Fill in the correct word when i was recovering from

Translate the phrases into Russian language

Local news — weather reports — cartoon strip — beauty advice — TV guide — chat show newspaper —

Fill in the preposition

Alarm clock went … I got up and went to the bathroom.

The meal went … because my brother didn’t put it to the fridge.

She bought the milk and went … making pancakes.

The cat stole a sausage from the table and ran …

He is a very active person, he takes part … almost all competitions, his parents must be proud of him.

Fill in the correct word

Break, fancy, glossy, shocked, celebrity, come, porridge, surprised.

When I was recovering from an injury in a hospital I ate _________ for breakfast.

You know, I am not even _________, he is always forgetting his keys.

We need an engineer in case the equipment __________ down.

My father prefers reading newspapers and my mother prefers _______ magazines with celebrity gossip.

Do you really ______ watching this, this is awful!

That’s unbelievable that he didn’t passed his exams, I’m a bit _______!

Her friend is a very imaginative person, he always _____ up with new ideas.

Put the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense

She …………………………. (write) a letter when the lights went out, because there …… (be) a storm.

Paul …………………………. (get dressed), …………. (have) breakfast and then ………. (go) to school.

He was walking in the street when he ……… (see) a fire.

Gary ……………………… (ride) his bicycle while Alan was skateboarding.

Sorry, I …….. (forget) my home task, but I really ….. (do) it the whole evening.

What ………………………….. (you/do) at 6 o’clock yesterday?

He ……. (train) so hard for the last three months and eventually he ……. (brake) the record.

Translate the sentences to English

Я была очень взволнована, когда смотрела международные новости.

Вчера в 7 часов вечера я смотрел кулинарную программу на канале 4.

Я всегда пытаюсь помочь бездомным животным.

Прошел слух, что все участники этого клуба получат награды.

Это ужасные новости!

1. Translate the phrases into Russian language Local news — weather reports — cartoon strip — beauty advice — TV guide — chat show newspaper — 2.

Fill in the preposition Alarm clock went … I got up and went to the bathroom.

The meal went … because my brother didn’t put it to the fridge.

She bought the milk and went … making pancakes.

The cat stole a sausage from the table and ran … He is a very active person, he takes part … almost all competitions, his parents must be proud of him.

3. Fill in the correct word Break, fancy, glossy, shocked, celebrity, come, porridge, surprised.

When I was recovering from an injury in a hospital I ate _________ for breakfast.

You know, I am not even _________, he is always forgetting his keys.

We need an engineer in case the equipment __________ down.

My father prefers reading newspapers and my mother prefers _______ magazines with celebrity gossip.

Do you really ______ watching this, this is awful!

That’s unbelievable that he didn’t passed his exams, I’m a bit _______!

Her friend is a very imaginative person, he always _____ up with new ideas.

4. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense She .

(write) a letter when the lights went out, because there …… (be) a storm.

Paul .

(get dressed), ………….

(have) breakfast and then ……….

(go) to school.

He was walking in the street when he ……… (see) a fire.

Gary .

(ride) his bicycle while Alan was skateboarding.

Sorry, I …….

(forget) my home task, but I really ….

(do) it the whole evening.

What ………………………….

(you / do) at 6 o’clock yesterday?

He …….

(train) so hard for the last three months and eventually he …….

(brake) the record.

5. Look for a mistake in each sentence.

Sue didn’t came to the disco with us.

We played computer games at 3 o’clock yesterday She wents to priston because she stole some money When mom came in we watched TV I was reading a book while Kate listened to music Помогите пожалуйста!

Если вам необходимо получить ответ на вопрос 1. Translate the phrases into Russian language Local news — weather reports — cartoon strip — beauty advice — TV guide — chat show newspaper — 2?, относящийся
к уровню подготовки учащихся 5 — 9 классов, вы открыли нужную страницу.
В категории Английский язык вы также найдете ответы на похожие вопросы по
интересующей теме, с помощью автоматического «умного» поиска. Если после
ознакомления со всеми вариантами ответа у вас остались сомнения, или
полученная информация не полностью освещает тематику, создайте свой вопрос с
помощью кнопки, которая находится вверху страницы, или обсудите вопрос с
посетителями этой страницы.

