Fill in the gaps in the article with an appropriate word from

Control Paper

8th form                                      A healthy living guide

  1. Match the words in the first column with the words from the second column.
  1. diets
  2. a disease
  3. fast food
  4. fit
  5. healthy
  6. homemade
  7. a lifestyle
  8. lose weight
  9. obese
  10. obesity
  11. promote
  12. regular
  13. skip
  14. Snacking
  15. a variety of
  1. become slimmer
  2. being overweight
  3. different
  4. eating between meals
  5. good for health
  6. hamburgers, chips and the like
  7. happening again and again
  8. help in the development
  9. an illness
  10. limited eating regimes
  11. made at home
  12. not do sth
  13. overweight
  14. physically strong
  15.  a way of living
  1. Fill in the gaps in the article with an appropriate word from ex 1. More than one answer may be possible.

   According to statistics 15% of teenagers are (0) obese. However 60% want to (1) _____. The number of teenagers who (2)_______ lunch has increased greatly since 1990. But the truth is that not all teens who diet actually need to lose weight. A lot of the time friends, family, and the society influence the way we see our bodies. Every newspaper at the supermarket has details on the hottest (3) ______. Whenever you turn on the TV you see a number of (4) ______, healthy, handsome people having a wonderful time. This can influence young people. Besides some young people are bullied for being (5) ______.

    It is necessary to remember that dieting may be dangerous. There are (6) _______ and unhealthy ways to lose weight. The best person to see when you have a question about dieting is your doctor. But even without seeing your doctor you can make smart food choices. Concentrate on eating a healthy diet. Rather than snacking on (7) _____ when you get home from school, eat (8) ________ food like soup, or try a piece of fruit or some vegetables. Spend less time in front of the computer or TV. Remember that (9) ______ exercise can help you to feel and look better.

   Healthy eating and exercising are exercising are excellent ways to (10) ______ great shape.

  1. Complete the sentences using the correct verb forms (Present Perfect Progressive or Present Perfect Passive)

      Junk food (0) has been banned (to ban) from schools since September 2006. Kids (1)_____ (to eat) healthier           food since then. Machines (2  _____ (to sell) milk, water and fruit instead of chocolate and crisps since that time. School cooks (3) _____ (to make) school meals better all the time. Foods high in salt, fat and sugar (4) _____(to ban)

Smoking (5) _____ (to know), since 1954, to be the cause of dangerous diseases. Passive smoking is also very dangerous. In the UK adults (6)______ (to smoke) less since the 1980s. But young people (7)_______9to make) themselves ill for many years. Smoking (8) _______ (to ban) in public places like restaurants and bars in Scotland since March 2006. Similar bans (9) _______ (to introduce) in Ireland, Norway and parts of the US.

     All alcohol (10) ______ (to ban) from British football stadiums since 1985.

  1. Use the words given in capitals to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.

   How to lose weight (0) safely?

It is not a good idea to give up a food group in the hope that you’ll lose (1) ______.         (0) SAFE

We all need a (2) _____ of foods to stay (3) _____. Some diets can be (4) ______ to         (1) WEIGHT

your health. You need to take exercise. Try different (5) ______ from walking to         (2) VARY

helping your parents in the garden – anything that helps you to be active. Muscles         (3) HEALTH

burn more calories than fat. Visit a (6) ______ club and add (7) ______ training to         (4) DANGER

your exercises. Don’t forget about (8) ______ exercises.        (5) ACTIVE

 And sometimes treat yourself with your (9) ______ chocolate ice cream.        (6) FIT

          (7) STRONG

        (8) FLEXIBLE

        (9) FAVOUR

Task 3 (10 points). Пожалуйста можно ответ

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate preposition and the article.

Mary lives _________ _________ house.
Jack is a farmer. He lives ___________ _______ farm and grows crops and keeps animals.
We live _______ _______ city. It’s big and very nice.
We have a detached house and live _______ _______ suburbs.
My cousin decided to live _______ _______ houseboat.


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1 in the 2 on the 3 in the 4 in the 5 on a


3. Заполните пробелы в следующих предложениях соответствующим разделительным вопросом.

0) Некоторые правила поведения кажутся странными для иностранцев, не так ли?

1) В Британии люди не поздравляют друг друга с национальными праздниками, не так ли?

2) Иностранные посетители должны отметить, как громко говорят люди вокруг них, не так ли?

3) В Британии не считается плохими манерами есть на улице, не так ли?

4) Небольшого российского сувенира будет достаточно, если вы будете гостем в британском доме, не так ли?

5) Религиозные праздники могут стать национальными в некоторых странах, не так ли?

6) Невежливо глазеть на другого человека, не так ли?

7) У разных народов разные привычки приветствия, не так ли?

8) Иностранцы медленно заводят друзей, не так ли?

9) Национальные праздники и торжества должны объединять людей, _?

10) Плохая идея не стоять в очереди в линию, не так ли?


1) Do they?

2) shouldn’t they?

3) is it?

4) won’t it?

5) can’t they?

6) is it?

7) don’t they ?

8) don’t they?

10) isn’t it?

3. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate tag.
0) Some behaviour rules seem strange for foreigners, don’t they?
1) In Britain people don’t congratulate each other on national holidays, do they?
2) Foreign visitors should note how loudly people around them are talking, shouldn’t they?
3) In Britain it isn’t considered bad manners to eat in the street, is it?
4) A small Russian souvenir will be fine if you are a guest at a British home, won’t it?
5) Religious holidays can become national ones in some countries, can’t they?
6) It is not polite to stare at another person, is it?
7) Different peoples have different greeting habits, don’t they?
8) Foreigners make friends slowly, don’t they?
9) National holidays and celebrations must unite people, _ ?
10) It is a bad idea not to queue in line, isn’t it?

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TASK 2. Fill in the gaps with any appropriate word. You should use only one word
for a gap.
                plan      as     
mature     response     suppress      down   
identity        evoke
1 — I can’t manage so many
different tasks and activities at the same time. It’s utterly impossible! —
There’s nothing impossible there. If you say that you are (1)________ enough to control your life yourself, you have to be
responsible and able to (2)______your
2 — Allan looks a bit (3)_____. What’s wrong?
— I didn’t mean any offense. Honestly. But I wasn’t
able to (4) _______a laugh when he
was talking about time management. To talk about planning time, when he’s never
on time himself!
3 — That new cafe looks nice, doesn’t it? Have you
been there?
— Yes. They’ve opened it in (5) _______to local demand, (6) ______people need a place where
they can have a quick and cheap lunch.

Автор: Гость

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