Fill in the gaps and translate the word combinations 8points

3 – variant 1                      

in the gaps and translate the word combinations (8 points):

experie_ce –

appli_ation –

hemis_ _ere –

 inhab_tants –

   monar_ _y –

poll_tion –

manag_ment —     

sele_tion –                    

the tag-questions (5 points):

ü  The capital of Scotland is
Edinburgh, _____________ ?

ü  There are many flowers in
the garden, ______________ ?

ü  They didn’t go to the
cinema last Sunday, _______________ ?

ü  Mary likes playing
basketball, _____________ ?

ü  He won’t go to London next
year, _____________ ?

the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (4 points):

(play) _____________ football at 12 o’clock on Saturday.

(meet) __________ the editor.

(go) ___________ to the restaurant on Tuesday evening.

(buy) __________ a new motorbike if I win in the lottery.

3 questions to this sentence (3 points)

When Laura goes shopping
this afternoon, she is going to buy a new dress.




20 points


TEST 3 – variant 2                        

in the gaps and translate the word combinations (8 points):

gover_ment –

w_rk –

_ern    A_stralia –

pop_lation –

rep_blic –

ener_y –

di_ _ipline —     

gener_tion –                    

the tag-questions (5 points):

ü  We didn’t see that film
last Saturday, _______________ ?

ü  Peter enjoys swimming in
the pool, _____________ ?

ü  She won’t visit her granny
next month, _____________ ?

ü  There are many flowers in
the garden, ______________ ?

ü  The capital of Wales is
Cardiff, _____________ ?

the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (4 points):  

(arrive) __________ to London.

(have) ___________ an interview on Monday morning.

(play) _____________ basketball at seven o’clock on Friday.

(organize) __________ my birthday party if my parents allow me.

3 questions to this sentence
(3 points):

When Jane gets home this
evening, she is going to do her homework.




ü Total: 20 points

CHECKING   TEST 3 – variant 1

in the gaps and translate the word combinations (8 points):

experience –

10)College    application

hemisphere –

12)Native    inhabitants

monarchy –

14)Winter    pollution

15)Time    management

16)Natural    selection

the tag-questions (5 points):

ü  The capital of Scotland is
Edinburgh, isn’t it ?

ü  There are many flowers in
the garden, aren’t there ?

ü  They didn’t go to the cinema
last Sunday, did they ?

ü  Mary likes playing
basketball, doesn’t she ?

ü  He won’t go to London next
year, will he ?

the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (4 points):

Mark is
playing or is going to play
football at 12 o’clock on Saturday.

will meet the editor.

We are
going or are going to go
to the restaurant on Tuesday evening.

I will
a new motorbike if I win in the lottery.

3 questions to this sentence (3 points)

When Laura goes shopping
this afternoon, she is going to buy a new dress.

is Laura going to go shopping?

is Laura going to buy?

is going to buy a new dress?

20 points


CHECKING   TEST 3 – variant 2                        

in the gaps and translate the word combinations (8 points):

government –

work –

Australia –

12)Total    population

republic –

energy –

15)Strict    discipline

generation –                    

the tag-questions (5 points):

ü  We didn’t see that film
last Saturday, did we ?

ü  Peter enjoys swimming in
the pool, doesn’t he ?

ü  She won’t visit her granny
next month, will she ?

ü  There are many flowers in
the garden, aren’t there ?

ü  The capital of Wales is
Cardiff, isn’t it ?

the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (4 points): 

We will
to London.

They are
an interview on Monday morning.

Mike is
play or is going to play
basketball at seven o’clock on Friday.

I will
my birthday party if my parents allow me.

3 questions to this sentence
(3 points):

When Jane gets home this
evening, she is going to do her homework.

is Jane going to do her homework?

is Jane going to do?

is going to do homework?

