Fill in the correct word whoever whatever whenever wherever however wants to take part

1. Fill in the words: staff, natural, burst, zebra, bank
Let’s cross the road at the ……….. crossing. It’s safer.
The………..members at the animal clinic are very helpful.
I’d like to open a ……….. account, please.
When she found her dog safe after the accident, she ………into tears.
I want to be a nurse, so volunteering at my local hospital was a …….. choice for me.
Put the verbs in brackets into correct passive form:
My computer …………… (check) for viruses tomorrow.
A lot of houses ……….. (destroy) by huge tornado last year.
This chair …………. (make) of plastic, don’t stand on it.
The work is very important and it ……….. (must do) on time!
Our house ……….. (paint) with expensive green paints.
Fill in the correct word: whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, however
…………..wants to take part in the competition, should fill in this form.
………..Helen goes, she always takes her laptop with her.
Jason will not change his mind, ……….. you say to him.
You can do the task ……….. you want: in writing or orally.
……….. I hear this song, I remember my holidays in Spain.
Write the correct word with ‘self’
Girls, if you want some food, help ……………. .
Did Olga clean all the house …………. ?
Mile likes to make ……….. heard.
I think, we can overcome the problem ………… .
I’ve ………….. installed anti-virus software on my computer.
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb: checked out, will check in, check off, checks on, check out of
What time do we have to ………… the hotel?
I am going to write a list of things to take with me and ………. the items I’ve already packed.
Tim and Rob ………. a nice café down the street yesterday.
Sam …………for the flight after he finishes his coffee.
Laura always ………… her children before she goes to bed herself.



Let’s cross the road at the zebra crossing. It’s safer.

The staff members at the animal clinic are very helpful.

I’d like to open a bank
account, please.

When she found her dog safe after the accident, she burst into tears.

I want to be a nurse, so volunteering at my local hospital was a natural choice for me.


My computer will be checked for viruses tomorrow.

A lot of houses are destroyed by huge tornado last year.

This chair is made of plastic, don’t stand on it.

The work is very important and it must be done on time!

Our house is painted with expensive green paints.


Whoever wants to take part in the competition, should fill in this form.

Wherever Helen goes, she always takes her laptop with her.

Jason will not change his mind, whatever you say to him.

You can do the task however   you want: in writing or orally.

Whenever I hear this song, I remember my holidays in Spain.


Girls, if you want some food, help yourselves.

Did Olga clean all the house herself?

Mile likes to make himself heard.

I think, we can overcome the problem ourselves.

I’ve myself installed anti-virus software on my computer.


What time do we have to check out of
the hotel?

I am going to write a list of things to take with me and checked out the items I’ve already packed.

Tim and Rob checks off a nice café down the street yesterday.

Sam will check in for the flight after he finishes his coffee.

Laura always check on her children before she goes to bed herself.


1)Put the verbs in brackets into correct passive form:

The first Harry Potter book ……….. (write) by J.K. Rowling in 1997.

The money from the sales ………… (give) to a local charity next week.

All the concert tickets …………… (sell) now.

This dress ………… (make) from cotton.

Acropolis in Athens …………… (can see) from any part of the city.Fill in the words: animal, senior, foster, traffic, bus

2)They run a special programme for ………… citizen.

You can’t drive in a ………… lane.

We’ve found a ……….. home for a little kitten.

My friends help at the ………….. shelter two times a week after school.

Stop! The …………. are red!
3)Fill in the correct word: whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, however

………….. he cooks, it’s always delicious.

…………..wins the competition will get a trip for two to Disneyland.

You can come and stay with us …………… you like.

Where can I sit? — …………… you want.

……………..hard he tried, he couldn’t overcome the problem.

Ершова Ксения Валерьевна

Контрольная работа по английскому языку к учебнику Spotlight 9 по теме Town and Community Модуль 6


Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check 6

Variant 1

  1. Fill in the words: animal, senior, foster, traffic, bus
  1. They run a special programme for ………… citizen.
  2. You can’t drive in a ………… lane.
  3. We’ve found a ……….. home for a little kitten.
  4. My friends help at the ………….. shelter two times a week after school.
  5. Stop! The …………. are red!
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into correct passive form:
  1. The first Harry Potter book ……….. (write) by J.K. Rowling in 1997.
  2. The money from the sales ………… (give) to a local charity next week.
  3. All the concert tickets …………… (sell) now.
  4. This dress ………… (make) from cotton.
  5. Acropolis in Athens …………… (can see) from any part of the city.
  1. Fill in the correct word: whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, however
  1. ………….. he cooks, it’s always delicious.
  2. …………..wins the competition will get a trip for two to Disneyland.
  3. You can come and stay with us …………… you like.
  4. Where can I sit? — …………… you want.
  5. ……………..hard he tried, he couldn’t overcome the problem.
  1. Write the correct word with ‘self’
  1. He doesn’t look ………… today. Is he OK?
  2. Alex, did you choose my present …………..?
  3. She did it all by ……………  .
  4. They built their house ………… .
  5. Shall we wait for you or buy everything …………?