Spotlight 7, Module 4, Test, Variant 1

  1. Translate the phrases into Russian language

Local news — weather reports — cartoon strips — beauty advice — TV guide — chat show -newspaper

  1. Fill in the preposition on, off, with

1) Alarm clock went … I got up and went to the bathroom. 2) The meal went … because my brother didn’t put it to the fridge. 3) She bought the milk and went … making pancakes. 4) That bag goes really well … your shoes. 5) The meeting went … for hours and hours.

  1. Fill in the correct word

Break, fancy, magazines, shocked, celebrity, porridge, surprised.

1) When I was recovering from an injury in a hospital I ate _________ for breakfast.

2) You know, I am not even _________, he is always forgetting his keys.

3) We need an engineer in case the equipment __________ down.

4) My father prefers reading newspapers and my mother prefers _______ with celebrity gossip.

5) Do you really ______ watching this, this is awful!

6) That’s unbelievable that he didn’t passed his exams, I’m a bit _______!

  1. Put the verbs in the Past Continuous

1) We … (plan) to go to the zoo, but we stayed home instead. 2) Tom …(take) notes during the lesson. 3) The students … (work) hard because they wanted a good mark in the exam. 4) She … (play) with her nephews all day Saturday. 5) I … (read) the newspaper at 6 o’clock.

  1. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense

  1. She … (write) a letter when the lights went out, because there … (be) a storm. 2) Paul … (get dressed), (have) breakfast and then … (go) to school. 3) He was walking in the street when he … (see) a fire. 4) Gary … (ride) his bicycle while Alan was skateboarding. 5) Sorry, I … (forget) my home task, but I really … (do) it the whole evening. 6) He … (train) so hard for the last three months and eventually he … (brake) the record.

  1. Read the text and answer the questions. Use full sentences!

Sun Shines On Fun Run

            On 12th June, a ‘Fun Run’ took place in the town of Sunnyfield. A group of sixteen-year-old students from the local high school came up with the idea and over 500 people of all ages took part.

            Luckily, it was a sunny day. Everyone had fun running, walking or skateboarding the 10-mile distance. Thanks to the event, £2,346 was raised for the charity ‘Cancer Care’.

            Suzie Hamilton, one of the students who organized the run, said, “We wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.”

            The local headmaster was so proud, he decided to make the event part of the school’s year calendar.

  1. When and where did the event take place?

  2. Who planned the event?

  3. How many people took part?

  4. What was the weather like during the ‘run’?

  5. How far did they have to go?

  6. What happened as the result of the event? What did the headmaster decide?

Test Spotlight 7, Module 4, Variant 2

  1. Translate the phrases into Russian language

National news — daily horoscope — advertisement — fashion advice — interview — magazine – documentary.

  1. Fill in the preposition on,off,with

  1. Don’t buy this dress, it doesn’ t go … these shoes. 2) She finished watching news and went … doing home task. 3) The alarm system will go … if the burglar break into your house. 4) Put the chicken in the fridge or it will go … . 5) Go …, please . This story is very interesting.

  1. Fill in the correct word

Attractive, wildlife, radio, articles, chart, cartoon, rhyme, worried.

  1. He was learning this nursery ________ for ages.

  2. Where have you been?! I was so _______ about you!

  3. I like to read ‘Time’ newspaper, there are always interesting _______, my brother is interested in __________ strips.

  4. She follows all the beauty advice that’s why she is very __________.

  5. This is my favourite _________ station, there is always the latest music and _____ hits.

  6. African Safari Adventure is an interesting _________ documentary about animals in Africa.

  1. Put the verbs in the Past Continuous

  1. I … (work) on my computer all day on Sunday. 2) Bob … (write) English exercise at this time yesterday. 3) We … (play) chess the whole evening. 4) My little sister … (sleep) from 2 till 4 yesterday. 5) Mike and Alan … (watch) TV all day long.