ü Total: 20 points

CHECKING TEST 3 – variant 1

  1. Fill in the gaps and translate the word combinations (8 points):

  1. W_rk experie_ce –

  2. C_llege appli_ation –

  3. W_stern hemis_ _ere –

  4. N_tive inhab_tants –

  5. C_nstitutional monar_ _y –

  6. W_nter poll_tion –

  7. T_me manag_ment —

  8. N_tural sele_tion –

  1. Complete the tag-questions (5 points):

  • The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, _____________ ?

  • There are many flowers in the garden, ______________ ?

  • They didn’t go to the cinema last Sunday, _______________ ?

  • Mary likes playing basketball, _____________ ?

  • He won’t go to London next year, _____________ ?

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (4 points):

  • Mark (play) _____________ football at 12 o’clock on Saturday.

  • Rachel (meet) __________ the editor.

  • We (go) ___________ to the restaurant on Tuesday evening.

  • I (buy) __________ a new motorbike if I win in the lottery.

  1. Write 3 questions to this sentence (3 points):

When Laura goes shopping this afternoon, she is going to buy a new dress.

  • When…

  • What…

  • Who…

Total: 20 points


CHECKING TEST 3 – variant 2

  1. Fill in the gaps and translate the word combinations (8 points):

  1. St_dent gover_ment –

  2. V_lunteer w_rk –

  3. Sou_ _ern A_stralia –

  4. T_tal pop_lation –

  5. P_rliament rep_blic –

  6. A_ternative ener_y –

  7. S_rict di_ _ipline —

  8. F_ture gener_tion –

  1. Complete the tag-questions (5 points):

  • We didn’t see that film last Saturday, _______________ ?

  • Peter enjoys swimming in the pool, _____________ ?

  • She won’t visit her granny next month, _____________ ?

  • There are many flowers in the garden, ______________ ?

  • The capital of Wales is Cardiff, _____________ ?

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (4 points):

  • We (arrive) __________ to London.

  • They (have) ___________ an interview on Monday morning.

  • Mike (play) _____________ basketball at seven o’clock on Friday.

  • I (organize) __________ my birthday party if my parents allow me.

  1. Write 3 questions to this sentence (3 points):

When Jane gets home this evening, she is going to do her homework.

  • When…

  • What…

  • Who…

  • Total: 20 points

CHECKING TEST 3 – variant 1

  1. Fill in the gaps and translate the word combinations (8 points):

  1. Work experience –

  2. College application –

  3. Western hemisphere –

  4. Native inhabitants –

  5. Constitutional monarchy –

  6. Winter pollution –

  7. Time management —

  8. Natural selection –

  1. Complete the tag-questions (5 points):

  • The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, isn’t it ?

  • There are many flowers in the garden, aren’t there ?

  • They didn’t go to the cinema last Sunday, did they ?

  • Mary likes playing basketball, doesn’t she ?

  • He won’t go to London next year, will he ?

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (4 points):

  • Mark is playing or is going to play football at 12 o’clock on Saturday.

  • Rachel will meet the editor.

  • We are going or are going to go to the restaurant on Tuesday evening.

  • I will buy a new motorbike if I win in the lottery.

  1. Write 3 questions to this sentence (3 points):

When Laura goes shopping this afternoon, she is going to buy a new dress.

  • When is Laura going to go shopping?

  • What is Laura going to buy?

  • Who is going to buy a new dress?

Total: 20 points


CHECKING TEST 3 – variant 2

  1. Fill in the gaps and translate the word combinations (8 points):

  1. Student government –

  2. Volunteer work –

  3. Southern Australia –

  4. Total population –

  5. Parliament republic –

  6. Alternative energy –

  7. Strict discipline —

  8. Future generation –

  1. Complete the tag-questions (5 points):

  • We didn’t see that film last Saturday, did we ?

  • Peter enjoys swimming in the pool, doesn’t he ?

  • She won’t visit her granny next month, will she ?

  • There are many flowers in the garden, aren’t there ?

  • The capital of Wales is Cardiff, isn’t it ?

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (4 points):

  • We will arrive to London.

  • They are having an interview on Monday morning.

  • Mike is play or is going to play basketball at seven o’clock on Friday.