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb: check out, check in, checks off, check on, checked out of

  1. After you ……………, someone will help you carry your bags to your room.
  2. Let’s go and ………..that new restaurant in the city center.
  3. Laura usually …………the items on her shopping list as she goes around the supermarket.
  4. Peter was asked to return his room key when he ………. the hotel.
  5. Can you ………..the dinner and make sure it’s not burning?

Progress Check 6

Variant 2

1. Fill in the words: staff, natural, burst, zebra, bank

  1. Let’s cross the road at the ……….. crossing. It’s safer.
  2. The………..members at the animal clinic are very helpful.
  3. I’d like to open a ……….. account, please.
  4. When she found her dog safe after the accident, she ………into tears.
  5. I want to be a nurse, so volunteering at my local hospital was a …….. choice for me.
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into correct passive form:
  1. My computer …………… (check) for viruses tomorrow.
  2. A lot of houses ……….. (destroy) by huge tornado last year.
  3. This chair …………. (make) of plastic, don’t stand on it.
  4. The work is very important and it ……….. (must do) on time!
  5. Our house ……….. (paint) with expensive green paints.
  1. Fill in the correct word: whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, however
  1. …………..wants to take part in the competition, should fill in this form.
  2. ………..Helen goes, she always takes her laptop with her.
  3. Jason will not change his mind, ……….. you say to him.
  4. You can do the task ……….. you want: in writing or orally.
  5. ……….. I hear this song, I remember my holidays in Spain.
  1. Write the correct word with ‘self’
  1. Girls, if you want some food, help ……………. .
  2. Did Olga clean all the house …………. ?
  3. Mile likes to make ……….. heard.
  4. I think, we can overcome the problem ………… .
  5. I’ve ………….. installed anti-virus software on my computer.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb: checked out, will check in, check off, checks on, check out of

  1. What time do we have to ………… the hotel?
  2. I am going to write a list of things to take with me and ………. the items I’ve already packed.
  3. Tim and Rob ……….  a nice café down the street yesterday.
  4. Sam …………for the flight after he finishes his coffee.
  5. Laura always ………… her children before she goes to bed herself.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

  • Мне нравится 


Материал к учебнику Ваулиной Spotlight для 9 класса. Данная контрольная работа составлена в формате Prosress Check, содержит 2 варианта. Каждый вариант состоит из 5-ти заданий, направленных на контроль уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков обучающихся:

 — лексика по теме Город и горожане

 — пассивный залог

 — производные относительных местоимений

 — возвратные местоимения

 — фразовый глагол check

Содержимое разработки

Progress Check 6

Variant 1

  1. Fill in the words: animal, senior, foster, traffic, bus

  1. They run a special programme for ………… citizen.

  2. You can’t drive in a ………… lane.

  3. We’ve found a ……….. home for a little kitten.

  4. My friends help at the ………….. shelter two times a week after school.

  5. Stop! The …………. are red!

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into correct passive form:

  1. The first Harry Potter book ……….. (write) by J.K. Rowling in 1997.

  2. The money from the sales ………… (give) to a local charity next week.

  3. All the concert tickets …………… (sell) now.

  4. This dress ………… (make) from cotton.

  5. Acropolis in Athens …………… (can see) from any part of the city.

  1. Fill in the correct word: whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, however

  1. ………….. he cooks, it’s always delicious.

  2. …………..wins the competition will get a trip for two to Disneyland.

  3. You can come and stay with us …………… you like.

  4. Where can I sit? — …………… you want.

  5. ……………..hard he tried, he couldn’t overcome the problem.

  1. Write the correct word with ‘self’

  1. He doesn’t look ………… today. Is he OK?

  2. Alex, did you choose my present …………..?

  3. She did it all by …………… .

  4. They built their house ………… .

  5. Shall we wait for you or buy everything …………?

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb: check out, check in, checks off, check on, checked out of

  1. After you ……………, someone will help you carry your bags to your room.

  2. Let’s go and ………..that new restaurant in the city center.

  3. Laura usually …………the items on her shopping list as she goes around the supermarket.

  4. Peter was asked to return his room key when he ………. the hotel.

  5. Can you ………..the dinner and make sure it’s not burning?

Progress Check 6

Variant 2

1. Fill in the words: staff, natural, burst, zebra, bank

  1. Let’s cross the road at the ……….. crossing. It’s safer.

  2. The………..members at the animal clinic are very helpful.

  3. I’d like to open a ……….. account, please.

  4. When she found her dog safe after the accident, she ………into tears.

  5. I want to be a nurse, so volunteering at my local hospital was a …….. choice for me.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into correct passive form:

  1. My computer …………… (check) for viruses tomorrow.

  2. A lot of houses ……….. (destroy) by huge tornado last year.

  3. This chair …………. (make) of plastic, don’t stand on it.

  4. The work is very important and it ……….. (must do) on time!

  5. Our house ……….. (paint) with expensive green paints.

  1. Fill in the correct word: whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, however

  1. …………..wants to take part in the competition, should fill in this form.

  2. ………..Helen goes, she always takes her laptop with her.