  1. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense

  1. The detective asked, ‘What … (you/do) at the time of the robbery?’ 2) He … (cook) when the lights went out. 3) I … (sleep) while Ann … (draw) a picture. 4) She … (wash) the dishes when one of the plates … (fall) down and …. (brake) to pieces. 5) Tom … (be) in a hurry, so he … (eat) quickly, … (pack) his things and … (leave) the room. 6) When they heard that noise they … (watch) the local news.

  1. Read the text and answer the questions. Use full sentences!

Help Hearts

On 20th August, a ‘Help Hearts’ charity event took place in the town of Whitefall. A group of nurses from one of the local hospitals came up with the idea and over 1000 people of all ages took part.

Luckily, it was a sunny day. Everyone had fun either swimming, walking or windsurfing. Thanks to the event, £5,000 was raised for the charity.

Bob Keene, one of the people who organized the event, said, “We wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.

” The hospital administrators were so proud, they decided to make the event part of the hospital’s yearly calendar.

  1. Where and when did the event take place?

  2. What was the name of the organisation that raised the money ?

  3. Who planned the event?

  4. How many people took part?

  5. What was the weather like during the event?

  6. What happened as a result of the event? What did the hospital administrators decide?

Test Spotlight 7, Module 4, Variant 1

  1. Translate the phrases into Russian language

1.Local news — reports — 2. cartoon strip — 5. beauty advice — 3.TV guide — 6. chat show

  1. Fill in the preposition

  1. Alarm clock went … I got up and went to the bathroom.

  2. The meal went … because my brother didn’t put it to the fridge.

  3. She bought the milk and went … making pancakes.

  4. The cat stole a sausage from the table and ran …

  5. He is a very active person, he takes part … almost all competitions, his parents must be proud of him.

  1. Fill in the correct word

Break, fancy, glossy, shocked, celebrity, come, porridge, surprised.

  1. When I was recovering from an injury in a hospital I ate ­­­­_________ for breakfast.

  2. You know, I am not even ­­­­­_________, he is always forgetting his keys.

  3. We need an engineer in case the equipment __________ down.

  4. My father prefers reading newspapers and my mother prefers _______ magazines with celebrity gossip.

  5. Do you really ______ watching this, this is awful!

  6. That’s unbelievable that he didn’t passed his exams, I’m a bit _______!

  7. Her friend is a very imaginative person, he always _____ up with new ideas.

  1. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense

  1. She …………………………. (write) a letter when the lights went out, because there …… (be) a storm.

  2. Paul …………………………. (get dressed), …………. (have) breakfast and then ………. (go) to school.

  3. He was walking in the street when he ……… (see) a fire.

  4. Gary ……………………… (ride) his bicycle while Alan was skateboarding.

  5. Sorry, I …….. (forget) my home task, but I really ….. (do) it the whole evening.

  6. What ………………………….. (you/do) at 6 o’clock yesterday?

  7. He ……. (train) so hard for the last three months and eventually he ……. (brake) the record.

  1. Match the words to make up word combinations.

1. interesting wildlife a message

2. international b interview

3. listen to c show

4. chat d documentary

5. weather e news

6. text f report

7. fashion and beauty g drama

8. police h programme

9. cookery i advice

Test Spotlight 7, Module 4, Variant 2

  1. Translate the phrases into Russian language

1.National news — 4.daily horoscope — 2.advertisement — 5. fashion advice — 3.interview — 6.documentaries —

  1. Fill in the preposition

  1. Don’t buy this dress, it doesn’t go … with shoes.

  2. She finished watching news and went … doing home task.

  3. The alarm system will go … if the burglar breaks into your house.

  4. When I drive a car I always listen … radio.

  5. When my children grow up, I want to be proud … them.

  1. Fill in the correct word

Attractive, radio, articles, chart, eventually, cartoon, rhyme, worried.