  • I will organize my birthday party if my parents allow me.

  1. Write 3 questions to this sentence (3 points):

When Jane gets home this evening, she is going to do her homework.

  • When is Jane going to do her homework?

  • What is Jane going to do?

  • Who is going to do homework?

  • Total: 20 points

Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations
b) the USA
c) Turkey
d) February
f) wool sack
g) Thanksgiving Day
h) cranberry sauce
i) domestic
j)the eve
k)Chimney sweeps
1)Halloween or….of all saints Day is celebrated on october 31. 2)Thoung there are few …working today,a sweeps festival is celebrated in rochester on the first weekend in may in honour of this old profession. 3) St valentines Day is celebrated on….14. 4)to present …on Christmas is a good tradition. 5)….is a characteristic feature of english people. 6)i know that many English people like …animals. 7) Thanksgiving Day is very popular in….  8)The people can spend …with their families as it is a four-day holiday. 9)as the….cooks make the simple homemade….10) The lord Chancellor presides over parliament sitting on a …which symbolizes the importance of wool in english history

Make up word combinations. Translate them into Russian.

1. career

2. job

3. part-time

4. fill

5. applied

6. job

7. advanced

8. join

a. employment

b. English

c. upon request

d. hunting

e. the company

f. goals

g. qualification

h. a position

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Make up word combinations. Translate them into Russian. 1. career 2. job 3. part-time 4. fill 5. applied 6. job 7. advanced 8. join a. …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

Смотреть другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Make up word combinations. Translate them into Russian. 1. career 2. job 3. part-time 4. fill 5. applied 6. job 7. advanced 8. join a. employment b. English c. upon request d. hunting e. the company f. goals g. qualification h. a position

Нужно решение кр ДО 10.02.2023 8:30 позже можно не решать, балов больше нет, сори

№1. Match the words and translate the combinations into Russian:

1. guided
2. street
3. delayed
4. travel
5. ancient
6. rent
7. insect
8. hire
a. sickness
b. repellent
c. a car
d. a guide
e. vendors
f. tour
g. ruins
h. flight

№ 2. Fill in: local, breathtaking, excursion, nasty, spectacular, ancient, craftsmen, countless, beggars, candlelit.
1. In the town there were _________ cafes, shops, temples and small hotels.
2. In the streets you could see ________ and shoeshine boys.
3. A __________ procession was a part of the festival.
4. The view of this lake was really _________!
5. After my exams I am going on an _________ to Kathmandu.
6. _________ sell their handicrafts along the streets.
7. Near Bhaktapur we found an _________ Monkey temple.
8. Tibet has some of the most ___________ scenery in the world.
9. When we go abroad we always taste ___________ dishes.
10. My uncle caught a _____________ virus when he was in Thailand.
№ 3. Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.
1. Yesterday I _______________ (meet) my friends.
2. James __________ (paint) the house for two hours before he ___________ (take) a break.
3. We ____________ (wander) around the town when we __________ (go) into Mary.
4. Jane _____________ (watch) TV while I ____________ (water) the plants.
5. Ian __________ (ask) Tina out yesterday but she 21. __________ (already/make) plans.
6. You ______________ (talk) to on the phone when I ____________ (come) in.
7. Two days ago Betty ____________ (return) the book I ______________ (lend) her.
№ 4. Fill in the prepositions: off, by, in, around, on with
1. I don’t get ____________ Brian. I don’t want to know his opinion.
2. It’s difficult for people in wheelchairs to get ___________ this part of the city.
3. I don’t know how you can get __________ on such a low salary.
4. My plane gets ________ at 10 pm.
5. I must get ________ now or I will miss the bus.
№ 5. Fill in the prepositions: in, on, by
1. We’ll have to go _______ boat. There’s no road.
2. We arrived _______ Paris late.
3. It’s not far. Let’s go ________ foot.
4. When did you last go ________ holiday?
5. How many passengers are ________ the board?
№ 6. Fill in the gaps with the the derivatives
Visit the Lake Baikal, the largest lake in Eurasia and one of the world’s most 1)……..(IMPRESS) natural wonders, on foot. We organise a 15-day 2)……… (TREK) excursion that you’ll never forget. Starting from the 3)………(ATTRACT) city of Irkutsk we’ll take you up the Angara River by hydrofoil to the village of Listvianka where the actual trip begins. The trip involves 5-6 hours walking per day and includes visits to the Obeutikha Cave where Neolithic man lived. Chasovnia Chapel cave, the Museum of Wooden 4)……….(ARCHITECT) and many more 5)……….(INTEREST) sites. Most of the walking is quite easy but some of the tracks demand a good level of 6)………(TRAIN). All accommodation and meals are included in the cost of the trip, but we recommend you to bring a small 7)………(SELECT) of your favourite goodies for moments when you feel like nibbling at something.

