It’s warm. Тепло.
7 It’s snowing. Идёт снег.
8 It’s cloudy. Облачно.

Упражнение 3, с. 34

3. Fill in the gaps in the text using the pictures. Заполните пропуски в тексте, используя картинки.

It’s hot and 1) sunny here in Cape Cod. Today, I’m relaxing on a beautiful 2) beach. There are many people 3) swimming in the sea. My mum is 4) eating/trying/tasting local dishes with her friend. My dad isn’t here at the moment. He is 5) sightseeing on a tour bus. My sister, Karen, is 6) shopping for souvenirs in the market in Bourne and my brother, John, is 7) hiking. Summer is my favourite season; it’s great!

Здесь, в Кейп-Коде, жарко и солнечно. Сегодня я отдыхаю на прекрасном пляже. Здесь много людей купаются в море. Моя мама ест / пробует / пробует местные блюда со своей подругой. Моего папы в данный момент нет с нами. Он на экскурсии на туристическом автобусе. Моя сестра, Карен, покупает сувениры на рынке в Борне, а мой брат, Джон, отправился в поход. Лето моё любимое время года; оно замечательное!


Упражнение 4, с. 34

4. Write the -ing form of the verbs. Напишите форму глаголов с -ing.

1 fly — flying               7 write — writing
2 eat — eating             8 swim — swimming
3 shop — shopping       9 send — sending
4 come — coming        10 buy — buying
5 play — playing          11 listen — listening
6 make — making        12 sit — sitting

Упражнение 5, с. 34

5. Put the verbs in brackets in the present continuous. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в настоящем продолженном времени.

Hi Emma!
Greetings from Alaska. It’s freezing cold here! And it 1) is snowing today, so Ted and I 2) are wearing warm clothes. At the moment, we 3) are visiting the Winter Ice Festival. Some artists 4) are carving sculptures from ice. They’re beautiful. Ted 5) is taking pictures to show everybody back home. I 6) am having a great time here.
Take care,

Привет Эмма!
Привет с Аляски. Здесь очень холодно! И сегодня идёт снег, поэтому мы с Тедом ходим в тёплой одежде. На данный момент мы посещаем Зимний ледяной фестиваль. Некоторые художники делают скульптуры изо льда. Они красивы. Тед фотографирует, чтобы показать всем дома. Я отлично провожу здесь время.
Береги себя,

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ГДЗ. Starlight. 5 класс. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь. Баранова К. М., Дули Д., Копылова В. В., Эванс В.

Учебник. 5 класс. Starlight.

Английский язык. 5 класс

Read the text again and fill in the gaps with the words from the story.
photography competition, to enter sth, photo essay, star, notice board, Domino, the cat
1. In picture 1 Kate and Sam are looking at the _ . They are reading about a _ . Kate is going to _ it. She is going to do a _.
2. In picture 2 Sam is talking to Kate about the _ of her photo essay.
3. In picture 3 Kate is taking a photo of _ .

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс FORWARD часть 1 Вербицкая. UNIT 2. The competition. Номер №4


Перевод задания
Прочтите текст еще раз и заполните пропуски словами из рассказа.
фотоконкурс, войти, участвовать, фоторепортаж, звезда, доска объявлений, Домино, кот
1. На картинке 1 Кейт и Сэм смотрят на _. Они читают о _ . Кейт собирается _ этом. Она собирается сделать _.
2. На картинке 2 Сэм разговаривает с Кейт о _ из ее фоторепортажа.
3. На картинке 3 Кейт фотографирует _.

1. In picture 1 Kate and Sam are looking at the notice board. They are reading about a photography competition. Kate is going to enter it. She is going to do a photo essay.
2. In picture 2 Sam is talking to Kate about the star of her photo essay.
3. In picture 3 Kate is taking a photo of Domino, the cat.

Перевод ответа
1. На картинке 1 Кейт и Сэм смотрят на доску объявлений. Они читают о фотоконкурсе. Кейт собирается участвовать в нем. Она собирается сделать фоторепортаж.
2. На картинке 2 Сэм разговаривает с Кейт о звезде из ее фоторепортажа.
3. На картинке 3 Кейт фотографирует кота Домино.


