Fill in the gaps in the following text with an appropriate word from the box

Sophie is a 14-year-old girl. She is fond of sport. She talks about the rules of netball.
Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the box and find out how to play netball.
Netball is my CO) favourite   sport. I play netball for my school.
The first game of netball was (1)__________________ in the UK
in  1895.   Netball  has a  few (2)__________________ to basketball.   That’s  because  it  started   off   as   a   women’s   version   of
(3)_________              _ in America. The really big (4) _
__________ between  netball   and  basketball   is   that   you   can’t
dribble   (вести)   with   the   (5)___________________.   A   netball
(6)__________   _______is divided into three sections with seven
(7) _        _____________in each team. You can’t (8)
__________ the ball the whole length of the court, it has to be passed through
every section.  Netball is a (9)__________________sport and the defenders have
to be 0.9 (10)__________________ away from the player with the ball. To keep
the game really fast, if you’ve (11)__________________ the ball, you only have
three seconds  to pass it on again.   Netball was (12)________.__________as an
Olympic sport in 1995. Although it’s traditionally been a (13)_________________
sport, some boys are now playing it too. I like playing netball because I get to
(14)__________________by doing something that I (15)__________________. Boys
have their sports like rugby and football, (16)__       ____________some girls play
those games too. But for me netball is a (17)__          ___________ girls’ sport.


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    62. Work

    Task 1. VERBS

    Read the text in the box below and
    match the words in bold with their definitions underneath. Use your
    dictionary to check your answers.

    Brian James left University and decided
    to apply for a job which he
    saw advertised in the paper. He filled
    the application forms and, a few weeks later, was asked to attend an interview. He was offered
    the job that same day.

    As he lived in a small town outside the
    city, he had to commute every
    day. He was good at his job and very soon was promoted. However, the company he worked for was having
    problems. Two people were dismissed
    for stealing and two of their friends resigned
    in sympathy, the directors decided to lay
    five more because the company couldn’t afford to keep them, and
    the managing director decided to retire
    early. The atmosphere was so bad that Brian eventually decided to hand in his notice.


    to give up a job.


    to ask for a job, usually by writing a


    to be removed from a job, usually
    because you have done something bad.


    same as 1.


    to stop work and take a pension,
    usually when you are in late middle age.


    to write in the empty spaces on a form.


    to be given a better job in the
    organization you work for.


    to be questioned by one or more people
    when you are applying for a job so that they can decide if you are suitable
    for that job.


    to travel to work from home each day,
    usually from one town to another.


    to be dismissed from your job for a
    time until more work is available.

    Task 2. NOUNS

    Read the text which follows and fill in
    the gaps with an appropriate word from the box below. Use your dictionary to
    help you. In some cases, more than one answer is possible.

















    A computer company had a (1)__________
    for position of (2)__________, and decided to advertise for anew
    (3)__________. A lot of (4)__________ with good (5)__________ and (6)__________
    applied for the job, and after all the interviews had finished, the directors
    made a (7)__________ of the best (8)__________, then invited them to come
    back for another interview.

    The person who eventually got the job
    was very happy. After all, he would receive an annual (9)__________ of
    £25,000, with a 5% (10)__________ twice a year, a 15% (11) __________ for
    each computer he managed to sell, excellent (12)__________ such as private
    health insurance and a company car, a company (13)__________ to make sure he
    would be well-off when he retired, and the chance of (14)__________ from
    salesman to sales (15)__________ if he was successful. All in all, his future
    (16)__________ looked very good.


    Match the sentences on the left with an
    appropriate sentence on the right. The sentences on the right include an
    idiom or colloquialism connected with work in bold. Use your dictionary to
    help you.

    My brother is a manual worker in a factory.

    My cousin is a secretary in an office.

    I need to do some more hours at work so that I can make more money.

    The train drivers are refusing to work.

    I work from 10.00pm to 6.00am.

    I work for a very small amount of money.

    Jo is unemployed and receiving unemployment benefit.

    Jim applied to his boss for more money.

    Our boss makes his staff work too hard.