выполните тест .
1. Translate the word combinations.
1. Eat candy floss –
2. Go souvenir shopping –
3. Fly in pirate trip –
4. See famous landmarks –
5. Shake hands with cartoon characters –
6. Explore a haunted mansion –
7. Ride on a rollercoaster –
2. Put the words in the correct order to make up sentences/перевод
1. you / arrived / just / have?
2. hasn’t / she / yet / packed / suitcase / her.
3. Have / I / to / camp / adventure / an / been / before.
4. You / have / ever / with / characters /shaken /cartoon /hands?
5. Never /I/ seen /robot / have /a.
3. Use the words to make up sentences in the Present Perfect Tense/перевод
1. I /tidy up /my / room
2. She /eat/ candy floss
3. He /go / souvenir / shopping
4. We / read / this / book
5. They / travel / Europe
4. Correct the mistakes/перевод
1. unactive –
2. ilbelievable–
3. inresponsible–
4. irlogical –
5. ilpossible –
6. imforgettable–
7. inbalanced –

Помогите, срочно нужно.

Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations.

1. The British Parliament consists of.

And. 2.

Englishmen always respect their.

3. The United Kingdom is separated from the continent by.

4. Many young people from all over the world would like to enter.

5. Agriculture is developed in Scotland, especially.

6. The climate of the UK is.

7. Liverpool is famous.

As the Beatles were organized there.

8. Among British industries the most developed are.

9. Two thirds of the world’s.

Used to come from UK.

10. In the early 18th century British.

Manufacture was based on wool which was processed by individual artisans.

A. customs and traditions B.

Sheep — breeding C.

From a cultural aspect D.

Oxford University E.

The House of Lords F.

Ships G.

The Straits of Dover H.

Computing and electronics.

I. varied J.

The House of Commons K.

Shipyards L.


Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Помогите, срочно нужно?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
программе для учащихся 10 — 11 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в
комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют,
создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

I. Match the words from the columns

1-c  Meet the locals

2-f  buy souvenirs  

3-h  visit museums

4-g  lie on the beach all day

5-i  go on guided tours

6-b  see famous landmarks  

7-a  try the local cuisine

8-d  explore nature

9-e  have time to yourself    

II. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. She said she liked travelling by plane.

2. They said they had visited Russia the winter before.

3. The travel agent told us to take photocopies of our tickets and passports.

4. He asked Mary if she liked French food.

5. She told me not to let anyone carry my bags.

6. He said he could speak German.

7.  Judy asked Sam if he had ever lived abroad.

8.  Alice said she would be in Brighton the following week.

9. He asked where the nearest bus stop was.

10. She told me she would call me the next day.

III. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.

1. I think, you should set aside some  money in case you want to buy a house.

2. What time will we have to set off for the airport tomorrow?

3. The opening of the new sport centre has been set back a few weeks.

4. Summer has started to set in already, so we can go swimming.

IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. Our family spent a few days at the seaside.

2. There are many boats for hire at Yalta.

3. Hotels offer special rates if you travel off season.

4. You should book your tickets at least a month in advance.

5. For safety reasons, you should know rules for using mobile devices on board.

6. Please send me information without delay.

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