  3. Jason will not change his mind, ……….. you say to him.

  4. You can do the task ……….. you want: in writing or orally.

  5. ……….. I hear this song, I remember my holidays in Spain.

  1. Write the correct word with ‘self’

  1. Girls, if you want some food, help ……………. .

  2. Did Olga clean all the house …………. ?

  3. Mile likes to make ……….. heard.

  4. I think, we can overcome the problem ………… .

  5. I’ve ………….. installed anti-virus software on my computer.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb: checked out, will check in, check off, checks on, check out of

  1. What time do we have to ………… the hotel?

  2. I am going to write a list of things to take with me and ………. the items I’ve already packed.

  3. Tim and Rob ………. a nice café down the street yesterday.

  4. Sam …………for the flight after he finishes his coffee.

  5. Laura always ………… her children before she goes to bed herself.


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Контрольная работа по английскому языку к учебнику Spotlight 9 по теме «Town and Community» (Модуль 6) (16.69 KB)

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They run a special programme for senior citizen.
You can’t drive in a bus lane.
We’ve found a foster home for a little kitten.
My friends help at the animal shelter two times a week after school.
Stop! The traffic lights are red!

The first Harry Potter book was written by J.K. Rowling in 1997.
The money from the sales will be given to a local charity next week.
All the concert tickets are sold now.
This dress is made from cotton.
Acropolis in Athens can be seen from any part of the city.

Whatever he cooks, it’s always delicious.
Whoever wins the competition will get a trip for two to Disneyland.
You can come and stay with us whenever you like.
Where can I sit — wherever you want.
However hard he tried, he couldn’t overcome the problem.

He doesn’t look himself today. Is he OK
Alex, did you choose my present yourself
She did it all by herself .
They built their house themselves.
Shall we wait for you or buy everything ourselve

After you check in, someone will help you carry your bags to your room.
Let’s go and check out that new restaurant in the city center.
Laura usually check off the items on her shopping list as she goes around the supermarket.
Peter was asked to return his room key when he checked out the hotel.
Can you check on the dinner and make sure it’s not burning


Отв. дан
2018-10-17 06:01:03



Что бы ни, не важно что, любой 

Обычно мы используем Whatever перед подлежащим и сказуемым, чтобы сказать о неважности события или действия человека.


Whatever he thinks, I believe in this miracle – Не важно, что он думает, я верю в это чудо.

I would like to travel around Spain whatever they are planning – Что бы они не планировали, я бы хотел путешествовать по Испании.

Полезные фразы:

Whatever the reason – Какова не была бы причина

Whatever you may say – Что ни говори

At whatever price – По любой цене


Кто бы ни, не важно кто, любой

Мы используем Whoever в качестве подлежащего.


Whoever wants to go with me must call tomorrow – Любой, кто хочет поехать со мной, должен позвонить завтра.

We need whoever is in this room – Нужен любой из этой комнаты.

Полезные фразы:

Whoever you may be – Кто бы ты ни был

Whoever is responsible – Кто бы ни был ответственным

Whoever solves the riddle – Любой, кто решит эту загадку


Когда бы ни, не важно когда, в любое время, всякий раз когда


Call me whenever you need – Звони мне в любое время, когда тебе нужно.

Whenever I think about my girlfriend she sends me a message – Всякий раз, когда я думаю о моей девушке, она присылает мне сообщение.

Полезные фразы:

Whenever I see him – Всякий раз когда я вижу его

Whenever possible – По возможности

Whenever you like – Когда вам угодно


Куда бы ни, не важно куда, в любое место.


Wherever my friends are, they always call me and send messages – В каком бы месте не были мои друзья, они всегда мне звонят и присылают сообщения.

If you lived wherever you wanted, where would it be? – Если бы вы жили в любом месте, в котором хотели, что за место было бы?

Полезные фразы:

Wherever they are – Где бы они ни были

Wherever he goes – Куда бы он ни пошел

Wherever you are going – Куда бы вы ни собрались



В данном случае мы используем However в качестве вводного слова, которое надо выделять запятыми. Вы можете ставить However в любую часть предложения.


However, we have achieved the great success – Однако, мы достигли великолепного успеха.

This painting, however, is the most valuable in this gallery – Эта картина, однако, самая ценная в этой галереи.

Полезные фразы:

However much it may cost – Сколько бы это не стоило

However important they may be – Какими бы важными они ни были

However you want – Как ты захочешь


Какой бы ни, любой, не важно какой, в зависимости от того, что.

Мы используем Whichever, когда перед нами стоит какой-нибудь выбор из нескольких вариантов. 


Whichever book you take, you will get a bunch of impressions – Не важно какую книгу ты возьмешь, ты получишь кучу впечатлений. 

Think about any good moment of your life, whichever you want – Подумай о любом хорошем моменте из твоей жизни, о котором тебе хочется.

Полезные фразы:

Whichever comes/occurs/happens first – В зависимости от того, что происходит раньше.

Whichever is the most interesting – В зависимости от того, что самое интересное.

You can choose whichever you want – Ты можешь выбрать любое то, что ты хочешь.

Whichever you prefer – Что бы ты не предпочел

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