  1. He was learning this nursery ­­­­­­­­­­ ________ for ages, but _______ he learned it by heart.

  2. Where have you been?! I was so _______ about you!

  3. I like to read ‘Time’ newspaper, there are always interesting _______, my brother is interested in __________ strips.

  4. She follows all the beauty advice that’s why she is very __________.

  5. This is my favourite _________ station; there is always the latest music and _____ hits.

  1. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense

  1. The detective asked, ‘What ……………………….. (you/do) at the time of the robbery?’

  2. He …………………………….. (cook) when the lights went out.

  3. He ………… (sleep) while Ann ……… (draw) a picture.

  4. She ……….. (wash) the dishes when one of the plates …… (fall) down and …. (brake) to pieces.

  5. Tom …….. (be ) in a hurry, so he …… (eat) quickly, ………. (pack) his things and ….. (leave) the room.

  6. When he heard that noise he ……….. (watch) the local news.

  1. Match the words to make up word combinations.

1. interesting wildlife a message

2. international b interview

3. listen to c show

4. chat d documentary

5. weather e news

6. text f report

7. fashion and beauty g programme

8. police h advice

9. sports i drama

</<font face=»Times New Roman,
serif»>Test Spotlight 7, Module 4, Variant 1Тест для 7 класса по УМК Spotlight, модуль 4, вариант 1, 2

  1. Translate the phrases into Russian language

Local news — weather reports — cartoon strip — beauty advice —
TV guide — chat show newspaper —

  1. Fill in the preposition

  • Alarm clock went … I got up and went to the bathroom.

  • The meal went … because my brother didn’t put it to the

  • She bought the milk and went … making pancakes.

  • The cat stole a sausage from the table and ran …

  • He is a very active person, he takes part … almost all
    competitions, his parents must be proud of him.

  1. Fill in the correct word

Break, fancy, glossy, shocked, celebrity, come,
porridge, surprised.

  • When I was recovering from an injury in a hospital I ate
    _________ for breakfast.

  • You know, I am not even _________, he is always forgetting
    his keys.

  • We need an engineer in case the equipment __________ down.

  • My father prefers reading newspapers and my mother prefers
    _______ magazines with celebrity gossip.

  • Do you really ______ watching this, this is awful!

  • That’s unbelievable that he didn’t passed his exams, I’m a
    bit _______!

  • Her friend is a very imaginative person, he always _____ up
    with new ideas.

  1. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense

  • She …………………………. (write) a letter when
    the lights went out, because there …… (be) a storm.

  • Paul …………………………. (get dressed), ………….
    (have) breakfast and then ………. (go) to school.

  • He was walking in the street when he ……… (see) a fire.

  • Gary ……………………… (ride) his bicycle while
    Alan was skateboarding.

  • Sorry, I …….. (forget) my home task, but I really ….. (do)
    it the whole evening.

  • What ………………………….. (you/do) at 6 o’clock yesterday?

  • He ……. (train) so hard for the last three months and
    eventually he ……. (brake) the record.

  1. Translate the sentences to English

  • Я была очень взволнована, когда смотрела международные

  • Вчера в 7 часов вечера я смотрел кулинарную программу на
    канале 4.

  • Я всегда пытаюсь помочь бездомным животным.

  • Прошел слух, что все участники этого клуба получат награды.

  • Это ужасные новости!

Тест для 7 класса по УМК Spotlight, модуль 4, вариант 1, 2

Test Spotlight 7, Module 4, Variant 2

  1. Translate the phrases into Russian language

National news — daily horoscope — advertisement — fashion advice
— interview — magazine — documentaries —

  1. Fill in the preposition

  • Don’t buy this dress, it doesn’ t go … with shoes.

  • She finished watching news and went … doing home task.

  • The alarm system will go … if the burglar break into your

  • When I drive a car I always listen … radio.

  • When my children grow … I want to be proud … them.