    Bob works too hard. Yesterday, he started at 7.30 in the morning and didn’t
    finish until almost midnight!

    Our company director was given a large sum of money when he retired before
    the end of his contract.

    Sarah has great potential and ambition.

    My boss made a mistake and made me take responsibility for it.

    Our company is still working in the usual way in spite of difficulties.

    Steve has an unusual job; he looks for top managers and offers them jobs in
    other companies.

    Have you heard? John has been dismissed for coming late all the time.

    She’s always been a high-flyer.

    He put in for a rise.

    Like me, he’s a blue collar worker.

    He’s such a slave driver!

    I’m glad to say it’s business as

    Of course, I get paid more for working the night shift.

    If he continues like that, he’ll burn
    himself out

    I really hate working for peanuts.

    I think I’ll ask if I can work

    They’ve decided to come out on

    I hate it when I have to carry the can
    for someone else.

    I wish I could get a golden
    like that!

    Like me, he’s a white collar worker.

    I always knew he’d get fired
    one day.

    He’s a headhunter.

    There’s nothing worse than being on the


    1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

    1. The
      crops have failed again and …………… is widespread.

    2. The
      latest San Francisco …………… measured 4.5 on the Richter

    3. In case
      of …………… break the glass and push the button.

    4. Half a
      million …………… have now crossed the border in an attempt to
      find food.

    5. I never
      give to ……………. I think it should be the government’s

    6. The
      present government has given more in …………… to needy
      countries than any other in living memory.

    7. Many
      children have suffered terrible …………… as a result of the

    8. A new
      …………… has been discovered which causes partial blindness
      and skin problems.

    9. There
      has been a …………… in certain parts of the country due to
      the lack of rain.

    10. there
      has been so mush rain that some rivers have burst their banks and
      there have been………………… .


    1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

    1. The
      __________________ of the ozone layer is one of the worst things
      that has happened. (destroy)

    2. If
      we don’t send food, there will be______________ on a massive

    3. We
      need to find a _____________________ to the problem before things
      get seriously out of hand.

    4. It
      is shocking that ten per cent of the population live below the
      _________________ line. (poor)

    5. Some
      of the most beautiful Indian tigers are facing ________________.

    6. If
      ________________ (pollute)
      any worse, I’m going to move to the country.

    7. I
      believe the __________________ of the planet is worth fighting for.

    2. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given in brackets.

    is no exaggeration to say that the world has become a global village.
    Modern methods of­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________

    have made the world much smaller and the problems we face such as
    _______________ (pollute)
    not restricted to one country. The _____________ (destroy)
    of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone’s problem and the
    _________________ (starve)
    is common in many African
    is challenge for Europe too. The _____________ (extinct)
    of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the
    _____________ (exhaust)
    of oil supplies will shake the ___________ (found)
    of the world’s economy. The _______________ (protect)
    of the environment is the responsibility of all nations, rich and
    poor. However, uncontrolled economic ____________ (compete)
    between strong and weak nations leads to _____________ (create)
    of great inequality between the rich and poor nations of the world.


    You have 40 minutes to do
    this task.

    Many cities in Europe do
    everything to promote bicycles as an ecologically clean type of
    transportation; however the governor of St. Petersburg signed a
    decree according to which bicycles won’t be allowed in 24 central
    streets and embankments of St. Petersburg.

    you agree that bicycles should be banned in the centre of St.


    Use the following plan:

    1. Introduction. (State the

    2. Express your opinion and
    give reasons for it.

    3. Give other people’s
    arguments and explain why they are wrong.

    4. Make a conclusion.

    Read the text, learn the
    vocabulary and discuss.


    environmental crisis – number one international problem

    We are in the environmental
    crisis because human beings have broken out the circle of life and
    destroying the environment.