Read the definition and choose the correct room.

This is a room where we cook meals for all the family. 



Living room



Read the situation and choose what rooms suit it.

In these rooms you might meet friends, have parties and enjoy tasty food and funny games.

Dining room

Living room





Read the list of furniture and choose the room.

a chair, a carpet, a double bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe


Match the two parts to make sentences about the room in the picture.

coffee table in front of the sofa.

a sofa in the middle of the room.


Read the words and match them to the pictures.

a wardrobe

a bookcase

a kitchen unit

an armchair

a sofa

a table

a desk


Look at the picture and fill in the gaps in the text with the missing words.

This is a of an old historical house. There are four in the room. There are two big windows with dark green on them. In the center there is an old with a flower composition in the middle of it. There is a bookcase the windows.



living room




Put the words in the correct order to make a statement, a question and a negation to the picture. 




the table.




there a


the room?

There aren’t


in the room.



Put the words on the correct places in the picture.

a sofa

a coffee table

a curtain


a carpet



a billiard table


Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answers.

John has a new flat.

His living room is small.

There is no television in his flat.

There is a cooker in the kitchen.


Put the words in the correct categories. 



Living room


a kitchen unit

a fridge

a bath

a cooker

a bedside table

a fire place

a cupboard

a coffee table

a washbasin

a bed

a wardrobe

a sink

a TV set

a sofa


Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct words.

This is my bedroom. There is a big wardrobe

it. There is a large double bed

the room. There are many cushions and pillows

the bed. There is a bedside table

a lamp

the bed. There is no television

my bedroom. What is there

your bedroom?


Read and cross out incorrect statements.

  • Hello, Mike! I’ve heard about your new flat! What’s it like? 
  • It’s nice! 
  • Really? 
  • Yes, it’s small and cozy. There is a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom in it. But it’s enough for me. 
  • Is there any furniture? 
  • Yes, all the necessary things: a bed, a wardrobe, two bookcases, a small sofa, a kitchen unit and all the useful kitchen appliances. 
  • Is there television? 
  • No, I don’t watch TV. There is my PC, I read the news on the Internet. 
  • Sounds great! 

The flat is big.

There is a living room in the flat.

There is a sofa in the flat.

Mike doesn’t like watching TV.

Mike usually goes online.

Mike doesn’t like his new flat.


Read the definitions and do the crossword.


Read the sentences and put them in the correct order to build a dialogue.

Sure! Welcome!

Hello, Dave! What’s your new flat like?

Is there wi-fi?

Is there any furniture?

Yes, sure. I usually go online.

Great! May I visit you this weekend?

Just a few items: a sofa, a bookcase, a table with chairs and some cupboards in the kitchen.

It’s small and nice. There are two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom in it.

Mogui Cheng
The world is full of wonders. Mogui Cheng, or the Demon City, is another (1) mysteriousplace. It is a desert area (2) located in the Chinese province of Xinjiang. There you can see stones looking like an ancient (3) beautiful castle. Approaching the castle, you can (4) hear strange noises. (5) No one knows where they come from. If you come on a hot day with no wind, you will (6) hear sweet music like many guitars playing together beautifully. But if it is windy, then the resulting sound is terrible. It is like crying babies or roaring lions.
Могуй Ченг
Мир полон чудес. Могуй Ченг, или Демонический город, еще одно таинственное место. Это пустынная местность, расположенная в китайской провинции Синьцзян. Там вы можете увидеть камни похожие на древний красивый замок. Подойдя к замку, вы можете услышать странные звуки. Никто не знает, откуда они берутся. Если вы пришли в жаркий день без ветра, вы услышите сладкую музыку, словно много гитар, красиво играющих вместе. Но если ветрено, то получается страшный звук. Он походит на плач младенцев или рев львов.

Помогите срочно!!!

1. Fill in the gaps using the words from the frame.

fast food restaurant zoo gallery cottage department store palace swimming pool library sports centre tent

1) The Smiths live in a ___ in the countryside.