  1. Fill in the correct word

Attractive, radio, articles, chart, eventually,
cartoon, rhyme, worried.

  • He was learning this nursery ________ for ages, but _______
    he learned it by heart.

  • Where have you been?! I was so _______ about you!

  • I like to read ‘Time’ newspaper, there are always
    interesting _______, my brother is interested in __________

  • She follows all the beauty advice that’s why she is very

  • This is my favourite _________ station, there is always the
    latest music and _____ hits.

  1. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense

  • The detective asked, ‘What ………………………..
    (you/do) at the time of the robbery?’

  • He …………………………….. (cook) when the
    lights went out.

  • He ………… (sleep) while Ann ……… (draw) a picture.

  • She ……….. (wash) the dishes when one of the plates …… (fall)
    down and …. (brake) to pieces.

  • Tom …….. (be ) in a hurry, so he …… (eat) quickly, ……….
    (pack) his things and ….. (leave) the room.

  • When he heard that noise he ……….. (watch) the local news.

  1. Translate the sentences to English

  • Моя мама очень любознательна, она любит читать сплетни о

  • Вчера в 7 часов вечера я смотрела мыльную оперу на канале 2.

  • Он получил награду за его работу о загрязнении.

  • Прошел слух, что майор примет участие в сегодняшней

  • Какие прекрасные новости!

Контрольные работы к  УМК  «Spotlight 10» помогут учителю определить уровень усвоения знаний учащимися изученного Модуля

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?

Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.

Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.

Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.

Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.

Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.

Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа

«МОДУЛЬ 1 Вариант №1 (ключи)»

Просмотр содержимого документа

«МОДУЛЬ 1 Вариант №2 ( ключи)»

Просмотр содержимого документа

«МОДУЛЬ 2 Вариант №1(ключи)»

Просмотр содержимого документа

«МОДУЛЬ 3 Вариант №1 (ключи)»

Просмотр содержимого документа

«МОДУЛЬ 4 Вариант № 1 (ключи)»

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Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

1. I like reading the newspapers for all its ______ ______.
2. The athlete broke the _____ last year at the Olympic Games.
3. I heard (слушал) my favourite songs on the ____ last night.
4. My sister buys (покупает) a popular magazine to read _____ about famous people.
5. Tom likes to send (отправлять) ______ to his friends.
6. Sara buys a lot of magazines for its ____ _____ advice.
7. I always read the _____ reports in the newspapers.
B Match
8. interesting wildlife a message
9. international b interview
10. listen to c show
11. chat d documentary
12. weather e news
13. text f report
14. fashion and beauty g drama
15. police h programme
16. cookery i advice

C Fill in the gaps with off, with, on:
Go… . I am listening to you.
This blouse goes well… your skirt.
You must use these cakes soon before they go…
My alarm clock went… at 7 o’clock.
D Put the verbs in the Past Continuous:
Mother (to watch) TV when he arrived.
Tom (to play) computer games at 9 pm yesterday.
Bob and Mark (to read) magazines when their father came.
She (to send) e-mails until 10 pm last night.
His father (to recover) in hospital for three weeks after his fall.
E Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous:
They (to do) their homework when their father (to come).
His parents (to read) while Tom (to sleep).
When Ann (to watch) the film, her sister (to dance).
Mother (to cook) dinner when Kate (to hear) a noise.
John (to read) a magazine when the phone (to ring).
F Read the text and answer the questions.
Sun Shines On Fun Run
On 12th June, a ‘Fun Run ‘took place in the town of Sunnyfield. A group of sixteen-years-old students from the local high school came up with the idea and over 500 people of all ages took part.
Luckily, it was a sunny day. Everyone had fun running, walking or skate-boarding the 10-mile distance. Thanks the event, 2,346$ was raised for the charity ‘Cancer Care’.
Suzie Hamilton, one of the students who organized the run, said, “We wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.”
The local headmaster was so proud, he decided to make the event part of the school’s years calendar.
When was a ‘Fun Run ‘?
Who took part in this event? (событие, мероприятие)
Who organized the run?
What did the local headmaster decide to make?
What was the result of the event?
G Listen to the reports. Number them in the order you hear them.
e.g. new technology 1
36. a rescue …
37. a new shopping centre …
38. school meals …
39. a bank robbery …
40. a sports event …