    The first
    to the planet is the

    of plants and animal life. Many animals find it more and more
    difficult to survive as their natural

    is being destroyed by growing cities. The earth forested

    are in danger of disappearing completely as trees are burnt or cut
    down. Illegal

    helps some rare species to become extinct.
    This process can be controlled if we protect animals in danger by
    law, open more parks and plant more forests; introduce harsher

    for illegal hunters and raise
    public awareness

    about endangered

    The second
    problem is water, air and land pollution. Factories and cars release
    poisonous chemicals

    into the air. The chemicals mix with the water in the clouds, and the
    polluted rain which falls later damages
    trees, lakes and buildings. Gases from aerosol sprays and fridges are
    going into atmosphere destroying


    which prevents
    us from

    getting harmful
    As a result more and more people are getting skin
    Our society is producing too much packaging and food
    that is why diseases
    spread more easily. People are using a lot of detergents
    for cleaning their houses and cars, this wasted water is poured into
    rivers, oceans and steams killing fish. A few steps can help to
    change the situation. We must throw away less rubbish and use litter
    control the use of pesticides
    and fertilizers
    use recycling.

    using aerosols and burning fossil

    cause the process of Global
    Warming (Greenhouse Effect).

    This environmental change leads to rising temperatures, melting
    ice-caps in the polar region and droughts
    and floods

    in hot countries.

    These problems are very
    serious. Both scientists and politicians agree that unless some
    radical steps are taken in the nearest future, life on our planet may
    be destroyed.

    the questions:

    What do you know about the ozone layer?

    2. How does the rapid growth
    of cities influence nature?

    3. How can
    we safe nature resources?

    4. Why is our food not as
    healthy as it should be?


    a 2-2.5 minute talk on
    the topic “Ecology”.


    • What you know about
    the threat of extinction of plants and animals

    About different types of pollution

    • About the
    environmental change on our planet

    the question
    “What is the ecological situation in the place you live?


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    4. Лексика. Заполните пропуски в предложениях ниже подходящими словами из вставки.

    круиз экскурсия полет поездка- тур туристический

    путешествовать поездка (3)

    • (0) Поездка на поезде из Москвы до моего родного города занимает два часа.

    • Нам нравится (1) путешествовать на корабле. В прошлом году наша семья отправилась в двухнедельный (2) круиз по Средиземному морю.

    • В следующем году в отпуск я собираюсь в десятидневную (3) поездку на Карибские острова.

    • Я был рад сойти с самолета после нашего шестичасового (4) перелета в Лондон.

    • (5) Туристический агент помог нам организовать наш отпуск.

    • Мой брат отправится в бизнес (6) поездку в Нью-Йорк на следующей неделе.

    • Моя тетя всегда отправляется в однодневную (7) поездку в Лондон в декабре, чтобы купить подарки на Рождество.

    • (8)Автобусный тур (экскурсия) по городу заняла больше четырех часов.

    • В стоимость пакета включена (9) экскурсия по историческим местам на весь день.

    1) Travelling (путешествовать);

    2) cruise (круиз);

    3) trip (поездка);

    4) flight (перелет);

    5) travel (туристический);

    6) trip (поездка);

    7) trip (поездка);

    8) tour (тур/экскурсия);

    9) excursion (экскурсия)

    Вопрос от пользователя

    Fin In the gaps in the following extract with an appropriate word from the box.
    Russia can be one of the most beautiful and exciting of travel (0) destinations, if you are
    planning to come to Russia
    as a (1) .__________________,
    you will have a lot of interesting places to (2)____________
    We can’t (3)________________
    good weather for your (4)____
    .— Russian summer is changeable. If you (5)_________________
    sitting in the hot sun all day, you should choose a resort for your
    (6)____________________ somewhere in the south of Russia. You have to
    make a hotel (7) _                               _ reservation in advance. Hotels are not
    very (8)_________________________ in Russia. Most people can
    (9)______________________ to pay for a hotel. You could also stay in one
    of the many small (10)___________________ inns.
    If you do not like to stay in a crowded (11)___________________ you can
    go to the lakes in the northeast of Russia. The beautiful landscape and rich history can keep a (12)____________._______ happy for months.

    Ответ от эксперта

    1) tourist/holidaymaker; 2) choose; 3) provide; 4) trip/holidays; 5) enjoy; 6) holidays/trip; 7) accommodation; 8) expensive; 9) afford; 10) seaside; 11) resort; 12) holidaymaker/tourist

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