2) There are lots of works of art in the ___.

3) This is a really big ___. They sell everything here!

4) My little sister wants to see the animals at the ___.

5) I’m so hungry. Can we go to a ___?

6) The Queen lives in a big luxirious ___.

7) Bob and Roy are staying in a small ___ at the campsite.

8) Tim is keeping fit at the ___.

9) I’m taking this book back to the ___.

10) If you want to go to the ___, you’ll need a bathing costume, a cap and watersport goggles.

2. Choose and write out the correct item.

1) Tom lives in a large block of … (tents, hotels, flats).

2) They are staying in a fantastic … while they’re on holiday (palace, tent, hotel).

3) Are you …? I totally disagree with you! (brilliant, strange, serious).

4) There are too many … about what we can and can’t do (timetables, rules, reasons).

5) We pay the … for our house every month (ticket, price, rent).

6) He’s going to the International Summer … in August (house, flat, school).

3. Choose and write out the correct item.

1) You can have a picnic / listen to the song / watch a film at the cinema.

2) You can relax / do sports / swim at the gym.

3) You can take pictures / go camping / find a book at the library.

4) You can play football / see fish / buy some bread at the aquarium.

5) You can swim / buy a present / see a play at the theatre.

4. Choose the correct modal verb.

1) You mustn’t/can’t/needn’t talk during the test. It’s prohibited.

2) You can’t/have to/mustn’t pay your rent. That’s the rule.

3) You needn’t/can’t/mustn’t eat in the classroom. It’s forbidden.

4) You can’t/mustn’t/needn’t have any pets in this house. It’s not allowed.

5) You needn’t/must/mustn’t go to the doctor. You look very ill.

5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1) Tracy / do / to / has / up / washing / the.

2) is / the / intelligent / Sarah / most / girl / university / our / in.

3) have / wear / school / to / we / uniform.

4) is / biggest / Hyde Park / the / London / park / in.

5) doesn’t / to / Susan / have / the / clean / flat.

6. Read the text and answer the questions. Dear Kirsten, Hi! How are you? I’m writing to say thank you for letting me stay with you. Your family’s flat is very different from our cottage. The rooms in your flat are smaller than the rooms in our cottage. We can go for a walk in the countryside, but we can’t go to the cinema or theatre. We can enjoy peace and quiet, but we can’t see a lot of people. I guess no one can have everything they want at once. Visit me soon. All my love, Amy.

1) What kind of home does Kirsten live in?

2) Which home has the biggest rooms?

3) Which home is close to a cinema and a theatre?

4) Which home is in the countryside?

5) Which home is peaceful and quiet?

7. Match the questions to the aswers.

1) How about going to the aquarium? A OK. I want to see the monkeys.

2) Shall we go to that new department store? B I’d rather not. I don’t like him.

3) Why don’t we go to the zoo. C I don’t really like fish.

4) How about visiting Paul? D That sounds good. I’m tired.

5) Why don’t we go home? E Brilliant idea! I need some new clothes.

1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words from the
box to complete the text. One word is extra.
shining, ice hockey, picnic, season, camping, sun,
flowers, winter, snow, picking, beautiful
Hello, I’m Mike. I live in Canada and I’m happy to have all the
four seasons where I live. I haven’t got a favourite
I really love all four of them. Look at some pictures of my family,
When the first
come out in spring, I always make a
small bouquet for my mother. In this picture I am
flowers in the forest. The weather is lovely. The sky is blue. The
sun is
Summer is usually hot in our parts. I like to go
in the
summer with my family. We take a tent, sleeping bags and a bas-
ket with some food. Look! We are having a
here. We
feel really happy.
My sister hates autumn. When it is rainy she always gets a cold
and must spend some time at home away from school. I like this
time of the year because of all the
colours. But I
don’t like to rake all the leaves in the garden. Look at me in the
picture! I’m doing it anyway!
It’s a winter picture. There’s a lot of
and it is still
snowing. I am happy when we have a cold and long
I like playing snowballs with my friends. In the picture you can
see my best friend Martin and me. Martin is wearing his favourite
red scarf. We are playing​

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