Ответ №1


A. 1. interesting articles


3. radio

4. gossip

5. text messages

6. fashion and beauty

7. weather

B. 1.d










D.1.was watching

2.was playing

3.were reading

4.was sending

5.was recovering

E.1.were doing/came

2.was reading/slept

3.watched/was dancing

4.was cooking/heard

5.was reading/rang

F. 1. It was on 12th June

2. Over 500 people of all ages took part in this event

3. 16-years-old students from local high school organized that event

4. They decided to make the event part of school’s years calendar

5.Thanks the event, 2,346$ were raised.

G. ответить не могу, так так это Listening

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 3 B (Module 3). Номер №A

Fill in the correct word.

• curious

• imaginative

• daring

• determined

• patient

• athletic

e.g. Peter is very imaginative. He comes up with the most amazing stories.
1. Be _ ! We’ll be finished soon.
2. We did something _ last weekend. We went bungee jumping!
3. Don’t be so _ ! If he wants to tell you what happened, he will.
4. Tina goes skateboarding in winter and windsurfing in summer. She is very _ .
5. Sally is very _ . When she wants something she does everything she can to achieve it.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 3 B (Module 3). Номер №A


Перевод задания
Вставьте правильное слово.
• любопытный
• с богатым воображением
• отважный
• целеустремленный
• терпеливый
• спортивный
например, Питер очень изобретателен. Он придумывает самые удивительные истории.
1. Будьте _! Скоро мы закончим.
2. Мы кое−что _ сделали на прошлых выходных. Мы прыгнули с тарзанки!
3. Не будь таким _! Если он захочет рассказать вам, что произошло, он это сделает.
4. Зимой Тина катается на скейтборде, а летом − на виндсерфинге. Она очень _ .
5. Салли очень _. Когда она чего−то хочет, она делает все возможное, чтобы этого добиться.

1. Be patient! We’ll be finished soon.
2. We did something daring last weekend. We went bungee jumping!
3. Don’t be so curious! If he wants to tell you what happened, he will.
4. Tina goes skateboarding in winter and windsurfing in summer. She is very athletic.
5. Sally is very determined. When she wants something she does everything she can to achieve it.

Перевод ответа
1. Будьте терпеливы! Скоро мы закончим.
2. В минувшие выходные мы сделали что−то смелое. Мы прыгнули с тарзанки!
3. Не будь таким любопытным! Если он захочет рассказать вам, что произошло, он это сделает.
4. Зимой Тина катается на скейтборде, а летом − на виндсерфинге. Она очень спортивная.
5. Салли очень решительна. Когда она чего−то хочет, она делает все возможное, чтобы этого добиться.

помогите с английским
Fill in the correct word: soothing, peaches, service, overweight, carbohydrates, dry seeds, boiled, protein, red, atmosphere
.. foods get you moving.
My favourite fruits are apples and …..
In okroshka they use …. vegetables. I don’t like it.
Diary products are rich in …..
Sugar contains many ….
Blue foods are ….
Susan is ….. She should eat less and take regular exercises.
If you have ….., you should eat oily fish, nuts and seeds.
The …. in this restaurant is too slow.
I like this place for its informal and relaxed ….

Ответы на вопрос

1)  red foods get you moving.

2)My favourite fruits are apples and peaches

3)In okroshka they use boiled vegetables. I don’t like it.

4)Diary products are rich in dry seeds

5)Sugar contains many carbohydrates

6)Blue foods are soothing

7)Susan is overweight, she should eat less and take regular exercises.

8)If you have protein you should eat oily fish, nuts and seeds.

9)The service in this restaurant is too slow.

10) I like this place for its informal and relaxed atmosphere

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